997 resultados para 610.7631


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Deseamos colaborar a una mejor profundización y aprovechamiento de los tesoros del acontecimiento guadalupano, auténtica posibilidad y modelo para nuestro presente. Al especificar, titular y jerarquizar algunos aspectos de una interpretación inicial sobre el mismo, partiendo de lo anterior, y conversando con su contenido desde nuestros intereses de hoy, completamos esta propuesta hermenéutica. Concretamos, en suma, un recorrido que proporciona criterios para apropiarse de la relevante, vigente y siempre actual dinámica de diálogo, que revela la historia de las apariciones de la Virgen Morena. Busca incentivar, de esta manera, a redescubrir y recrear sagazmente dicha dinámica, con todas sus importantes consecuencias, y con la pedagogía que la subyace y hace posible; para movernos a decisiones prudenciales que, al comenzar el tercer milenio, en cada cultura y situación, nos lleven a vivir más lúcidamente nuestra identidad, acontecer y servicio como Pueblo de Dios. Deseamos favorecer la llegada a existenciales conclusiones que nos guíen, en el contexto de un mundo con muchos y cercanos diferentes unos al lado del otro, hacia la construcción de un mundo auténticamente plural, viviendo una evangelización inculturante e inculturada.


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En este trabajo de tesis se presentan datos que indican las variaciones de rendimiento en granos y la población de plantas por manzanas, como consecuencia de hacer variar las cantidades de semilla viable en una mezcla de diez libras por manzana entre 0.25 y 2.50 libras. Las poblaciones conseguidas con estas cantidades de semilla oscilaron entre 97,610 y 171,793 plantas por manzana. Para este trabajo se utilizo un diseño experimental de bloques al azar con repeticiones. Los resultados indican que este método de siembra de ajonjolí es prometedor y que los mayores rendimientos y las mejores poblaciones se obtuvieron con mezclas cuyo contenido de semilla viable, vario de 1.50 a 2.50 libras por manzanas. De las conclusiones de este ensayo no se puede sacar una recomendación solida para la aplicación de este método a la siembra comercial de ajonjolí, por ser insuficientes los resultados de un solo ensayo para tal fin.


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En este trabajo de tesis se presentan datos que indican las variaciones de rendimiento en grano y la población de plantas por manzana, como consecuencia de hacer variar las cantidades de semilla viable en una mezcla de diez libras por manzanas entre 0.25 y 2.50 libras. Las poblaciones conseguidas con estas cantidades de semilla, oscilaron entre 97,610 y 171,793 plantas por manzanas. Para este trabajo se utilizó un diseño experimental de bloques al azar con repeticiones. Los resultados indican que este método de siembra de ajonjolí es prometedor y que los mayores rendimientos y las mejores poblaciones se obtuvieron con mezclas cuyo contenido de semilla viable varió de 1.50 a 2.50 libras por manzana. De las conclusiones de este ensayo no se puede sacar una recomendación sólida para la aplicación de este método a la siembra comercial de ajonjolí, por ser insuficientes los resultados de un solo ensayo para tal fin.


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<正> 星系螺旋结构的密度波理论受到人们广泛的重视。考虑到波的有限群速度,以及星系激波的耗散,需要解决密度波的长期维持。不少工作采用线性密度波的不稳定模式来补偿波能的耗散,线性波还存在共转奇异性,有必要分析密度波的非线性增长。另一方面,数值试验都发现,在适当物理条件下的螺旋密度波是不稳定的。人们还讨论了非线性星


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An investigation has been made into the effect of microstructural parameters on the propensity for forming shear localization produced during high speed torsional testing by split Hopkinson bar with different average rates of 610, 650 and 1500 s(-1) in low carbon steels. These steels received the quenched, quenched and tempered as well as normalized treatments that provide wide microstructural parameters and mechanical properties. The results indicate that the occurrence of the shear localization is susceptible to the strength of the steels. In other words, the tendency of the quenched steel to form a shear band is higher than that of the other two steels. It is also found that there is a critical strain at which the shear localization occurs in the steels. The critical strain value is strongly dependent on the strength of the steels. Before arriving at this point, the material undergoes a slow work-hardening. After this point, the material suffers work-softening, corresponding to a process during which the deformation is gradually localized and eventually becomes spatially correlated to form a macroscopic shear band. Examinations by SEM reveal that the shear localization within the band involves a series of sequential crystallographic and non-crystallographic events including the change in crystal orientation, misorientation, generation and even perhaps damage in microstructures such as the initiation, growth and coalescence of the microcracks. It is expected that the sharp drop in the load-carrying capacity is associated with the growth and coalescence of the microcracks rather than the occurrence of the shear localization, but the shear localization is seen to accelerate the growth and coalescence of the microcracks. The thin foil observations by TEM reveal that the density of dislocations in the band is extremely high and the tangled arrangement and cell structure of dislocations tends to align along the shear direction. The multiplication and interaction of dislocations seems to be responsible for work-hardening of the steels. The avalanche of the dislocation cells corresponds to the sharp drop in shear stress at which the deformed specimen is broken. Double shear bands and kink bands are also observed in the present study. The principal band develops first and its width is narrower than that of the secondary band.


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Deputados da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC) querem concluir a votação do Artigo quinto (5º), que trata dos direitos individuais e coletivos. O Deputado Vivaldo Barbosa (PDT-RJ) explica a compilação dos destaques realizada pelos líderes dos partidos. Começa a votação do parágrafo vinte e nove (29), que trata dos direitos autorais. O Deputado Carlos Sant'anna (PMDB-BA) apresentou destaque para retirar do parágrafo o trecho que assegura aos criadores o controle econômico sobre as obras que produzirem. O Deputado José Genoíno (PT-SP) discursou contra o destaque que foi, porém, aprovado. O Deputado Euclides Scalco (PMDB-PR) acredita que a votação do Artigo 5º seja concluída na próxima sessão. Está próxima a votação sobre o sistema de governo. O Deputado Carlos Alberto de Oliveira Caó (PDT-RJ) defende o presidencialismo. O Deputado Saulo Queiroz (PFL-MS) defende o parlamentarismo. O Deputado Eduardo Bonfim (PCdoB-AL) defende o parlamentarismo com eleições diretas em 1988. O Deputado Fernando Lira (PMDB-PE) declara que, devido ao impasse político que o país está vivendo, almeja eleições gerais em 1988. O Deputado Joaquim Francisco (PFL-PE) considera que, diante da crise atual, a alternativa mais lógica é a de eleições diretas em 1988.


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The communities associated with Mytilus californianus (mussel) beds from 20 geographic sites in southern California were examined. The study areas included six mainland sites - Government Point, Goleta Point, Ventura, Corona del Mar, Carlsbad, and San Diego,and two sites on opposite sides of seven offshore islands - San Miguel Island, Santa Rosa Island, Santa Cruz Island, Anacapa Island, San Nicholas Island, Santa Cruz Island and San Clemente Island. : The mussel communities from all areas contributed to the master species list which now encompasses conservatively, 610 species of animals and 141 species of algae. The most diverse collection came from Cat Rock, Anacapa Island where the mussel beds supported 174 species of invertebrates. The lowest diversity was recorded for mussel beds from Ben Weston, Santa Catalina Island which contained 46 species. In general, the island mussel beds supported a greater diversity of both animals and plants. Mussel community samples were collected from upper and lower intertidal areas occupied by the mussel beds within a locality. Community differences in both composition and abundance were associated with these collections. Overall. community similarity analysis revealed five major patterns which corresponded to characteristic species assemblages occupying the mussel beds from the various geographic areas. The patterns included: (1) clusters of localities which display a north-south geographic pattern with respect to the similarity of their respective mussel communities, (2) a separation of selected island and mainland communities because of dissimilarities in their species composition, (3) differences between mussel communities. on opposite sides of the offshore islands, (4) clusters of species whose highest abundances characterize selected localities, (5) species groups ubiquitous to all mussel beds examined. The results of the community analysis further suggest that predictions can be made delineating the probable mussel community inhabitants of areas not sampled. The species distribution patterns observed appear to correspond in part to the influence of currents and water masses which bear planktonic larvae and impinge on selected localities. The most important mussel bed features associated with community differences were quantitative and qualitative differences in the potential microhabitats. Those features associate~ with greater species diversity include the pore base of coarse fraction shell and rock debris, skewness and kurtosis of the sediment grain-size distributions and mussel bed thickness. Those features associated with lower species diversity included the quantity of tar. and rock and shell debris trapped within the mussel bed. (PDF contains 51 pages)


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Áudio MP3 do texto da Lei nº 11.126, de 27 de junho de 2005, que dispõe sobre o direito do portador de deficiência visual de ingressar e permanecer em ambientes de uso coletivo, acompanhado de cão guia e do Decreto nº 5.904, de 21 de setembro de 2006, que regulamenta a Lei nº 11.126.