995 resultados para 55-433
Light brown sediment with clasts ranging from small to large. The clast shape ranges from sub-rounded to rounded. Rotation structures and grain crushing is abundant. Some lineations can also be seen.
Brown sediment with grains ranging from small to large. The clast shape of this sample ranges from sub-angular to sub-rounded. Grain crushing can be seen in large amounts, and commonly involves the larger grains. Many of the larger grains are also fractured. Lineations and comet structures can also be seen.
Brown sediment with clasts ranging from small to medium in size. The clast shape ranges from sub-angular to sub-rounded. Grain crushing is abundant throughout the sample, and mainly involves medium sized clasts. Lineations can also be seen. A finer, and darker brown domain is also present within the sample.
Light brown sample with clasts ranging from small to large. The clast shape ranges from sub-angular to sub-rounded. Grain crushing is common in this sample and mainly involves the larger clasts. Many grains are also crushed into one another. The larger grains are also fractured. Lineations and faint water escape structures can also be seen. This sample also contains a finer grained domain, darker in colour.
Light brown, coarse grained sediment with a few patches of a finer grained domain. Clasts range from small to medium in size. The finer grained domain mainly contains small sized grains that are very well dispersed. Clast shape ranges from angular to sub-rounded. Edge-to-edge grain crushing is common in the coarser domain, with a few grain stacks. The finer grained domain contains a few lineations.
Brown sediment with grains ranging from small to medium in size. The sample mainly contains smaller clasts. Clast shape ranges from sub-angular to sub-rounded. Water escape structures and lineations can be seen in this sample. Grains stacking and comet structures are also present in minor amounts.
This sample contains grains that range from small to large in size. The clast shape ranges from angular to rounded. Many grains are fractured and grain crushing is commonly seen. A few necking structures and rotation structures can also be seen.
Dark brown sediment with areas of darker organic material. The clasts range from small to medium in size and angular to sub-rounded in shape. Lineations were abundant in this sample along with some rotation structures and common structures. A few grain stacks were also present.
Brown sediment with clasts ranging from small to medium. The majority of the clasts are medium sized. Clasts range from sub-angular to sub-rounded in shape. Lineations are common in this sample along with edge-to-edge grain crushing. Comet structures can also be seen in minor amounts.
Coarse sediment with grains ranging from small to large . Clast shape ranges from sub-angular to sub-rounded. Grain crushing is common throughout the sample, with many grains being crushed into one another. A few lineations and rotation structures can also be seen throughout.
Light brown sediment with clasts ranging from small to large. The clast shape ranges from angular to rounded. Rotation structures are abundant in this sample. Some necking structures and comet structures can also be seen, along with a few lineations.
List of prices totaling 7 pounds, 55 pence [no indication what this list refers to] Sept. 15, 1848.
A simple model is constructed in which short-term credit is needed to finance the purchase of inputs, in which there is bankruptcy risk, and in which we argue were important characteristics of Egyptian agriculture during the first half of this century, result in aggregate agricultural output being dependant on the distribution of land ownership. The main theorical insight is that aggregate agricultural output will be increased by a decrease in the inequality of the distribution of land ownership when returns to scale are decreasing. Testable short- and long-run empirical propositions are formulated and carefully tested on Egyptian data for the 1913-1958 period. We find that, controlling for factor inputs, there is no tradeoff between equity and efficiency for Egyptian agriculture - they go hand in hand in the short run.