984 resultados para 432


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We consider the problem of optimizing the workforce of a service system. Adapting the staffing levels in such systems is non-trivial due to large variations in workload and the large number of system parameters do not allow for a brute force search. Further, because these parameters change on a weekly basis, the optimization should not take longer than a few hours. Our aim is to find the optimum staffing levels from a discrete high-dimensional parameter set, that minimizes the long run average of the single-stage cost function, while adhering to the constraints relating to queue stability and service-level agreement (SLA) compliance. The single-stage cost function balances the conflicting objectives of utilizing workers better and attaining the target SLAs. We formulate this problem as a constrained parameterized Markov cost process parameterized by the (discrete) staffing levels. We propose novel simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation (SPSA)-based algorithms for solving the above problem. The algorithms include both first-order as well as second-order methods and incorporate SPSA-based gradient/Hessian estimates for primal descent, while performing dual ascent for the Lagrange multipliers. Both algorithms are online and update the staffing levels in an incremental fashion. Further, they involve a certain generalized smooth projection operator, which is essential to project the continuous-valued worker parameter tuned by our algorithms onto the discrete set. The smoothness is necessary to ensure that the underlying transition dynamics of the constrained Markov cost process is itself smooth (as a function of the continuous-valued parameter): a critical requirement to prove the convergence of both algorithms. We validate our algorithms via performance simulations based on data from five real-life service systems. For the sake of comparison, we also implement a scatter search based algorithm using state-of-the-art optimization tool-kit OptQuest. From the experiments, we observe that both our algorithms converge empirically and consistently outperform OptQuest in most of the settings considered. This finding coupled with the computational advantage of our algorithms make them amenable for adaptive labor staffing in real-life service systems.


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A micropolar cohesive damage model for delamination of composites is proposed. The main idea is to embed micropolarity, which brings an additional layer of kinematics through the micro-rotation degrees of freedom within a continuum model to account for the micro-structural effects during delamination. The resulting cohesive model, describing the modified traction separation law, includes micro-rotational jumps in addition to displacement jumps across the interface. The incorporation of micro-rotation requires the model to be supplemented with physically relevant material length scale parameters, whose effects during delamination of modes I and II are brought forth using numerical simulations appropriately supported by experimental evidences. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Using density functional theory (DFT) we investigate the changes in electronic and transport properties of graphene bilayer caused by sliding one of the layers. Change in stacking pattern breaks the lattice symmetry, which results in Lifshitz transition together with the modulation of the electronic structure. Going from AA to AB stacking by sliding along armchair direction leads to a drastic transition in electronic structure from linear to parabolic dispersion. Our transport calculations show a significant change in the overall transmission value for large sliding distances along zigzag direction. The increase in interlayer coupling with normal compressive strain increases the overlapping of conduction and valence band, which leads to further shift in the Dirac points and an enhancement in the Lifshitz transition. The ability to tune the topology of band structure by sliding and/or applying normal compressive strain will open doors for controlled tuning of many physical phenomenon such as Landau levels and quantum Hall effect in graphene. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A ligand controlled selective hydroborylation of alkynes to alpha- or beta-vinylboronates has been developed using a Pd catalyst. The high alpha-selectivity displayed by this reaction can be switched to furnish beta-vinylboronates by altering the ligand from a trialkylphosphine to N-heterocyclic carbene. A variety of terminal alkynes are shown to furnish the corresponding alpha- or beta-vinylboronates in good to excellent selectivity and yield. The mechanistic studies suggest that the solvent is the proton source and bromobenzene functions as an important additive in driving this reaction forward.


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We report a unique, single source precursor Prussian blue (iron(III) ferrocyanide (Fe-4(III)Fe-II(CN)(6)](3))) for the synthesis of Fe/Fe3C nanoparticle encapsulated N-doped graphitic layers and bamboo-like graphitic nanotubes. Hollow N-doped graphite (N-HG) nanostructures are obtained when the encapsulated nanostructures are treated with an acid. Both the encapsulated nanostructures and N-HG are shown to be applicable as bi-functional electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction (ORR) and oxygen evolution reactions (OER). The ORR activity is shown to be improved for N-HG and is comparable to commercial Pt/C. On the other hand, encapsulated nanostructures exhibit OER activity with long-term stability comparable to commercial RuO2.


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A ligand controlled selective hydroborylation of alkynes to alpha- or beta-vinylboronates has been developed using a Pd catalyst. The high alpha-selectivity displayed by this reaction can be switched to furnish beta-vinylboronates by altering the ligand from a trialkylphosphine to N-heterocyclic carbene. A variety of terminal alkynes are shown to furnish the corresponding alpha- or beta-vinylboronates in good to excellent selectivity and yield. The mechanistic studies suggest that the solvent is the proton source and bromobenzene functions as an important additive in driving this reaction forward.


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We report a unique, single source precursor Prussian blue (iron(III) ferrocyanide (Fe-4(III)Fe-II(CN)(6)](3))) for the synthesis of Fe/Fe3C nanoparticle encapsulated N-doped graphitic layers and bamboo-like graphitic nanotubes. Hollow N-doped graphite (N-HG) nanostructures are obtained when the encapsulated nanostructures are treated with an acid. Both the encapsulated nanostructures and N-HG are shown to be applicable as bi-functional electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction (ORR) and oxygen evolution reactions (OER). The ORR activity is shown to be improved for N-HG and is comparable to commercial Pt/C. On the other hand, encapsulated nanostructures exhibit OER activity with long-term stability comparable to commercial RuO2.


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Most pattern mining methods yield a large number of frequent patterns, and isolating a small relevant subset of patterns is a challenging problem of current interest. In this paper, we address this problem in the context of discovering frequent episodes from symbolic time-series data. Motivated by the Minimum Description Length principle, we formulate the problem of selecting relevant subset of patterns as one of searching for a subset of patterns that achieves best data compression. We present algorithms for discovering small sets of relevant non-redundant episodes that achieve good data compression. The algorithms employ a novel encoding scheme and use serial episodes with inter-event constraints as the patterns. We present extensive simulation studies with both synthetic and real data, comparing our method with the existing schemes such as GoKrimp and SQS. We also demonstrate the effectiveness of these algorithms on event sequences from a composable conveyor system; this system represents a new application area where use of frequent patterns for compressing the event sequence is likely to be important for decision support and control.


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Con el objetivo de caracterizar la ganadería bovina con énfasis en la carne, del municipio de Muy Muy, Departamento de Matagalpa, se realizó un diagnóstico estático en 238 fincas ganaderas. La zona es de trópico semihumedo, en transición entre la zona seca y la zona húmeda, con precipitaciones anuales de 1,505 mm promedio, con temperaturas de 27 grados celcius promedio mensual y una humedad relativa de 80. 30%. Los suelos son mollisoles con alto contenido de materia orgánica y nutriente, excepto fósforo, cuyo principal limitante la representa la pendiente de la zona alta. Los resultados muestran que la ganadería extensiva se practica en un 89.91% de los productores, siendo muestreado el 35% del territorio, el municipio cuenta con 376 kilómetros cuadrados, del área muestreada el 85.56% está ocupada en actividades ganaderas, el 7.31 % con agricultura y un 7.12 % con área forestal. El inventario del hato ganadero del municipio es aproximadamente de 21,986 cabezas de ganado, siendo el 21.22 % vacas en 20.65 % novillos, 1.83 % toros y 1.12 % bueyes, raciales dominantes son: Brahaman con 58.71 %, Pardo% producción; los grupos suizo 14.93%, Suindico 13.43 %, Holstein 8.96 %., Reyna 1.49 % e Indobrasil. con 1.49 %, el 80 % de los terneros son retenidos por sus dueños, para engordarlos y venderlos a mayor precio. La distribución del sistema de la producción de carne encontrado es: crianza 52.52 %, Crianza-Desarrollo 29.83 %, Crianza-Desarrollo-Engorde 11.34 % , el 6.31 % de los ganaderos, lo tiene como producción de leche de autoconsumo, el incremento de peso por día de los novillos de engorde es de 9.49 kilogramos y los novillos de desarrollo 0.32 kilogramos, los terneros al destete tienen un incremento de peso de 0.24 kilogramos por día y al nacer pesan menos de 22 kilogramos aproximadamente, los suplementos que más se suministran al ganado son: sal común 96.64 % , micronutrientes el 19.75 % y caña de azúcar el 19.33% Los principales indicadores zootécnicos encontrados son: natalidad de 48 %, mortalidad de terneros 9.84 % , morbilidad de terneros 19.37 % 1 mortalidad de adultos 2.23 % , morbilidad de adultos 2.99 % , destete efectivo 90.16 % , largo de lactancia 309.07 días, carga animal 0.78 ua/mz, intervalo entre parto y parto 432.39 días, producción de leche por vaca en verano 3.93 litros promedio, producción de leche por vaca en invierno 6.47 litros promedio, producción anual por vaca 1,607.16 litros, edad del primer parto 3.42 años, peso de la vaquilla al primer celo 175.56 kilogramos aproximadamente, peso del recién nacido 21.71 kilogramos aproximadamente. Los costos de producción de la carne y la leche resultan más eficientes en los pequeños y medianos ganaderos, obteniendo que el costo de producción de un kilogramo de carne es de es 0.97 para los pequeños ganaderos y de es 1.40 para los medianos, mientras que los grandes ganaderos tienen es 1.83 , de igual manera, en la producción de leche los pequeños y medianos ganaderos son más eficientes , obteniendo un costo por litro de leche, de es 0.24 los pequeños y es 0.49 los medianos y los grandes ganaderos tienen es 0.56.


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El ensayo fue realizado en la unidad experimental “El Plantel” de la Universidad Nacional Agraria, ubicada en el kilómetro 42.5 en la carretera Tipitapa - Masaya, mu nicipio de Masaya, departamento de Masaya, durante los meses de Noviembre 2007 a Marzo de 2008, con el objetivo de: Evaluar el comportamiento de las arvenses en el cultivo del maíz, variedad NB - 6, bajo dos sistemas de producción (convencional y orgánico). Éste consistió en el establecimiento de dos sistemas, convencional y orgánico con dos tratamientos, cuatro sub - muestras y cuatro parcelas útiles por cada tratamiento. El tamaño de la parcela experimental fue de 432 m 2 (16 m x 27 m). La distancia entre las parcelas fue de 1 m. Las variables evaluadas en las arvenses fueron: diversidad, abundancia, biomasa , cobertura y en el cultivo fue rendimiento. Las especies de arvenses que predominaron en ambos sistemas fueron similares encontrándose siete familias repr esentadas por siete especies, la mayoría de ellas pertenecientes a la clase dicotiledóneas con cinco especies. Entre las dicotiledóneas se encontraron Sida acuta Burn. F, Physalis angulata (L), Amaranthus spinosus , Portulaca oleracea (L) y Ricinus comunis (L) . L as monocotiledoneas estuvieron representadas por las familias Cyperaceae y Poaceae, predominando las especies Ixophorus unicetus y Cyperus rotundus. En el sistema orgánico hubo mayor cantidad de individuos. En el comportamiento de la biomasa hubo var iación en los diferentes muestreos, encontrándose mayor cantidad de biomasa en el sistema orgánico con 2,261.17 g/m 2 y en el sistema convencional con 1368.90 g/m 2 . En el sistema orgánico la familia que presentó mayor acumulación de biomasa fueron las Poace ae con 915.18 g/m 2 y la que obtuvo menor biomasa fueron las Solanaceae con 46.30 g/m 2 . Las arvenses en e l sistema orgánico presentaron mayor porcentaje de cobertura en los cuatro muestreos realizados; en los primeros 15 días después de l a siembra se observ ó un 24% y 19% en el sistema convencional. En el rendimiento h ubo diferenci as estadísticas significativas en ambos sistemas de manejo. El mayor rendimiento fue obtenido por el sistema orgánico con 3,327.50 kgha - 1 , el sistema convencional con 1,963.80 kgh a - 1 esto representó para el sistema orgánico un 25.77% de rendimiento mayor que el sistema convencional


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本文给出高超音速湍流分离不稳定特性的实验研究结果。试验条件是:自由流马赫数为 7.8,单位长度雷诺数为 3.5×10~7/米。分离流场由有限展长前向台阶产生,并用有高空间分辨率和快速响应的一列平齐安装的铂膜电阻温度计和多通道系统测量其表面热流率脉动。信号的条件采样分析结果表明:分离激波的根部由一束压缩波构成,流向展长约二分之一来流边界层厚度,在边界层外汇聚成单一主激波。这种激波结构极其不稳定,出现大尺度运动,流向运动的尺度约为分离激波上游影响区域长度的22%。激波振荡频率为一宽频带,主要集中在 1~3 千赫。在分离激波运动区域,热流脉动呈间歇性,在无扰动和激波扰动间跳跃。可以认为这种间歇性是分离激波系统大尺度振荡的结果。在激波运动区域的下游为分离区,流体继续压缩,热流脉动无间歇。


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Apresenta o resumo das principais ações da Ouvidoria Parlamentar da Câmara dos Deputados no biênio 2009/2010.


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用去离子水及有机液体在内径约为25μm的石英圆管内进行了流量特性实验。液体分子量范围为18~160,动力黏性系数的范围为0.5~1 mPa·s。实验雷诺数范围为Re < 8。所用有机液体为:四氯化碳、乙基苯及环乙烷都是非极性液体,其分子结构尺度小于1nm。实验结果表明,在定常层流条件下,圆管内的液体流量与两端压力差成正比,其压力-流量关系仍符合经典的Hagen-Poiseuille流动。这说明非极性小分子有机液体在本实验所用微米尺度管道中其流动规律仍符合连续介质假设。鉴于微尺度流动实验的特殊性,文中还介绍了微流动实验装置,分析了微尺度流动测量误差来源及提高测量精度的措施。