995 resultados para 369.4, 019.9


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Background Many different guidelines recommend people with foot complications, or those at risk, should attend multiple health professionals for foot care each year. However, few studies have investigated the characteristics of those attending health professionals for foot care and if those characteristics match those requiring foot care as per guideline recommendations. The aim of this paper was to determine the associated characteristics of people who attended a health professional for foot care in the year prior to their hospitalisation. Methods Eligible participants were all adults admitted overnight, for any reason, into five diverse hospitals on one day; excluding maternity, mental health and cognitively impaired patients. Participants underwent a foot examination to clinically diagnose different foot complications; including wounds, infections, deformity, peripheral arterial disease and peripheral neuropathy. They were also surveyed on social determinant, medical history, self-care, foot complication history, and, past health professional attendance for foot care in the year prior to hospitalisation. Results Overall, 733 participants consented; mean(±SD) age 62(±19) years, 408 (55.8%) male, 172 (23.5%) diabetes. Two hundred and fifty-six (34.9% (95% CI) (31.6-38.4)) participants had attended a health professional for foot care; including attending podiatrists 180 (24.5%), GPs 93 (24.6%), and surgeons 36 (4.9%). In backwards stepwise multivariate analyses attending any health professional for foot care was independently associated (OR (95% CI)) with diabetes (3.0 (2.1-4.5)), arthritis (1.8 (1.3-2.6)), mobility impairment (2.0 (1.4-2.9)) and previous foot ulcer (5.4 (2.9-10.0)). Attending a podiatrist was independently associated with female gender (2.6 (1.7-3.9)), increasing years of age (1.06 (1.04-1.08), diabetes (5.0 (3.2-7.9)), arthritis (2.0 (1.3-3.0)), hypertension (1.7 (1.1-2.6) and previous foot ulcer (4.5 (2.4-8.1). While attending a GP was independently associated with having a foot ulcer (10.4 (5.6-19.2). Conclusions Promisingly these findings indicate that people with a diagnosis of diabetes and arthritis are more likely to attend health professionals for foot care. However, it also appears those with active foot complications, or significant risk factors, may not be more likely to receive the multi-disciplinary foot care recommended by guidelines. More concerted efforts are required to ensure all people with foot complications are receiving recommended foot care.


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Thirty percent of 70-year-old women have osteoporosis; after age of 80 its prevalence is up to 70%. Postmenopausal women with osteoporosis seem to be at an increased risk for cardiovascular events, and deterioration of oral health, as shown by attachment loss of teeth, which is proportional to the severity of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis can be treated with many different medication, e.g. estrogen and alendronate. We randomized 90 elderly osteoporotic women (65-80 years of age) to receive hormone therapy (HT)(2mg E2+NETA), 10mg alendronate, and their combination for two years and compared their effects on bone mineral density (BMD) and turnover, two surrogate markers of the risk of cardiovascular diseases, C-reactive protein (CRP) and E-selectin, as well as oral health. The effect of HT on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) was studied in the population-based cohort of 1663 postmenopausal women (mean age 68 yr) (585 estrogen users and 1078 non-users). BMD was measured with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) at 0, 12 and 24 months. Urinary N-telopeptide (NTX) of type I collagen, a marker of bone resorption, and serum aminoterminal propeptide of human type I procollagen (PINP), a marker of bone formation, were measured every six months of treatment. Serum CRP and E-selectin, were measured at 0, 6, and 12 months. Dental, and periodontal conditions, and gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-8 levels were studied to evaluate the oral health status and for the mouth symptoms a structured questionnaire was used. The HRQoL was measured with 15D questionnaire. Lumbar spine BMD increased similarly in all treatment groups (6.8-8.4% and 9.1-11.2%). Only HT increased femoral neck BMD at both 12 (4.9%) and 24 months (5.8%), at the latter time point the HT group differed significantly from the other groups. HT reduced bone marker levels of NTX and PINP significantly less than other two groups.Oral HT significantly increased serum CRP level by 76.5% at 6 and by 47.1% (NS) at 12 months, and decreased serum E-selectin level by 24.3% and 30.0%. Alendronate had no effect on these surrogate markers. Alendronate caused a decrease in the resting salivary flow rate and tended to increase GCF MMP-8 levels. Otherwise, there was no effect on the parameters of oral health. HT improved the HRQoL of elderly women significantly on the dimensions of usual activities, vitality and sexual activity, but the overall improvement in HRQoL was neither statistically significant nor clinically important. In conclusion, bisphosphonates might be the first option to start the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis in the old age.


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Oxovanadium(IV) complexes [VO(L)(B)]Cl-2 (1-3), where L is bis(2-benzimidazolylmethyl)amine and B is 1,10-phenanthroline(phen),dipyrido[3,2-d:2',3'-f]quinoxaline(dpq) or dipyrido[3,2-a:2',3'-c]phenazine (dppz), have been prepared, characterized, and their photo-induced DNA and protein cleavage activity studied. The photocytotoxicity of complex 3 has been studied using adenocarcinoma A549 cells, The phen complex 1, structurally characterized by single-crystal X-ray crystallography, shows the presence of a vanadyl group in six-coordinate VON5 coordination geometry. The ligands L and phen display tridentate and bidentate N-donor chelating binding modes, respectively. The complexes exhibit a d-d band near 740 nm in 15% DMF-Tris-HCl buffer (pH 7.2). The phen and dpq complexes display an irreversible cathodic cyclic voltammetric response near -0.8 V in 20% DMF-Tris-HCl buffer having 0.1 M KCl as supporting electrolyte. The dppz complex 3 exhibits a quasi-reversible voltammogram near -0.6 V (vs SCE) that is assignable to the V(IV)-V(III)couple. The complexes bind to calf thymus DNA giving binding constant values in the range of 6.6 x 10(4)-2.9 x 10(5) M-1. The binding site size, thermal melting and viscosity binding data suggest DNA surface and/or groove binding nature of the complexes. The complexes show poor ``chemical nuclease'' activity in dark in the presence of 3-mercaptopropionic acid or hydrogen peroxide. The dpq and dppz complexes are efficient photocleavers of plasmid DNA in UV-A light of 365 nm via a mechanistic pathway that involves formation of both singlet oxygen and hydroxyl radicals. The complexes show significant photocleavage of DNA in near-IR light (>750 nm) via hydroxyl radical pathway. Among the three complexes, the dppz complex 3 shows significant BSA and lysozyme protein cleavage activity in UV-A light of 365 nm via hydroxyl radical pathway. The dppz complex 3 also exhibits photocytotoxicity in non-small cell lung carcinoma/human lung adenocarcinoma A549 cells giving IC50 value of 17 mu M in visible light(IC50 = 175 mu M in dark).


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Kohonneiden kolesterolipitoisuuksien alentamisessa käytettävien statiinien hyödyt sydän- ja verisuonisairauksien estossa on vahvasti osoitettu ja niiden käyttö on niin Suomessa kuin muuallakin maailmassa kasvanut voimakkaasti – Suomessa statiininkäyttäjiä on noin 600 000. Statiinilääkitys on pitkäaikaisessakin käytössä melko hyvin siedetty, mutta yleisimpinä haittavaikutuksina voi ilmetä lihasheikkoutta, -kipua ja -kramppeja, jotka voivat edetä jopa henkeä uhkaavaksi lihasvaurioksi. Lihashaittariski suurenee suhteessa statiiniannokseen ja plasman statiinipitoisuuksiin. Statiinien plasmapitoisuuksissa, tehossa ja haittavaikutusten ilmenemisessä on suuria potilaskohtaisia eroja. SLCO1B1-geenin koodaama OATP1B1-kuljetusproteiini kuljettaa monia elimistön omia aineita ja lääkeaineita verenkierrosta solukalvon läpi maksasoluun, mm. statiineja, joiden kolesterolia alentava vaikutus ja poistuminen elimistöstä tapahtuvat pääosin maksassa. Erään SLCO1B1-geenin nukleotidimuutoksen (c.521T>C) tiedetään heikentävän OATP1B1:n kuljetustehoa. Tässä väitöskirjatyössä selvitettiin SLCO1B1-geenin perinnöllistä muuntelua suomalaisilla ja eri väestöissä maailmanlaajuisesti. Lisäksi selvitettiin SLCO1B1:n muunnosten vaikutusta eri statiinien pitoisuuksiin (farmakokinetiikka) ja vaikutuksiin (farmakodynamiikka) sekä kolesteroliaineenvaihduntaan. Näihin tutkimuksiin valittiin SLCO1B1-genotyypin perusteella terveitä vapaaehtoisia koehenkilöitä, joille annettiin eri päivinä kerta-annos kutakin tutkittavaa statiinia: fluvastatiinia, pravastatiinia, simvastatiinia, rosuvastatiinia ja atorvastatiinia. Verinäytteistä määritettiin plasman statiinien ja niiden aineenvaihduntatuotteiden sekä kolesterolin ja sen muodostumista ja imeytymistä kuvaavien merkkiaineiden pitoisuuksia. Toiminnallisesti merkittävien SLCO1B1-geenimuunnosten esiintyvyydessä todettiin suuria eroja eri väestöjen välillä. Suomalaisilla SLCO1B1 c.521TC-genotyypin (geenimuunnos toisessa vastinkromosomissa) esiintyvyys oli noin 32 % ja SLCO1B1 c.521CC-genotyypin (geenimuunnos molemmissa vastinkromosomeissa) esiintyvyys noin 4 %. Globaalisti geenimuunnosten esiintyvyys korreloi maapallon leveyspiirien kanssa siten, että matalaan transportteriaktiivisuuteen johtavat muunnokset olivat yleisimpiä pohjoisessa ja korkeaan aktiivisuuteen johtavat päiväntasaajan lähellä asuvilla väestöillä. SLCO1B1-genotyypillä oli merkittävä vaikutus statiinien plasmapitoisuksiin lukuun ottamatta fluvastatiinia. Simvastatiinihapon plasmapitoisuudet olivat keskimäärin 220 %, atorvastatiinin 140 %, pravastatiinin 90 % ja rosuvastatiinin 70 % suuremmat c.521CC-genotyypin omaavilla koehenkilöillä verrattuna normaalin c.521TT-genotyypin omaaviin. Genotyypillä ei ollut merkittävää vaikutusta minkään statiinin tehoon tässä kerta-annostutkimuksessa, mutta geenimuunnoksen kantajilla perustason kolesterolisynteesinopeus oli suurempi. Tulokset osoittavat, että SLCO1B1 c.521T>C geenimuunnos on varsin yleinen suomalaisilla ja muilla ei-afrikkalaisilla väestöillä. Tämä geenimuunnos voi altistaa erityisesti simvastatiinin, mutta myös atorvastatiinin, pravastatiinin ja rosuvastatiinin, aiheuttamille lihashaitoille suurentamalla niiden plasmapitoisuuksia. SLCO1B1:n geenimuunnoksen testaamista voidaan tulevaisuudessa käyttää apuna valittaessa sopivaa statiinilääkitystä ja -annosta potilaalle, ja näin parantaa sekä statiinihoidon turvallisuutta että tehoa.


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Titration calorimetry measurements of the binding of methyl alpha-D-mannopyranoside (Me alpha Man), D-mannopyranoside (Man), methyl alpha-D-glucopyranoside (Me alpha Glu), and D-glucopyranoside (Glu) to concanavalin A (Con A), pea lectin, and lentil lectin were performed at 281 and 292 K in 0.01 M dimethylglutaric acid-NaOH buffer (pH 6.9) containing 0.15 M NaCl and Mn+2 and Ca+2 ions. The site binding enthalpies, delta H, are the same at both temperatures and range from -28.4 +/- 0.9 (Me alpha Man) to -16.6 +/- 0.5 kJ mol-1 (Glu) for Con A, from -26.2 +/- 1.1 (Me alpha Man) to -12.8 +/- 0.4 kJ mol-1 (Me alpha Glu) for pea lectin, and from -16.6 +/- 0.7 (Me alpha Man) to -8.0 +/- 0.2 kJ mol-1 (Me alpha Glu) for lentil lectin. The site binding constants range from 17 +/- 1 x 10(3) M-1 (Me alpha Man to Con A at 281.2 K) to 230 +/- 20 M-1 (Glu to lentil lectin at 292.6 K) and exhibit high specificity for Con A where they are in the Me alpha Man:Man:Me alpha Glu:Glu ratio of 21:4:5:1, while the corresponding ratio is 5:2:1.5:1 for pea lectin and 4:2:2:1 for lentil lectin. The higher specificity for Con A indicates more interactions between the amino acid residues at the binding site and the carbohydrate ligand than for the pea and lentil lectin-carbohydrate complexes. The carbohydrate-lectin binding results exhibit enthalpy-entropy compensation in that delta Hb (kJ mol-1) = -1.67 +/- 0.06 x 10(4) + (1.30 +/- 0.12)T(K) delta Sb (J mol-1K-1). Differential scanning calorimetry measurements on the thermal denaturation of the lectins and their carbohydrate complexes show that the Con A tetramer dissociates into monomers, while the pea and lentil lectin dimers dissociate into two submonomer fragments. At the denaturation temperature, one carbohydrate binds to each monomer of Con A and the pea and lentil lectins. Complexation with the carbohydrate increases the denaturation temperature of the lectin and the magnitude of the increases yield binding constants in agreement with the determinations from titration calorimetry.


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The purpose of this research was to study the bilingual class students attitudes toward schoolwork, studying in English and their attitudes toward ethnic diversity. Bilingualism has been shown to promote a person s cultural knowledge and to increase one s cultural tolerance. Also, it has been proven that young people are among the most receptive toward ethnic diversity. Students in bilingual classes have often lived abroad, travelled extensively, or have had contacts with different cultures through their parents work. This thesis seeks to clarify whether bilingualism has an effect on lower and upper graders intercultural competence. Also, it seeks to determine what the students think about their English language skills and what their abilities are to tolerate cultural differences. The research was carried out in one of Espoo Finland schools grades 4 to 9 in December 2008. One hundred fourteen (114) students participated in the research. Students answered the questions on a form where they were asked to submit their background information and answer which language they prefer in studying the school subjects. Students were also asked to choose from 18 pictures with ethnically different persons, telling which ones could be their friends and which ones they wished not to meet, as well as stating the reasons why. Also, the students answered to Likert-scale questions concerning their English studies and interculturalism. The data has been processed with qualitative and quantitative methods. The results show that the study language is not significant. Most of the students experienced studying in a bilingual class as a positive thing, and thought highly about their English skills. The students positive attitudes toward ethnic diversity and intercultural sensitivity were present in their answers. Tolerance and intercultural competence was especially noticeable in the written explanations by the older students.


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Toxoplasma gondii on kokkideihin kuuluva alkueläinloinen. Sen pääisäntiä ovat kissaeläimet, joissa tapahtuvan suvullisen lisääntymisen tuloksena tuotetaan ympäristöön ookystia. Väli-isäntiä voivat olla kaikki tasalämpöiset eläimet. Toksoplasma muodostaa isäntien kudoksiin infektiivisiä kudoskystia. Ihminen voi saada tartunnan syömällä kudoskystia tai ookystia, tai sikiö voi infektoitua jo kohdussa istukan kautta. Toxoplasma gondii voi aiheuttaa isäntänsä vakavan sairastumisen ja on siksi maailmanlaajuisesti merkittävä zoonoottinen loinen. Toksoplasman torjunnassa on oleellista tuntea alueen kissojen toksoplasmaseroprevalenssi ja arvioida ympäristön ookystakuormitusta: seropositiivisten kissojen voidaan olettaa joskus erittäneen ookystia. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin toksoplasman esiintymistä suomalaisissa kissoissa: suoralla agglutinaatiotestillä (ToxoScreen-DA) määritettiin IgG-vasta-aineiden esiintymistä seerumissa sekä vasta-ainetasoja (tiitteri). Flotac® - flotaatiomenetelmällä tutkittiin ookystien esiintymistä ulostenäytteissä. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin kissojen toksoplasma-vasta-aineiden esiintymiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä: serologisessa tutkimuksessa oli mukana sekä löytöettä rotukissoja, ja lisäksi tutkittiin kissojen sukupuolen, iän, sekä rotukissoilla lihansyönnin vaikutusta vastaaineiden esiintymiseen seerumissa. Serologisessa tutkimuksessa 398 kissan aineistossa seroprevalenssiksi saatiin 48,2 %. Tutkituista 369 rotukissasta 49,9 % oli seropositiivisia, kun taas 27 tutkitusta löytökissasta seropositiivisia oli 25,9 % (P<0,05). Sukupuolella ei todettu olevan merkitystä kissan seropositiivisuuteen. Aikuiset kissat olivat nuoria kissoja useammin seropositiivisia (53,7 % vs. 23,5 %) (P<0,001), koska kerran tartunnan saaneen kissan seerumista voidaan todeta vasta-aineita, ja vanhemmat kissat ovat nuoria todennäköisemmin ehtineet törmätä loiseen elämänsä aikana ja saada tartunnan. Ruokavalio oli tiedossa 347 rotukissalta, ja näistä 270 (77,8 %) oli joskus saanut raakaa lihaa. Raakaa lihaa saaneista kissoista 151 (55,9 %) oli seropositiivisia; 77 kissasta, jotka eivät olleet saaneet raakaa lihaa sitä vastoin ainoastaan 26 (33,8 %) oli seropositiivisia (P<0,001). Ulostenäytteistä 131 kissan aineistosta 1,5 % eritti toksoplasman kaltaisia ookystia ulosteessaan tutkimushetkellä. Suomessa kissojen ravinnon ja toksoplasmaseropositiivisuuden välistä yhteyttä ei ole aikaisemmin tutkittu. Näiden uusien tulosten valossa olisi toksoplasman torjunnassa erityisen tärkeää kiinnittää huomiota loisen tartuntareitteihin kissan osalta. Kissoja ei tulisi ruokkia raa’alla lihalla: kissalle annettava liha olisi hyvä kuumentaa yli 67ºC:een tai pakastaa alle -12ºC:n lämpötilassa toksoplasmatartunnan ehkäisemiseksi.


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The nucleotide sequence of genes 4 and 9, encoding the outer capsid proteins VP4 and VP7 of a serotype 10 tissue culture-adapted strain, 1321, representative of asymptomatic neonatal rotaviruses isolated from neonates in Bangalore, India, were determined. Comparison of nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences of 1321 VP4 and VP7 with previously published sequences of various serotypes revealed that both genes were highly homologous to the respective genes of serotype 10 bovine rotavirus, B223. The VP4 of 1321 represents a new human P serotype and the 1321 and related strains represent the first description of neonatal rotaviruses that appear to derive both surface proteins from an animal rotavirus.


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Reactions of the bis(3,5-dimethylpyrazolyl)cyclotriphosphazene derivatives gem-N3P3(MeNCH(2)CH(2)O)(2)(dmp)(2) (1) and nongeminal cis-N3P3(OPh)(4)(dmp)(2) (2) with PdCl2 afford complexes of the type [PdCl2.(L)] (L = 1 or 2). In these complexes, the phosphazenes act as bidentate NN-donor ligands with the two pyrazolyl pyridinic nitrogen atoms bonded to the metal, thus forming a six- and an eight-membered chelate ring, respectively. The structures of 2 and [PdCl2.(2)] (4) have been confirmed by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Crystal data for 2: a = 16.759(2) Angstrom, b = 10.788(3) Angstrom, c = 19.635(9) Angstrom, beta = 101.61(3)degrees, P2(1/c), Z = 4, R = 0.038 for 4688 reflections with F > 5 sigma(F). Crystal data for 4: a = 9.701(3) Angstrom, b = 24.853(4) Angstrom, c = 15.794(4) Angstrom, beta = 101.46(2)degrees, P2(1/n), Z = 4, R = 0.030 for 5416 reflections with F > 5 sigma(F).


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Biotransformation of 3 beta-acetoxy-19-hydroxycholest-5-ene (19-HCA, 6 g) by Moraxella sp. was studied. Estrone (712 mg) was the major metabolite formed. Minor metabolites identified were 5 alpha-androst-1-en-19-ol-3,17-dione (33 mg), androst-4-en-19-ol-3,17-dione (58 mg), androst-4-en-9 alpha,19-diol-3,17-dione (12 mg), and androstan-19-ol-3,17-dione (1 mg). Acidic metabolites were not formed. Time course experiments on the fermentation of 19-HCA indicated that androst-4-en-19-ol-3,17-dione was the major metabolite formed during the early stages of incubation. However with continuing fermentation its level dropped, with a concomitant increase in estrone. Fermentation of 19-HCA in the presence of specific inhibitors or performing the fermentation for a shorter period (48 h) did not result in the formation of acidic metabolites. Resting-cell experiments carried out with 19-HCA (200 mg) in the presence of alpha,alpha'-bipyridyl led to the isolation of three additional metabolites, viz., cholestan-19-ol-3-one (2 mg), cholest-4-en-19-ol-3-one (10 mg), and cholest-5-en-3 beta,19-diol (12 mg). Similar results were also obtained when n-propanol was used instead of alpha,alpha'-bipyridyl. Resting cells grown on 19-HCA readily converted both 5 alpha-androst-1-en-19-ol-3,17-dione and androst-4-en-19-ol-3,17-dione into estrone. Partially purified 1,2-dehydrogenase from steroid-induced Moraxella cells transformed androst-4-en-19-ol-3,17-dione into estrone and formaldehyde in the presence of phenazine methosulfate, an artificial electron acceptor. These results suggest that the degradation of the hydrocarbon side chain of 19-HCA does not proceed via C-22 phenolic acid intermediates and complete removal of the C-17 side chain takes place prior to the aromatization of the A ring in estrone. The mode of degradation of the sterol side chain appears to be through the fission of the C-17-C-20 bond. On the basis of these observations, a new pathway for the formation of estrone from 19-HCA in Moraxella sp. has been proposed.


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The use of microwave heating technique for the acceleration of ortho ester Claisen rearrangement (a three step transformation) is described. Irradiation of a DMF solution of the allyl alcohol 5, triethyl orthoacetate and propionic acid (catalytic) in an Erlenmeyer flask for 10 minutes in a microwave oven generated the ester 8 in 83% yield. Analogously, ortho ester Claisen rearrangement of a variety of allyl and propargyl alcohols (9, 12-22) were achieved. The formation of the diester 10 from 2-butyne-1,4-diol (9) via the ortho ester Claisen rearrangement of two allyl alcohol moieties (involving sh steps) in 15 minutes, demonstrates the versatility of the microwave heating technique.


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The linear quadridentate ligand N,N'-bis(benzimidazoI-2-ylethyl)ethane-l,2-diamine (L') and its 1 - methylbenzimidazole analogue (L2) and homologues form 1 : 1 complexes with Cu(CIO,),; L' also forms complexes of the types CuL'X, where X = NO,, PF,, Br or CI and CuL'(X)Y where X = CI or Br and Y = CIO, or Br. Deep blue CuL1Br,*2H20 crystallizes in the monoclinic space group C2/c with Z = 4, a = 9.91 9(2), b = 16.626(3), c = 14.1 02(3) le\ and p = 94.39(2)". The structure was solved by Patterson and Fourier difference methods and refined by the least-squares technique to R = 0.064 for 2195 independent reflections with / > 1.50(/). The molecule lies on a two-fold axis symmetrically around Cu". The co-ordination around Cu" is found to be square planar with two amino nitrogens and two benzimidazole nitrogens forming the equatorial plane [CU-N 1.983(3) and 2.037(4) A]. The bromides are at longer distances [3.349(1) A] in axial sites. Ligand field and EPR spectra indicate that one bromide or chloride ion is axially co-ordinated to Cu" in [CuL1l2+. This ion exhibits quasi-reversible redox behaviour. Electrochemical studies of the dihalides in methanol have established the presence of [CuL'X,], [CuL'(X)]+ and [CuL'I2+ in equilibrium. In complexes with 565 [CuL4I2+ [L4 = N,Nbis( benzimidazol-2-ylmethyl)ethane-l,2-diamine] and 555 [CuL3] [L3 = N,N'-bis(1 -methylbenzimidazol- 2-ylmethyl)propane-l,3-diamine] chelate rings, Cull does not seem to lie in the N, square plane, as revealed by their low A values and irreversible electrochemical behaviour. The Cu"-Cu' redox potentials in methanol are in the order [CuL1I2+ < [CuL3I2+ < [CuL4I2+; this illustrates that sixmembered chelate rings are suitable to stabilize Cu", when CU-N 0 interactions are favourable.


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In this paper, the flow due to a rotating disk non-symmetrically placed with respect to the height of the enclosing stationary cylinder is analyzed numerically. The full Navier-Stokes equations expressed in terms of stream function and vorticity are solved by successive over-relaxation for different disk radii, its distance from the bottom casing and rotational Reynolds numbers. It is observed that the flow pattern is strongly influenced by the size and the position of the disk. When the disk is very close to the top casing and small in radius, there are two regions of different scales and the vortices in the region of small scale are trapped between the disk and the top casing. Further, the variation of the moment coefficient is determined for different positions and sizes of the rotating disk. The calculations shows that the frictional torque increases rapidly, when the disk approaches the top casing. This finding is of importance for the design of vertical rotating disk reactors applied in chemical vapor deposition.


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The recently evaluated two-pion contribution to the muon g - 2 and the phase of the pion electromagnetic form factor in the elastic region, known from pi pi scattering by Fermi-Watson theorem, are exploited by analytic techniques for finding correlations between the coefficients of the Taylor expansion at t = 0 and the values of the form factor at several points in the spacelike region. We do not use specific parametrizations, and the results are fully independent of the unknown phase in the inelastic region. Using for instance, from recent determinations, < r(pi)(2)> = (0.435 +/- 0.005) fm(2) and F(-1.6 GeV2) = 0.243(-0.014)(+0.022), we obtain the allowed ranges 3.75 GeV-4 less than or similar to c less than or similar to 3.98 GeV-4 and 9.91 GeV-6 less than or similar to d less than or similar to 10.46 GeV-6 for the curvature and the next Taylor coefficient, with a strong correlation between them. We also predict a large region in the complex plane where the form factor cannot have zeros.


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The synthesis of some functionalised isomeric, symmetrical tetrathiafulvalene derivatives containing 4,5-(ethylenedithio)-1,3-dithiole and 4,5-(propylenedithio)-1,3-dithiole units is described. These contain hydroxy, chloro and cyano functionalities (4, 6, 9 and 12). Interestingly, attempted coupling of 4,5-bis(propargylthio)-1,3-dithiole-2-thione 13, to obtain the corresponding TTF, 14 afforded the novel thione, 5-methylthieno[2,3-d]-1,3-dithiole-2-thione 15. Self coupling of thione 15 in the presence of trimethyl phosphite afforded new functionalised dithiophenetetrathiafulvalene 16. The X-ray crysal structures of 4,5-bis(propargyldithio)-1,3-dithiole-2-thione 13 and 5-methylthieno[2,3-d]-1,3-dithiole-2-thione 15 are described. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.