585 resultados para 260114 Geomorphology


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MarcoPolo-R is a sample return mission to a primitive Near-Earth Asteroid (NEA) proposed in collaboration with NASA. It will rendezvous with a primitive NEA, scientifically characterize it at multiple scales,and return a unique sample to Earth unaltered by the atmospheric entry process or terrestrial weathering. MarcoPolo-R will return bulk samples (up to 2 kg) from an organic-rich binary asteroid to Earth for laboratory analyses, allowing us to: explore the origin of planetary materials and initial stages of habitable planet formation; identify and characterize the organics and volatiles in a primitive asteroid; understand the unique geomorphology, dynamics and evolution of a binaryNEA. This project is based on the previous Marco Polo mission study,which was selected for the Assessment Phase of the first round of Cosmic Vision. Its scientific rationale was highly ranked by ESA committees andit was not selected only because the estimated cost was higher than theallotted amount for an M class mission. The cost of Marco Polo-R will be reduced to within the ESA medium mission budget by collaboration withAPL (John Hopkins University) and JPL in the NASA program for coordination with ESA's Cosmic Vision Call. The baseline target is a binary asteroid (175706) 1996 FG3, which offers a very efficient operational and technical mission profile. A binary target also providesenhanced science return. The choice of this target will allow newinvestigations to be performed more easily than at a single object, andalso enables investigations of the fascinating geology and geophysics ofasteroids that are impossible at a single object. Several launch windows have been identified in the time-span 2020-2024. A number of otherpossible primitive single targets of high scientific interest have beenidentified covering a wide range of possible launch dates. The baselinemission scenario of Marco Polo-R to 1996 FG3 is as follows: a singleprimary spacecraft provided by ESA, carrying the Earth Re-entry Capsule, sample acquisition and transfer system provided by NASA, will be launched by a Soyuz-Fregat rocket from Kourou into GTO and using two space segment stages. Two similar missions with two launch windows, in 2021 and 2022 and for both sample return in 2029 (with mission durationof 7 and 8 years), have been defined. Earlier or later launches, in 2020 or 2024, also offer good opportunities. All manoeuvres are carried out by a chemical propulsion system. MarcoPolo-R takes advantage of three industrial studies completed as part of the previous Marco Polo mission (see ESA/SRE (2009)3, Marco Polo Yellow Book) and of the expertise of the consortium led by Dr. A.F. Cheng (PI of the NASA NEAR Shoemaker mission) of the JHU-APL, including JPL, NASA ARC, NASA LaRC, and MIT.


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Glacial cirques reflect former regions of glacier initiation, and are therefore used as indicators of past climate. One specific way in which palaeoclimatic information is obtained from cirques is by analysing their elevations, on the assumption that cirque floor altitudes are a proxy for climatically controlled equilibrium-line altitudes (ELAs) during former periods of small scale (cirque-type) glaciation. However, specific controls on cirque altitudes are rarely assessed, and the validity of using cirque floor altitudes as a source of palaeoclimatic information remains open to question. In order to address this, here we analyse the distribution of 3520 ice-free cirques on the Kamchatka Peninsula (eastern Russia), and assess various controls on their floor altitudes. In addition, we analyse controls on the mid-altitudes of 503 modern glaciers, currently identifiable on the peninsula, and make comparisons with the cirque altitude data. The main study findings are that cirque floor altitudes increase steeply inland from the Pacific, suggesting that moisture availability (i.e., proximity to the coastline) played a key role in regulating the altitudes at which former (cirque-forming) glaciers were able to initiate. Other factors, such as latitude, aspect, topography, geology and neo-tectonics seem to have played a limited (but not insignificant) role in regulating cirque floor altitudes, though south-facing cirques are typically higher than their north-facing equivalents, potentially reflecting the impact of prevailing wind directions (from the SSE) and/or variations in solar radiation on the altitudes at which former glaciers were able to initiate. Trends in glacier and cirque altitudes across the peninsula are typically comparable (i.e., values typically rise from both the north and south, inland from the Pacific coastline, and where glaciers/cirques are south-facing), yet the relationship with latitude is stronger for modern glaciers, and the relationship with distance to the coastline (and to a lesser degree with aspect) is notably weaker. These differences suggest that former glacier initiation (leading to cirque formation) was largely regulated by moisture availability (during winter months) and the control this exerted on accumulation; whilst the survival of modern glaciers is also strongly regulated by the variety of climatic and non climatic factors that control ablation. As a result, relationships between modern glacier mid-altitudes and peninsula-wide climatic trends are more difficult to identify than when cirque floor altitudes are considered (i.e., cirque-forming glaciers were likely in climatic equilibrium, whereas modern glaciers may not be).


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The contribution of lichens to the biomodification of limestone surfaces is an area of conflict within bioweathering studies, with some researchers suggesting a protective effect induced by lichen coverage and others a deteriorative effect induced by the same organisms.Data are reported demonstrating the potential role of endolithic lichen, in particular of Bagliettoa baldensis, in the active protection of Carboniferous limestone surfaces from rainfall-induced solutional weathering. During a 12-month microcatchment exposure period in the west of Northern Ireland, average dissolutional losses of calciumare greater from a lichen-free limestone surface compared with a predominantly endolithic lichen-covered surface by just under 1.25 times. During colderwintermonths, the lichen free surface experiences calcium loss almost 1.5 times greater than the lichen-covered surface. Using extrapolation to upscale from the micro-catchment sample scale, for the year of sample exposure, the rate of calcium loss is 1.001 g m−2 a−1 from lichen-covered limestone surfaces and 1.228 gm−2 a−1 from lichen-free bare limestone surfaces. This research has implications for our understanding of karst environments, the contribution of lichens to karren development and the conservation of lichen-colonised dimension stone within a cultural setting.


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Coastal and estuarine landforms provide a physical template that not only accommodates diverse ecosystem functions and human activities, but also mediates flood and erosion risks that are expected to increase with climate change. In this paper, we explore some of the issues associated with the conceptualisation and modelling of coastal morphological change at time and space scales relevant to managers and policy makers. Firstly, we revisit the question of how to define the most appropriate scales at which to seek quantitative predictions of landform change within an age defined by human interference with natural sediment systems and by the prospect of significant changes in climate and ocean forcing. Secondly, we consider the theoretical bases and conceptual frameworks for determining which processes are most important at a given scale of interest and the related problem of how to translate this understanding into models that are computationally feasible, retain a sound physical basis and demonstrate useful predictive skill. In particular, we explore the limitations of a primary scale approach and the extent to which these can be resolved with reference to the concept of the coastal tract and application of systems theory. Thirdly, we consider the importance of different styles of landform change and the need to resolve not only incremental evolution of morphology but also changes in the qualitative dynamics of a system and/or its gross morphological configuration. The extreme complexity and spatially distributed nature of landform systems means that quantitative prediction of future changes must necessarily be approached through mechanistic modelling of some form or another. Geomorphology has increasingly embraced so-called ‘reduced complexity’ models as a means of moving from an essentially reductionist focus on the mechanics of sediment transport towards a more synthesist view of landform evolution. However, there is little consensus on exactly what constitutes a reduced complexity model and the term itself is both misleading and, arguably, unhelpful. Accordingly, we synthesise a set of requirements for what might be termed ‘appropriate complexity modelling’ of quantitative coastal morphological change at scales commensurate with contemporary management and policy-making requirements: 1) The system being studied must be bounded with reference to the time and space scales at which behaviours of interest emerge and/or scientific or management problems arise; 2) model complexity and comprehensiveness must be appropriate to the problem at hand; 3) modellers should seek a priori insights into what kind of behaviours are likely to be evident at the scale of interest and the extent to which the behavioural validity of a model may be constrained by its underlying assumptions and its comprehensiveness; 4) informed by qualitative insights into likely dynamic behaviour, models should then be formulated with a view to resolving critical state changes; and 5) meso-scale modelling of coastal morphological change should reflect critically on the role of modelling and its relation to the observable world.


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A água subterrânea de rochas duras é uma fonte importante para fins domésticos, industriais e agrícolas e mesmo para o consumo humano. A geologia, a tectónica, a geomorfologia e as características hidrológicas controlam o fluxo, ocorrência e armazenamento das águas subterrâneas. A disponibilidade da água subterrânea no meio geológico está totalmente dependente das áreas de recarga e de descarga numa determinada bacia. A precipitação é a principal fonte de recarga em aquíferos descontínuos, enquanto que a descarga depende dos declives do terreno e dos gradientes do nível hidrostático e ainda das condições hidrogeológicas do solo. A hidrogeomorfologia é um domínio interdisciplinar emergente, que estuda as relações entre as unidades geomorfológicas e o regime das águas superficiais e subterrâneas de uma determinada área. A compreensão do papel da geomorfologia é essencial para avaliar de forma rigorosa os sistemas hidrogeológicos e os recursos hídricos. Os dados de detecção remota providenciam uma informação espacial valiosa e actualizada da superfície terrestre e dos recursos naturais. Os recentes avanços tecnológicos colocaram as técnicas de detecção remota e os sistemas de informação geográfica (SIG) numa posição cimeira como ferramentas de gestão metodológica. Foi criada, em ambiente SIG, uma base de geo-dados, essencialmente derivada da detecção remota, da cartografia e do trabalho de campo. Esta base de dados, organizada em diferentes níveis de informação, inclui uma avaliação principalmente focalizada no uso do solo, climatologia, declives, geologia, geomorfologia e hidrogeologia. No presente estudo foram cruzados diversos níveis de informação, com a geração de múltiplos mapas temáticos para atingir um quadro integrado dos diversos sectores no Norte e Centro de Portugal. Os sectores em estudo (Caldas da Cavaca, Termas de Entre-os-Rios, Águas de Arouca e Águas do Alardo) estão localizados em sistemas hidrogeológicos predominantemente constituídos por rochas graníticas, por vezes intersectadas por filões de quartzo, aplito-pegmatíticos e doleríticos. Para apoiar a elaboração dos mapas hidrogeomorfológicos foi criada uma base SIG, contendo diversa informação, nomeadamente topografia, hidrografia, litologia, tectónica, morfoestrutura, hidrogeologia, geofísica e uso do solo. Além disso, foram realizadas várias campanhas de campo, as quais permitiram: o estabelecimento dum mapeamento geológico, geomorfológico e hidrogeológico; a caracterização in situ do grau de alteração, resistência e grau de fracturação dos maciços rochosos; o desenvolvimento de um inventário hidrogeológico em conjunto com alguns ensaios expeditos in situ. A interligação entre os parâmetros geomorfológicos, hidrológicos e hidrogeológicos dos sistemas de água subterrânea “normal” e hidromineral destaca a importância de uma cartografia e duma modelação conceptual hidrogeomorfológica. Além disso, contribuirá para um melhor apoio à decisão na gestão sustentável dos recursos hídricos.


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Dissertação mest., Biologia e Geologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2006


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Quantifying the topography of rivers and their associated bedforms has been a fundamental concern of fluvial geomorphology for decades. Such data, acquired at high temporal and spatial resolutions, are increasingly in demand for process-oriented investigations of flow hydraulics, sediment dynamics and in-stream habitat. In these riverine environments, the most challenging region for topographic measurement is the wetted, submerged channel. Generally, dry bed topography and submerged bathymetry are measured using different methods and technology. This adds to the costs, logistical challenges and data processing requirements of comprehensive river surveys. However, some technologies are capable of measuring the submerged topography. Through-water photogrammetry and bathymetric LiDAR are capable of reasonably accurate measurements of channel beds in clear water. Whilst the cost of bathymetric LiDAR remains high and its resolution relatively coarse, the recent developments in photogrammetry using Structure from Motion (SfM) algorithms promise a fundamental shift in the accessibility of topographic data for a wide range of settings. Here we present results demonstrating the potential of so called SfM-photogrammetry for quantifying both exposed and submerged fluvial topography at the mesohabitat scale. We show that imagery acquired from a rotary-winged Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) can be processed in order to produce digital elevation models (DEMs) with hyperspatial resolutions (c. 0.02 m) for two different river systems over channel lengths of 50-100 m. Errors in submerged areas range from 0.016 m to 0.089 m, which can be reduced to between 0.008 m and 0.053 m with the application of a simple refraction correction. This work therefore demonstrates the potential of UAS platforms and SfM-photogrammetry as a single technique for surveying fluvial topography at the mesoscale (defined as lengths of channel from c.10 m to a few hundred metres). This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.


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Neste trabalho, apresentam-se e discutem-se os resultados da aplicação da técnica de amostragem linear de descontinuidades em faces expostas do maciço rochoso da pedreira granítica de S. Domingos Nº 2 (Fontelo, Armamar; N de Portugal). É, igualmente, utilizada informação sobre a rede de fracturação regional, obtida através da análise morfoestrutural de mapas topográficos e mapas geológicos. São ainda referidos os métodos utilizados no tratamento dos dados de terreno com o objectivo de definir as famílias de descontinuidades e de caracterizar estatísticamente a sua atitude, espaçamento e extensão. Os resultados obtidos são comparados, à mega escala e macro-escala, no sentido de averiguar a presença de um padrão de fracturação com dimensão multiescala. Esta abordagem foi refinada através da aplicação de Sistemas de Informação Geográfica. A aplicação desta técnica para a caracterização da compartimentação do maciço poderá contribuir para aperfeiçoar a gestão sustentável do georrecurso da pedreira de S. Domingos Nº 2 (Fontelo). O controlo geomecânico do desmonte do maciço rochoso é salientado com o intuito de uma abordagem de geo-engenharia integrada dos maciços rochosos.


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Palaeogeographic and tectono-sedimentary interpretation of northern Portugal, in which previous studies (geomorphology, lithostratigraphy, mineralogy, sedimentology, palaeontology, etc.) were considered, is here proposed. Cenozoic shows different features according to its morphotectonic setting in the eestern region (Trás-os-Montes) or near to the Atlantic coast (western region, Minho and Douro Litoral areas). Although in the eastern region the sedimentary record is considered late Neogene, in some places Paleogene (?) was identified. This oldest record, represented by alluvial deposits, was preserved from complete erosion because of its position inside Bragança-Vilariça-Manteigas fault zone grabens. Later sedimentary episodes (upper Tortonian-Zanclean ?), represented by two allostratigraphical units, were interpreted as proximal fluvial braided systems of an endorheic hydrographic network, draining to the Spanish Duero Basin (eastwards); nowadays, they still remained in tectonic depressions and incised-valleys. Later on, eastern sedimentation becomes scarcer because Atlantic fluvial systems (e.g. the pre-Douro), successively, captured previous endorheic drainages. The proximal reaches of the allostratigraphic unit considered Placencian is recorded in Mirandela (western Trás-os-Montes) but the following fluvial episode (Gelasian-early Pleistocene ?) was already documented in east Trás-os-Montes, preserved in high platforms and in tectonic depressions. Placencian and Quaternary sedimentary records in the western coastal zone, mainly represented by terraces, are located in the Minho, Lima, Alverães, Cávado and Ave large fluvial valleys and in the Oporto littoral platform. In conclusion, northern Portugal Tertiary sedimentary episodes were mainly controlled by tectonics, but later on (Placencian-Quaternary) also by eustasy.


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The geomorphologic characteristics and lithostratigraphic units of the transition from the Tertiary filling stage to the Quaternary fluvial incision in the Vila Velha de Ródão area (Lower Tagus Basin, NE sector) are presented. Several morphodynamic episodes, which had an important tectonic control, were distinguished. The same main morphosedimentary processes can be identified in other areas of this important river basin. Five periods of Quaternary fluvial incision were characterized.


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Mestrado em Engenharia Geotécnica e Geoambiente


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O desenvolvimento incessante em áreas urbanas ameaça a qualidade e quantidade das águas subterrâneas. O Porto é uma cidade densamente urbanizada, dominada por granitos, os quais constituem um meio fraturado anisotrópico e heterogéneo. O principal objetivo desta dissertação foi realçar a importância da cartografia hidrogeológica, bem como a relevância de realizar inventários hidrogeológicos e de potenciais focos de contaminação para compreender a vulnerabilidade dos sistemas aquíferos na cidade do Porto. Para tal, foram selecionadas as bacias hidrográficas da Asprela e de Massarelos. Assim, foram levados a cabo dois inventários, um hidrogeológico e outro das potenciais atividades de contaminação. O estudo foi apoiado pelos Sistemas de Informação Geográfica (SIG), os quais foram fundamentais para um melhor conhecimento e integração nas áreas de estudo. Previamente à implementação dos inventários foi feita uma caracterização das duas bacias, em termos geográficos, hidroclimatológicos, de ocupação do solo, geomorfológicos e hidrogeológicos. As duas bacias desenvolvem‐se, principalmente, na unidade hidrogeológica do granito de grão médio a fino, por vezes com saprólito. O inventário hidrogeológico contemplou principalmente fontanários e nascentes, tendo incluído, respetivamente, 8 e 21 pontos de água nas bacias da Asprela e de Massarelos. As águas subterrâneas são límpidas, sem turvação ou cheiro, ácidas, com mineralizações baixas a médias, temperaturas baixas e caudais muito pequenos. Quanto aos potenciais focos de contaminação, na bacia da Asprela foram reconhecidos 61, enquanto que na bacia de Massarelos foram identificados 78. A maioria destas atividades é pontual correspondendo, nomeadamente, a estabelecimentos de ensino e estações de serviço/oficinas de automóveis. Contudo, os focos lineares apresentam uma difusão significativa nas duas bacias hidrográficas. Apesar de a vulnerabilidade intrínseca à contaminação das águas subterrâneas nestas áreas ser baixa a moderada, a localização dos potenciais focos de contaminação poderá ser responsável pelo aumento da vulnerabilidade nas duas bacias estudadas. Esta metodologia demonstrou ser extremamente importante para um melhor conhecimento dos sistemas de água subterrânea do Porto e, ainda, da hidrogeologia de áreas urbanas.


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In 1903, the eastern slope of Turtle Mountain (Alberta) was affected by a 30 M m3-rockslide named Frank Slide that resulted in more than 70 casualties. Assuming that the main discontinuity sets, including bedding, control part of the slope morphology, the structural features of Turtle Mountain were investigated using a digital elevation model (DEM). Using new landscape analysis techniques, we have identified three main joint and fault sets. These results are in agreement with those sets identified through field observations. Landscape analysis techniques, using a DEM, confirm and refine the most recent geology model of the Frank Slide. The rockslide was initiated along bedding and a fault at the base of the slope and propagated up slope by a regressive process following a surface composed of pre-existing discontinuities. The DEM analysis also permits the identification of important geological structures along the 1903 slide scar. Based on the so called Sloping Local Base Level (SLBL) an estimation was made of the present unstable volumes in the main scar delimited by the cracks, and around the south area of the scar (South Peak). The SLBL is a method permitting a geometric interpretation of the failure surface based on a DEM. Finally we propose a failure mechanism permitting the progressive failure of the rock mass that considers gentle dipping wedges (30°). The prisms or wedges defined by two discontinuity sets permit the creation of a failure surface by progressive failure. Such structures are more commonly observed in recent rockslides. This method is efficient and is recommended as a preliminary analysis prior to field investigation.


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Se describe la geomorfología del relieve de la paleolaguna de Otuma y se evalúa la preservación de sus registros calcáreos y su potencialidad para la reconstrucción paleoceanográfica y paleoecológica. Un pequeño acantilado marino y una plataforma de abrasión de suave pendiente con predominancia de arena y grava, sugieren un fondo submareal somero de 3,5 m de profundidad a 80 m de distancia de la orilla. La distribución de los registros calcáreos in situ, sobre el fondo de la paleolaguna sugiere un patrón de zonación ecológica. La abundancia de Argopecten purpuratus en los conchales demuestra su dominancia y la presencia de un antiguo y muy productivo banco natural de concha de abanico con una estructura de tallas 40 -140 mm. La preservación de las conchas permitió el análisis de sus anillos o líneas de crecimiento y la reconstruccion de sus ritmos y patrones de crecimiento que son valiosos para la reconstrucción de la variabilidad ambiental.


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Bedrock channels have been considered challenging geomorphic settings for the application of numerical models. Bedrock fluvial systems exhibit boundaries that are typically less mobile than alluvial systems, yet they are still dynamic systems with a high degree of spatial and temporal variability. To understand the variability of fluvial systems, numerical models have been developed to quantify flow magnitudes and patterns as the driving force for geomorphic change. Two types of numerical model were assessed for their efficacy in examining the bedrock channel system consisting of a high gradient portion of the Twenty Mile Creek in the Niagara Region of Ontario, Canada. A one-dimensional (1-D) flow model that utilizes energy equations, HEC RAS, was used to determine velocity distributions through the study reach for the mean annual flood (MAF), the 100-year return flood and the 1,000-year return flood. A two-dimensional (2-D) flow model that makes use of Navier-Stokes equations, RMA2, was created with the same objectives. The 2-D modeling effort was not successful due to the spatial complexity of the system (high slope and high variance). The successful 1 -D model runs were further extended using very high resolution geospatial interpolations inherent to the HEC RAS extension, HEC geoRAS. The modeled velocity data then formed the basis for the creation of a geomorphological analysis that focused upon large particles (boulders) and the forces needed to mobilize them. Several existing boulders were examined by collecting detailed measurements to derive three-dimensional physical models for the application of fluid and solid mechanics to predict movement in the study reach. An imaginary unit cuboid (1 metre by 1 metre by 1 metre) boulder was also envisioned to determine the general propensity for the movement of such a boulder through the bedrock system. The efforts and findings of this study provide a standardized means for the assessment of large particle movement in a bedrock fluvial system. Further efforts may expand upon this standardization by modeling differing boulder configurations (platy boulders, etc.) at a high level of resolution.