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The sedimentary architecture of polar gravel-beach ridges is presented and it is shown that ridge internal geometries reflect past wave-climate conditions. Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) data obtained along the coasts of Potter Peninsula (King George Island) show that beach ridges unconformably overlie the prograding strand plain. Development of individual ridges is seen to result from multiple storms in periods of increased storm-wave impact on the coast. Strand-plain progradation, by contrast, is the result of swash sedimentation at the beach-face under persistent calm conditions. The sedimentary architecture of beach ridges in sheltered parts of the coast is characterized by seaward-dipping prograding beds, being the result of swash deposition under stormy conditions, or aggrading beds formed by wave overtopping. By contrast, ridges exposed to high-energy waves are composed of seaward- as well as landward-dipping strata, bundled by numerous erosional unconformities. These erosional unconformities are the result of sediment starvation or partial reworking of ridge material during exceptional strong storms. The number of individual ridges which are preserved from a given time interval varies along the coast depending on the morphodynamic setting: sheltered coasts are characterized by numerous small ridges, whereas fewer but larger ridges develop on exposed beaches. The frequency of ridge building ranges from decades in the low-energy settings up to 1600 years under high-energy conditions. Beach ridges in the study area cluster at 9.5, 7.5, 5.5, and below 3.5 m above the present-day storm beach. Based on radiocarbon data, this is interpreted to reflect distinct periods of increased storminess and/or shortened annual sea-ice coverage in the area of the South Shetland Islands for the times around 4.3, c. 3.1, 1.9 ka cal BP, and after 0.65 ka cal BP. Ages further indicate that even ridges at higher elevations can be subject to later reactivation and reworking. A careful investigation of the stratigraphic architecture is therefore essential prior to sampling for dating purposes.
Results from Ocean Drilling Program sites 1121-1124 show the Eastern New Zealand Oceanic Sedimentary System (ENZOSS) evolved in response to: (1) the inception of the circum-Antarctic circulation, (2) orbital and nonorbital regulation of the global thermohaline flow, and (3) development of the New Zealand plate boundary. ENZOSS began in the early Oligocene following opening of the Tasmanian gateway and inception of the ancestral Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) and SW Pacific Deep Western Boundary Current (DWBC). Widespread erosion, marked by the Marshall Paraconformity, was followed by extensive drift formation in the late Oligocene- early Miocene. Alternating nannofossil chalk and nannofossil-rich mud deposited in response to 41-kyr orbital regulation of the abyssal circulation, with the mudstones representing times of increased inflow of corrosive southernsource waters. Drift deposition at the deepest sites was interrupted by bouts of erosion coincident with Mi 1-5 isotopic events signifying expansions of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet and enhanced bottom water formation. By late Miocene times, the basic ENZOSS was established. South of Bounty Trough, the energetic ACC instigated an erosional/low depositional regime. To the north, where the DWBC prevailed, orbitally regulated drift deposition continued. Increased convergence at the New Zealand plate boundary enhanced the terrigenous supply, but little of this sediment reached the deep ENZOSS as the three main sediment conduits - Solander, Bounty and Hikurangi channels - had not fully developed. The Plio-Pleistocene heralded a change from a carbonate- to terrigenous-dominant supply caused by interception of the DWBC by the three channels (~1.6 Ma for Bounty and Hikurangi, time of Solander interception unknown). The Solander and Bounty fans, and Hikurangi Fan-drift systems formed, and drifts downstream of those systems, received terrigenous detritus. Supply increased with accelerating uplift along the plate boundary, but delivery to the DWBC was regulated by eustatic fluctuations of sea level. Times of maximum supply to all three channels was during glacial lowstands whereas the supply either ceased (Bounty, Solander), or reduced (Hikurangi) in highstands. In glacial times, sediment was entrained by a DWBC invigorated by an increased input of Antarctic bottom water. The ACC also accelerated under strengthened glacial winds. Thus, glacials were times of optimum sediment supply to ENZOSS depocentres where depositional rates were 2-3 times more than interglacial rates.
Site 1123 is located on the northeastern flank of the Chatham Rise. Sedimentological and clay mineralogical analyses indicate a very fine grained carbonate-rich sediment. Smectite and illite are the main constituents of the clay mineral assemblage. High smectite values in the Eocene decrease in younger sediment sequences. Illite and chlorite concentrations increase in younger sediments with significant steps at 13.5, 9, and 6.4 Ma. The kaolinite content is near the detection limit and not significant. We observed only small fluctuations of the clay mineral composition, which indicates a uniform sedimentation process, probably driven by long-term processes. Good correspondence is shown between increasing illite and chlorite values and the tectonic uplift history of the Southern Alps.