999 resultados para 11-102
The objective of this study is to describe preliminary results from the cross-cultural adaptation of the Quality of Life Assessment Questionnaire, used to measure health related quality of life (HRQL) in Brazilian children aged between 5 and 11 with HIV/AIDS. The cross-cultural model evaluated the Concept, Item, Semantic and Measurement Equivalences (internal consistency and intra-observer reliability). Evaluation of the conceptual, item, semantic equivalences showed that the Portuguese version is pertinent for the Brazilian context. Four of seven domains showed internal consistency above 0.70 (α: 0.76-0.90) and five of seven revealed intra-observer reliability (ricc: 0.41-0.70). This first Portuguese version of the HRQL questionnaire can be understood as a valuable tool for assessing children's HRQL, but further studies with large samples and more robust analyses are recommended before use in the Brazilian context.
OBJETIVOS: identificar os padrões alimentares de crianças e sua associação com o nível socioeconômico das famílias. MÉTODOS: estudo transversal com 1260 crianças de 4 a 11 anos, residentes em Salvador-Bahia que incluiu aplicação de um Questionário de Frequência Alimentar semi-quantitativo. Os padrões alimentares foram identificados, empregando-se análise fatorial por componentes principais. O nível socioeconômico foi avaliado por meio de um indicador socioeconômico composto. Regressão logística multivariada foi empregada. RESULTADOS: identificaram-se quatro padrões que explicaram 45,9% da variabilidade dos dados de frequência alimentar. Crianças que pertencem ao nível socioeconômico mais alto têm 1,60 vezes mais chance (p<0,001) de apresentarem maior frequência de consumo de alimentos do padrão 1 (frutas, verduras, leguminosas, cereais e pescados) e 3,09 vezes mais chance (p<0,001) de apresentarem maior frequência de consumo dos alimentos do padrão 2 (leite/ derivados, catchup/ maionese/ mostarda e frango), quando se compara com aquele de crianças de nível socioeconômico mais baixo. Resultado inverso foi observado no padrão 4 (embutidos, ovos e carnes vermelhas); isto é, quanto maior o nível socioeconômico menor a chance da adoção desse padrão. Tendência similar foi notada para o padrão 3 (frituras, doces, salgadinhos, refrigerante/ suco artificial). CONCLUSÕES: padrões alimentares de crianças são dependentes das condições socioeconômicas das famílias e a adoção de itens alimentares mais saudáveis associa-se aos grupos de mais altos níveis socioeconômicos.
OBJETIVO: Descrever os fatores de risco e proteção para doenças crônicas não transmissíveis resultantes do Sistema de Vigilância por Inquérito Telefônico (VIGITEL) em 2009. METODOLOGIA: Prevalências dos principais fatores de risco e proteção foram estimadas na população >18 anos a partir de entrevistas telefônicas em amostras probabilísticas da população coberta por telefonia fixa nas capitais de estados do Brasil e no Distrito Federal, segundo sexo, faixa etária e escolaridade. RESULTADOS: Foram realizadas 54.367 entrevistas. Fumantes e ex-fumantes corresponderam a 15,5e 22% da população adulta brasileira, respectivamente. O excesso de peso atinge 46,6% dos adultos; 33% relataram consumo de carne com gordura e 18,9% afirmaram consumir bebida alcoólica de forma abusiva. Tais fatores de risco são mais prevalentes em homens e em geral nos indivíduos jovens e de menor escolaridade. A prevalência de atividade física no lazer é de 18,8% (IC95% 17,4-20,1) em homens e de 11,3% (IC95% 10,6-12,0) nas mulheres. A inatividade física atinge 15,6% da população e aumenta com a idade. O consumo de frutas, legumes e verduras e a atividade física no lazer são mais frequentes em homens e mulheres com mais anos de estudo. Diagnóstico de hipertensão arterial foi referido por 21,1% (IC95% 19,6-22,5) dos homens e 27,2% (IC95% 25,8-28,5) das mulheres. A prevalência de diabetes foi de 5,8%. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados apontaram comportamentos em saúde distintos de acordo com o sexo, idade e escolaridade da população e reforçam a tendência de queda do tabagismo e aumento no excesso de peso no Brasil.
O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar as competências que, desde a aprovação da lei n.º 11.889/08, incumbem ao técnico em saúde bucal (TSB) no Brasil, incluindo os termos definidos para sua supervisão. Foi realizada análise documental, comparando-se as competências definidas no referido instrumento legal com as previstas no parecer n.º 460/75 do Conselho Federal de Educação e na resolução n.º 63/2005 do Conselho Federal de Odontologia. Foram empregadas técnicas de análise temática considerando-se as habilidades em termos de ações diretas e indiretas distribuídas em quatro áreas de competência: planejamento e administração em saúde, promoção da saúde, prevenção de doenças e de assistência individual. Embora as competências aprovadas na lei tenham sido distribuídas em um número menor de itens, comparado aos dois outros documentos, do ponto de vista qualitativo, os resultados da análise permitiram concluir que vários avanços foram obtidos com a regulamentação da profissão, nos termos aprovados, em todas as áreas de competência. Houve impacto positivo para o processo de trabalho em saúde, tanto com relação à cooperação interprofissional quanto à supervisão técnica das atividades, representando uma conquista relevante dos trabalhadores da área e também uma contribuição significativa para avançar na ampliação do acesso aos serviços odontológicos
Objetiva-se neste trabalho discutir a viabilidade da regulação subnacional do saneamento básico no País de acordo com o estabelecido na Lei no 11.445/2007. Foi analisada a viabilidade da regulação municipal em 2.523 municípios, com base na amostra do Sistema Nacional de Informações em Saneamento (SNIS) referente a 2005, mediante a aplicação de taxas de regulação de 1 a 3% do faturamento das concessionárias. Concluiu-se que a regulação local não apresenta viabilidade em 97% dos municípios pesquisados.
This study evaluated levels of digestible lysine and organic zinc for male Ross strain broilers from 1 to 11 days of age. It was used 1,050 chicks distributed in randomized block design, in 5 × 2 factorial scheme, with seven repetitions of 15 birds per experimental unit. The dietary concentrations of digestible lysine were 0.90; 1.00; 1.10; 1.20; and 1.40% combined with 43 and 253 ppm zinc chelate. The diets contained 2,965 ± 18 kcal/kg of apparent metabolizable energy (AME) and 21.48 ± 0.18% of CP. It was determined chemical composition, protein, lipid, mineral and water depositions on carcass and empty body. There was no interaction among the factors digestible lysine and organic zinc. Effect of zinc concentration increase was observed on greatest deposition of body fat, indicating that there is interference in lipid metabolism of the birds in the studied phase. The most pronounced effects resulted from the dietary inclusion of lysine. There was a linear effect on reconstituted body weight as a response to the increase of dietary lysine, which suggests equal or superior requirement to the greatest studied level. However, the deposition of water and protein on the carcass had a quadratic increase, characterizing higher muscle mass accumulation up to the levels 1.25 and 1.27 of this amino acid in the diet. Considering the studied strain, broiler chickens from the first to the 11th days of age require 1.28 ± 0.01% of digestible lysine, according to the deposition of muscle mass.
OBJETIVO: Analisar a tendência das internações e da mortalidade por diarréia em crianças menores de um ano. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo ecológico de séries temporais entre 1995 e 2005, para o Brasil e para as capitais dos estados. Foram utilizados dados secundários do Ministério da Saúde, obtidos do Sistema de Informação Hospitalar e do Sistema de Informação sobre Mortalidade. Durante o período de estudo foram registradas 1.505.800 internações e 39.421 mortes por diarréia de crianças menores de um ano de idade. Para as análises das tendências da taxa de internação e de mortalidade foram utilizados modelos de regressão polinomial. RESULTADOS: Houve redução tanto nas internações por diarréia quanto na mortalidade infantil por diarréia no País e em 13 capitais. Oito capitais tiveram queda somente na mortalidade por diarréia, enquanto três apresentaram decréscimo somente nas taxas de internação por diarréia. Na análise conjunta dos indicadores de diarréia e dos indicadores gerais, observou-se que houve decréscimo em todas as séries históricas somente no Brasil e em quatro capitais. CONCLUSÕES: A redução nas taxas de internações e mortalidade por diarréia observada pelas séries temporais podem ser resultado das medidas de prevenção e controle empregadas
Background: An evaluation of patients' preferences is necessary to understand the demand for different insulin delivery systems. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between socioeconomic status (SES) and patients' preferences and willingness to pay (WTP) for various attributes of insulin administration for diabetes management. Methods: We conducted a discrete choice experiment (DCE) to determine patients' preferences and their WTP for hypothetical insulin treatments. Both self-reported annual household income and education completed were used to explore differences in treatment preferences and WTP for different attributes of treatment across different levels of SES. Results: The DCE questionnaire was successfully completed by 274 patients. Overall, glucose control was the most valued attribute by all socioeconomic groups, while route of insulin delivery was not as important. Patients with higher incomes were willing to pay significantly more for better glucose control and to avoid adverse events compared to lower income groups. In addition, they were willing to pay more for an oral short-acting insulin ($Can 71.65 [95% confidence interval, $40.68, $102.62]) compared to the low income group ($Can 9.85 [95% confidence interval, 14.86, 34.56; P < 0.01]). Conversely, there were no differences in preferences when the sample was stratified by level of education. Conclusions: This study revealed that preferences and WTP for insulin therapy are influenced by income but not by level of education. Specifically, the higher the income, the greater desire for an oral insulin delivery system, whereas an inhaled route becomes less important for patients.
Chemical reactivity, photolability, and computational studies of the ruthenium nitrosyl complex with a substituted cyclam, fac-[Ru(NO)Cl(2)(kappa(3)N(4),N(8),N(11)(1-carboxypropyl)cyclam)]Cl center dot H(2)O ((1-carboxypropyl) cyclam = 3-(1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecan-1-yl) propionic acid)), (I) are described. Chloride ligands do not undergo aquation reactions (at 25 degrees C, pH 3). The rate of nitric oxide (NO) dissociation (k(obs-NO)) upon reduction of I is 2.8 s(-1) at 25 +/- 1 degrees C (in 0.5 mol L(-1) HCl), which is close to the highest value found for related complexes. The uncoordinated carboxyl of I has a pK(a) of similar to 3.3, which is close to that of the carboxyl of the non coordinated (1-carboxypropyl) cyclam (pK(a) = 3.4). Two additional pK(a) values were found for I at similar to 8.0 and similar to 11.5. Upon electrochemical reduction or under irradiation with light (lambda(irr) = 350 or 520 nm; pH 7.4), I releases NO in aqueous solution. The cyclam ring N bound to the carboxypropyl group is not coordinated, resulting in a fac configuration that affects the properties and chemical reactivities of I, especially as NO donor, compared with analogous trans complexes. Among the computational models tested, the B3LYP/ECP28MDF, cc-pVDZ resulted in smaller errors for the geometry of I. The computational data helped clarify the experimental acid-base equilibria and indicated the most favourable site for the second deprotonation, which follows that of the carboxyl group. Furthermore, it showed that by changing the pH it is possible to modulate the electron density of I with deprotonation. The calculated NO bond length and the Ru/NO charge ratio indicated that the predominant canonical structure is [Ru(III)NO], but the Ru-NO bond angles and bond index (b.i.) values were less clear; the angles suggested that [Ru(II)NO(+)] could contribute to the electronic structure of I and b.i. values indicated a contribution from [Ru(IV)NO(-)]. Considering that some experimental data are consistent with a [Ru(II)NO(+)] description, while others are in agreement with [Ru(III)NO], the best description for I would be a linear combination of the three canonical forms, with a higher weight for [Ru(II)NO(+)] and [Ru(III)NO].
Background: The beneficial actions of exercise training on lipid, glucose and energy metabolism and insulin sensitivity appear to be in part mediated by PGC-1 alpha. Previous studies have shown that spontaneously exercised rats show at rest enhanced responsiveness to exogenous insulin, lower plasma insulin levels and increased skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity. This study was initiated to examine the functional interaction between exercise-induced modulation of skeletal muscle and liver PGC-1 alpha protein expression, whole body insulin sensitivity, and circulating FFA levels as a measure of whole body fatty acid (lipid) metabolism. Methods: Two groups of male Wistar rats (2 Mo of age, 188.82 +/- 2.77 g BW) were used in this study. One group consisted of control rats placed in standard laboratory cages. Exercising rats were housed individually in cages equipped with running wheels and allowed to run at their own pace for 5 weeks. At the end of exercise training, insulin sensitivity was evaluated by comparing steady-state plasma glucose (SSPG) concentrations at constant plasma insulin levels attained during the continuous infusion of glucose and insulin to each experimental group. Subsequently, soleus and plantaris muscle and liver samples were collected and quantified for PGC-1 alpha protein expression by Western blotting. Collected blood samples were analyzed for glucose, insulin and FFA concentrations. Results: Rats housed in the exercise wheel cages demonstrated almost linear increases in running activity with advancing time reaching to maximum value around 4 weeks. On an average, the rats ran a mean (Mean +/- SE) of 4.102 +/- 0.747 km/day and consumed significantly more food as compared to sedentary controls (P < 0.001) in order to meet their increased caloric requirement. Mean plasma insulin (P < 0.001) and FFA (P < 0.006) concentrations were lower in the exercise-trained rats as compared to sedentary controls. Mean steady state plasma insulin (SSPI) and glucose (SSPG) concentrations were not significantly different in sedentary control rats as compared to exercise-trained animals. Plantaris PGC-1 alpha protein expression increased significantly from a 1.11 +/- 0.12 in the sedentary rats to 1.74 +/- 0.09 in exercising rats (P < 0.001). However, exercise had no effect on PGC-1 alpha protein content in either soleus muscle or liver tissue. These results indicate that exercise training selectively up regulates the PGC-1 alpha protein expression in high-oxidative fast skeletal muscle type such as plantaris muscle. Conclusion: These data suggest that PGC-1 alpha most likely plays a restricted role in exercise-mediated improvements in insulin resistance (sensitivity) and lowering of circulating FFA levels.
Context. It is debated whether the Milky Way bulge has characteristics more similar to those of a classical bulge than those of a pseudobulge. Detailed abundance studies of bulge stars are important when investigating the origin, history, and classification of the bulge. These studies provide constraints on the star-formation history, initial mass function, and differences between stellar populations. Not many similar studies have been completed because of the large distance and high variable visual extinction along the line-of-sight towards the bulge. Therefore, near-IR investigations can provide superior results. Aims. To investigate the origin of the bulge and study its chemical abundances determined from near-IR spectra for bulge giants that have already been investigated with optical spectra. The optical spectra also provide the stellar parameters that are very important to the present study. In particular, the important CNO elements are determined more accurately in the near-IR. Oxygen and other alpha elements are important for investigating the star-formation history. The C and N abundances are important for determining the evolutionary stage of the giants and the origin of C in the bulge. Methods. High-resolution, near-infrared spectra in the H band were recorded using the CRIRES spectrometer mounted on the Very Large Telescope. The CNO abundances are determined from the numerous molecular lines in the wavelength range observed. Abundances of the alpha elements Si, S, and Ti are also determined from the near-IR spectra. Results. The abundance ratios [O/Fe], [Si/Fe], and [S/Fe] are enhanced to metallicities of at least [Fe/H] = -0.3, after which they decline. This suggests that the Milky Way bulge experienced a rapid and early burst of star formation similar to that of a classical bulge. However, a similarity between the bulge trend and the trend of the local thick disk seems to be present. This similarity suggests that the bulge could have had a pseudobulge origin. The C and N abundances suggest that our giants are first-ascent red-giants or clump stars, and that the measured oxygen abundances are those with which the stars were born. Our [C/Fe] trend does not show any increase with [Fe/H], which is expected if W-R stars contributed substantially to the C abundances. No ""cosmic scatter"" can be traced around our observed abundance trends: the measured scatter is expected, given the observational uncertainties.
In ultraperipheral relativistic heavy-ion collisions, a photon from the electromagnetic field of one nucleus can fluctuate to a quark-antiquark pair and scatter from the other nucleus, emerging as a rho(0). The rho(0) production occurs in two well-separated (median impact parameters of 20 and 40 F for the cases considered here) nuclei, so the system forms a two-source interferometer. At low transverse momenta, the two amplitudes interfere destructively, suppressing rho(0) production. Since the rho(0) decays before the production amplitudes from the two sources can overlap, the two-pion system can only be described with an entangled nonlocal wave function, and is thus an example of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox. We observe this suppression in 200 GeV per nucleon-pair gold-gold collisions. The interference is 87%+/- 5%(stat.)+/- 8%(syst.) of the expected level. This translates into a limit on decoherence due to wave function collapse or other factors of 23% at the 90% confidence level.
In the title compound, C(22)H(14)N(2)O(2), the five rings of the molecule are not coplanar. There is a significant twist between the four fused rings, which have a slightly arched conformation, and the pendant aromatic ring, as seen in the dihedral angle of 13.16 (8)degrees between the anthraquinonic ring system and the pendant aromatic ring plane.
Heart failure (HF) is associated with changes in the skeletal muscle (SM) which might be a consequence of the unbalanced local expression of pro- (TNF-alpha) and anti- (IL-10) inflammatory cytokines, leading to inflammation-induced myopathy, and SM wasting. This local effect of HF on SM may, on the other hand, contribute to systemic inflammation, as this tissue actively secretes cytokines. Since increasing evidence points out to an anti-inflammatory effect of exercise training, the goal of the present study was to investigate its effect in rats with HF after post-myocardial infarction (MI), with special regard to the expression of TNF-alpha and IL-10 in the soleus and extensor digitorum longus (EDL), muscles with different fiber composition. Wistar rats underwent left thoracotomy with ligation of the left coronary artery, and were randomly assigned to either a sedentary (Sham-operated and MI sedentary) or trained (Sham-operated and MI trained) group. Animals in the trained groups ran on a treadmill (0% grade at 13-20 m/min) for 60 min/day, 5 days/week, for 8-10 weeks. The training protocol was able to reverse the changes induced by MI, decreasing TNF-alpha protein (26%, P < 0.05) and mRNA (58%, P < 0.05) levels in the soleus, when compared with the sedentary MI group. Training also increased soleus IL-10 expression (2.6-fold, P < 0.001) in post-MI HF rats. As a consequence, the IL-10/TNF-alpha ratio was increased. This ""anti-inflammatory effect"" was more pronounced in the soleus than in the EDL, suggesting a fiber composition dependent response. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.