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The present study tested the hypothesis that adolescents growing up in Children's Homes differ from adolescents growing up in a family environment in how they think about their past, present and future, in the way they make decisions about future events and rewards, and in their levels of empathy and perspective taking. The participants were 40 adolescents from Children's Homes in Budapest, Hungary, and 40 age- and gender-matched controls. Group differences were found in participants' past and present time perspectives, and girls from Children's Homes showed reduced consistency in their plans for the future. Additionally, gender differences emerged in empathy, perspective taking, and in participants' present and future time perspectives. We discuss the implications of our findings for interventions to improve the future prospects of adolescents in Children's Homes.
Supersolitons are a form of soliton characterised, inter alia, by additional local extrema superimposed on the usual bipolar electric field signature. Previous studies of supersolitons supported by three-component plasmas have dealt with ion-acoustic structures. An analogous problem is now considered, namely, dust-acoustic supersolitons in a plasma composed of fluid negative dust grains and two kappa-distributed positive ion species. Calculations illustrating some supersoliton characteristics are presented. © Cambridge University Press 2013.
Recent evidence indicates that dogs' sociocognitive abilities and behaviour in a test situation are shaped by both genetic factors and life experiences. We used the 'unsolvable task' paradigm to investigate the effect of breed and age/experience on the use of human-directed gazing behaviour. Following a genetic classification based on recent genome analyses, dogs were allocated to three breed groups, namely Primitive, Hunting/Herding and Molossoid. Furthermore, we tested dogs at 2 months, 4.5. months and as adults. The test consisted of three solvable trials in which dogs could obtain food by manipulating a plastic container followed by an unsolvable trial in which obtaining the food became impossible. The dogs' behaviour towards the apparatus and the people present was analysed. At 2 months no breed group differences emerged and although human-directed gazing behaviour was observed in approximately half of the pups, it occurred for brief periods, suggesting that the aptitude to use human-directed gazing as a request for obtaining help probably develops at a later date when dogs have had more experience with human communication. Breed group differences, however, did emerge strongly in adult dogs and, although less pronounced, also in 4.5-month-old subjects, with dogs in the Hunting/Herding group showing significantly more human-directed gazing behaviour than dogs in the other two breed groups. These results suggest that, although the domestication process may have shaped the dog's human-directed communicative abilities, the later selection for specific types of work might also have had a significant impact on their emergence. © 2011 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.
Relatório de Estágio para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Orientador: Bento Cavadas. Coorientadora:Neusa Branco
© 2015 The American Physiological Society
Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es zu prüfen, ob Tanztherapie einen Effekt auf dieLebensqualität bei Brustkrebspatientinnen hat. Brustkrebs ist die häufigste Krebserkrankungbei Frauen in Deutschland. Verbesserte Behandlungsformen und Früherkennungsmaßnahmenführen zu einem Anstieg der Überlebensrate. Dennoch bedingen ein langerBehandlungsweg und Unsicherheit über den Verlauf der Krankheit hohe Belastungen undUnsicherheiten. Nebenwirkungen und Langzeitfolgen der Interventionen beeinflussen zudemdie gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität. Körper und Psyche werden stark beansprucht undleiden. Die Psychoonkologie stellt dabei einen Teil des Behandlungsweges dar. Sie bildetesich aus der Erkenntnis heraus, dass die Krebserkrankung nicht nur den Körper beeinflusst,sondern den gesamten Menschen mit seiner seelischen und geistigen Verfassung. DieTanztherapie ist eine Maßnahme im Kanon der psychoonkologischen Betreuung. Sie vereintkörperliche Betätigung und kreative Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten. Psyche und Körper werden beidieser Therapieform angesprochen. Im Gruppensetting fließt zudem die soziale Komponentemit ein. Die These lautet demnach, dass Tanztherapie positive Auswirkungen auf diegesundheitsbezogenen Lebensqualität hat. Denn Körper, Psyche und soziales Umfeld sindTeile der Lebensqualität. Das methodische Vorgehen dieser Arbeit setzte sich aus demRecherchieren von relevanten Studien, Reviews und Metaanalysen zusammen. Es wurdendie Datenbanken Google Scholar, PubMed, PsyCONTENT und Springer Link bis zum Jahre2014 durchsucht. Schlüsselworte waren dabei Tanztherapie, Psychoonkologie, Krebspatient,Lebensqualität, gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität, künstlerische Therapie,dance/movement therapy, cancer patient, quality of life, health related quality of life.
The need for better gene transfer systems towards improved risk=benefit balance for patients remains a major challenge in the clinical translation of gene therapy (GT). We have investigated the improvement of integrating vectors safety in combining (i) new short synthetic genetic insulator elements (GIE) and (ii) directing genetic integration to heterochromatin. We have designed SIN-insulated retrovectors with two candidate GIEs and could identify a specific combination of insulator 2 repeats which translates into best functional activity, high titers and boundary effect in both gammaretro (p20) and lentivectors (DCaro4) (see Duros et al, abstract ibid). Since GIEs are believed to shield the transgenic cassette from inhibitory effects and silencing, DCaro4 has been further tested with chimeric HIV-1 derived integrases which comprise C-ter chromodomains targeting heterochromatin through either histone H3 (ML6chimera) or methylatedCpGislands (ML10). With DCaro4 only and both chimeras, a homogeneous expression is evidenced in over 20% of the cells which is sustained over time. With control lentivectors, less than 2% of cells express GFP as compared to background using a control double-mutant in both catalytic and ledgf binding-sites; in addition, a two-times increase of expression can be induced with histone deacetylase inhibitors. Our approach could significantly reduce integration into open chromatin sensitive sites in stem cells at the time of transduction, a feature which might significantly decrease subsequent genotoxicity, according to X-SCIDs patients data.Work performed with the support of EC-DG research within the FP6-Network of Excellence, CLINIGENE: LSHB-CT-2006-018933
La distribución y la talla de la merluza Merluccius gayi peruanus, frente a la costa peruana, exhiben dos patrones: (a) La distribución está determinada por la variación de la Corriente de Cromwell, causada por cambios estacionales (invierno - verano) y a efectos interanuales relacionados con El Niño; (b) Las tallas están relacionadas a la latitud, con individuos grandes en el norte y más pequeños al sur. Desde el inicio de la fuerte pesquería de arrastre de fondo en 1973, la merluza peruana ha sufrido reducción en la biomasa, además de cambios en la distribución y en la estructura poblacional. En este estudio se ha utilizado información obtenida en los cruceros de los años 1970, y también la frecuencia de longitudes y características biológicas anotadas por las flotas activas en diferentes latitudes, y colectadas por el Instituto del Mar del Perú (IMARPE) en Paita (5°S), Chimbote (9°S) y Callao (12°S). Los datos sobre distribución de la merluza adulta obtenidos de cruceros científicos en diferentes períodos, y un tratamiento separado de longitudes registradas en varios puertos, permitieron reconstruir la distribución de tallas en la serie de tiempo para los tres puertos de desembarque mencionados. Durante los años 1970 se halló merluzas grandes, con talla media >40 cm (edad 4+), hasta el Callao por el sur. Se discute la presencia de estas tallas en aquella área con relación al efecto directo de las pesquerías combinadas de arrastre y cerco, sobre la biomasa de esta especie y su rango de distribución. Se discuten posibles efectos indirectos sobre la merluza, a corto y largo plazo, ocasionados por cambios en biomasa y distribución de la anchoveta, y por los cambios a largo plazo (decadales) del ambiente físico.
1887/01/22 (Numéro 1043).
Collection : Journal officiel de la République française ; [brochure] 1043
Contient : a Acte, en latin, du roi CHARLES VIII. Le roi y anoblit Éloi Gigaud et sa postérité. Éloi Gigaud est dit demeurer « in parrochia de Mehers, prope Castriam, in provincia Bituriae ». Plessis lez Tours, mai 1489 ; b Note concernant la famille Nicolay, de 1440 à 1588, où l'on examine à quelle date la qualité de noble à été donnée à Jean Nicolay, père du premier Nicolay qui fut « premier president aux comptes à Paris ». On a joint à cette note la copie de trois actes, en latin, des années 1452, 1469, 1522. Jean Nicolay figure dans les deux premiers, et son fils, le premier président, dans le troisième ; c Acte par lequel le roi LOUIS XIV déclare légitimés ses enfants naturels Louis-Auguste, duc du Maine, Louis-César, comte du Vexin, Louise-Françoise de Nantes. St-Germain-en-Laye, décembre 1673 ; d Le « lieu de Mouchy le Vieil », donné à « Jean, bastard de Tyen, bailly de Senlis, au mois de juin 1422 » ; e « Me Jean Bruslard,... ordonné avocat... du roy en la prevosté de Chastillon sur Marne, par lettres du roy du 28 fevrier 1423 » ; f La famille de Jeanne d'Arc. 1429 et 1473 ; g Un mandement du roi Louis XI « au seigneur de La Roche-Guyon », pour « laisser passer 60 tonneaux de vin », envoyés par ledit roi au roi d'Angleterre, Henri VI. Paris, 16 nov. 1470
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