182 resultados para äiti-lapsisuhde
All around the ITER vacuum vessel, forty-four ports will provide access to the vacuum vessel for remotehandling operations, diagnostic systems, heating, and vacuum systems: 18 upper ports, 17 equatorialports, and 9 lower ports. Among the lower ports, three of them will be used for the remote handlinginstallation of the ITER divertor. Once the divertor is in place, these ports will host various diagnosticsystems mounted in the so-called diagnostic racks. The diagnostic racks must allow the support andcooling of the diagnostics, extraction of the required diagnostic signals, and providing access and main-tainability while minimizing the leakage of radiation toward the back of the port where the humans areallowed to enter. A fully integrated inner rack, carrying the near plasma diagnostic components, will bean stainless steel structure, 4.2 m long, with a maximum weight of 10 t. This structure brings water forcooling and baking at maximum temperature of 240?C and provides connection with gas, vacuum andelectric services. Additional racks (placed away from plasma and not requiring cooling) may be requiredfor the support of some particular diagnostic components. The diagnostics racks and its associated exvessel structures, which are in its conceptual design phase, are being designed to survive the lifetimeof ITER of 20 years. This paper presents the current state of development including interfaces, diagnos-tic integration, operation and maintenance, shielding requirements, remote handling, loads cases anddiscussion of the main challenges coming from the severe environment and engineering requirements.
Visual habit formation in monkeys, assessed by concurrent visual discrimination learning with 24-h intertrial intervals (ITI), was found earlier to be impaired by removal of the inferior temporal visual area (TE) but not by removal of either the medial temporal lobe or inferior prefrontal convexity, two of TE's major projection targets. To assess the role in this form of learning of another pair of structures to which TE projects, namely the rostral portion of the tail of the caudate nucleus and the overlying ventrocaudal putamen, we injected a neurotoxin into this neostriatal region of several monkeys and tested them on the 24-h ITI task as well as on a test of visual recognition memory. Compared with unoperated monkeys, the experimental animals were unaffected on the recognition test but showed an impairment on the 24-h ITI task that was highly correlated with the extent of their neostriatal damage. The findings suggest that TE and its projection areas in the ventrocaudal neostriatum form part of a circuit that selectively mediates visual habit formation.
El fichero es un autoejecutable realizado con la aplicación PowerPoint2010
El fichero es un autoejecutable realizado con la aplicación PowerPoint2010
Los Sistemas de Recuperación de la Información (SRI) de las bases de datos documentales (BDd) y la calidad de los resultados obtenidos es un tema del programa de la asignatura 'Documentación e Información Científica en Salud' que se imparte en el Máster en Investigación en Ciencias de la Enfermería de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud (Universidad de Alicante).
El tema Las bases de datos documentales (BDd) y el Proceso de Búsqueda forma parte del programa de la asignatura 'Documentación e Información Científica en Salud' del Máster Universitario en Investigación en Ciencias de la Enfermería que se imparte en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud (Universidad de Alicante).
En este capítulo se define el concepto de crecimiento y desarrollo; se identifican los factores que influyen en el desarrollo del niño, se describen las etapas y sus características, así como las técnicas de valoración del crecimiento y desarrollo infantil, por último, se identifican las fases básicas de la consulta de enfermería al desarrollar el programa del 'niño sano'.
CFSP's performance is widely regarded as weak. Why did Europe's stance in world politics not improve with the Treaty of Maastricht? The article analyses the present policy approach and the institutionalist and militarystrategic reform proposals. It is argued that policy and proposals suffer from drawbacks leading to an uncomprehensive formulation of a Common Foreign and Security Policy. Both do not provide CFSP with a necessary strategy but instead largely duplicate existing organizations. Furthermore, they propose concepts that are not viable because member states do not agree on a common defense policy. In addition, they fail to offer answers adequate to today's challenges, which are not primarily military in nature. Instead, a socioeconomic security policy appears to be a more realistic option. It is necessary because no other organization provides it sufficiently; it is viable because member states could agree on iti and it is adequate because the stabilization of countries in Eastern Europe is best achieved by social and economic policy-and not by military deterrence.
Using a new temperature recording instrument recently developed at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, downhole temperature measurements were made at five sites during Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 86. The instrument, which can be installed in the shoe of the hydraulic piston corer, allows measurements of sediment temperature to be made simultaneously with the collection of sediment cores. A numerical procedure was applied to correct the temperature disturbance caused by the corer's friction with the sediment. Detailed temperature profiles constructed from the data were combined with the measurement of thermal conductivity to calculate heat flow. Heat flow values were generally low at all sites of Leg 86, consistent with the age of the lithosphere (>100 m.y.) in the Northwestern Pacific Basin.