974 resultados para Éthique normative
The knowledge of the national legislation and the key concepts of bioethics are necessary for medical practice. The four principles of bioethics are autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice. General internal medicine is the speciality of comprehensive care for often elderly patients with multiple chronic illnesses. This care is related to many ethically difficult decisions. In our article, we discuss common ethical problems in general internal medicine, including ethical aspects of the patient-physician relationship and medical decision making, the ethical significance of time management, research in bioethics and medical education.
Since the mid 20th century progress in biomedical science has been punctuated by the emergence of bioethics which has fashioned the moral framework of its application to both research and clinical practice. Can we, however, consider the advent of bioethics as a form of progress marking the advances made in biomedical science with an adequate ethical stamp? The argument put forward in this chapter is based on the observation that, far from being a mark of progess, the development of bioethics runs the risk of favouring, like modern science, a dissolution of the links that unite ethics and medicine, and so of depriving the latter of the humanist dimensions that underlie the responsibilities that fall to it. Faced with this possible pitfall, this contribution proposes to envisage as a figure of moral progress, consubstantial with the development of biomedical science, an ethical approach conceived as a means of social intervention which takes the first steps towards an ethics of responsibility integrating the bioethical perspective within a hermeneutic and deliberative approach. By the yardstick of a prudential approach, it would pay particular attention to the diverse sources of normativity in medical acts. It is suggested that this ethical approach is a source of progress insofar as it constitutes an indispensable attitude of watchfulness, which biomedical science can lean on as it advances, with a view to ensuring that the fundamental link uniting ethics and medicine is maintained.
Trois psychologues de l'Université de Lausanne, Sophie Perdrix, Linda Charvoz et Jérôme Rossier, abordent dans leur article la relation complexe que le psychologue entretient avec les évaluations psychologiques. Ils plaident en faveur d'une utilisation respectueuse des différences individuelles des instruments d'évaluation et mettent en garde contre leurs aspects réductionnistes.
RESUME DE THESEUne majorité d'abolitions dans le Nouveau Monde (1777-1888) donne lieu à l'octroi d'indemnités aux propriétaires d'esclaves. Si cet aspect des émancipations n'a pas retenu l'attention des spécialistes jusqu'à présent, il s'agit d'un phénomène récurrent dans les Amériques. L'étude globale de la question de l'indemnité par l'examen des objectifs d'une telle mesure, de ses enjeux, ainsi que de son coût pour les Etats concernés, constitue ainsi l'ambition de cette recherche.L'originalité de la démarche adoptée réside dans le choix de la comparaison comme mode d'investigation et dans la sélection des débats parlementaires comme sources de travail. Une scène d'investigation sur deux niveaux a été construite. Les processus d'indemnisation britannique et français - jugés les plus représentatifs - ont été traités par le biais de sources, les autres cas par la littérature secondaire. Les discussions tenues de 1788 à 1848 aux Chambres des Communes et des députés ont été isolées comme bases d'investigation.Cette recherche démontre que la question de l'indemnité - bien que délaissée par les historiens qui ne l'ont pas perçue comme telle - constitue une cheville ouvrière d'une émancipation. Bien plus, l'étude du thème de l'indemnité - mesure s'inscrivant dans le concept d'économie morale - élargit l'angle de vue au-delà des seuls enjeux d'une abolition jusqu'à présent privilégiés. Outre des facteurs juridiques et économiques, des éléments sociaux et politiques doivent en effet être considérés, qui permettent de mieux cerner - par le biais de l'indemnité - la problématique complexe d'une abolition.
In applied regional analysis, statistical information is usually published at different territorial levels with the aim providing inforamtion of interest for different potential users. When using this information, there are two different choices: first, to use normative regions ( towns, provinces, etc.) or, second, to design analytical regions directly related with the analysed phenomena. In this paper, privincial time series of unemployment rates in Spain are used in order to compare the results obtained by applying yoy analytical regionalisation models ( a two stages procedure based on cluster analysis and a procedure based on mathematical programming) with the normative regions available at two different scales: NUTS II and NUTS I. The results have shown that more homogeneous regions were designed when applying both analytical regionalisation tools. Two other obtained interesting results are related with the fact that analytical regions were also more estable along time and with the effects of scales in the regionalisation process
In applied regional analysis, statistical information is usually published at different territorial levels with the aim providing inforamtion of interest for different potential users. When using this information, there are two different choices: first, to use normative regions ( towns, provinces, etc.) or, second, to design analytical regions directly related with the analysed phenomena. In this paper, privincial time series of unemployment rates in Spain are used in order to compare the results obtained by applying yoy analytical regionalisation models ( a two stages procedure based on cluster analysis and a procedure based on mathematical programming) with the normative regions available at two different scales: NUTS II and NUTS I. The results have shown that more homogeneous regions were designed when applying both analytical regionalisation tools. Two other obtained interesting results are related with the fact that analytical regions were also more estable along time and with the effects of scales in the regionalisation process
Age-related changes in lumbar vertebral microarchitecture are evaluated, as assessed by trabecular bone score (TBS), in a cohort of 5,942 French women. The magnitude of TBS decline between 45 and 85 years of age is piecewise linear in the spine and averaged 14.5 %. TBS decline rate increases after 65 years by 50 %. INTRODUCTION: This study aimed to evaluate age-related changes in lumbar vertebral microarchitecture, as assessed by TBS, in a cohort of French women aged 45-85 years. METHODS: An all-comers cohort of French Caucasian women was selected from two clinical centers. Data obtained from these centers were cross-calibrated for TBS and bone mineral density (BMD). BMD and TBS were evaluated at L1-L4 and for all lumbar vertebrae combined using GE-Lunar Prodigy densitometer images. Weight, height, and body mass index (BMI) also were determined. To validate our all-comers cohort, the BMD normative data of our cohort and French Prodigy data were compared. RESULTS: A cohort of 5,942 French women aged 45 to 85 years was created. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry normative data obtained for BMD from this cohort were not significantly different from French prodigy normative data (p = 0.15). TBS values at L1-L4 were poorly correlated with BMI (r = -0.17) and weight (r = -0.14) and not correlated with height. TBS values obtained for all lumbar vertebra combined (L1, L2, L3, L4) decreased with age. The magnitude of TBS decline at L1-L4 between 45 and 85 years of age was piecewise linear in the spine and averaged 14.5 %, but this rate increased after 65 years by 50 %. Similar results were obtained for other region of interest in the lumbar spine. As opposed to BMD, TBS was not affected by spinal osteoarthrosis. CONCLUSION: The age-specific reference curve for TBS generated here could therefore be used to help clinicians to improve osteoporosis patient management and to monitor microarchitectural changes related to treatment or other diseases in routine clinical practice.