973 resultados para (Drop-) stones
In the last decade, pegylated interferon-α (PegIFN-α) plus ribavirin (RBV) was the standard treatment of chronic hepatitis C for genotype 1, and it remains the standard for genotypes 2 and 3. Recent studies reported associations between RBV-induced anemia and genetic polymorphisms of concentrative nucleoside transporters such as CNT3 (encoded by SLC28A3) and inosine triphosphatase (encoded by ITPA). We aimed at studying genetic determinants of RBV kinetics, efficacy and treatment-associated anemia.
The metabolic syndrome (MS) is associated with increased prevalence of kidney stones, yet the specific stone type remains largely unknown. This study was conducted to assess whether risk factors associated with calcium nephrolithiasis increase with individual characteristics of the MS.
Stem cells of various tissues are typically defined as multipotent cells with 'self-renewal' properties. Despite the increasing interest in stem cells, surprisingly little is known about the number of times stem cells can or do divide over a lifetime. Based on telomere-length measurements of hematopoietic cells, we previously proposed that the self-renewal capacity of hematopoietic stem cells is limited by progressive telomere attrition and that such cells divide very rapidly during the first year of life. Recent studies of patients with aplastic anemia resulting from inherited mutations in telomerase genes support the notion that the replicative potential of hematopoietic stem cells is directly related to telomere length, which is indirectly related to telomerase levels. To revisit conclusions about stem cell turnover based on cross-sectional studies of telomere length, we performed a longitudinal study of telomere length in leukocytes from newborn baboons. All four individual animals studied showed a rapid decline in telomere length (approximately 2-3 kb) in granulocytes and lymphocytes in the first year after birth. After 50-70 weeks the telomere length appeared to stabilize in all cell types. These observations suggest that hematopoietic stem cells, after an initial phase of rapid expansion, switch at around 1 year of age to a different functional mode characterized by a markedly decreased turnover rate.
Calcium containing renal stones represent a common medical problem and show a high rate of recurrence. Therefore, besides the treatment of acute stone episodes, also the prevention of new stone episodes is of crucial importance in the medical care of stone formers. To avoid stone recurrences, medical as well as dietary measures should be established based on the results of a thorough evaluation and the elaboration of an individual risk profile. This review article describes and discusses the currently established treatment options for the prophylaxis of calcium-containing renal stones.
Fuel Cells are a promising alternative energy technology. One of the biggest problems that exists in fuel cell is that of water management. A better understanding of wettability characteristics in the fuel cells is needed to alleviate the problem of water management. Contact angle data on gas diffusion layers (GDL) of the fuel cells can be used to characterize the wettability of GDL in fuel cells. A contact angle measurement program has been developed to measure the contact angle of sessile drops from drop images. Digitization of drop images induces pixel errors in the contact angle measurement process. The resulting uncertainty in contact angle measurement has been analyzed. An experimental apparatus has been developed for contact angle measurements at different temperature, with the feature to measure advancing and receding contact angles on gas diffusion layers of fuel cells.
INTRODUCTION: Sialendoscopy and sialoMRI enables diagnosis of salivary gland obstructive pathologies, such as lithiasis, stenosis, and dilatations. Therefore, a classification of these pathologies is needed, allowing large series comparisons, for better diagnosis and treatment of salivary pathologies. MATERIAL AND METHODS: With help from people from the European Sialendoscopy Training Center (ESTC), the results of sialographies, sialoMRI and sialendoscopies, a comprehensive classification of obstructive salivary pathologies is described, based on the absence or presence of lithiasis (L), stenosis (S), and dilatation (D) ("LSD" classification). DISCUSSION: It appears that a classification of salivary gland obstructive pathologies should be described. We hope it will be widely used and of course criticized to be improved and to compare the results of salivary gland diagnostic methods, such as sialography and sialendoscopy, and also the results and indications for salivary gland therapeutic methods, such as lithotripsy, sialendoscopy, and/or open surgery.
Glucocorticoids (GC) are lipophilic hormones commonly used as therapeutics in acute and chronic inflammatory disorders such as inflammatory bowel disease due to their attributed anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive actions. Although the adrenal glands are the major source of endogenous GC, there is increasing evidence for the production of extra-adrenal GC in the brain, thymus, skin, vasculature, and the intestine. However, the physiological relevance of extra-adrenal-produced GC remains still ambiguous. Therefore, this review attracts attention to discuss possible biological benefits of extra-adrenal-synthesized GC, especially focusing on the impact of locally synthesized GC in the regulation of intestinal immune responses.
OBJECTIVE: In this experimental study we assessed the diagnostic performance of digital linear slit scanning radiography compared with computed radiography (CR) for the detection of urinary calculi in an anthropomorphic phantom imitating patients weighing approximately 58-88 kg. CONCLUSION: Compared with CR, linear slit scanning radiography is superior for the detection of urinary stones and may be used for pretreatment localization and follow-up at a lower patient exposure.
How Insecurity impacts on school attendance and school drop out among urban slum children in Nairobi
This paper discusses how perceptions of personal security can impact on school enrolment and attendance. It mainly focuses on threats to physical harm, crime, community and domestic violence. These security fears can include insecurity that children suffer from as they go to school, maybe through the use of unsafe routes; insecurity that children feel at school; and the insecurity they suffer from in their homes. Although poverty is an indicator of insecurity, this paper does not focus solely on poverty as it is well covered elsewhere in the literature. The paper relies on qualitative data collected in Korogocho and Viwandani slum areas in Nairobi, Kenya between October and November 2004. The paper analyses data from individual interviews and focus group interviews and focuses on the narrative of slum dwellers on how insecurity impacts on educational attainment. The conclusion in this paper is that insecure neighbourhoods may have a negative impact on schooling. As a result policies that address insecurity in slum neighbourhoods can also improve school attendance and performance.
This progress report focuses on the contribution of tree-ring series to rockfall research and on recent development and challenges in the field. Dendrogeomorphic techniques have been used extensively since the early 2000s and several approaches have been developed to extract rockfall signals from tree-ring records of conifer trees. The reconstruction of rockfall chronologies has been hampered in the past by sample sizes that decrease as one goes back in time, as well as by a paucity of studies that include broadleaved tree species, which are in fact quite common in rockfall-prone environments. In this report, we propose a new approach considering impact probability and quantification of uncertainty in the reconstruction of rockfall time series as well as a quantitative estimate of presumably missed events. In addition, we outline new approaches and future perspectives for the inclusion of woody vegetation in hazard assessment procedures, and end with future thematic perspectives.
PURPOSE Management of ureteral stones remains controversial. To determine whether optimizing extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) delivery rates improves treatment of solitary ureteral stones, we compared outcomes of two SW delivery rates in a prospective, randomized trial. MATERIALS AND METHODS From July 2010 to October 2012, 254 consecutive patients were randomized to undergo ESWL at SW delivery rates of either 60 pulses (n=130) or 90 pulses (n=124) per min. The primary endpoint was stone-free rate at 3-month follow-up. Secondary endpoints included stone disintegration, treatment time, complications, and the rate of secondary treatments. Descriptive statistics were used to compare endpoints between the two groups. Adjusted odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals were calculated to assess predictors of success. RESULTS The stone-free rate at 3 months was significantly higher in patients who underwent ESWL at a SW delivery rate of 90 pulses per min than in those receiving 60 pulses (91% vs. 80%, p=0.01). Patients with proximal and mid-ureter stones, but not those with distal ureter stones, accounted for the observed difference (100% vs. 83%; p=0.005; 96% vs. 73%, p=0.03; and 81% vs. 80%, p=0.9, respectively). Treatment time, complications, and the rate of secondary treatments were comparable between the two groups. In multivariable analysis, SW delivery rate of 90 pulses per min, proximal stone location, stone density, stone size and the absence of an indwelling JJ stent were independent predictors of success. CONCLUSIONS Optimization of ESWL delivery rates can achieve excellent results for ureteral stones.
AIMS To investigate the prognostic significance of macular capillary drop-out and previous panretinal laser photocoagulation in diabetic macular oedema treated with intravitreal ranibizumab. METHODS Retrospective observational case series. Treatment-naive patients with diabetic macular oedema that had been treated with intravitreal ranibizumab as per the RESTORE study protocol for at least 12 months were included. Some patients (n=15) had previous panretinal laser photocoagulation. Best-corrected visual acuity and central retina thickness were recorded monthly. The foveal avascular zone and the perifoveal capillaries were quantitatively and qualitatively assessed on fluorescein angiography on two occasions during the observational period. RESULTS From the 46 eyes (46 patients) in this study, 13 (28%) had evidence of perifoveal capillary drop-out. Central retinal thickness was significantly thinner at baseline (p=0.02) and throughout the study period in these eyes compared with those with normal perifoveal capillaries. Both groups responded with a significant gain of best-corrected visual acuity to ranibizumab treatment (7.6±3.3 and 6.3±1.3 ETDRS letters, respectively). Eyes with previous panretinal laser photocoagulation displayed a comparable final outcome regarding function and morphology, requiring a similar intensity of intravitreal injections. CONCLUSIONS Perifoveal capillary drop-out did not limit the gain of visual acuity from intravitreal ranibizumab treatment. The reduction of central retina thickness was similar to that seen in eyes with normal perifoveal capillaries. Central retinal thickness in eyes with perifoveal capillary drop-out was generally reduced. However, this did not affect their benefit from treatment. Ranibizumab did not increase the amount of perifoveal capillary loss.
Rapid drop in the reproduction number during the Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) experienced a confined rural outbreak of Ebola virus disease (EVD) with 69 reported cases from July to October 2014. Understanding the transmission dynamics during the outbreak can provide important information for anticipating and controlling future EVD epidemics. I fitted an EVD transmission model to previously published data of this outbreak and estimated the basic reproduction number R 0 = 5.2 (95% CI [4.0-6.7]). The model suggests that the net reproduction number Rt fell below unity 28 days (95% CI [25-34] days) after the onset of symptoms in the index case. This study adds to previous epidemiological descriptions of the 2014 EVD outbreak in DRC, and is consistent with the notion that a rapid implementation of control interventions helped reduce further spread.