971 resultados para words-Cholesterol lowering drug


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The toxicity of long-term immunosuppressive therapy has become a major concern in long-term follow-up of heart transplant recipients. In this respect the quality of renal function is undoubtedly linked to cyclosporin A (CsA) drug levels. In cardiac transplantation, specific CsA trough levels have historically been maintained between 250 and 350 micrograms/L in many centers without direct evidence for the necessity of such high levels while using triple-drug immunosuppression. This retrospective analysis compares the incidence of acute and chronic graft rejection as well as overall mortality between groups of patients with high (250 to 350 micrograms/L) and low (150 to 250 micrograms/L) specific CsA trough levels. A total of 332 patients who underwent heart transplantation between October 1985 and October 1992 with a minimum follow-up of 30 days were included in this study (46 women and 276 men; aged, 44 +/- 12 years; mean follow-up, 1,122 +/- 777 days). Standard triple-drug immunosuppression included first-year specific CsA target trough levels of 250 to 300 micrograms/L. Patients were grouped according to their average creatinine level in the first postoperative year (group I, < 130 mumol/L, n = 234; group II, > or = 130 mumol/L, n = 98). The overall 5-year survival excluding the early 30-day mortality was 92% (group I, 216/232) and 91% (group II, 89/98) with 75% of the mortality due to chronic rejection. The rate of rejection for the entire follow-up period was similar in both groups (first year: group I, 3.2 +/- 2.6 rejection/patient/year; group II, 3.6 +/- 2.7 rejection/patient/year; p = not significant).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)


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BACKGROUND: The nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), indomethacin (Indo), has a large number of divergent biological effects, the molecular mechanism(s) for which have yet to be fully elucidated. Interestingly, Indo is highly amphiphilic and associates strongly with lipid membranes, which influence localization, structure and function of membrane-associating proteins and actively regulate cell signaling events. Thus, it is possible that Indo regulates diverse cell functions by altering micro-environments within the membrane. Here we explored the effect of Indo on the nature of the segregated domains in a mixed model membrane composed of dipalmitoyl phosphatidyl-choline (di16:0 PC, or DPPC) and dioleoyl phosphatidyl-choline (di18:1 PC or DOPC) and cholesterol that mimics biomembranes. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Using a series of fluorescent probes in a fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) study, we found that Indo induced separation between gel domains and fluid domains in the mixed model membrane, possibly by enhancing the formation of gel-phase domains. This effect originated from the ability of Indo to specifically target the ordered domains in the mixed membrane. These findings were further confirmed by measuring the ability of Indo to affect the fluidity-dependent fluorescence quenching and the level of detergent resistance of membranes. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: Because the tested lipids are the main lipid constituents in cell membranes, the observed formation of gel phase domains induced by Indo potentially occurs in biomembranes. This marked Indo-induced change in phase behavior potentially alters membrane protein functions, which contribute to the wide variety of biological activities of Indo and other NSAIDs.


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Aims Fibrates or nicotinic acid are usually recommended for secondary prevention of coronary heart disease in patients with low plasma levels of both low-density tipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) less than or equal to140 mg/dL (less than or equal to3.6 mmol/L) and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) less than or equal to40 mg/dL (less than or equal to1.03 mmol/L). The LIPID trial, a randomised, placebo-controlled trial in 9014 patients at 87 centres in Australia and New Zealand, provided an opportunity to investigate the effects of an HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor in patients with tow LDL-C and tow HDL-C. Methods and results Participants in this post hoc substudy were 2073 patients aged 31-75 years with baseline LDL-C less than or equal to140 mg/dL (less than or equal to3.6 mmoL/L), HDL-C less than or equal to40 mg/dL (less than or equal to1.03 mmol/L), and triglyceride less than or equal to300 mg/dL (less than or equal to3.4 mmol/L). The relative risk reduction with pravastatin treatment was 27% for major coronary events (95% Cl 8-42%), 27% for coronary heart disease mortality (95% CI 0-47%), 21% for all-cause mortality (95% Cl 0-38%), and 51% for stroke (95% CI 24-69%). The number needed to treat to prevent a major coronary event over 6 years was 22. Conclusions Treatment with pravastatin in patients with both low LDL-C and low HDL-C significantly reduced major coronary events, stroke, and all-cause mortality. The level of HDL-C is crucial to the risk of recurrent CHD events and, consequently, the benefit of lowering LDL-C. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The European Society of Cardiology.


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The multivariable and progressive natural history of type 2 diabetes limits the effectiveness of available glucose-lowering drugs. Constraints imposed by comorbidities (notably cardiovascular disease and renal impairment) and the need to avoid hypoglycaemia, weight gain, and drug interactions further complicate the treatment process. These challenges have prompted the development of new formulations and delivery methods for existing drugs alongside research into novel pharmacological entities. Advances in incretin-based therapies include a miniature implantable osmotic pump to give continuous delivery of a glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist for 6-12 months and once-weekly tablets of dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors. Hybrid molecules that combine the properties of selected incretins and other peptides are at early stages of development, and proof of concept has been shown for small non-peptide molecules to activate glucagon-like peptide-1 receptors. Additional sodium-glucose co-transporter inhibitors are progressing in development as well as possible new insulin-releasing biological agents and small-molecule inhibitors of glucagon action. Adiponectin receptor agonists, selective peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor modulators, cellular glucocorticoid inhibitors, and analogues of fibroblast growth factor 21 are being considered as potential new approaches to glucose lowering. Compounds that can enhance insulin receptor and post-receptor signalling cascades or directly promote selected pathways of glucose metabolism have suggested opportunities for future treatments. However, pharmacological interventions that are able to restore normal β-cell function and β-cell mass, normalise insulin action, and fully correct glucose homoeostasis are a distant vision.


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Objectives The aim of this work was to investigate the effect of cholesterol on the bilayer loading of drugs and their subsequent release and to investigate fatty alcohols as an alternative bilayer stabiliser to cholesterol. Methods The loading and release rates of four low solubility drugs (diazepam, ibuprofen, midazolam and propofol) incorporated within the bilayer of multilamellar liposomes which contained a range of cholesterol (0–33 mol/mol%) or a fatty alcohol (tetradecanol, hexadecanol and octadecanol) were investigated. The molecular packing of these various systems was also investigated in Langmuir monolayer studies. Key findings Loading and release of drugs within the liposome bilayer was shown to be influenced by their cholesterol content: increasing cholesterol content was shown to reduce drug incorporation and inclusion of cholesterol in the bilayer changed the release profile of propofol from zero-order, for phosphatidyl choline only liposomes, to a first-order model when 11 to 33 total molar % of cholesterol was present in the formulation. At higher bilayer concentrations substitution of cholesterol with tetradecanol was shown to have less of a detrimental impact on bilayer drug loading. However, the presence of cholesterol within the liposome bilayer was shown to reduce drug release compared with fatty alcohols. Monolayer studies undertaken showed that effective mean area per molecule for a 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DSPC) : cholesterol mixture deviated by 9% from the predicted area compared with 5% with a similar DSPC : tetradecanol mixture. This evidence, combined with cholesterol being a much more bulky structure, indicated that the condensing influence of tetradecanol was less compared with cholesterol, thus supporting the reduced impact of tetradecanol on drug loading and drug retention. Conclusions Liposomes can be effectively formulated using fatty alcohols as an alternative bilayer stabiliser to cholesterol. The general similarities in the characteristics of liposomes containing fatty alcohols or cholesterol suggest a common behavioural influence for both compounds within the bilayer.


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Liposomes due to their biphasic characteristic and diversity in design, composition and construction, offer a dynamic and adaptable technology for enhancing drug solubility. Starting with equimolar egg-phosphatidylcholine (PC)/cholesterol liposomes, the influence of the liposomal composition and surface charge on the incorporation and retention of a model poorly water soluble drug, ibuprofen was investigated. Both the incorporation and the release of ibuprofen were influenced by the lipid composition of the multi-lamellar vesicles (MLV) with inclusion of the long alkyl chain lipid (dilignoceroyl phosphatidylcholine (C 24PC)) resulting in enhanced ibuprofen incorporation efficiency and retention. The cholesterol content of the liposome bilayer was also shown to influence ibuprofen incorporation with maximum ibuprofen incorporation efficiency achieved when 4 μmol of cholesterol was present in the MLV formulation. Addition of anionic lipid dicetylphosphate (DCP) reduced ibuprofen drug loading presumably due to electrostatic repulsive forces between the carboxyl group of ibuprofen and the anionic head-group of DCP. In contrast, the addition of 2 μmol of the cationic lipid stearylamine (SA) to the liposome formulation (PC:Chol - 16 μmol:4 μmol) increased ibuprofen incorporation efficiency by approximately 8%. However further increases of the SA content to 4 μmol and above reduced incorporation by almost 50% compared to liposome formulations excluding the cationic lipid. Environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) was used to dynamically follow the changes in liposome morphology during dehydration to provide an alternative assay of liposome stability. ESEM analysis clearly demonstrated that ibuprofen incorporation improved the stability of PC:Chol liposomes as evidenced by an increased resistance to coalescence during dehydration. These finding suggest a positive interaction between amphiphilic ibuprofen molecules and the bilayer structure of the liposome. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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What is known and objective: Adverse drug reactions to prescribed medication are relatively common events. However, the impact such reactions have on patients and their attitude to reporting such events have only been poorly explored. Previous studies relying on self-reporting patients indicate that altruism is an important factor. In the United Kingdom, patient reporting started in 2005; though, numbers of serious reports remain low. Method: A purposive sample of fifteen patients who had been admitted to an inner city hospital with an adverse drug reaction were interviewed using a semi-structured questionnaire. Patients were asked to relate in their own words their experience of an adverse drug reaction. Patient's reactions to the information leaflet, adherence to treatment and use of other sources of information on medication were assessed. Interviews were recorded, and a thematic analysis of patients'responses was performed. Results and discussion: Analysis of the patient interviews demonstrated the reality of being admitted to hospital is often a frightening process with a significant emotional cost. Anger, isolation, resentment and blame were common factors, particularly when medicines had been prescribed for acute conditions. For patients with chronic conditions, a more phlegmatic approach was seen especially with conditions with a strong support networks. Patients felt that communication and information should have been more readily available from the health care professional who prescribed the medication, although few had read the patient information leaflet. Only a minority of patients linked the medication they had taken to the adverse event, although some had received false reassurance that the drug was not related to their illness creating additional barriers. In contrast to previous studies, many patients felt that adverse drug reporting was not their concern, particularly as they obtained little direct benefit from it. The majority of patients were unaware of the Yellow Card Scheme in the UK for patient reporting. Even when explained, the scheme was felt too cold and impersonal and not a patient's 'job'. What is new and conclusion: Patients having a severe adverse drug reaction following an acute illness felt negative emotions towards their health care provider. Those with a chronic condition rationalized the event and coped better with its impact. Neither group felt that reporting the adverse reaction was their responsibility. Encouraging patients to report remains important but expecting patients to report solely for altruistic purposes may be unrealistic. © 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.


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Statins are agents widely used to lower LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C) in primary and secondary prevention of coronary heart disease. The five statins available in the UK (simvastatin, pravastatin, fluvastatin, atorvastatin and rosuvastatin) differ in many of their pharmacologic properties. In addition to lowering LDL-C, statins also increase HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C) moderately. There have been rare reports of significant HDL-C decreases in patients commenced on fibrates and when thiazolidinediones are added to fibrates. This is known as a 'paradoxical HDL-C decrease' as both groups of agents usually increase HDL-C. This phenomenon has never been clearly documented following statin therapy. We now describe a patient with type 2 diabetes who showed this paradoxical fall in HDL-C (baseline HDL-C: 1.8 mmol/L; on simvastatin 40 mg HDL-C 0.6 mmol/L; on atorvastatin 20 mg HDL-C 0.9 mmol/L) with a similar decrease in apolipoprotein A1. No similar decrease was observed with pravastatin and rosuvastatin therapy. This phenomenon appeared to be associated with statin treatment and not a statin/fibrate combination. Our patient clearly demonstrated a paradoxical HDL-C fall with simvastatin and atorvastatin, but not pravastatin or rosuvastatin. Simvastatin and atorvastatin share many pharmacokinetic properties such as lipophilicity while pravastatin and rosuvastatin are relatively hydrophilic and are not metabolized by cytochrome P450 3A4. However, these characteristics do not explain the dramatic reductions in HDL-C observed.


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Using the securitization framework to highlight the arguments that facilitated the “War on Drugs”, this paper highlights a separate war against drug traffickers. Facilitated by ideology through the rhetoric promoted by the “War on Drugs,” the fear of communist expansion and democratic contraction, the “War on Drug Traffickers” was implemented, requiring its own strategy separate from the “War on Drugs.” This is an important distinction because the play on words changes the perception of the issue from one of drug addiction to one of weak institutions and insurgent/terrorist threat to those institutions. Furthermore, one cannot propose strategy to win, lose, or retreat in a war that one has been unable to identify properly. And while the all-encompassing “War on Drugs” has motivated tremendous discourse on its failure and possible solutions to remedy its failure, the generalizations made as a result of the inability to distinguish between the policies behind drug addiction and the militarized policies behind drug trafficking have discounted the effect of violence perpetrated by the state, the rationale for the state perpetrating that violence, and the dependence that the state has on foreign actors to perpetrate such violence. This makes it impossible to not only propose effective strategy but also to persuade states that participate in the “War on Drug Traffickers” to adopt the proposed strategy.


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Drug delivery systems are defined as formulations aiming for transportation of a drug to the desired area of action within the body. The basic component of drug delivery systems is an appropriate carrier that protects the drug from rapid degradation or clearance and thereby enhances drug concentration in target tissues. Based on their biodegradable, biocompatible, and nonimmunogenic structure, niosomes are promising drug carriers that are formed by self-association of nonionic surfactants and cholesterol in an aqueous phase. In recent years, numerous research articles have been published in scientific journals reporting the potential of niosomes to serve as a carrier for the delivery of different types of drugs. The present review describes preparation methods, characterization techniques, and recent studies on niosomal drug delivery systems and also gives up to date information regarding recent applications of niosomes in drug delivery.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine how well the current Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) eligibility criteria for subsidy of lipid-lowering drugs compare with current national guidelines for determining the population at high risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD). DESIGN AND PARTICIPANTS: Analyses of the population-based, cross-sectional Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle (AusDiab) study, conducted in 1999-2000. The 1991 Framingham risk prediction equation was used to compute 5-year risk of developing first-time CVD in 8286 participants aged 30-74 years with neither CVD nor diabetes. Based on the National Heart Foundation of Australia and Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand guidelines, people with either 5-year CVD risk > or = 15% or with 5-year CVD risk of 10%-< 15% and the metabolic syndrome were defined as having estimated high absolute CVD risk. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: 5-year CVD risk; estimated population with high CVD risk. RESULTS: Among participants without prevalent CVD or diabetes, 7.9% of men and 1.5% of women had a 5-year CVD risk > or = 15%. Of the estimated residential Australian population in 2000 aged 30-74 years without CVD or diabetes, 717 000 people were considered to be at high absolute CVD risk. Among the high-risk AusDiab participants without CVD or diabetes, only 16.9% of men and 15.4% of women were being treated with lipid-lowering drugs. Of the 9.6% of participants free of CVD and diabetes who were untreated but eligible for subsidy under PBS criteria, only 27.4% had an estimated high absolute CVD risk. CONCLUSION: Strategies for CVD prevention using lipid-lowering medications can be improved by adoption of the absolute-risk approach.


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We study the problem of detecting sentences describing adverse drug reactions (ADRs) and frame the problem as binary classification. We investigate different neural network (NN) architectures for ADR classification. In particular, we propose two new neural network models, Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network (CRNN) by concatenating convolutional neural networks with recurrent neural networks, and Convolutional Neural Network with Attention (CNNA) by adding attention weights into convolutional neural networks. We evaluate various NN architectures on a Twitter dataset containing informal language and an Adverse Drug Effects (ADE) dataset constructed by sampling from MEDLINE case reports. Experimental results show that all the NN architectures outperform the traditional maximum entropy classifiers trained from n-grams with different weighting strategies considerably on both datasets. On the Twitter dataset, all the NN architectures perform similarly. But on the ADE dataset, CNN performs better than other more complex CNN variants. Nevertheless, CNNA allows the visualisation of attention weights of words when making classification decisions and hence is more appropriate for the extraction of word subsequences describing ADRs.


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These bookmarks state: African-Americans face higher risks of stroke. The more risk factors you have, the greater your chances of having a stroke. The best way to prevent a stroke is to reduce your risk factors. Common Risk Factors for Stroke: smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, physical inactivity, obesity/overweight, diabetes. It also lists the warning signs of stroke.


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