813 resultados para wireless networks user-centric networking
With a boom in the usage of mobile devices for traffic-heavy applications, mobile networks struggle to deliver good performance while saving resources to support more users and save on costs. In this paper, we propose enhanced strategies for the preemptive migration of content stored in Information-Centric Networking caches at the edge of LTE mobile networks. With such strategies, the concept of content following the users interested in it becomes a reality and content within caches is more optimized towards the requests of nearby users. Results show that the strategies are feasible, efficient and, when compared to default caching strategies, ensure that content is delivered faster to end users while using bandwidth and storage resources more efficiently at the core of the network.
El consumo energético de las Redes de Sensores Inalámbricas (WSNs por sus siglas en inglés) es un problema histórico que ha sido abordado desde diferentes niveles y visiones, ya que no solo afecta a la propia supervivencia de la red sino que el creciente uso de dispositivos inteligentes y el nuevo paradigma del Internet de las Cosas hace que las WSNs tengan cada vez una mayor influencia en la huella energética. Debido a la tendencia al alza en el uso de estas redes se añade un nuevo problema, la saturación espectral. Las WSNs operan habitualmente en bandas sin licencia como son las bandas Industrial, Científica y Médica (ISM por sus siglas en inglés). Estas bandas se comparten con otro tipo de redes como Wi-Fi o Bluetooth cuyo uso ha crecido exponencialmente en los últimos años. Para abordar este problema aparece el paradigma de la Radio Cognitiva (CR), una tecnología que permite el acceso oportunista al espectro. La introducción de capacidades cognitivas en las WSNs no solo permite optimizar su eficiencia espectral sino que también tiene un impacto positivo en parámetros como la calidad de servicio, la seguridad o el consumo energético. Sin embargo, por otra parte, este nuevo paradigma plantea algunos retos relacionados con el consumo energético. Concretamente, el sensado del espectro, la colaboración entre los nodos (que requiere comunicación adicional) y el cambio en los parámetros de transmisión aumentan el consumo respecto a las WSN clásicas. Teniendo en cuenta que la investigación en el campo del consumo energético ha sido ampliamente abordada puesto que se trata de una de sus principales limitaciones, asumimos que las nuevas estrategias deben surgir de las nuevas capacidades añadidas por las redes cognitivas. Por otro lado, a la hora de diseñar estrategias de optimización para CWSN hay que tener muy presentes las limitaciones de recursos de estas redes en cuanto a memoria, computación y consumo energético de los nodos. En esta tesis doctoral proponemos dos estrategias de reducción de consumo energético en CWSNs basadas en tres pilares fundamentales. El primero son las capacidades cognitivas añadidas a las WSNs que proporcionan la posibilidad de adaptar los parámetros de transmisión en función del espectro disponible. La segunda es la colaboración, como característica intrínseca de las CWSNs. Finalmente, el tercer pilar de este trabajo es teoría de juegos como algoritmo de soporte a la decisión, ampliamente utilizado en WSNs debido a su simplicidad. Como primer aporte de la tesis se presenta un análisis completo de las posibilidades introducidas por la radio cognitiva en materia de reducción de consumo para WSNs. Gracias a las conclusiones extraídas de este análisis, se han planteado las hipótesis de esta tesis relacionadas con la validez de usar capacidades cognitivas como herramienta para la reducción de consumo en CWSNs. Una vez presentada las hipótesis, pasamos a desarrollar las principales contribuciones de la tesis: las dos estrategias diseñadas para reducción de consumo basadas en teoría de juegos y CR. La primera de ellas hace uso de un juego no cooperativo que se juega mediante pares de jugadores. En la segunda estrategia, aunque el juego continúa siendo no cooperativo, se añade el concepto de colaboración. Para cada una de las estrategias se presenta el modelo del juego, el análisis formal de equilibrios y óptimos y la descripción de la estrategia completa donde se incluye la interacción entre nodos. Con el propósito de probar las estrategias mediante simulación e implementación en dispositivos reales hemos desarrollado un marco de pruebas compuesto por un simulador cognitivo y un banco de pruebas formado por nodos cognitivos capaces de comunicarse en tres bandas ISM desarrollados en el B105 Lab. Este marco de pruebas constituye otra de las aportaciones de la tesis que permitirá el avance en la investigación en el área de las CWSNs. Finalmente, se presentan y discuten los resultados derivados de la prueba de las estrategias desarrolladas. La primera estrategia proporciona ahorros de energía mayores al 65% comparados con una WSN sin capacidades cognitivas y alrededor del 25% si la comparamos con una estrategia cognitiva basada en el sensado periódico del espectro para el cambio de canal de acuerdo a un nivel de ruido fijado. Este algoritmo se comporta de forma similar independientemente del nivel de ruido siempre que éste sea espacialmente uniformemente. Esta estrategia, a pesar de su sencillez, nos asegura el comportamiento óptimo en cuanto a consumo energético debido a la utilización de teoría de juegos en la fase de diseño del comportamiento de los nodos. La estrategia colaborativa presenta mejoras respecto a la anterior en términos de protección frente al ruido en escenarios de ruido más complejos donde aporta una mejora del 50% comparada con la estrategia anterior. ABSTRACT Energy consumption in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is a known historical problem that has been addressed from different areas and on many levels. But this problem should not only be approached from the point of view of their own efficiency for survival. A major portion of communication traffic has migrated to mobile networks and systems. The increased use of smart devices and the introduction of the Internet of Things (IoT) give WSNs a great influence on the carbon footprint. Thus, optimizing the energy consumption of wireless networks could reduce their environmental impact considerably. In recent years, another problem has been added to the equation: spectrum saturation. Wireless Sensor Networks usually operate in unlicensed spectrum bands such as Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) bands shared with other networks (mainly Wi-Fi and Bluetooth). To address the efficient spectrum utilization problem, Cognitive Radio (CR) has emerged as the key technology that enables opportunistic access to the spectrum. Therefore, the introduction of cognitive capabilities to WSNs allows optimizing their spectral occupation. Cognitive Wireless Sensor Networks (CWSNs) do not only increase the reliability of communications, but they also have a positive impact on parameters such as the Quality of Service (QoS), network security, or energy consumption. These new opportunities introduced by CWSNs unveil a wide field in the energy consumption research area. However, this also implies some challenges. Specifically, the spectrum sensing stage, collaboration among devices (which requires extra communication), and changes in the transmission parameters increase the total energy consumption of the network. When designing CWSN optimization strategies, the fact that WSN nodes are very limited in terms of memory, computational power, or energy consumption has to be considered. Thus, light strategies that require a low computing capacity must be found. Since the field of energy conservation in WSNs has been widely explored, we assume that new strategies could emerge from the new opportunities presented by cognitive networks. In this PhD Thesis, we present two strategies for energy consumption reduction in CWSNs supported by three main pillars. The first pillar is that cognitive capabilities added to the WSN provide the ability to change the transmission parameters according to the spectrum. The second pillar is that the ability to collaborate is a basic characteristic of CWSNs. Finally, the third pillar for this work is the game theory as a decision-making algorithm, which has been widely used in WSNs due to its lightness and simplicity that make it valid to operate in CWSNs. For the development of these strategies, a complete analysis of the possibilities is first carried out by incorporating the cognitive abilities into the network. Once this analysis has been performed, we expose the hypotheses of this thesis related to the use of cognitive capabilities as a useful tool to reduce energy consumption in CWSNs. Once the analyses are exposed, we present the main contribution of this thesis: the two designed strategies for energy consumption reduction based on game theory and cognitive capabilities. The first one is based on a non-cooperative game played between two players in a simple and selfish way. In the second strategy, the concept of collaboration is introduced. Despite the fact that the game used is also a non-cooperative game, the decisions are taken through collaboration. For each strategy, we present the modeled game, the formal analysis of equilibrium and optimum, and the complete strategy describing the interaction between nodes. In order to test the strategies through simulation and implementation in real devices, we have developed a CWSN framework composed by a CWSN simulator based on Castalia and a testbed based on CWSN nodes able to communicate in three different ISM bands. We present and discuss the results derived by the energy optimization strategies. The first strategy brings energy improvement rates of over 65% compared to WSN without cognitive techniques. It also brings energy improvement rates of over 25% compared with sensing strategies for changing channels based on a decision threshold. We have also seen that the algorithm behaves similarly even with significant variations in the level of noise while working in a uniform noise scenario. The collaborative strategy presents improvements respecting the previous strategy in terms of noise protection when the noise scheme is more complex where this strategy shows improvement rates of over 50%.
Este proyecto de fin de grado pretende demostrar la importancia y la utilidad de la creación de redes de dispositivos móviles conectados entre sí. Para ello se explicarán varios tipos de redes inalámbricas que permiten estas conexiones directas entre dispositivos sin la necesidad de un servidor. En estas redes inalámbricas se destacan las redes P2P y las redes Ad-hoc, las cuales se explicarán posteriormente. El despliegue de estas redes se puede encontrar en un amplio rango de campos como puede ser la agricultura, la medicina e incluso en el ámbito militar. Es objetivo de este proyecto, además, el estudio de la tecnología Wi-Fi Direct creada por la Wi-Fi Alliance. Como se explicará a lo largo del proyecto, Wi-Fi Direct está basado en las redes P2P. Esta tecnología permite a los dispositivos cercanos crear redes P2P a través de la red Wi-Fi sin la necesidad de un punto de acceso a Internet. Por otro lado, una gran cantidad de los dispositivos móviles que existen actualmente poseen el sistema operativo Android. Android ha incorporado en sus dispositivos más recientes la tecnología Wi-Fi Direct. Debido a ello han ido surgiendo aplicaciones que usando esta tecnología consiguen desde enviar ficheros hasta indicar la localización de un usuario. Esta tecnología combinada con este tipo de dispositivos puede ser muy útil para utilizar en casos de emergencia donde las infraestructuras de comunicaciones no estén disponibles ya que al no necesitar un punto de acceso a internet es posible la comunicación entre un usuario en peligro y otro que se encuentre dentro de un radio cercano. Por estos motivos otro de los principales objetivos de este proyecto es la implementación de una aplicación para dispositivos Android que use la tecnología Wi-Fi Direct para realizar varias funcionalidades diferentes, como es el intercambio de ficheros entre dispositivos y la creación de un chat para la comunicación simultanea entre dos dispositivos. Con esto se pretende conocer mejor el funcionamiento de la tecnología Wi-Fi Direct y demostrar su utilidad en los dispositivos móviles como son los dispositivos Android. ABSTRACT. This final degree Project tries to demonstrate the importance and utility of networking mobile devices. For this purpose several types of wireless networks will be explained. These networks allow direct connections between devices. The most prominent Wireless networks are P2P and Ad-hoc which will be explained later. The use of these networks can be found in a wide range of fields such as agriculture medicine, and even in the military sector. Besides, other aim of this project is the study of Wi-Fi Direct Technology which is created by Wi-Fi Alliance. As it explained along the project, Wi-Fi Direct is based on P2P networks. This technology lets nearby devices create P2P networks through Wi-Fi network without an Internet access point. On the other hand, a large number of mobile devices have the Android OS. Android has integrated Wi-Fi Direct technology in its latest devices. Because of this applications have emerged that using this technology they get from sending files to send the user’s location. This technology combined with these devices can be very useful to use in emergencies where communications infrastructures are not available. Since not need an Internet access point, communication between a user in danger and another within close radius is possible. For these reasons another of the main aims of this project is the implementation of an application for Android devices which use Wi-Fi Direct technology to perform several different functionalities, such as file exchange or chat for simultaneous communication between devices. This is intended to better understand the operation of Wi-Fi Direct technology and prove its utility on mobile devices such as Android devices.
Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs), based on commodity hardware, present a promising technology for a wide range of applications due to their self-configuring and self-healing capabilities, as well as their low equipment and deployment costs. One of the key challenges that WMN technology faces is the limited capacity and scalability due to co-channel interference, which is typical for multi-hop wireless networks. A simple and relatively low-cost approach to address this problem is the use of multiple wireless network interfaces (radios) per node. Operating the radios on distinct orthogonal channels permits effective use of the frequency spectrum, thereby, reducing interference and contention. In this paper, we evaluate the performance of the multi-radio Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol with a specific focus on hybrid WMNs. Our simulation results show that under high mobility and traffic load conditions, multi-radio AODV offers superior performance as compared to its single-radio counterpart. We believe that multi-radio AODV is a promising candidate for WMNs, which need to service a large number of mobile clients with low latency and high bandwidth requirements.
Energy consumption in wireless networks, and in particular in cellular mobile networks, is now of major concern in respect of their potential adverse impact upon the environment and their escalating operating energy costs. The recent phenomenal growth of data services in cellular mobile networks has exacerbated the energy consumption issue and is forcing researchers to address how to design future wireless networks that take into account energy consumption constraints. One fundamental approach to reduce energy consumption of wireless networks is to adopt new radio access architectures and radio techniques. The Mobile VCE (MVCE) Green Radio project, established in 2009, is considering such new architectural and technical approaches. This paper reports highlights the key research issues pursued in the MVCE Green Radio project.
The performance of wireless networks is limited by multiple access interference (MAI) in the traditional communication approach where the interfered signals of the concurrent transmissions are treated as noise. In this paper, we treat the interfered signals from a new perspective on the basis of additive electromagnetic (EM) waves and propose a network coding based interference cancelation (NCIC) scheme. In the proposed scheme, adjacent nodes can transmit simultaneously with careful scheduling; therefore, network performance will not be limited by the MAI. Additionally we design a space segmentation method for general wireless ad hoc networks, which organizes network into clusters with regular shapes (e.g., square and hexagon) to reduce the number of relay nodes. The segmentation methodworks with the scheduling scheme and can help achieve better scalability and reduced complexity. We derive accurate analytic models for the probability of connectivity between two adjacent cluster heads which is important for successful information relay. We proved that with the proposed NCIC scheme, the transmission efficiency can be improved by at least 50% for general wireless networks as compared to the traditional interference avoidance schemes. Numeric results also show the space segmentation is feasible and effective. Finally we propose and discuss a method to implement the NCIC scheme in a practical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) communications networks. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Learning user interests from online social networks helps to better understand user behaviors and provides useful guidance to design user-centric applications. Apart from analyzing users' online content, it is also important to consider users' social connections in the social Web. Graph regularization methods have been widely used in various text mining tasks, which can leverage the graph structure information extracted from data. Previously, graph regularization methods operate under the cluster assumption that nearby nodes are more similar and nodes on the same structure (typically referred to as a cluster or a manifold) are likely to be similar. We argue that learning user interests from complex, sparse, and dynamic social networks should be based on the link structure assumption under which node similarities are evaluated based on the local link structures instead of explicit links between two nodes. We propose a regularization framework based on the relation bipartite graph, which can be constructed from any type of relations. Using Twitter as our case study, we evaluate our proposed framework from social networks built from retweet relations. Both quantitative and qualitative experiments show that our proposed method outperforms a few competitive baselines in learning user interests over a set of predefined topics. It also gives superior results compared to the baselines on retweet prediction and topical authority identification. © 2014 ACM.
The tragic events of September 11th ushered a new era of unprecedented challenges. Our nation has to be protected from the alarming threats of adversaries. These threats exploit the nation's critical infrastructures affecting all sectors of the economy. There is the need for pervasive monitoring and decentralized control of the nation's critical infrastructures. The communications needs of monitoring and control of critical infrastructures was traditionally catered for by wired communication systems. These technologies ensured high reliability and bandwidth but are however very expensive, inflexible and do not support mobility and pervasive monitoring. The communication protocols are Ethernet-based that used contention access protocols which results in high unsuccessful transmission and delay. An emerging class of wireless networks, named embedded wireless sensor and actuator networks has potential benefits for real-time monitoring and control of critical infrastructures. The use of embedded wireless networks for monitoring and control of critical infrastructures requires secure, reliable and timely exchange of information among controllers, distributed sensors and actuators. The exchange of information is over shared wireless media. However, wireless media is highly unpredictable due to path loss, shadow fading and ambient noise. Monitoring and control applications have stringent requirements on reliability, delay and security. The primary issue addressed in this dissertation is the impact of wireless media in harsh industrial environment on the reliable and timely delivery of critical data. In the first part of the dissertation, a combined networking and information theoretic approach was adopted to determine the transmit power required to maintain a minimum wireless channel capacity for reliable data transmission. The second part described a channel-aware scheduling scheme that ensured efficient utilization of the wireless link and guaranteed delay. Various analytical evaluations and simulations are used to evaluate and validate the feasibility of the methodologies and demonstrate that the protocols achieved reliable and real-time data delivery in wireless industrial networks.
Global connectivity, for anyone, at anyplace, at anytime, to provide high-speed, high-quality, and reliable communication channels for mobile devices, is now becoming a reality. The credit mainly goes to the recent technological advances in wireless communications comprised of a wide range of technologies, services, and applications to fulfill the particular needs of end-users in different deployment scenarios (Wi-Fi, WiMAX, and 3G/4G cellular systems). In such a heterogeneous wireless environment, one of the key ingredients to provide efficient ubiquitous computing with guaranteed quality and continuity of service is the design of intelligent handoff algorithms. Traditional single-metric handoff decision algorithms, such as Received Signal Strength (RSS) based, are not efficient and intelligent enough to minimize the number of unnecessary handoffs, decision delays, and call-dropping and/or blocking probabilities. This research presented a novel approach for the design and implementation of a multi-criteria vertical handoff algorithm for heterogeneous wireless networks. Several parallel Fuzzy Logic Controllers were utilized in combination with different types of ranking algorithms and metric weighting schemes to implement two major modules: the first module estimated the necessity of handoff, and the other module was developed to select the best network as the target of handoff. Simulations based on different traffic classes, utilizing various types of wireless networks were carried out by implementing a wireless test-bed inspired by the concept of Rudimentary Network Emulator (RUNE). Simulation results indicated that the proposed scheme provided better performance in terms of minimizing the unnecessary handoffs, call dropping, and call blocking and handoff blocking probabilities. When subjected to Conversational traffic and compared against the RSS-based reference algorithm, the proposed scheme, utilizing the FTOPSIS ranking algorithm, was able to reduce the average outage probability of MSs moving with high speeds by 17%, new call blocking probability by 22%, the handoff blocking probability by 16%, and the average handoff rate by 40%. The significant reduction in the resulted handoff rate provides MS with efficient power consumption, and more available battery life. These percentages indicated a higher probability of guaranteed session continuity and quality of the currently utilized service, resulting in higher user satisfaction levels.
The wide adaptation of Internet Protocol (IP) as de facto protocol for most communication networks has established a need for developing IP capable data link layer protocol solutions for Machine to machine (M2M) and Internet of Things (IoT) networks. However, the wireless networks used for M2M and IoT applications usually lack the resources commonly associated with modern wireless communication networks. The existing IP capable data link layer solutions for wireless IoT networks provide the necessary overhead minimising and frame optimising features, but are often built to be compatible only with IPv6 and specific radio platforms. The objective of this thesis is to design IPv4 compatible data link layer for Netcontrol Oy's narrow band half-duplex packet data radio system. Based on extensive literature research, system modelling and solution concept testing, this thesis proposes the usage of tunslip protocol as the basis for the system data link layer protocol development. In addition to the functionality of tunslip, this thesis discusses the additional network, routing, compression, security and collision avoidance changes required to be made to the radio platform in order for it to be IP compatible while still being able to maintain the point-to-multipoint and multi-hop network characteristics. The data link layer design consists of the radio application, dynamic Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) optimisation daemon and the tunslip interface. The proposed design uses tunslip for creating an IP capable data link protocol interface. The radio application receives data from tunslip and compresses the packets and uses the IP addressing information for radio network addressing and routing before forwarding the message to radio network. The dynamic MTU size optimisation daemon controls the tunslip interface maximum MTU size according to the link quality assessment calculated from the radio network diagnostic data received from the radio application. For determining the usability of tunslip as the basis for data link layer protocol, testing of the tunslip interface is conducted with both IEEE 802.15.4 radios and packet data radios. The test cases measure the radio network usability for User Datagram Protocol (UDP) based applications without applying any header or content compression. The test results for the packet data radios reveal that the typical success rate for packet reception through a single-hop link is above 99% with a round-trip-delay of 0.315s for 63B packets.
With the proliferation of new mobile devices and applications, the demand for ubiquitous wireless services has increased dramatically in recent years. The explosive growth in the wireless traffic requires the wireless networks to be scalable so that they can be efficiently extended to meet the wireless communication demands. In a wireless network, the interference power typically grows with the number of devices without necessary coordination among them. On the other hand, large scale coordination is always difficult due to the low-bandwidth and high-latency interfaces between access points (APs) in traditional wireless networks. To address this challenge, cloud radio access network (C-RAN) has been proposed, where a pool of base band units (BBUs) are connected to the distributed remote radio heads (RRHs) via high bandwidth and low latency links (i.e., the front-haul) and are responsible for all the baseband processing. But the insufficient front-haul link capacity may limit the scale of C-RAN and prevent it from fully utilizing the benefits made possible by the centralized baseband processing. As a result, the front-haul link capacity becomes a bottleneck in the scalability of C-RAN. In this dissertation, we explore the scalable C-RAN in the effort of tackling this challenge. In the first aspect of this dissertation, we investigate the scalability issues in the existing wireless networks and propose a novel time-reversal (TR) based scalable wireless network in which the interference power is naturally mitigated by the focusing effects of TR communications without coordination among APs or terminal devices (TDs). Due to this nice feature, it is shown that the system can be easily extended to serve more TDs. Motivated by the nice properties of TR communications in providing scalable wireless networking solutions, in the second aspect of this dissertation, we apply the TR based communications to the C-RAN and discover the TR tunneling effects which alleviate the traffic load in the front-haul links caused by the increment of TDs. We further design waveforming schemes to optimize the downlink and uplink transmissions in the TR based C-RAN, which are shown to improve the downlink and uplink transmission accuracies. Consequently, the traffic load in the front-haul links is further alleviated by the reducing re-transmissions caused by transmission errors. Moreover, inspired by the TR-based C-RAN, we propose the compressive quantization scheme which applies to the uplink of multi-antenna C-RAN so that more antennas can be utilized with the limited front-haul capacity, which provide rich spatial diversity such that the massive TDs can be served more efficiently.
In rural and isolated areas without cellular coverage, Satellite Communication (SatCom) is the best candidate to complement terrestrial coverage. However, the main challenge for future generations of wireless networks will be to meet the growing demand for new services while dealing with the scarcity of frequency spectrum. As a result, it is critical to investigate more efficient methods of utilizing the limited bandwidth; and resource sharing is likely the only choice. The research community’s focus has recently shifted towards the interference management and exploitation paradigm to meet the increasing data traffic demands. In the Downlink (DL) and Feedspace (FS), LEO satellites with an on-board antenna array can offer service to numerous User Terminals (UTs) (VSAT or Handhelds) on-ground in FFR schemes by using cutting-edge digital beamforming techniques. Considering this setup, the adoption of an effective user scheduling approach is a critical aspect given the unusually high density of User terminals on the ground as compared to the on-board available satellite antennas. In this context, one possibility is that of exploiting clustering algorithms for scheduling in LEO MU-MIMO systems in which several users within the same group are simultaneously served by the satellite via Space Division Multiplexing (SDM), and then these different user groups are served in different time slots via Time Division Multiplexing (TDM). This thesis addresses this problem by defining a user scheduling problem as an optimization problem and discusses several algorithms to solve it. In particular, focusing on the FS and user service link (i.e., DL) of a single MB-LEO satellite operating below 6 GHz, the user scheduling problem in the Frequency Division Duplex (FDD) mode is addressed. The proposed State-of-the-Art scheduling approaches are based on graph theory. The proposed solution offers high performance in terms of per-user capacity, Sum-rate capacity, SINR, and Spectral Efficiency.
Synchronization plays an important role in telecommunication systems, integrated circuits, and automation systems. Formerly, the masterslave synchronization strategy was used in the great majority of cases due to its reliability and simplicity. Recently, with the wireless networks development, and with the increase of the operation frequency of integrated circuits, the decentralized clock distribution strategies are gaining importance. Consequently, fully connected clock distribution systems with nodes composed of phase-locked loops (PLLs) appear as a convenient engineering solution. In this work, the stability of the synchronous state of these networks is studied in two relevant situations: when the node filters are first-order lag-lead low-pass or when the node filters are second-order low-pass. For first-order filters, the synchronous state of the network shows to be stable for any number of nodes. For second-order filter, there is a superior limit for the number of nodes, depending on the PLL parameters. Copyright (C) 2009 Atila Madureira Bueno et al.