964 resultados para white spot syndrome virus


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We perceive a stable visual world even though saccades often move our retinas. One way the brain may achieve a stable visual percept is through predictive remapping of visual receptive fields: just before a saccade, the receptive field of many neurons moves from its current location ("current receptive field") to the location it is expected to occupy after the saccade ("future receptive field"). Goldberg and colleagues found such remapping in cortical areas, e.g. in the frontal eye field (FEF), as well as in the intermediate layers of the superior colliculus (SC). In the present study we investigated the source of the SC's remapped visual signals. Do some of them come from the FEF? We identified FEF neurons that project to the SC using antidromic stimulation. For neurons with a visual response, we tested whether the receptive field shifted just prior to making a saccade. Saccadic amplitudes were chosen to be as small as possible while clearly separating the current and future receptive fields; they ranged from 5-30 deg. in amplitude and were directed contraversively. The saccadic target was a small red spot. We probed visual responsiveness at the current and future receptive field locations using a white spot flashed at various times before or after the saccade. Predictive remapping was indicated by a visual response to a probe flashed in the future receptive field just before the saccade began. We found that many FEF neurons projecting to the SC exhibited predictive remapping. Moreover, the remapping was as fast and strong as any previously reported for FEF or SC. It is clear, therefore, that remapped visual signals are sent from FEF to SC, providing direct evidence that the FEF is one source of the SC's remapped visual signals. Because remapping requires information about an imminent saccade, we hypothesize that remapping in FEF depends on corollary discharge signals such as those ascending from the SC through MD thalamus (Sommer and Wurtz 2002).


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Nidoviruses (arteriviruses, coronaviruses, and roniviruses) are a phylogenetically compact but diverse group of positive-strand RNA viruses that includes important human and animal pathogens. Nidovirus RNA synthesis is mediated by a cytoplasmic membrane-associated replication/transcription complex that includes up to 16 viral nonstructural proteins (nsps), which carry common enzymatic activities, like the viral RNA polymerase, but also unusual and poorly understood RNA-processing functions. Of these, a conserved endoribonuclease (NendoU) is a major genetic marker that is unique to nidoviruses. NendoU activity was previously verified in vitro for the coronavirus nsp15, but not for any of its distantly related orthologs from other nidovirus lineages, like the arterivirus nsp11. Here, we show that the bacterially expressed nsp11 proteins of two arteriviruses, equine arteritis virus and porcine respiratory and reproductive syndrome virus, possess pyrimidine-specific endoribonuclease activity. RNA cleavage was independent of divalent cations in vitro and was greatly reduced by replacement of residues previously implicated in catalysis. Comparative characterization of the NendoU activity in arteriviruses and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus revealed common and distinct features of their substrate requirements and reaction mechanism. Our data provide the first biochemical evidence of endoribonuclease activity associated with arterivirus nsp11 and support the conclusion that this remarkable RNA-processing enzyme, whose substrate in the infected cell remains to be identified, distinguishes nidoviruses from all other RNA viruses.


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Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) nucleic acid and/or antigens are consistently observed in cells of monocytic morphology in lesions of pigs affected by post-weaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS). In this study, PCV2 antigen was detected in the cytoplasm of monocytes, pulmonary macrophages (PMs) and monocyte-derived macrophages exposed to the virus in vitro, by immunofluorescence analysis (IFA) and the phenotype of these cells confirmed by detection of monocytic cell surface markers using flow cytometry. Viral antigen was not observed in lymphocytic cells. Replication of the virus in PMs was investigated further by comparison to that observed in the continuous pig kidney cell line (PK15A) using quantitative virus titration, quantitative PCR and by the detection of double stranded DNA intermediates of viral replication by Southern blotting analyses. Although increases in viral DNA and levels of infectious virus progeny and the presence of replicative intermediates, indicative of viral replication, were observed in PK15A cells, no such changes were observed in PMs in spite of the fact that infectious virus, viral antigen and viral DNA persisted in the cells for at least the duration of the experiment. These results suggest that in vivo, monocytic cells may not represent the primary target for PCV2 replication. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae est l’agent causal de la pneumonie enzootique. On le retrouve dans plusieurs élevages de porcs à travers le monde. Même si ce micro-organisme est présent dans plusieurs troupeaux canadiens, peu d’informations sont présentement disponibles sur les isolats québécois. Un total de 160 poumons de porcs possédant des lésions de pneumonie ont été récupérés à l’abattoir, mis en culture et testés par PCR pour M. hyopneumoniae et Mycoplasma hyorhinis. D’autres pathogènes bactériens communs du porc et les virus du syndrome reproducteur et respiratoire porcin (VSRRP), de l’influenza et le circovirus porcin de type 2 (CVP2) ont été également testés. Quatre-vingt-dix pourcent des échantillons étaient positifs pour M. hyopneumoniae et 5.6% l’étaient seulement pour M. hyorhinis. Dans ces échantillons positifs pour M. hyopneumoniae, la concentration de ce mycoplasme variait de 1.17 x 105 à 3.37 x 109 génomes/mL. Vingt-cinq poumons positifs en culture ou par PCR en temps réel pour M. hyopneumoniae ont été sélectionnés, parmi ceux-ci 10 étaient en coinfection avec Pasteurella multocida, 12 avec Streptococcus suis, 9 avec CVP2 et 2 avec le VSRRP. Les analyses des nombres variables de répétitions en tandem à de multiples loci (MLVA) et PCR-polymorphisme de longueur de fragments de restriction (PCR-RFLP) de M. hyopneumoniae ont démontré une forte diversité des isolats de terrain. Par contre, il semble y avoir plus d’homogénéité à l’intérieur d’un même élevage. L’analyse MLVA a également démontré que près de la moitié des isolats possédaient moins de 55% d’homologie avec les souches vaccinales et de référence utilisées dans la présente étude. L’absence d’amplification du locus 1 de M. hyopneumoniae en MLVA a été significativement associée à une baisse de la concentration de bactérie et de la sévérité des lésions. Pour tous les isolats de M. hyopneumoniae, des concentrations minimales inhibitrices (CMI) de faibles à intermédiaires ont été obtenues envers tous les antimicrobiens testés. Les isolats possédant des CMI intermédiaires envers les tétracyclines, les macrolides et les lincosamides ont été testés pour la présence des gènes de résistance tetM, ermB et pour des mutations ponctuelles dans les gènes des protéines L4, L22 et de l’ARNr 23S. Aucun de ces gènes n’a été détecté mais la mutation ponctuelle G2057A a été identifiée. Cette mutation est responsable de la résistance intrinsèque de M. hyopneumoniae face aux macrolides à 14 carbones. Ces résultats indiquent qu’il ne semble pas y avoir de résistance acquise aux antimicrobiens parmi ces isolats. En conclusion, cette recherche a permis d’obtenir de nouvelles données scientifiques sur les isolats québécois de M. hyopneumoniae.


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Since late 2004, the swine industry in the province of Quebec has experienced a significant increase in death rate related to postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS). To explain this phenomenon, 2 hypotheses were formulated: 1) the presence of a 2nd pathogen could be exacerbating the porcine circovirus 2 (PCV-2) infection, or 2) a new and more virulent PCV-2 strain could be infecting swine. In 2005, 13 PMWS cases were submitted to the Quebec provincial diagnostic laboratory and PCV-2 was the only virus that could be found consistently by PCR in all 13 samples. The PCR detection results obtained for other viruses revealed the following: 61.5% were positive for porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus, 30.8% for swine influenza virus, 15.4% for porcine parvovirus, 69.2% for swine torque teno virus (swTTV), 38.5% for swine hepatitis E virus (swHEV) and 84.6% for Mycoplasma hyorhinis; transmissible gastroenteritis virus and porcine respiratory coronavirus (TGEV/PRCV) was not detected. Sequences of the entire genome revealed that these PCV-2 strains belonged to a genotype (named PCV-2b) that has never been reported in Canada. Further sequence analyses on 83 other Canadian PCV-2 positive cases submitted to the provincial diagnostic laboratory during years 2005 and 2006 showed that 79.5% of the viral sequences obtained clustered in the PCV-2b genotype. The appearance of the PCV-2b genotype in Canada may explain the death rate increase related to PMWS, but this relationship has to be confirmed.


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By the end of 2004, the Canadian swine population had experienced a severe 2 increase in the incidence of Porcine circovirus-associated disease (PCVAD), a problem that was 3 associated with the emergence of a new Porcine circovirus-2 genotype (PCV-2b), previously 4 unrecovered in North America. Thus it became important to develop a diagnostic tool that could 5 differentiate between the old and new circulating genotypes (PCV-2a and -2b, respectively). 6 Consequently, a multiplex real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (mrtqPCR) assay that 7 could sensitively and specifically identify and differentiate PCV-2 genotypes was developed. A 8 retrospective epidemiological survey that used the mrtqPCR assay was performed to determine if 9 cofactors could affect the risk of PCVAD. From 121 PCV-2–positive cases gathered for this 10 study, 4.13%, 92.56% and 3.31% were positive for PCV-2a, PCV-2b, and both genotypes, 11 respectively. In a data analysis using univariate logistic regressions, PCVAD compatible 12 (PCVAD/c) score was significantly associated with the presence of Porcine reproductive and 13 respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV), PRRSV viral load, PCV-2 viral load, and PCV-2 14 immunohistochemistry (IHC) results. Polytomous logistic regression analysis revealed that 15 PCVAD/c score was affected by PCV-2 viral load (P = 0.0161) and IHC (P = 0.0128), but not by 16 the PRRSV variables (P > 0.9); suggesting that mrtqPCR in tissue is a reliable alternative to IHC. 17 Logistic regression analyses revealed that PCV-2 increased the odds ratio of isolating 2 major 18 swine pathogens of the respiratory tract, Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae and Streptococcus 19 suis serotypes 1/2, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7, which are serotypes commonly associated with clinical 20 diseases.


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This thesis Entitled Haematological responses of penaeus monodon to environmental alterations and pathogenic invasion. Thesis concluded from the present study that stress is accompanied by alterations in haemolymph metabolic variables and immune responses that influences the susceptibility of P. monodon to infection. Acute salinity variations were proved to be a stress condition that enhances the susceptibility of P. monodon to V. harveyi and WSSV infection. Ambient Cu at 0.1 mg 1" and ambient Zn at 1.0 mg 1" proved immunostimulatory in increasing the immunocompetence of P. monodon to WSSV infection and higher concentrations of Cu and Zn proved immunosuppressive. Haemolymph total protein, total carbohydrates and total lipids showed the highest relation with immune responses. THC, PO, ACP and ALP that greatly correlated with the survival rate proposed as reliable biomarkers of health in P. monodon. The study highlights the need for proper management practices and regular health monitoring to be adopted to avoid mass mortality in shrimp culture ponds.


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The objective of this clinical study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the toothbrushing with and without fluoride and the daily fluoride rinse (NaF 0.05%) on produced white spot, in vivo. This was a clinical study, controlled, randomized and triple blind. Thirty patients were selected for orthodontics reasons from Orthodontics Specialization Course at the Brazilian Dental Association - Section of Rio Grande do Norte. In this study it was used 4 bicuspid upper and lower. They had orthodontic reason for extractions, in 35 days, at least. The sample had one hundred and twenty teeth that received orthodontic bands. The bands were fixed with polycarboxylate cement, and there was a space standardized between bands and one surface of teeth. The four bicuspid of each patients were randomized and nominated as A, B, C and D. These nominations determinated the sequence of the extractions and what was done in each tooth. All the patients had been submitted to the toothbrushing with or without fluoride for 35 days. After this period, the A tooth of each patient was extracted to serve as control. The others teeth (B, C and D) were extracted one by each week. The entire sample was analyzed through the clinical examination and by laser fluorescence (DIAGNOdent®) in three different times: before orthodontic bands, 28 days after fixed and then removed the bands and, the last one, 07 days after one of the three treatments (toothbrushing with or without fluoride, tooth paste with fluoride and mouth rinse with fluoride). At the beginning all groups (A, B, C and D) had the same conditions, no significant difference was found. The same situation was found in a clinical examination. The results of the DIAGNOdent® for the groups that used tooth paste without fluoride, with fluoride and mouth rinse with fluoride, after 28 days, there was no significant difference. Clinically, the white spot was formed in all teeth after 28 days. When it was compared the three treated groups, the group without fluoride in tooth paste had worst result than the others groups. But there was no significant association between the number of active and inactive white spots and the type of treatment that the teeth had received. The demineralization of the enamel surface, under the orthodontic bands, it happened in a few weeks. The exposition of the white spots in oral environmental resulted in an improvement, but it was not enough to return to the values from the base line, either for the toothbrushing and/or the use of fluorite mouth rinse. Mouth rinse and toothpaste with fluoride have showed to reduce the incidence of demineralization in the enamel, but none seems to be superior to another one in an in vivo study


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Enamel white spot subsurface lesions compromise esthetics and precede cavitation; therefore, they must be halted. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of a caries infiltration technique and fluoride therapy on the microhardness of enamel carious lesions. Subsurface carious lesions were produced in 60 bovine specimens with polished enamel surfaces. The specimens were divided into four groups (n=15), according to the treatment used: CON, control immersion in artificial saliva; DF, daily 0.05% fluoride solution; WF, weekly 2% fluoride gel; and IC, resin infiltration (Icon). The specimens were kept in artificial saliva and evaluated for microhardness at five points: baseline, after caries production, after four and eight weeks of treatment, and a final evaluation after being submitted to a new acid challenge. The repeated-measures analysis of variance showed significant differences according to the type of treatment (TREAT; p=0.001) and time of evaluation (EV; p=0.001). The results of the Tukey test were TREAT: CON = 45.18 (+/- 29.17)a, DF = 107.75 (+/- 67.38)b, WF = 83.25 (+/- 51.17)c, and IC = 160.83 (+/- 91.11)d. Analysis of correlation between the TREAT and EV factors showed no significant differences for DF (138.63 +/- 38.94) and IC (160.99 +/- 46.13) after the new acid challenge. The microhardness results in decreasing order after eight weeks were IC > DF > WF > CON. It was concluded that the microhardness of carious lesions increased with the infiltration of resin, while the final microhardness after a new acid challenge was similar for DF and IC.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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No presente estudo, foram obtidos dados a partir de pesquisa realizada nas dependências do Parque Zoobotânico do Museu Paraense Emí1io Goeldi durante os anos de 1992 a 1997 que tiveram como objetivo o estudo da biologia reprodutiva e do crescimento do muçuã em cativeiro. Foram verificadas as relações biométricas e o dimorfismo sexual entre machos e fêmeas adultas, o tipo de reprodução, o número de ovos por postura, o período de incubação e o percentual de eclosão, a relação entre a biometria dos ovos e dos filhotes ao nascer, a relação entre o tamanho da fêmea e seus ovos e filhotes, o crescimento biométrico e ponderal da espécie, a idade em que ocorre o dimorfismo sexual nos filhotes e a idade da primeira postura. Foram utilizados animais adultos do plantei do Parque e um grupo composto por 70 recém-nascidos. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que os machos adultos (n= 75) possuíam a cauda longa e a cabeça pigmentada de negro e apresentaram em média 314,05 g de peso, 14,79 em de comprimento de carapaça, 9,79 cm de largura de carapaça, 12,3 cm de comprimento de plastrão, 7,46 cm de largura de plastrão e 4,5 cm de altura. As fêmeas adultas (n= 176) tinham a cauda curta e a cabeça amarela, apresentaram em média 430,08 g de peso, 15,26 cm de comprimento de carapaça, 11,31 cm de largura de carapaça, 13,35 cm de comprimento de plastrão, 8,01 cm de largura de plastrão e 5,51 cm de altura, para todas as variáveis estudadas houve diferenças significativas, sendo as fêmeas adultas maiores que os machos adultos. O período de acasalamento abrangeu os meses de abril a agosto, caracterizando uma reprodução sazonal. A nidificação ocorreu entre os meses de maio a setembro e dividiu-se nas fases de deambulação, abertura da cova, postura dos ovos, fechamento da cova e abandono do ninho. Não houve variação no número de ovos entre posturas de fêmeas jovens e adultas. Em média a postura de fêmeas adultas foi de 2,45 ovos com variação de 01 a 07 ovos, e de 2,7 ovos para fêmeas jovens, com variação de 02 a 07 ovos por postura. Porém, as fêmeas adultas realizaram posturas de ovos com maior peso, comprimento e largura do que as de fêmeas jovens. Os ovos tinham o formato alongado, de cor rosa com uma mancha branca no centro, e a casca era dura e lisa (n=701). Em média, apresentaram 9,6 g de peso, 3,8 cm de comprimento e 2,0 cm de largura. O período de incubação foi em média de 136 dias, com variação de 111 a 164 (n= 426) com média de eclosão de 86,61 %. O peso, a largura da carapaça e a largura do plastrão da fêmea foram determinantes do peso e largura do ovo, assim como o peso e a largura do ovo foram determinantes do peso, comprimento de carapaça e plastrão e largura do plastrão do recém-nascido. Os filhotes (n= 887) nasceram com peso médio de 6,5 g, 3,1 cm de comprimento da carapaça, 2,2 cm de largura da carapaça, 2,7 cm de comprimento do plastrão, 1,8 cm de largura do plastrão e 1,6 cm de altura da carapaça. O peso, largura da carapaça, o comprimento do plastrão, largura do plastrão e a altura do casco da fêmea foram determinantes do peso, da largura da carapaça e da altura do casco do recém-nascido. Aos 22,49 meses de idade apareceram os primeiros sinais de dimorfismo sexual A espécie apresentou uma correlação positiva entre o peso vivo com as mensurações biométricas de comprimento, largura e altura até os 37,95 meses de idade, após esta idade o peso vivo continuou aumentando enquanto que a taxa de aumento no comprimento foi bem mais suave. Aos 37,94 meses o desvio padrão do peso vivo foi o maior observado em todas as idades, provavelmente como resultado do dimorfismo sexual já presente nesta idade. Nessa idade foi observada a Ia postura do grupo que apresentava em média 11,84 cm de comprimento de carapaça. Aos 47,02 meses o grupo apresentou em média 410,9 g de peso e 14,15 cm de comprimento de carapaça, valores semelhantes aos encontrados nos animais adultos estudados.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Odontológicas - FOAR


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)