967 resultados para wheat growers
The use of herbicides, even in tolerant crops, can cause stress evidenced by increase phytotoxicity affecting growth and development. The objectives of this study were to evaluate herbicides effect from different mechanisms of action in photosynthetic and oxidative stress parameters, as well visual phytotoxicity and wild radish control in wheat crop, cultivar Quartzo. Two trials were conducted where the first one evaluated the photosynthetic parameters on wheat plants in two seasons collection, following the application of herbicides bentazon, clodinafop, iodosulfuron, metribuzin, metsulfuron and 2,4-D; and the second one evaluated wild radish (Raphanus sativus) control, wheat phytotoxicity and yield due to bentazon, iodosulfuron, metribuzin, metsulfuron and 2,4-D herbicides application. Photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance and transpiration were negatively affected by metribuzin, metsulfuron and 2,4-D herbicides at 24 and 120 HAS (hours after spraying) compared to control. Oxidative stress was similar or lower to control, when herbicide was applied and, in general, there was no difference between application times. Lipid peroxidation, catalase activity and phenols were higher in the first collection time. The application of herbicides iodosulfuron and 2,4-D reduces chlorophylls and carotenoids in wheat. Herbicides bentazon, iodosulfuron, metribuzin, metsulfuron and 2,4-D are selective to wheat, cultivar Quartzo and do not affect wheat yield. 2,4-D, metribuzin and iodosulfuron are more efficient for wild radish control.
Phytotoxic effects of invasive weed Parthenium hysterophorus were studied by using whole plant, leaf and root aqueous extracts at 0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5 and 10% (w/v) concentrations against germination and early seedling growth of wheat and canola. Studies were carried out both in Petri plates with filter paper as substratum placed in controlled conditions and soil-filled plastic pots placed in open environments. Pronounced variation was noted for phytotoxic activity of different plant parts of parthenium, aqueous extract concentrations, test species, and bioassay techniques. Aqueous parthenium extracts either inhibited or delayed the germination and suppressed seedling growth of test species over control. For both test species, all the germination attributes were suppressed to a greater extent in Petri plates than in plastic pots. Leaf extracts were more suppressive to germination of test species than whole plant and root extracts. Increasing extract concentration beyond 2.5% caused significant reduction in seedling dry biomass of both test species. Aqueous parthenium extract diminished chlorophyll contents of wheat and canola by 32-63% and 29 69%, respectively. Nevertheless, an increase of 9-172% and 22-60% in phenolic contents of wheat and canola was recorded. Canola appeared to be more susceptible than wheat at all extract concentrations. Present study concluded that bioassays conducted under controlled condition using filter paper as substratum may be misleading due to over estimation of allelopathic response and variation in potential of receiver and donor species. Furthermore, it implies that threshold concentrations of allelochemicals for test species in Petri plates are rarely reached under field conditions.
Emex australis and E. spinosa are significant weed species in wheat and other crops. Information on the extent of competition of the Emex species will be helpful to access yield losses in wheat. Field experiments were conducted to quantify the interference of tested weed densities each as single or mixture of both at 1:1 on their growth and yield, wheat yield components and wheat grain yield losses in two consecutive years. Dry weight of both weed species increased from 3-6 g m-2 with every additional plant of weed, whereas seed number and weight per plant decreased with increasing density of either weed. Both weed species caused considerable decrease in yield components like spike bearing tillers, number of grains per spike, 1000-grain weight of wheat with increasing density population of the weeds. Based on non-linear hyperbolic regression model equation, maximum yield loss at asymptotic weed density was estimated to be 44 and 62% with E. australis, 56 and 70% with E. spinosa and 63 and 72% with mixture of both species at 1:1 during both year of study, respectively. It was concluded that E. spinosa has more competition effects on wheat crop as compared to E. australis.
In order to determine the in vitro behavior of Brazilian triticale, 16 triticale genotypes, and three wheat genotypes used as checks, were sown in June 1994. The explants used were immature embryos. In addition to the genotype tests, two culture media for callus induction were also evaluated, i.e., MS (Murashige and Skoog, Physiol. Plant. 15: 473-497, 1962) medium containing 2.0 mg 2,4D/l, and MS medium containing 4.0 mg 2,4D/l. The plant regeneration protocol used was the one employed at the Laboratório de Cultura de Tecidos, Departamento de Plantas de Lavoura, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, for wheat. Differences in plant regeneration were observed both among triticale and wheat genotypes, with triticale usually showing better regeneration than wheat. No differences were observed between the callus induction media.
We examined the chromosome set of the aphid species Sitobion avenae, Schizaphis graminum and Methopolophium dirhodum by means of conventional staining and C, NOR, AluI and HaeIII banding methods. These species are considered important pests to several plants of economic interest in Brazil. No variation was observed in the number of chromosomes of S. avenae, whereas there was intraspecific variation in the other two species. Interspecific differences in the response to the banding treatments were observed. Whereas these techniques allowed the identification of several S. graminum chromosome pairs, only the AluI treatment was capable of inducing differential staining in the M. dirhodum chromosomes and no clear patterns emerged when the S. avenae preparations were treated
This article discusses, from the standpoint of cellular biology, the deterministic and indeterministic androgenesis theories. The role of the vacuole and of various types of stresses on deviation of the microspore from normal development and the point where androgenetic competence is acquired are examined. Based on extensive literature review and data on wheat studies from our laboratory, a model for androgenetic capacity of pollen grain is proposed. A two point deterministic model for in vitro androgenesis is our proposal for acquisition of androgenetic potential of the pollen grain: the first switch point would be early meiosis and the second switch point the uninucleate pollen stage, because the elimination of cytoplasmatic sporophytic determinants takes place at those two strategic moments. Any abnormality in this process allowing the maintenance of sporophytic informational molecules results in the absence of establishment of a gametophytic program, allowing the reactivation of the embryogenic process
Six wheat genotypes and their F1 and F2 generations were exposed to the action of Helminthosporium sativum culture filtrates to examine the genetics of hexaploid wheat resistance. The objective was to improve the efficiency of breeding programs by identifying the action and number of genes involved in the resistance. The varied response of the tested genotypes to the culture filtrates allowed division of the genotypes into four groups: resistant, moderately resistant, moderately susceptible and susceptible. This variability was detected in the progeny, suggesting that the parents have distinct genetic constitutions. Additive gene action predominated and genetic gain was shown to be possible through selection. The genetic control of the resistance trait seems to be complex because of the presence of gene interaction and the difficulty of eliminating the environmental effects. The inheritance seems to be oligogenic
Bread-making quality is one of the most important targets in the genetic improvement of wheat. Although extensive analyses of quality traits such as farinography, sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) sedimentation, alveography, and baking are made in breeding programs, these analyses require high amounts of seeds which are obtained only in late generations. In this experiment the statistical correlations between the high molecular weight subunit of glutenin and bread-making quality measured by alveograph, farinograph and SDS sedimentation were evaluated. Seventeen wheat genotypes were grown under the same conditions, each producing about 1 kg of seeds for the evaluations. The high molecular weight (HMW) glutenin subunits were analyzed by SDS-PAGE. Statistical correlations were highly significant between HMW glutenin subunits and alveograph and SDS sedimentation. These results indicate the possibility of manipulating major genes for wheat seed quality by coupling traditional breeding with non-destructive single seed analysis. Only half seed is necessary to perform the SDS-PAGE analysis. Therefore, the other half seed can be planted to generate the progeny. Seed yield and SDS sedimentation were statistically correlated, indicating the possibility of simultaneous selection for both traits
The effect of diets enriched with oat or wheat bran (prepared by the addition of 300 g of each fiber to 1000 g of the regular diet), given for 8 weeks, on the mucosal height of the colon and cecum was investigated. Newly weaned (21 days old) and aged (12 months old) male Wistar rats were used in this study. As compared to controls, diets enriched with wheat bran provoked a significant increase in the mucosal height, whereas oat bran did not cause any effect. In newly weaned rats (21 days old), wheat bran increased the mucosal height (µm) in the cecum by 20% (mean ± SEM for 8 rats; 169.1 ± 5.2 and 202.9 ± 8.0 for control and wheat bran, respectively) and in the colon (218.8 ± 7.2 and 264.5 ± 18.8 for control and wheat bran, respectively). A similar effect was observed in aged rats (12 months old), with an increase of 15% in the mucosal height (µm) of the cecum (mean ± SEM of 8 rats; 193.2 ± 8.6 and 223.7 ± 8.3 for control and wheat bran, respectively) and of 17% in the colon (300.4 ± 9.2 and 352.2 ± 15.9 for control and wheat bran, respectively)
Edible films based on gluten from four types of Brazilian wheat gluten (2 "semi-hard" and 2 "soft") were prepared and mechanical and barrier properties were compared with those of wheat gluten films with vital gluten. Water vapor, oxygen permeability, tensile strength and percent elongation at break, solubility in water and surface morphology were measured. The films from "semi-hard" wheat flours showed similar water vapor permeability and solubility in water to films from vital gluten and better tensile strength than the films from "soft" and vital gluten. The films from vital gluten had higher elongation at break and oxygen permeability and also lower solubility in water than the films from the Brazilian wheat "soft" flours. In spite of the vital gluten showed greater mechanical resistance, desirable for the bakery products, for the purpose of developing gluten films Brazilian "semi-hard" wheat flours can be used instead of vital gluten, since they showed similar barrier and mechanical properties.
Effect of wheat flour protein variations on sensory attributes, texture and staling of Taftoon bread
The quality of flat breads depends in part on the textural properties of breads during storage. These properties are largely affected by flour protein quality and quantity. The present study aimed to examine differences between sensory properties, textural and staling of Tandoori breads made from flours of different quality and different quantities of protein. This was implemented by using three flours with 9.4, 11.5 and 13.5% protein contents and different protein qualities shown by Zeleney sedimentation volume 16.25, 22.75 and 23.25 mL respectively. Bread strips were submitted to uniaxial compression between two parallel plates on an Instron Universal Testing machine, and firmness of the breads was determined. Results indicated the differences in the sensory attributes of breads produced by flours of different protein content and quality, demonstrating that high protein high quality flours are not able to sheet and expand under the high temperature - short time conditions employed in Taftoon bread production and are therefore not suitable for this kind of bread. Results showed that flour with 11.5% protein content, produced bread with better sensory characteristics and acceptable storage time.
Functional and technological properties of wheat depend on its chemical composition, which together with structural and microscopic characteristics, define flour quality. The aim of the present study was to characterize four Brazilian wheat cultivars (BRS Louro, BRS Timbauva, BRS Guamirim and BRS Pardela) and their respective flours in order to indicate specific technological applications. Kernels were analyzed for test weight, thousand kernel weight, hardness, moisture, and water activity. Flours were analyzed for water activity, color, centesimal composition, total dietary fiber, amylose content and identification of high molecular weight glutenins. The rheological properties of the flours were estimated by farinography, extensography, falling number, rapid visco amylography, and glutomatic and glutork equipment. Baking tests and scanning electron microscopy were also performed. The data were subjected to analysis of variance and principal component analysis. BRS Timbauva and BRS Guamirim presented results that did not allow for specific technological application. On the other hand, BRS Louro presented suitable characteristics for the elaboration of products with low dough strength such as cakes, pies and biscuits, while BRS Pardela seemed suitable for bread and pasta products.
The detection of mycotoxigenic fungi in foodstuff is important because their presence may indicate the possible associated mycotoxin contamination. Fusarium graminearum is a wheat pathogen and a producer of micotoxins. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has been employed for the specific identification of F. graminearum. However, this methodology has not been commonly used for detection of F. graminearum in food. Thus, the objective of the present study was to develop a molecular methodology to detect F. graminearum in commercial samples of bulgur wheat. Two methods were tested. In the first method, a sample of this cereal was contaminated with F. graminearum mycelia. The genomic DNA was extracted from this mixture and used in a F. graminearum specific PCR reaction. The F. graminearum species was detected only in samples that were heavily contaminated. In the second method, samples of bulgur wheat were inoculated on a solid medium, and isolates having F. graminearum culture characteristics were obtained. The DNA extracted from these isolates was tested in F. graminearum specific PCR reactions. An isolate obtained had its trichothecene genotype identified by PCR. The established methodology could be used in surveys of food contamination with F. graminearum.
The aim of this study was to verify the influence of the addition of the enzyme xylanase (four concentrations: 0, 4, 8, and 12 g.100 kg-1 flour) on the characteristics of loaf bread made with white wheat flour or whole grain wheat flour. Breads made from white flour and added with xylanase had higher specific volumes than those of the control sample (no enzyme); however, the specific volume did not differ significantly (p < 0.05) among the breads with different enzyme concentrations. All formulations made from whole grain wheat flour and added with xylanase also had specific volumes significantly higher than those of the control sample, and the highest value was found for the 8 g xylanase.100 kg-1 flour formulation. With respect to moisture content, the formulations with different enzyme concentrations showed small significant differences when compared to the control samples. In general, breads made with the addition of 8 g enzyme.100 kg-1 flour had the lowest firmness values, thus presenting the best technological characteristics.
The effect of Brea Gum (BG) addition on a basic bread formulation is described. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of BG on the characteristics of wheat bread in terms of changes in moisture, texture, retrogradation of amylopectin, and microstructure. Bread quality was assessed by the physical parameters (volume, specific volume index, width/height ratio, crumb moisture, color, and hardness) and crumb grain structure (total cell number, total cell area, average size of cells, and number of cells per unit area). The effect of BG on the characteristics of the crumb during 24, 48, and 72 hours of storage was determined according to changes in moisture, hardness, and amylopectin retrogradation. Furthermore, the microstructure of the crumb was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results show the ability of BG to retain moisture in the bread crumb, which was expressed by the lower hardness of the bread crumbs with the addition of the hydrocolloid at 48 and 72 hours of storage. This effect was also evident in the microstructure.