969 resultados para western Atlantic
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Stenocionops furcatus is a spider crab found in the western Atlantic, from Georgia, USA to Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, on sand, coral, rocks or mud bottoms from the intertidal zone to 180 m. We describe all laboratory-reared larval stages of S. furcatus obtained from the northern coast of São Paulo State, Brazil, and compare our data with existing larval descriptions for the genus and other mithracids. The larval development of S. furcatus consists of two zoeal stages and one megalopa. The durations of the first and second zoeal stage were similar to4 and 5 days respectively, the megalopa appearing 10-18 days after hatching. Our results show that the zoeae of S. furcatus differ from those of other Mithracidae by possessing four setae on the proximal lobe of the coxal endite of the maxilla, instead of five, and by the presence of mid-dorsal setae on the third abdominal somite in the second zoeal stage, which are lacking in other mithracids. Larval descriptions for Stenocionops in two previous publications were attributed to the subspecies S. furcatus coelatus from the Caribbean. Larvae from Brazilian waters closely resemble one of these accounts, suggesting that this taxon extends beyond the West Indies and that the other description represents larvae of S. furcatus furcatus. Additional morphological details, not available previously, are provided.
Petrochirus diogenes, one of the largest hermit crabs in the western Atlantic, was studied in the north coast of the State of São Paulo, Brazil, to determine its breeding season through the analysis of gonad development at a macroscopic level. The analysis of 999 crabs collected from 1995 to 1999, based on four categories of gonad development, showed that males present gonads in the advanced stage during all seasons, and although females present developed ovaries all year as well, the peak incidence is in the summer. The peak of recruitment occurs in the winter.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Gobies of the genus Elacatinus are regarded as the most specialised cleaner fishes in the western tropical Atlantic, yet there are no studies on these cleaners in the southern portion of West Atlantic. We studied the diversity of clients and the daily cleaning activity of the barber goby, Elacatinus figaro, on rocky reefs in southeastern Brazil (23-24 degrees S). A total of 34 fish client species in 16 families were recorded over 484 cleaning events. The most frequent clients were damselfishes, Pomacentridae (37.9% of cleaning events) and grunts, Haemulidae (16.9%). Planktivores were the most frequently attended trophic category, and two species in that category accounted for about a half (44%) of the total cleaning events. Size of clients ranged 4.5-55 cm and most individuals were medium-sized (12-30 cm); as the barber goby ranged 2-4.5 cm, clients were 1.5 to 15 times larger than the cleaner was. Cleaning activity started at dawn and ended shortly before nightfall, the highest frequency of interactions occurring at early morning (nocturnal clients) and mid-afternoon (diurnal clients). By midday the frequency of cleaning events decreased and their duration increased. A total of 109 +/- 3 cleaning events and 30 +/- 1 min of cleaning activity were estimated per cleaning station per day, both figures low when compared to those recorded for cleaner fishes in tropical areas of the western Atlantic and Indo-Pacific.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Benthobatis kreffti n. sp. is described as the third species of this genus of blind deep-water electric rays, based on 150 specimens taken from the continental slope off South Brazil. The new species is the smallest within the genus (TL less than 300 mm) and is compared with both congeners, B. marcida from the north-western Atlantic and B. moresbyi from the northern Indian Ocean. B. kreffti is characterised beyond its small size mainly by plain dark colouration dorsally and a white underside, with dark margins of disc and pelvics, as well as by totally degenerated eyes almost no longer visible externally. The new species is diagnosed further by very low tooth counts of 9 to 13 rows and lack of folds, keels or ridges on sides of tail.
Although the Brazilian sharpnose shark, Rhizoprionodon lalandii (Muller and Henle, 1839), is an inshore species widely distributed in the Western Atlantic from Panama to Uruguay, there is little available information on its biology. During a long-term study of small coastal sharks caught by gill net fisheries in southeastern Brazil (PROJETO CACAO), 3643 specimens of R. lalandii were examined, comprising 61.3% of the total sharks,and including all sizes classes, from 30 to 78,5 cm TL., and weights from 100 to 2950 g. The length-weight relationships were not significantly different between sexes, Overall sex ratio favoured the males slightly at the rate of 1.3: 1. Sex ratios, however, did differ significantly between season and size classes. This species occurred in this area all year long. Three seasonal size-class Occurrence patterns were recognized: (1) between October and March, the juveniles were more frequents (2) from April to July, adults were most common, and (3) from August to September, neonates were most numerically abundant. Such patterns we to associated with reproductive tactics that may reduce intra-specific and inter-specific competition with hammerhead shark neonates (Sphyrna lewini). probably result in reduced natural mortality of the offspring during their first few months. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Neuston samples collected from the Charleston Bump region off the coast of South Carolina, U.S.A., during the summers of 2002 and 2003 consistently included a decapod species of undetermined identity with a large brachyuran megalopa. Despite their resemblance to some calappids, it was impossible to make a definitive identification based solely on general morphology. Therefore, additional neuston tows were taken on the continental shelf near Charleston, during the summer of 2004 to obtain these living megalopae. These were raised successfully through five juvenile stages at the Southeastern Regional Taxonomic Center (SERTC) laboratory. The morphology of the juveniles provided evidence that they are megalopae of Calappa tortugae Rathbun, 1933. Comparisons with megalopae of Hepatus epheliticus (Linnaeus, 1763), H. pudibundus (Herbst, 1785), Calappa flammea (Herbst, 1794) and Cryptosoma balguerii (Desbonne, 1867) are presented here. This is the first complete description of the megalopa morphology of a member of the genus Calappa Weber, 1795 from the Western Atlantic, and it is helpful for taxonomic, systematic and ecological purposes.
Arenaeus cribrarius is a mainly tropical crab that occurs in the Western Atlantic Ocean, Brazil being its type-locality. The species ranges from Vinevard Sound, Massachusetts, USA to La Paloma, Uruguay. Information about this species is scarce. The relative growth of A. cribrarius was analyzed, based on some morphometric relations, where the carapace width, excluding lateral spines (CW), was used as an independent variable. A total of 403 specimens (189 males and 214 females), was collected in Ubatuba, State of São Paulo, Brazil, with otter-trawls. The animals were sexed and sorted to maturation phase (juvenile or adult). Some measurements were made: carapace (length and width excluding lateral spines), abdomen (greatest width of the fifth somite in females and the sixth in males) and major chela (greatest length, width and height, dactylus length). This study was made by the application of the power function (y=a.x(b)) which was fitted to the data and the pattern of growth established for each parameter by the ''b''-value (constant of allometry), as positive allometry (b>1), negative allometry (b<1) or isometry (b=1). The morphometric relations of the carapace showed a tendency to isometry. In females, the abdominal width grew in positive allometry, higher in juveniles (b=1.33) than in adults (b=1.18). In this case, an overlap and discontinuity was noticed between the phases over a carapace width range of 55 to 70 mm, where the puberty molt occurs. The majority of relationships showed that the major chela of the males grew in positive allometry, however, the greatest allometric difference between the phases was observed towards the propodus length with 1.09 as juvenile and 1.26 as adult ''b''values. In the males, this variable showed an inflection between the CW range of 45' to 55 mm, where the transition to the maturation phase occurs. The relative growth of this species is similar to those of previously studied species. This indicates, that the propodus length and the abdominal width are the morphometric variables most appropriate to estimate the size of the beginning of the sexual maturity for males and females of this species, respectively.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Red snappers (Lutjanus purpureus in Brazil and Lutjanus campechanus in USA and Gulf of Mexico) are both under clear effect of overfishing. Because of their high morphological similarity it has already been suggested that they could possibly be considered as a single species. To investigate the degree of similarity and the genetic structure of red snapper populations we constructed a common dataset of partial D-loop mtDNA sequences of L. purpureus from Brazil (Amapá, Pará and Maranhão) and L. campechanus from the Atlantic coast of the USA (Florida, Louisiana and Mississippi). Phylogenetic and population genetic analyses surprisingly depicted high similarity between L. campechanus and L. purpureus, compatible with the hypothesis of a single species of red snapper for the Western Atlantic Ocean. These preliminary but very curious findings open an important discussion regarding the legislation involved on the capture of this overexploited fish resources as well as regarding their taxonomy.
The acoupa weakfish (Cynoscion acoupa - Sciaenidae) is a marine species of croaker with estuarine-dependent behavior, found in the western Atlantic from Panama to Argentina. It is one of the most exploited food fish on the northern coast of Brazil. In this study, DNA sequences were determined from the entire control region (D-loop) of the mitochondrial genome of 297 individuals collected during seven different months between December 2003 and August 2005 on the northern coast of Brazil (Amapá and Pará). Genetic variability expressed by haplotype (h = 0,892) and nucleotide (p = 0,003) diversities were low compared to other heavily exploited marine fish species from the western Atlantic and eastern Asia. AMOVA depicted a lack of genetic structuring among the samples from different years, indicating the presence of a single stock of C. acoupa within the sample area. The possible reasons for the low levels of genetic diversity are discussed. These results demonstrate a need for the monitoring of C. acoupa harvesting and the preservation of the estuaries within its geographic range, considering that this large fish depends on estuarine ecosystems during part of its life cycle.
Gobioides broussonnetii é o maior membro da família Gobiidae, e está distribuído no Atlântico Ocidental dos Estados Unidos até o Rio Grande do Sul. É abundante na foz do Rio Amazonas onde habita as águas salobras dos manguezais. Além de ser um importante elo na cadeia trófica do estuário amazônico, é um recurso pesqueiro explorado por pescadores artesanais. Estudaram-se aspectos da pesca, alimentação, reprodução e crescimento de Gobioides broussonnetii na baía de Marajó, município de Vigia, Pará, Brasil, entre setembro de 2003 e agosto de 2004. Exemplares para estudo foram adquiridos de pescadores locais e informações sobre a pesca foram obtidas através da observação de campo e entrevistas com os pescadores. No estudo da alimentação foi analisada a composição dos itens alimentares encontrados nos estômagos. A análise reprodutiva abordou aspectos do período reprodutivo e tamanho da 1a maturação gonadal. Foram estimados os parâmetros de crescimento utilizando o método indireto baseados nas análises das medidas de comprimento total de 1155 exemplares. G. broussonnetii é conhecida como amurés no estuário amazônico e é capturada no fundo lodoso em águas rasas sendo utilizada como isca na pesca comercial. De maneira geral é uma espécie fitófaga. Análises de conteúdo estomacal revelaram que algas da espécie Coscinodiscus concinus são alimentos mais consumidos. Há maior conteúdo estomacal durante a estação seca (julho a dezembro). O período entre janeiro e junho corresponde a época de atividade reprodutiva para essa espécie na área de estudo. O comprimento médio da primeira maturação gonadal foi de 23,9 cm. A razão sexual observada foi de 1:1. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo indicam que G. Broussonnetii usa o estuário amazônico como local de alimentação e reprodução. A análise macroscópica das gônadas indicou uma época de reprodução durante o inverno (janeiro a junho), com apenas um período de desova por ano entre fevereiro e abril. Foram encontrados nove grupos etários de G. btoussonnetii no estuário amazônico. Estimaram-se os valores de L∞ = 67,36 ( K=0,205 ano-1, Ø = 3,014). A relação peso-comprimento apresentou diferenças significativas entre machos e fêmeas, com as fêmeas que pesam mais que os machos.