964 resultados para variance component models
The first and second authors would like to thank the support of the PhD grants with references SFRH/BD/28817/2006 and SFRH/PROTEC/49517/2009, respectively, from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnol ogia (FCT). This work was partially done in the scope of the project “Methodologies to Analyze Organs from Complex Medical Images – Applications to Fema le Pelvic Cavity”, wi th reference PTDC/EEA- CRO/103320/2008, financially supported by FCT.
The main goal of this research study was the removal of Cu(II), Ni(II) and Zn(II) from aqueous solutions using peanut hulls. This work was mainly focused on the following aspects: chemical characterization of the biosorbent, kinetic studies, study of the pH influence in mono-component systems, equilibrium isotherms and column studies, both in mono and tri-component systems, and with a real industrial effluent from the electroplating industry. The chemical characterization of peanut hulls showed a high cellulose (44.8%) and lignin (36.1%) content, which favours biosorption of metal cations. The kinetic studies performed indicate that most of the sorption occurs in the first 30 min for all systems. In general, a pseudo-second order kinetics was followed, both in mono and tri-component systems. The equilibrium isotherms were better described by Freundlich model in all systems. Peanut hulls showed higher affinity for copper than for nickel and zinc when they are both present. The pH value between 5 and 6 was the most favourable for all systems. The sorbent capacity in column was 0.028 and 0.025 mmol g-1 for copper, respectively in mono and tri-component systems. A decrease of capacity for copper (50%) was observed when dealing with the real effluent. The Yoon-Nelson, Thomas and Yan’s models were fitted to the experimental data, being the latter the best fit.
We intend to study the algebraic structure of the simple orthogonal models to use them, through binary operations as building blocks in the construction of more complex orthogonal models. We start by presenting some matrix results considering Commutative Jordan Algebras of symmetric matrices, CJAs. Next, we use these results to study the algebraic structure of orthogonal models, obtained by crossing and nesting simpler ones. Then, we study the normal models with OBS, which can also be orthogonal models. We intend to study normal models with OBS (Orthogonal Block Structure), NOBS (Normal Orthogonal Block Structure), obtaining condition for having complete and suffcient statistics, having UMVUE, is unbiased estimators with minimal covariance matrices whatever the variance components. Lastly, see ([Pereira et al. (2014)]), we study the algebraic structure of orthogonal models, mixed models whose variance covariance matrices are all positive semi definite, linear combinations of known orthogonal pairwise orthogonal projection matrices, OPOPM, and whose least square estimators, LSE, of estimable vectors are best linear unbiased estimator, BLUE, whatever the variance components, so they are uniformly BLUE, UBLUE. From the results of the algebraic structure we will get explicit expressions for the LSE of these models.
Ever since the appearance of the ARCH model [Engle(1982a)], an impressive array of variance specifications belonging to the same class of models has emerged [i.e. Bollerslev's (1986) GARCH; Nelson's (1990) EGARCH]. This recent domain has achieved very successful developments. Nevertheless, several empirical studies seem to show that the performance of such models is not always appropriate [Boulier(1992)]. In this paper we propose a new specification: the Quadratic Moving Average Conditional heteroskedasticity model. Its statistical properties, such as the kurtosis and the symmetry, as well as two estimators (Method of Moments and Maximum Likelihood) are studied. Two statistical tests are presented, the first one tests for homoskedasticity and the second one, discriminates between ARCH and QMACH specification. A Monte Carlo study is presented in order to illustrate some of the theoretical results. An empirical study is undertaken for the DM-US exchange rate.
The authors investigated the dimensionality of the French version of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES; Rosenberg, 1965) using confirmatory factor analysis. We tested models of 1 or 2 factors. Results suggest the RSES is a 1-dimensional scale with 3 highly correlated items. Comparison with the Revised NEO-Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-R; Costa, McCrae, & Rolland, 1998) demonstrated that Neuroticism correlated strongly and Extraversion and Conscientiousness moderately with the RSES. Depression accounted for 47% of the variance of the RSES. Other NEO-PI-R facets were also moderately related with self-esteem.
The investigation of unexplained syncope remains a challenging clinical problem. In the present study we sought to evaluate the diagnostic value of a standardized work-up focusing on non invasive tests in patients with unexplained syncope referred to a syncope clinic, and whether certain combinations of clinical parameters are characteristic of rhythmic and reflex causes of syncope. METHODS AND RESULTS: 317 consecutive patients underwent a standardized work-up including a 12-lead ECG, physical examination, detailed history with screening for syncope-related symptoms using a structured questionnaire followed by carotid sinus massage (CSM), and head-up tilt test. Invasive testings including an electrophysiological study and implantation of a loop recorder were only performed in those with structural heart disease or traumatic syncope. Our work-up identified an etiology in 81% of the patients. Importantly, three quarters of the causes were established non invasively combining head-up tilt test, CSM and hyperventilation testing. Invasive tests yielded an additional 7% of diagnoses. Logistic analysis identified age and number of significant prodromes as the only predictive factors of rhythmic syncope. The same two factors, in addition to the duration of the ECG P-wave, were also predictive of vasovagal and psychogenic syncope. These factors, optimally combined in predictive models, showed a high negative and a modest positive predictive value. CONCLUSION: A standardized work-up focusing on non invasive tests allows to establish more than three quarters of syncope causes. Predictive models based on simple clinical parameters may help to distinguish between rhythmic and other causes of syncope
We investigated the role of the number of loci coding for a neutral trait on the release of additive variance for this trait after population bottlenecks. Different bottleneck sizes and durations were tested for various matrices of genotypic values, with initial conditions covering the allele frequency space. We used three different types of matrices. First, we extended Cheverud and Routman's model by defining matrices of "pure" epistasis for three and four independent loci; second, we used genotypic values drawn randomly from uniform, normal, and exponential distributions; and third we used two models of simple metabolic pathways leading to physiological epistasis. For all these matrices of genotypic values except the dominant metabolic pathway, we find that, as the number of loci increases from two to three and four, an increase in the release of additive variance is occurring. The amount of additive variance released for a given set of genotypic values is a function of the inbreeding coefficient, independently of the size and duration of the bottleneck. The level of inbreeding necessary to achieve maximum release in additive variance increases with the number of loci. We find that additive-by-additive epistasis is the type of epistasis most easily converted into additive variance. For a wide range of models, our results show that epistasis, rather than dominance, plays a significant role in the increase of additive variance following bottlenecks.
Inconsistencies about dynamic asymmetry between the on- and off-transient responses in VO2 are found in the literature. Therefore the purpose of this study was to examine VO2 on- and off-transients during moderate- and heavy-intensity cycling exercise in trained subjects. Ten men underwent an initial incremental test for the estimation of ventilatory threshold (VT) and, on different days, two bouts of square-wave exercise at moderate (<VT) and heavy (>VT) intensities. VO2 kinetics in exercise and recovery were better described by a single exponential model (<VT), or by a double exponential with two time delays (>VT). For moderate exercise, we found a symmetry of VO2 kinetics between the on- and off-transients (i.e., fundamental component), consistent with a system manifesting linear control dynamics. For heavy exercise, a slow component superimposed on the fundamental phase was expressed in both the exercise and recovery, with similar parameter estimates. But the on-transient values of the time constant were appreciably faster than the associated off-transient, and independent of the work rate imposed (<VT and >VT). Our results do not support a dynamically linear system model of VO2 during cycling exercise in the heavy-intensity domain.
The contribution of respiratory muscle work to the development of the O(2) consumption (Vo(2)) slow component is a point of controversy because it has been shown that the increased ventilation in hypoxia is not associated with a concomitant increase in Vo(2) slow component. The first purpose of this study was thus to test the hypothesis of a direct relationship between respiratory muscle work and Vo(2) slow component by manipulating inspiratory resistance. Because the conditions for a Vo(2) slow component specific to respiratory muscle can be reached during intense exercise, the second purpose was to determine whether respiratory muscles behave like limb muscles during heavy exercise. Ten trained subjects performed two 8-min constant-load heavy cycling exercises with and without a threshold valve in random order. Vo(2) was measured breath by breath by using a fast gas exchange analyzer, and the Vo(2) response was modeled after removal of the cardiodynamic phase by using two monoexponential functions. As anticipated, when total work was slightly increased with loaded inspiratory resistance, slight increases in base Vo(2), the primary phase amplitude, and peak Vo(2) were noted (14.2%, P < 0.01; 3.5%, P > 0.05; and 8.3%, P < 0.01, respectively). The bootstrap method revealed small coefficients of variation for the model parameter, including the slow-component amplitude and delay (15 and 19%, respectively), indicating an accurate determination for this critical parameter. The amplitude of the Vo(2) slow component displayed a 27% increase from 8.1 +/- 3.6 to 10.3 +/- 3.4 ml. min(-1). kg(-1) (P < 0.01) with the addition of inspiratory resistance. Taken together, this increase and the lack of any differences in minute volume and ventilatory parameters between the two experimental conditions suggest the occurrence of a Vo(2) slow component specific to the respiratory muscles in loaded condition.
This study examines how structural determinants influence intermediary factors of child health inequities and how they operate through the communities where children live. In particular, we explore individual, family and community level characteristics associated with a composite indicator that quantitatively measures intermediary determinants of early childhood health in Colombia. We use data from the 2010 Colombian Demographic and Health Survey (DHS). Adopting the conceptual framework of the Commission on Social Determinants of Health (CSDH), three dimensions related to child health are represented in the index: behavioural factors, psychosocial factors and health system. In order to generate the weight of the variables and take into account the discrete nature of the data, principal component analysis (PCA) using polychoric correlations are employed in the index construction. Weighted multilevel models are used to examine community effects. The results show that the effect of household’s SES is attenuated when community characteristics are included, indicating the importance that the level of community development may have in mediating individual and family characteristics. The findings indicate that there is a significant variance in intermediary determinants of child health between-community, especially for those determinants linked to the health system, even after controlling for individual, family and community characteristics. These results likely reflect that whilst the community context can exert a greater influence on intermediary factors linked directly to health, in the case of psychosocial factors and the parent’s behaviours, the family context can be more important. This underlines the importance of distinguishing between community and family intervention programmes.
In this paper we propose a parsimonious regime-switching approach to model the correlations between assets, the threshold conditional correlation (TCC) model. This method allows the dynamics of the correlations to change from one state (or regime) to another as a function of observable transition variables. Our model is similar in spirit to Silvennoinen and Teräsvirta (2009) and Pelletier (2006) but with the appealing feature that it does not suffer from the course of dimensionality. In particular, estimation of the parameters of the TCC involves a simple grid search procedure. In addition, it is easy to guarantee a positive definite correlation matrix because the TCC estimator is given by the sample correlation matrix, which is positive definite by construction. The methodology is illustrated by evaluating the behaviour of international equities, govenrment bonds and major exchange rates, first separately and then jointly. We also test and allow for different parts in the correlation matrix to be governed by different transition variables. For this, we estimate a multi-threshold TCC specification. Further, we evaluate the economic performance of the TCC model against a constant conditional correlation (CCC) estimator using a Diebold-Mariano type test. We conclude that threshold correlation modelling gives rise to a significant reduction in portfolio´s variance.
To date, state-of-the-art seismic material parameter estimates from multi-component sea-bed seismic data are based on the assumption that the sea-bed consists of a fully elastic half-space. In reality, however, the shallow sea-bed generally consists of soft, unconsolidated sediments that are characterized by strong to very strong seismic attenuation. To explore the potential implications, we apply a state-of-the-art elastic decomposition algorithm to synthetic data for a range of canonical sea-bed models consisting of a viscoelastic half-space of varying attenuation. We find that in the presence of strong seismic attenuation, as quantified by Q-values of 10 or less, significant errors arise in the conventional elastic estimation of seismic properties. Tests on synthetic data indicate that these errors can be largely avoided by accounting for the inherent attenuation of the seafloor when estimating the seismic parameters. This can be achieved by replacing the real-valued expressions for the elastic moduli in the governing equations in the parameter estimation by their complex-valued viscoelastic equivalents. The practical application of our parameter procedure yields realistic estimates of the elastic seismic material properties of the shallow sea-bed, while the corresponding Q-estimates seem to be biased towards too low values, particularly for S-waves. Given that the estimation of inelastic material parameters is notoriously difficult, particularly in the immediate vicinity of the sea-bed, this is expected to be of interest and importance for civil and ocean engineering purposes.
The purpose of this paper is to examine (1) some of the models commonly used to represent fading,and (2) the information-theoretic metrics most commonly used to evaluate performance over those models. We raise the question of whether these models and metrics remain adequate in light of the advances that wireless systems haveundergone over the last two decades. Weaknesses are pointedout, and ideas on possible fixes are put forth.
Objective: To assess the factorial validity of the Portuguese version of the Maslach Burnout Inventory - Human Services Survey (MBI-HSS). Methods: Between November 2010 and November 2011 a Portuguese version of the MBI-HSS was applied to 151 Portuguese family doctors (55% women, median age 54 years). The factorial structure of the MBI-HSS was examined by principal component analysis (PCA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Internal consistency estimates of the MBI-HSS were determined with Cronbach's alpha. Results: The fit of the hypothesized three-factor model to the data was superior to the alternative two-factor and four-factor models. CFA supported MBI-HSS as an acceptable measure to evaluate burnout and deletion of items 12 and 16 improved the goodness of fit of the model. In PCA, the three-factor model explained 50.58% of the variance and the four-factor model did not lead to understandable components. Item 12 was also found to be problematic in PCA. The Cronbach's alpha was satisfactory for emotional exhaustion (alpha=0.90), lack of personal accomplishment (alpha=0.73), and depersonalization (alpha=0.64). Conclusion: The Portuguese version of the MBI-HSS was found to be reliable to measure burnout among Portuguese medical doctors. We also recommend the deletion of items 12 and 16 from the MBI-HSS.
OBJECTIVE: To better understand the structure of the Patient Assessment of Chronic Illness Care (PACIC) instrument. More specifically to test all published validation models, using one single data set and appropriate statistical tools. DESIGN: Validation study using data from cross-sectional survey. PARTICIPANTS: A population-based sample of non-institutionalized adults with diabetes residing in Switzerland (canton of Vaud). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: French version of the 20-items PACIC instrument (5-point response scale). We conducted validation analyses using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The original five-dimension model and other published models were tested with three types of CFA: based on (i) a Pearson estimator of variance-covariance matrix, (ii) a polychoric correlation matrix and (iii) a likelihood estimation with a multinomial distribution for the manifest variables. All models were assessed using loadings and goodness-of-fit measures. RESULTS: The analytical sample included 406 patients. Mean age was 64.4 years and 59% were men. Median of item responses varied between 1 and 4 (range 1-5), and range of missing values was between 5.7 and 12.3%. Strong floor and ceiling effects were present. Even though loadings of the tested models were relatively high, the only model showing acceptable fit was the 11-item single-dimension model. PACIC was associated with the expected variables of the field. CONCLUSIONS: Our results showed that the model considering 11 items in a single dimension exhibited the best fit for our data. A single score, in complement to the consideration of single-item results, might be used instead of the five dimensions usually described.