921 resultados para tunable photodetector


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We propose an uncooled DWDM system where errors from uncontrolled laser mode-hopping are avoided by using a control protocol based on monitoring SMSR. We describe a proof-of-principle demonstration of a novel uncooled 50GHz DWDM system. © 2011 IEEE.


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Sub-picosecond tunable ultrafast lasers are important tools for many applications. Here we present an ultrafast tunable fiber laser mode-locked by a nanotube based saturable absorber. The laser outputs ∼500fs pulses over a 33 nm range at 1.5μm. This outperforms the current achievable pulse duration from tunable nanotube mode-locked lasers. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We bring together two areas of terahertz (THz) technology that have benefited from recent advancements in research, i.e., graphene, a material that has plasmonic resonances in the THz frequency, and quantum cascade lasers (QCLs), a compact electrically driven unipolar source of THz radiation. We demonstrate the use of single-layer large-area graphene to indirectly modulate a THz QCL operating at 2.0 THz. By tuning the Fermi level of the graphene via a capacitively coupled backgate voltage, the optical conductivity and, hence, the THz transmission can be varied. We show that, by changing the pulsing frequency of the backgate, the THz transmission can be altered. We also show that, by varying the pulsing frequency of the backgate from tens of Hz to a few kHz, the amplitude-modulated THz signal can be switched by 15% from a low state to a high state. © 2009-2012 IEEE.


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Deterministic organization of nanostructures into microscale geometries is essential for the development of materials with novel mechanical, optical, and surface properties. We demonstrate scalable fabrication of 3D corrugated carbon nanotube (CNT) microstructures, via an iterative sequence of vertically aligned CNT growth and capillary self-assembly. Vertical microbellows and tilted microcantilevers are created over large areas, and these structures can have thin walls with aspect ratios exceeding 100:1. We show these structures can be used as out-of-plane microsprings with compliance determined by the wall thickness and number of folds. © 2011 American Chemical Society.


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We report the demonstration of an optically activated shutter based upon a short-pitch chiral nematic liquid crystal (LC) device sandwiched between crossed polarizers. This LC is comprised of photo-active chiral dopants. In the trans-state, the LC appears dark between crossed polarizers due to the very short pitch. As the pitch is extended through exposure to ultraviolet light, the device becomes transmissive reaching a maximum for a particular value of the pitch. As a result, it is possible to switch between the light and dark states by subjecting the device to visible light so as to cause a cis-trans photo-isomerisation. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The tunable liquid crystal (LC) lens designed for a holographic projection system is demonstrated. By using a single patterned electrode LC lens, a solid lens and an encoded Fresnel lens on the LCoS panel, we can maintain the image size of the holographic projector with different wavelengths (λ:674nm, 532nm and 445nm) . The zoom ratio of the holographic projection system depends on the lens power of the solid lens and the tunable lens power of the LC lens. The optical zoom function can help to solve the image size mismatching problem of the holographic projection system. © 2013 SPIE.


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We passively modelock an optically pumped VECSEL by using a single-layer graphene saturable absorber mirror, resulting in pulses as short as 473 fs. A broad wavelength tuning range of 46 nm is achieved with three different VECSEL chips, with a single chip 21 nm are covered. © OSA 2013.


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We experimentally demonstrate an on-chip compact and simple to fabricate silicon Schottky photodetector for telecom wavelengths operating on the basis of internal photoemission process. The device is realized using CMOS compatible approach of local-oxidation of silicon, which enables the realization of the photodetector and low-loss bus photonic waveguide at the same fabrication step. The photodetector demonstrates enhanced internal responsivity of 12.5mA/W for operation wavelength of 1.55µm corresponding to an internal quantum efficiency of 1%, about two orders of magnitude higher than our previously demonstrated results [22]. We attribute this improved detection efficiency to the presence of surface roughness at the boundary between the materials forming the Schottky contact. The combination of enhanced quantum efficiency together with a simple fabrication process provides a promising platform for the realization of all silicon photodetectors and their integration with other nanophotonic and nanoplasmonic structures towards the construction of monolithic silicon opto-electronic circuitry on-chip.


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We experimentally demonstrate the use of an on-chip integrated Schottky plasmonic detector for testing, monitoring and tapping signals in plasmonic and photonic devices. Theoretical model and measurement of external and integrated devices will be presented. © OSA 2013.


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We experimentally demonstrate the use of an on-chip integrated Schottky plasmonic detector for testing, monitoring and tapping signals in plasmonic and photonic devices. Theoretical model and measurement of external and integrated devices will be presented. © OSA 2013.


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We experimentally demonstrate the use of an on-chip integrated Schottky plasmonic detector for testing, monitoring and tapping signals in plasmonic and photonic devices. Theoretical model and measurement of external and integrated devices will be presented. © OSA 2013.