993 resultados para tunable magnetic-electric


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We theoretically investigate the energy spectra of two-electron two-dimensional (2e 2D) quantum dots (QDs) confined by triangular potentials and bowl-like potentials in a magnetic field by exact diagonalization in the framework of effective mass theory. An in-plane electric field is,found to contribute to the singlet-triplet transition of the ground state of the 2e 2D QDs confined by triangular or bowl-like potentials in a perpendicular magnetic field. The stronger the in-plane electric field, the smaller the magnetic field for the total spin of the ground states in the dot systems to change from S = 0 to S = 1. However, the influence of an in-plane electric field on the singlet-triplet transition of the ground state of two electrons in a triangular QD modulated by a perpendicular magnetic field is quite small because the triangular potential just deviates from the harmonic potential well slightly. We End that the strength of the perpendicular magnetic field needed for the spin singlet-triplet transition of the ground state of the QD confined by a bowl-like potential is reduced drastically by applying an in-plane electric field.


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The electronic structures and electron g factors of InSb1-sNs and GaAs1-sNs nanowires and bulk material under the magnetic and electric fields are investigated by using the ten-band k.p model. The nitrogen doping has direct and indirect effects on the g factors. A giant g factor with absolute value larger than 900 is found in InSb1-sNs bulk material. A transverse electric field can increase the g factors, which has obviously asymmetric effects on the g factors in different directions. An electric field tunable zero g factor is found in GaAs1-sNs nanowires. (C) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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The Faraday rotation of an exciton in a GaAs quantum well (QW) embedded in a microcavity is investigated theoretically. The authors find that the Faraday rotation is enhanced remarkably by the microcavity, with a magnitude about two orders of magnitude larger than that of a single QW without microcavity. The Faraday rotation can be tuned by changing the incident angle of the pump and probe lights, or by varying the temperature or an external electric field. With an appropriate detuning between the cavity mode of the pump and probe lights, the Faraday rotation spectrum displays a strongly asymmetric line shape, which can easily be detected experimentally.


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A three dimensional analysis of a special class of anisotropic materials is presented. We introduce an extension of the Scattering Matrix Method (SMM) to investigate the behavior of anisotropic Photonic Crystal Slabs (PhCS) subject to external radiation. We show how the Fano effect can play a fundamental role in the realization of tunable optical devices. Moreover, we show how to utilize electron injection, electric field and temperature as parameters to control the Fano resonance shift in both isotropic and anisotropic materials as Si and Potassium Titanium Oxide Phosphate (KTP). We will see that because Fano modes are sensitive and controllable, a broad range of applications can be considered. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America


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We investigate the Rashba spin-orbit coupling brought by transverse electric field in InSb nanowires. In small k(z) (k(z) is the wave vector along the wire direction) range, the Rashba spin-orbit splitting energy has a linear relationship with k(z), so we can define a Rashba coefficient similarly to the quantum well case. We deduce some empirical formulas of the spin-orbit splitting energy and Rashba coefficient, and compare them with the effective-mass calculating results. It is interesting to find that the Rashba spin-orbit splitting energy decreases as k(z) increases when k(z) is large due to the k(z)-quadratic term in the band energy. The Rashba coefficient increases with increasing electric field, and shows a saturating trend when the electric field is large. As the radius increases, the Rashba coefficient increases at first, then decreases. The effects of magnetic fields along different directions are discussed. The case where the magnetic field is along the wire direction or the electric field direction are similar. The spin state in an energy band changes smoothly as k(z) changes. The case where the magnetic field is perpendicular to the wire direction and the electric field direction is quite different from the above two cases, the k(z)-positive and negative parts of the energy bands are not symmetrical, and the energy bands with different spins cross at a k(z)-nonzero point, where the spin splitting energy and the effective g factor are zero.


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We investigate theoretically the spin-polarized transport in one-dimensional waveguide structure with spatially-periodic electronic and magnetic fields. The interplay of the spin-orbit interaction and in-plane magnetic field significantly modifies the spin-dependent transmission and the spin polarization. The in-plane magnetic fields increase the strength of the Rashba spin-orbit coupling effect for the electric fields along y axis and decrease this effect for reversing the electric fields, even counteract the Rashba spin-orbit coupling effect. It is very interesting to find that we may deduce the strength of the Rashba effect through this phenomenon. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A set of numerical analyses for momentum and heat transfer For a 3 in. (0.075 m) diameter Liquid Encapsulant Czochralski (LEC) growth of single-crystal GaAs with or without all axial magnetic field was carried Out using the finite-element method. The analyses assume a pseudosteady axisymmetric state with laminar floats. Convective and conductive heat transfers. radiative heat transfer between diffuse surfaces and the Navier-Stokes equations for both melt and encapsulant and electric current stream function equations Cor melt and crystal Lire considered together and solved simultaneously. The effect of the thickness of encapsulant. the imposed magnetic field strength as well as the rotation rate of crystal and crucible on the flow and heat transfer were investigated. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.


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We have observed the transition from static to dynamic electric field domain formation induced by a transverse magnetic field and the sample temperature in a doped GaAs/AlAs superlattice. The observations can be very well explained by a general analysis of instabilities and oscillations of the sequential tunnelling current in superlattices based solely on the magnitude of the negative differential resistance region in the tunnelling characteristic of a single barrier. Both increasing magnetic field and sample temperature change the negative differential resistance and cause the transition between static and dynamic electric field domain formation. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have investigated the influence of transverse magnetic field B up to 14 T at 1.6 K on the tunneling processes of electric field domains in doped weakly coupled GaAs/AlAs superlattices. Three regimes, i.e, stable field domains, current self-sustained oscillations and averaged field distribution are successively observed with increasing B. The mechanisms of switching-over among these regimes are due to B-induced modification of the dependence of the effective electron drift velocity on electric field. The simulated calculation gives a good agreement with the observed experimental results. (C) 2000 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We investigate the influence of a transverse magnetic field on the current-voltage characteristics of a doped GaAs/AlAs superlattice at 1.6 K. The current transport regimes-stable electric field domain formation and current selfoscillation-are observed with increasing transverse magnetic field up to 13 T. Magnetic-field-induced redistribution of electron momentum and energy is identified as the mechanism triggering the switching over of one process to another lending to a change in the dependence of the effective electron drift velocity on electric field. Simulation yields excellent agreement with observed results.


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We investigate the controllable negative and positive group delay in transmission through a single quantum well at the finite longitudinal magnetic fields. It is shown that the magneto-coupling effect between the longitudinal motion component and the transverse Landau orbits plays an important role in the group delay. The group delay depends not only on the width of potential well and the incident energy, but also on the magnetic-field strengthen and the Landau quantum number. The results show that the group delay can be changed from positive to negative by the modulation of the magnetic field. These interesting phenomena may lead to the tunable quantum mechanical delay line. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The optical absorption of a GaAs/AlGaAs quantum dot superlattice nanoring (QDSLNR) under a lateral dc electric field and with magnetic flux threading the ring is investigated. This structure and configuration provides a unique opportunity to study the optical response of a superlattice under an inhomogeneous electric field, which is not easily realized for general quantum well superlattices (QWSLs) but naturally realized for QDSLNRs under a homogeneous lateral electric field. It has been shown that a lateral dc electric field gives rise to a substantial change of the optical absorption spectra. Under a low field, the excitonic optical absorption is dominated by a 1s exciton. And with the electric field increasing, the optical absorption undergoes a transition from 1s excitonic absorption to 0 excitronic WSL absorption. (The number of 0, and -1 and +1 below are WSLs index.) The -1 and the +1 WSLs corresponding to the maximum effective field can also be identified. Due to the inhomogeneity of the electric field, the peaks of the -1 and the +1 WSLs are diminished and between them there exist rich and complicated structures. This is in contrast to the general QWSLs under a homogenous electric field. The complicated structures can be understood by considering the inhomogeneity of the electric field along the ring, which results in the nearest-neighbor transition, the next-nearest-neighbor transition, etc., have a different value repectively, at different sites along the ring. This may give rise to multiple WSLs. We have also shown that the line shape of the optical absorption is not sensitive to the threading magnetic flux. The threading magnetic flux only gives rise to a slight diamagnetic shift. Thus the enhancement of the sensitivity to the flux allowing for observation of the excitonic Aharanov-Bohm effect in the plain nanoring is not expected in QDSLNRs.


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We study electron tunneling through a planar magnetic and electric barrier on the surface of a three-dimensional topological insulator. For the double barrier structures, we find (i) a directional-dependent tunneling which is sensitive to the magnetic field configuration and the electric gate voltage, (ii) a spin rotation controlled by the magnetic field and the gate voltage, (iii) many Fabry-Perot resonances in the transmission determined by the distance between the two barriers, and (iv) the electrostatic potential can enhance the difference in the transmission between the two magnetization configurations, and consequently lead to a giant magnetoresistance. Points (i), (iii), and (iv) are alike with that in graphene stemming from the same linear-dispersion relations.


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We have observed the transition from static to dynamic electric field domain formation induced by a transverse magnetic field and the sample temperature in a doped GaAs/AlAs superlattice. The observations can be very well explained by a general analysis of instabilities and oscillations of the sequential tunnelling current in superlattices based solely on the magnitude of the negative differential resistance region in the tunnelling characteristic of a single barrier. Both increasing magnetic field and sample temperature change the negative differential resistance and cause the transition between static and dynamic electric field domain formation. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have investigated the influence of transverse magnetic field B up to 14 T at 1.6 K on the tunneling processes of electric field domains in doped weakly coupled GaAs/AlAs superlattices. Three regimes, i.e, stable field domains, current self-sustained oscillations and averaged field distribution are successively observed with increasing B. The mechanisms of switching-over among these regimes are due to B-induced modification of the dependence of the effective electron drift velocity on electric field. The simulated calculation gives a good agreement with the observed experimental results. (C) 2000 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.