885 resultados para tonische Inhibition


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Naturwiss., Diss., 2015


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Introduction: Calcific tendonitis of rotator cuff is observed on plainradiographs in 10% of adults, but remains asymptomatic in half thesecases. Sometimes, these calcifications induce acute flares withmassive inflammation similar to gout or CPPD crisis. Analgesics/anti-inflammatory medications are usually not sufficient to controlssymptoms in these situations. Local steroid infiltration with or withoutremoval of the calcific deposition with a needle aspiration may beuseful. A new approach could be IL-1 inhibitors. Indeed, basic calciumphosphate crystals are capable of stimulating the release of activeIL-1β in vitro. These crystals trigger IL-1β release, in an analogousmanner to MSU crystals in acute gout, suggesting that IL-1β blockademay be clinically useful.Case presentation: This report describes a 70-year old woman withacute rest pain of the right shoulder since 48 hours. On examination,we found massive limitations of active and passive movements. Thepatient evaluated, on the visual scale, her symptoms at 10/10 the nightand 5/10 the day. The radiography and showed a rounded, 8 mmcalcification in the subscapularis tendon. The ultrasound aspectrevealed a heterogeneous calcification partially non solid, surroundedby massive inflammation on Doppler. C-reactive protein anderythrocyte sedimentation rate were high (74 mg/ml, 54 mm/hour).The patient received subcutaneous injections of anakinra: 100 mgdaily for 3 days (D1-D3). We evaluated the patient in our consult at dayD1, D2, D3, D7, D16 and by phone at D70.This treatment rapidly relieved the inflammatory symptoms (within afew hours with no relapse). The mobility of the shoulder, the biologicsparameters improved and the size of the calcification as well thedegree of inflammation regressed on ultrasound after 3 days.Conclusion: This is the first report of a woman with an acute flareinduced by calcific tendonitis who received anakinra. IL-1 inhibitionmay be a therapeutic target in calcific tendonitis. To analyse thisresponse more precisely and elaborate definitive conclusions, aprospective pilot study is on-going in our ambulatory institute.


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Inhibition of one Leishmania subspecies by exometabolites of another subspecies, a phenomenon not previously reported, is suggested by our recent observations in cell cloning experiments with Leishmania mexicana mexicana and Leishmania mexicana amazonensis. Clones were identified using the technique of schizodeme analysis. The phenomenon observed is clearly relevant to studies of parasite isolation, leishmanial metabolism, cross-immunity and chemotherapy.


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Although chronic hypoxia is a claimed myocardial risk factor reducing tolerance to ischemia/reperfusion (I/R), intermittent reoxygenation has beneficial effects and enhances heart tolerance to I/R. AIM OF THE STUDY: To test the hypothesis that, by mimicking intermittent reoxygenation, selective inhibition of phosphodiesterase-5 activity improves ischemia tolerance during hypoxia. Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed to hypoxia for 15 days (10% O₂) and treated with placebo, sildenafil (1.4 mg/kg/day, i. p.), intermittent reoxygenation (1 h/day exposure to room air) or both. Controls were normoxic hearts. To assess tolerance to I/R all hearts were subjected to 30-min regional ischemia by left anterior descending coronary artery ligation followed by 3 h-reperfusion. Whereas hypoxia depressed tolerance to I/R, both sildenafil and intermittent reoxygenation reduced the infarct size without exhibiting cumulative effects. The changes in myocardial cGMP, apoptosis (DNA fragmentation), caspase-3 activity (alternative marker for cardiomyocyte apoptosis), eNOS phosphorylation and Akt activity paralleled the changes in cardioprotection. However, the level of plasma nitrates and nitrites was higher in the sildenafil+intermittent reoxygenation than sildenafil and intermittent reoxygenation groups, whereas total eNOS and Akt proteins were unchanged throughout. CONCLUSIONS: Sildenafil administration has the potential to mimic the cardioprotective effects led by intermittent reoxygenation, thereby opening the possibility to treat patients unable to be reoxygenated through a pharmacological modulation of NO-dependent mechanisms.


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Carriers of mutations in the cell cycle checkpoint protein kinase ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM), which represent 1-2% of the general population, have an increased risk of breast cancer. However, experimental evidence that ATM deficiency contributes to human breast carcinogenesis is lacking. We report here that in MCF-10A and MCF-12A cells, which are well established normal human mammary gland epithelial cell models, partial or almost complete stable ATM silencing or pharmacological inhibition resulted in cellular transformation, genomic instability, and formation of dysplastic lesions in NOD/SCID mice. These effects did not require the activity of exogenous DNA-damaging agents and were preceded by an unsuspected and striking increase in cell proliferation also observed in primary human mammary gland epithelial cells. Increased proliferation correlated with a dramatic, transient, and proteasome-dependent reduction of p21(WAF1/CIP1) and p27(KIP1) protein levels, whereas little or no effect was observed on p21(WAF1/CIP1) or p27(KIP1) mRNAs. p21(WAF1/CIP1) silencing also increased MCF-10A cell proliferation, thus identifying p21(WAF1/CIP1) down-regulation as a mediator of the proliferative effect of ATM inhibition. Our findings provide the first experimental evidence that ATM is a human breast tumor suppressor. In addition, they mirror the sensitivity of ATM tumor suppressor function and unveil a new mechanism by which ATM might prevent human breast tumorigenesis, namely a direct inhibitory effect on the basal proliferation of normal mammary epithelial cells.


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The unique ability of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors to inhibit the generation of angiotensin II has made them very useful agents for treating patients with renovascular hypertension. Their efficacy in lowering blood pressure in this type of secondary hypertension is now well established. However, episodes of acute renal failure may occur during ACE inhibition, particularly when renal perfusion is compromised. This is often the case in patients with renal artery stenosis and a single kidney or with bilateral renal artery stenosis. In recent years, investigators have shown concern at the long-term fate of the stenotic kidney in patients with unilateral renal artery stenosis who are treated with ACE inhibitors. Although overall renal function remained stable, a decrease in glomerular filtration was demonstrated in the stenotic kidney under ACE inhibition. The long-term implications of this observation merit further investigations.


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An ELISA Inhibition Method (EIM) was proposed for the serologic diagnosis of dengue, comparing its results with the Hemagglutination Inhibition (HI) and the IgM capture-ELISA (MAC-ELISA). Advantages and disadvantages of both methods are discussed according to sensitivity, specificity, performance and usefulness. As a conclusion we recommend the complementary inclusion of the EIM and MAC-ELISA substituting the HI for laboratories engaged in the diagnosis and surveillance of dengue.


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Baccharus triptera Mart, is a widespread Compositae used in Brazilian folk medicine to treat gastrointestinal disturbances, rheumatic disease, mild fever, diabetes and as an anti-helminthic. Water extract of small branches of the plant (WE) administered to mice and rats (0.1 to 2 g/Kg, p.o) did not alter spontaneous motor activity, sleeping time induced by barbiturates or the tailflick response in mice. The extract decreased by 40 por cento the number of writhings induced by 0.8 por cento scetic acid, i.p., but did not influence paw edema induced by carrageenan or dextran in rats WE (2g/Kg, p.o.) decreased the intestinal transit of charcoal in mice by 20//. Gastric secretion in pylorus ligated rats was reduced after treatment with WE (1 and 2 g/Kg. i.p. or intraduodenal and the gastric pH was raised. The extract (1 g/Kg, p.o.) prevented gastric ulcers induced in rats by immobilization at 4ºC, but not those induced by indomethacin (10 mg/Kg, s.c.). The results indicate that WE may relieve gastrointestinal disorders by reducing acid secretion and gastrointestinal hiperactivity. Neither analgesic nor anti-inflammatory activities were detectable.


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Ectodermal organogenesis is regulated by inductive and reciprocal signalling cascades that involve multiple signal molecules in several conserved families. Ectodysplasin-A (Eda), a tumour necrosis factor-like signalling molecule, and its receptor Edar are required for the development of a number of ectodermal organs in vertebrates. In mice, lack of Eda leads to failure in primary hair placode formation and missing or abnormally shaped teeth, whereas mice overexpressing Eda are characterized by enlarged hair placodes and supernumerary teeth and mammary glands. Here, we report two signalling outcomes of the Eda pathway: suppression of bone morphogenetic protein (Bmp) activity and upregulation of sonic hedgehog (Shh) signalling. Recombinant Eda counteracted Bmp4 activity in developing teeth and, importantly, inhibition of BMP activity by exogenous noggin partially restored primary hair placode formation in Eda-deficient skin in vitro, indicating that suppression of Bmp activity was compromised in the absence of Eda. The downstream effects of the Eda pathway are likely to be mediated by transcription factor nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB), but the transcriptional targets of Edar have remained unknown. Using a quantitative approach, we show in cultured embryonic skin that Eda induced the expression of two Bmp inhibitors, Ccn2/Ctgf (CCN family protein 2/connective tissue growth factor) and follistatin. Moreover, our data indicate that Shh is a likely transcriptional target of Edar, but, unlike noggin, recombinant Shh was unable to rescue primary hair placode formation in Eda-deficient skin explants.


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The vast majority of the 1-2 million malaria associated deaths that occur each year are due to anemia and cerebral malaria (the attachment of erythrocytes containing mature forms of Plasmodium falciparum to the endothelial cells that line the vascular beds of the brain). A "model" system"for the study of cerebral malaria employs amelanotic melanoma cells as the "target"cells in an vitro cytoadherence assay. Using this model system we determined that the optimum pH for adherence is 6.6 to 6.8, that high concentrations of Ca²* (50mM) result in increased levels of binding, and that the type of buffer used influences adherence (Bis Tris > MOPS > HEPES > PIPES). We also observed that the ability of infected erythrocytes to cytoadhere varied from (erythrocyte) donor to donor. We have produced murine monoclonal antibodies against P. falciparum-infected red cells which recognized modified forms of human band 3; these inhibit the adherence of infected erythrocytes to melanoma cells in a doso responsive fashion. Antimalarials (chloroquine, quinacrine, mefloquine, artemisinin), on the other hand, affected adherence in an indirect fashion i.e. since cytoadherence is due, in part to the presence of knobs on the surface of the infected erythrocyte, and knob formation is dependent on intracellular parasite growth, when plasmodial development is inhibited so is knob production, and consequently adherence is ablated.


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RESUME : Dans ce travail effectué chez le rat adulte, l'excitotoxicité rétinienne est élicitée par injection intravitréenne de NMDA. Les lésions en résultant sont localisées dans la rétine interne. Elles prennent la forme de pycnoses dans la couche des cellules ganglionnaires (corps cellulaires des cellules ganglionnaires et amacrines déplacées) et dans la partie interne de la couche nucléaire interne (cellules amacrines). Cette localisation est liée à la présence de récepteurs au glutamate de type NMDA sur ces cellules. L'activation de ces récepteurs entraîne un influx calcique et l'activation de diverses enzymes (phospholipase A, calpaïnes, calmoduline, synthase d'oxyde nitrique). La signalisation se poursuit en aval en partie par les voies des Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase (MAPK) : ERK, p38, ]NK. Dans les expériences présentées, toutes trois sont activées après l'injection de NMDA. Dans les cascades de signalisation de JNK, trois kinases s'ancrent sur une protéine scaffold. Les MAPKKK phosphorylent MKK4 et MKK7, qui phosphorylent JNK. JNK a de nombreuses cibles nucléaires (dont le facteur de transcription c-Jun) et cytoplasmiques. La voie de JNK est bloquée par l'inhibiteur peptidique D-JNKI-1 en empêchant l'interaction de la kinase avec son substrat. L'inhibiteur est formé de 20 acides aminés du domaine de liaison JBD et de 10 acides aminés de la partie TAT du virus HIV. L'injection intravitréenne de D-JNKI-1 permet une diminution des taux de JNK et c-Jun phosphorylés dans les lysats de rétine. L'effet prépondérant est la restriction importante des altérations histologiques des couches internes de la rétine. L'évaluation par électrorétinogramme met en sus en évidence une sauvegarde de la fonction cellulaire. Ce travail a ainsi permis d'établir la protection morphologique et fonctionnelle des cellules de la rétine interne par inhibition spécifique de la voie de JNK lors d'excitotoxicité. SUMMARY Excitotoxicity in the retina associates with several pathologies like retinal ischemia, traumatic optic neuropathy and glaucoma. In this study, excitotoxicity is elicited by intravitreal NMDA injection in adult rats. Lesions localise in the inner retina. They present as pyknotic cells in the ganglion cell layer (ganglion cells and displaced amacrines) and the inner nuclear layer (amacrine cells). These cells express NMDA glutamate receptors. The receptor activation leads to a calcium flow into the cell and hence enzyme activation (phospholipase, calpains, calmodulin, nitric oxide synthase). The subsequent signaling pathways can involve the Mitogen Activated Protein Kinases (MAPK): ERK, p38 end JNK. These were all activated in our experiments. The signaling cascade organises around several scaffold proteins. The various MAPKKK phosphorylate MKK4 and MKK7, which phosphorylate JNK. JNK targets are of nuclear (c-Jun transcription factor) or cytoplasmic localisation. The peptidic inhibitor D-JNKI-1, 20 amino acids from the JNK binding domain JBD coupled to 10 amino acids of the TAT transporter, disrupts the binding of JNK with its substrate. Intravitreal injection of the inhibitor lowers phosphorylated forms of JNK and c-Jun in retinal extracts. It protects strongly against histological lesions in the inner retina and allows functional rescue.


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The new angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor idrapril acts by binding the catalytically important zinc ion to a hydroxamic group. We investigated its pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic properties in 8 healthy men: Increasing doses of 1, 5, and 25 mg idrapril as well as placebo or 5 mg captopril were administered intravenously (i.v.) at 1-week intervals. Six of the subjects received 100 mg idrapril orally (p.o.) last, and two ingested oral placebo as a double-blind control. Blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) remained unchanged. No serious side effects were observed. ACE inhibition in vivo was evaluated by changes in the ratio of specifically measured plasma angiotensin II (AngII) and AngI concentrations determined by high-performance liquid chromatography/radioimmunoassay (HPLC/RIA) techniques. Plasma ACE activity in vitro was estimated by radioenzymatic assay; it was suppressed by > or = 93% at 15 min after injection of 25 mg idrapril or 5 mg captopril and by 96% 2 h after idrapril intake. Mean AngII levels were decreased dose dependently at 15 min after idrapril injections. At the same time, plasma renin activity (PRA) and AngI increased according to the doses. The AngII/AngI ratio was clearly related to plasma idrapril levels (r = -0.88, n = 60). Oral idrapril inhibited ACE maximally at 1-4 h after dosing, when < 7% of initial ACE activity was observed in vitro and in vivo. Idrapril is a safe and efficient ACE inhibitor in human subjects. It is well absorbed orally. Besides having a slightly slower onset of action, idrapril has pharmacodynamic effects comparable to those of captopril.