947 resultados para tombamento lateral


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The authors report a case of repetitive locking knee caused by a subluxation of the posterior horn of a normal lateral meniscus. The posterior horn was sutured to the posterior knee capsule and the athlete resumed complete sports activity 4 months after the surgery.


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Each year several prestressed concrete girder bridges in Iowa and other states are struck and damaged by vehicles with loads too high to pass under the bridge. Whether or not intermediate diaphragms play a significant role in reducing the effect of these unusual loading conditions has often been a topic of discussion. A study of the effects of the type and location of intermediate diaphragms in prestressed concrete girder bridges when the bridge girder flanges were subjected to various levels of vertical and horizontal loading was undertaken. The purpose of the research was to determine whether steel diaphragms of any conventional configuration can provide adequate protection to minimize the damage to prestressed concrete girders caused by lateral loads, similar to the protection provided by the reinforced concrete intermediate diaphragms presently being used by the Iowa Department of Transportation. The research program conducted and described in this report included the following: A comprehensive literature search and survey questionnaire were undertaken to define the state-of-the-art in the use of intermediate diaphragms in prestressed concrete girder bridges. A full scale, simple span, restressed concrete girder bridge model, containing three beams was constructed and tested with several types of intermediate diaphragms located at the one-third points of the span or at the mid-span. Analytical studies involving a three-dimensional finite element analysis model were used to provide additional information on the behavior of the experimental bridge. The performance of the bridge with no intermediate diaphragms was quite different than that with intermediate diaphragms in place. All intermediate diaphragms tested had some effect in distributing the loads to the slab and other girders, although some diaphragm types performed better than others. The research conducted has indicated that the replacement of the reinforced concrete intermediate diaphragms currently being used in Iowa with structural steel diaphragms may be possible.


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Introduction: Primary bone sarcomas around the ankle are rare. Due to the proximity of neurovascular structures and limited soft tissue reserves, limb salvage is often not possible. Case report: A 19 yo male presented with pain and a progressive swelling of his ankle. X-rays revealed cortical erosions and an extensive periosteal reaction (sunburst) of the distal fibula. MRI showed a large mass of the fibula invading adjacent soft tissue. The lesion appeared close to the ankle joint, but with the articular cartilage as a barrier and without joint effusion. Core-needle biopsy revealed a high-grade chondroblastic osteosarcoma. No metastases were detected. After presentation at our multidisciplinary sarcoma board, the patient was subjected to neo-adjuvant chemotherapy (AOST 03-331). Without any sign of intra-articular contamination of the ankle joint, surgical treatment consisted of wide resection of the lateral malleolus including a large skin patch, the distal third of the fibula, the lateral surfaces of the tibia and talus as well as the insertion of the lateral ligament on the calcaneus. The distal parts of the anterior, peroneal, and posterior muscular compartments were resected en bloc with the tumor. The defect was reconstructed with tibio-talar and talo-calcanear fusion, bony allograft and a plate. Soft-tissue coverage was achieved with a free fascio-cutaneous flap from the controlateral thigh. Histological analysis revealed clear margins and 50% of tumor necrosis. The oncologic treatment was completed with adjuvant chemotherapy. Conclusion: Wide resection and reconstruction of the lateral malleolus is technically demanding but possible in selected cases. Despite some important functional loss, limb salvage is superior to an amputation.


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Visando ao estudo do uso de bordadura lateral em experimentos de avaliação de genótipos de milho-verde, testaram-se quatro arranjos para pré-especificar a disposição das linhas na parcela experimental básica. No arranjo 1, o estudo foi feito de forma que os efeitos convergissem para o centro da parcela. No arranjo 2, têm-se informações do efeito de bordadura de cada lado da parcela. No arranjo 3, as informações são obtidas em cada linha da parcela, e no arranjo 4, têm-se informações das linhas de cada lado da parcela em relação à parte central. Os dados utilizados foram provenientes de um ensaio de avaliação de 20 genótipos de milho-verde, coletados separadamente em cada linha da parcela, permitindo-se, desta maneira, utilizar o esquema de parcelas subdivididas. Os resultados obtidos possibilitam recomendar os arranjos 1 ou 2 para o estudo de bordadura lateral. Com relação à cultura de milho-verde, verificou-se que há necessidade de duas fileiras de bordadura lateral de cada lado da parcela.


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Aeromonas hydrophila AH-3 lateral flagella are not assembled when bacteria grow in liquid media; however, lateral flagellar genes are transcribed. Our results indicate that A. hydrophila lateral flagellar genes are transcribed at three levels (class I to III genes) and share some similarities with, but have many important differences from, genes of Vibrio parahaemolyticus. A. hydrophila lateral flagellum class I gene transcription is σ70 dependent, which is consistent with the fact that lateral flagellum is constitutively transcribed, in contrast to the characteristics of V. parahaemolyticus. The fact that multiple genes are included in class I highlights that lateral flagellar genes are less hierarchically transcribed than polar flagellum genes. The A. hydrophila lafK-fliEJL gene cluster (where the subscript L distinguishes genes for lateral flagella from those for polar flagella) is exclusively from class I and is in V. parahaemolyticus class I and II. Furthermore, the A. hydrophila flgAMNL cluster is not transcribed from the σ54/LafK-dependent promoter and does not contain class II genes. Here, we propose a gene transcriptional hierarchy for the A. hydrophila lateral flagella.


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Death of sensory hair cells in the inner ear results in two global health problems that millions of people around the world suffer: hearing loss and balance disorders. Hair cells convert sound vibrations and head movements into electrical signals that are conveyed to the brain, and as a result of aging, exposure to noise, modern drugs or genetic predisposition, hair cells die. In mammals, the great majority of hair cells are produced during embryogenesis, and hair cells that are lost after birth are not replaceable. However, in the last decades, researches have shown some model organisms that retain the ability to regenerate hair cells damaged after embryogenesis, such as Zebrafish and chicken, providing clues as to the cellular and molecular mechanisms that may block hair cell regeneration in mammals. This discovery initiated a search for methods to stimulate regeneration or replacement of hair cells in mammals, a search that, if fruitful, will revolutionize the treatment of hearing loss and balance disorders. One aim of my project is to study the role of retinoic acid in adult Zebrafish and in mice, which is a metabolite of vitamin A known as an essential molecule to activate hair cell regeneration after cells damaged in Zebrafish embryo. We want to study important genes involved in retinoic acid pathway, such as Aldh1a3 and RARs genes, to check what their role is in the inner ear of adult Zebrafish and compare result obtained in the inner ear of mice. On the other hand, Zebrafish lateral line contains neuromast, which are formed by the same structure than the inner ear: hair cells surrounded by supporting cells and neurons. The lateral line is a structure below the skin's surface that makes easier to damage hair cells to study their regeneration. For that reason, another aim of my project is to study how Sox2 and Atoh1, essential genes during the inner ear development, change their expression during hair cell regeneration in the lateral line. In my project, the most important concepts related to Zebrafish world are explained in order to understand why we have studied this animal and these essential genes. Then, techniques that we used are explained, with their protocol attached in the annexes. Finally, results of my project are shown, but many of them were not expected and they would be needed to follow studying.


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Etimológicamente, esclerosis significa endurecimiento (skerós es "endurecmiento patológico" y osis, "enfermedad") y hace referencia al estado de la médula espinal en las fases avanzadas de la enfermedad. Lateral significa "al lado" y pone de manifiesto la ubicación del daño en la médula espinal. Por último, el término amiotrófica significa "sin nutrición muscular" y se refiere a la pérdida de señales que los nervios envían normalmente a los músculos. La Esclerosis Lateral Amiotrófica (ELA) es la enfermedad más grave de un grupo de dolencias que tienen síntomas similares y son conocidas como "enfermedades de motoneuronas": la Atrofia Muscular Juvenil o Enfermedad de Kugelberg Welander, la Atrofia Muscular Infantil o Enfermedad de Werdnig Hoffmann, la parálisis bulbar progresiva, la amiotrofia focal benigna, la esclerosis lateral primaria y la atrofia muscular espinobulbar o Enfermedad de Kennedy.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de rizobactérias, no crescimento de plântulas de pepino e no controle de tombamento, causado por Pythium aphanidermatum. Foram realizados em laboratório ensaios de: degradação de 1-aminociclopropano-1-carboxilato (ACC); colonização das raízes de plântulas de pepino; e pareamento de culturas. A identificação dos melhores isolados foi feita pela determinação das seqüências do gene 16S rDNA. Trinta e sete isolados, dos 165 testados, aumentaram a massa de matéria seca das plantas de pepino em até 63%. Desses, somente um isolado (N13 - Pseudomonas fluorescens) reduziu o tombamento de plântulas em 25%; 21 isolados inibiram o crescimento micelial de P. aphanidermatum, colonizaram o sistema radicular das plantas de pepino e cresceram em presença de ACC como única fonte de nitrogênio. Dos dez isolados que apresentaram resultados satisfatórios, cinco foram identificados como pertencentes aos gêneros Bacillus, quatro Pseudomonas e um Stenotrophomonas. Dos 165 isolados de rizobactérias testados, sete possuem potencial para promover o crescimento de plantas de pepino e um para controlar o tombamento causado por P. aphanidermatum.


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Objective: To describe the clinical, radiological and histopathological features of lateral periodontal cysts among patients diagnosed in different centers (Vall d"Hebron General Hospital, Granollers General Hospital, the Teknon Medical Center, and the Master of Oral Surgery and Implantology of the University of Barcelona Dental School; Barcelona, Spain). Study design: A retrospective observational study was made of 11 lateral periodontal cysts, all of which were diagnosed following a thorough clinical examination, radiological study and posterior histological study. Results: The mean patient age was 37 years, and males predominated over females. The mean lesion size was 1.25 cm. A single relapse was recorded 7 years after removal of the initial lesion. All the cysts were surgically removed. Discussion and conclusions: Lateral periodontal cysts are very infrequent, and are characterized by the preserved vitality of the adjacent teeth. Identification of the lesion is initially based on the clinical findings, though histological study is required to confirm the diagnosis. The treatment of choice is the surgical removal, though occasional relapses have been documented


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Introduction: Ankle sprains affect 200'000 persons/year in Switzerland. Most incidences are successfully treated by conservative measures but 20% require reconstruction for symptomatic chronic lateral ankle instability. This study evaluates the functional outcome after a modified Broström-Gould technique as measured by different clinical scores and compares the functional outcome of this technique with other surgical treatments of ankle instability. Methods: This retrospective cohort study evaluates 47 patients who underwent a modified Broström-Gould procedure using suture anchors to refix the lateral ankle capsuloligamentary structures at our institution from 2005 to 2009 with a minimum follow-up of one year (13-72 Mo). All patients were operated by one single surgeon and evaluated by an independent examiner. The function was assessed using 4 scores including: the AOFAS (American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society's Score) hindfoot score; the FAAM (Foot and Ankle Ability Measurement); the CAIT (Cumberland Ankle Instability Tool); the CAIS (Chronic Ankle Instability Scale). Results: Six patients were excluded leaving 41 patients for examination. 34 patients (83%) thought that their ankle was more stable after the surgery, 7 (17%) did not feel any difference. 27 patients were very satisfied, 11 satisfied and 3 not satisfied. Reasons for non satisfaction included persistent instability and pain. Ankle mobility returned to normal in 93% of patients. Five patients had transcient hypoesthesy in the area of the superficial peroneal nerve. One patient suffered from a superficial infection treated successfully by local measures. 80% had the perception of a normal ankle, 20% thought to be below normal. At follow-up the AOFAS was 89/100 (37-100), the FAAM 85/100% (35-100%), the CAIT 20/30 (5-30), and the CAIS 74/100% (27-100%). Conclusions: The modified Broström-Gould procedure, which belongs to the anatomic ankle stabilizations is relatively simple and offers good outcome that satisfied 93% of the patients in the present study. No active stabilisator is sacrificed. Preservation of the ankle mobility is better and the complication rate is lower than after non-anatomical procedures described in the literature. The CAIT appeared as the most severe score compared to the other scales used in our study.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do tratamento de sementes, com o indutor de resistência quitosana, sobre o tombamento de plântulas de beterraba e tomate, e sua relação com alterações bioquímicas e a defesa vegetal. Cada parcela foi representada por 25 sementes. Os tratamentos consistiram da imersão das sementes em quitosana nas concentrações de 0; 0,25; 0,5; 1; 2 e 4%. Posteriormente, as sementes foram semeadas em bandejas com o substrato infectado com Rhizoctonia sp., e mantidas em casa de vegetação por 14 dias. A quitosana induziu a resistência das plântulas de beterraba e tomate e reduziu a incidência de tombamento. As concentrações de 1,1 e 2,5% apresentaram maior eficiência na redução do tombamento, para as culturas da beterraba e tomate, respectivamente. O uso da quitosana induz o aumento na atividade da enzima fenilalanina amônia-liase (FAL) e interfere nas variáveis bioquímicas foliares de proteínas e açúcares totais e redutores.


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Résumé : L'amygdale latérale (AL) joue un .rôle essentiel dans la plasticité synaptique à la base du conditionnement de la peur. Malgré le faite que la majorité des cellules de l'AL reçoivent les afférentes nécessaires, une potentialisation dans seulement une partie d'entre elles est obligatoire afin que l'apprentissage de la peur ait lieu. Il a été montré que ces cellules expriment la forme active de CREB, et celui-ci a été associé aux cellules dites de type 'nonaccomrnodating' (nAC). Très récemment, une étude a impliqué les circuits récurrents de l'AL dans le conditionnement de la peur. Un lien entre ces deux observations n'a toutefois jamais été établi. t Nous avons utilisé un protocole in vitro de forte activation de l'AL, résultant dans l'induction de 'bursts' provenant de l'hippocampe et se propageant jusqu'à l'AL. Dans l'AL ces 'bursts' atteignent toutes les cellules et se propagent à travers plusieurs chemins. Utilisant ce protocole, nous avons, pour la première fois pu associer dans l'AL, des cellules connectées de manière récurrente avec des cellules de type nAC. Aussi bien dans ces dernières que dans les cellules de type 'accommodating' (AC), une diminution dans la transmission inhibitrice, à la fois exprimée de manière pré synaptique mais également indépendant de la synthèse de protéine a pu être observé. Au contraire, une potentialisation induite et exprimée au niveau pré synaptique ainsi que dépendante de la synthèse de protéine a pu être trouvé uniquement dans les cellules de type nAC. De plus, une hyperexcitabilité, dépendante des récepteurs NMDA a pu être observé, avec une sélection préférentielle des cellules du type nAC dans la génération de bursts. Nous avons également pu démontrer que la transformation d'un certain nombre de cellules de type AC en cellules dites nAC accompagnait cette augmentation générale de l'excitabilité de l'AL. Du faite da la grande quantité d'indices suggérant une connexion entre le système noradrénergique et les états de peur/d'anxiété, les effets d'une forte activation de l'AL sur ce dernier ont été investigués et ont révélés une perte de sa capacité de modulation du 'spiking pattern'. Finalement, des changements au niveau de l'expression d'un certain nombre de gènes, incluant celui codant pour le BDNF, a pu être trouvé à la suite d'une forte activation de l'AL. En raison du lien récemment décrit entre l'expression de la forme active de CREB et des cellules de type nAC ainsi que celui de l'implication des cellules de l'AL connectés de manière récurrente dans l'apprentissage de la peur, nos résultats nous permettent de suggérer un modèle expliquant comment la potentialisation des connections récurrentes entre cellules de type nAC pourrait être à la base de leur recrutement sélectif pendant le conditionnement de la peur. De plus, ils peuvent offrir des indices par rapport aux mécanismes à travers lesquels une sous population de neurones peut être réactivée par une stimulation externe précédemment inefficace, et induire ainsi un signal suffisamment fort pour qu'il soit transmit aux structures efférentes de l'AL. Abstract : The lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA) is critically involved in the plasticity underlying fear-conditioned learning (Sah et al., 2008). Even though the majority of cells in the LA receive the necessary sensory inputs, potentiation in only a subset is required for fear learning to occur (Repa et al., 2001; Rumpel et al., 2005). These cells express active CREB (CAMP-responsive element-binding protein) (Han et al., 200, and this was related to the non-accommodating (nAC) spiking phenotype (Viosca et al., 2009; Zhou et al., 2009). In addition, a very recent study implicated recurrently connected cells of the LA in fear conditioned learning (Johnson et al., 2008). A link between the two observations has however never been made. In rats, we used an in vitro protocol of strong activation of the LA, resulting in bursting activity, which spread from the hippocampus to the LA. Within the LA, this activity reached all cells and spread via a multitude of pathways. Using this model, we were able to link, for the first time, recurrently connected cells in the LA with cells of the nAC phenotype. While we found a presynaptically expressed, protein synthesis independent decrease in inhibitory synaptic transmission in both nAC and accommodating (AC) cells, only nAC cells underwent a presynaptically induced and expressed, protein synthesis dependent potentiation. Moreover we observed an NMDA dependent hyperexcitability of the LA, with a preferential selection of nAC cells into burst generation. The transformation of a subset of AC cells into nAC cells accompanied this general increase in LA excitability. Given the considerable evidence suggesting a relationship between the central noradrenergic (NA) system and fear/anxiety states (Itoi, 2008), the effects of strong activation of the LA on the noradrenergic system were investigated, which revealed a loss of its modulatory actions on cell spiking patterns. Finally, we found changes in the expression levels of a number of genes; among which the one coding for $DNF, to be induced by strong activation of the LA. In view of the recently described link between nAC cells and expression of pCREB (phosphorylated cAMP-responsive element-binding protein) as well as the involvement of recurrently connected cells of the LA in fear-conditioned learning, our findings may provide a model of how potentiation of recurrent connections between nAC neurons underlies their recruitment into the fear memory trace. Additionally, they may offer clues as to the mechanisms through which a selected subset of neurons can be reactivated by smaller, previously ineffective external stimulations to respond with a sufficiently strong signal, which can be transmitted to downstream targets of the LA.


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Astrocytes emerge as key players in motor neuron degeneration in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). Whether astrocytes cause direct damage by releasing toxic factors or contribute indirectly through the loss of physiological functions is unclear. Here we identify in the hSOD1(G93A) transgenic mouse model of ALS a degenerative process of the astrocytes, restricted to those directly surrounding spinal motor neurons. This phenomenon manifests with an early onset and becomes significant concomitant with the loss of motor cells and the appearance of clinical symptoms. Contrary to wild-type astrocytes, mutant hSOD1-expressing astrocytes are highly vulnerable to glutamate and undergo cell death mediated by the metabotropic type-5 receptor (mGluR5). Blocking mGluR5 in vivo slows down astrocytic degeneration, delays the onset of the disease and slightly extends survival in hSOD1(G93A) transgenic mice. We propose that excitotoxicity in ALS affects both motor neurons and astrocytes, favouring their local interactive degeneration. This new mechanistic hypothesis has implications for therapeutic interventions.Cell Death and Differentiation advance online publication, 11 July 2008; doi:10.1038/cdd.2008.99.