920 resultados para tobacco smoke


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Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is characterized by emphysema and chronic bronchitis and is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Tobacco smoke and deficiency in α1-antitrypsin (AAT) are the most prominent environmental and genetic risk factors, respectively. Yet the pathogenesis of COPD is not completely elucidated. Disease progression appears to include a vicious circle driven by self-perpetuating lung inflammation, endothelial and epithelial cell death, and proteolytic degradation of extracellular matrix proteins. Like AAT, serpinB1 is a potent inhibitor of serine proteases including neutrophil elastase and cathepsin G. Because serpinB1 is expressed in myeloid and lung epithelial cells and is protective during lung infections, we investigated the role of serpinB1 in preventing age-related and cigarette smoke-induced emphysema in mice. Fifteen-month-old mice showed increased lung volume and decreased pulmonary function compared with young adult mice (3 mo old), but no differences were observed between serpinB1-deficient (KO) and wild-type (WT) mice. Chronic exposure to secondhand cigarette smoke resulted in structural emphysematous changes compared with respective control mice, but no difference in lung morphometry was observed between genotypes. Of note, the different pattern of stereological changes induced by age and cigarette smoke suggest distinct mechanisms leading to increased airway volume. Finally, expression of intracellular and extracellular protease inhibitors were differently regulated in lungs of WT and KO mice following smoke exposure; however, activity of proteases was not significantly altered. In conclusion, we showed that, although AAT and serpinB1 are similarly potent inhibitors of neutrophil proteases, serpinB1 deficiency is not associated with more severe emphysema.


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Idiopathic or isolated clubfoot is a common orthopedic birth defect that affects approximately 135,000 children worldwide. It is characterized by equinus, varus and adductus deformities of the ankle and foot. Correction of clubfoot involves months of serial manipulations, castings and bracing, with surgical correction needed in forty percent of cases. Multifactorial etiology has been suggested in numerous studies with both environmental and genetic factors playing an etiologic role. Maternal smoking during pregnancy is the only common environmental factor that has consistently been shown to increase the risk for clubfoot. Moreover, a positive family history of clubfoot and maternal smoking increases the risk of clubfoot twenty fold. These findings suggest that genetic variation in smoking metabolism genes may increase susceptibility to clubfoot. Based on this reasoning, we interrogated eight candidate genes, chosen based on their involvement in phase 1 and 2 cigarette smoke metabolism. Twenty-two SNPs and two null alleles in eight genes (CYP1A1, CYP1A2, CYP1B1, CYP2A6, EPHX1, NAT2, GSTM1 and GSTT1) were genotyped in a dataset composed of nonHispanic white and Hispanic multiplex and simplex families. Only one SNP in CYP1A1, rs1048943, had significantly altered transmission in the aggregate and multiplex NHW datasets (p=0.003 and p=0.009). Perturbation of CYP1A1 by rs1048943 polymorphism causes an increase in the amount of harmful, adduct forming metabolic intermediates. A significant gene interaction between EPHX1 and NAT2 was also found (p=0.007). This interaction may affect the metabolism of harmful metabolic intermediates. Additionally, marginal interactions were found for other xenobiotic genes and these interactions may play a contributory role in clubfoot. Importantly, for CYP1A2, significant maternal (p=0.03; RR=1.24; 95% CI: 1.04-1.44) and fetal (p=0.01; RR=1.33; 95% CI: 1.13-1.54) genotypic effects were identified suggesting that both maternal and fetal genotypes impact normal limb development. No association was found for maternal smoking status and tobacco metabolism genes. Together, these results suggest that xenobiotic metabolism genes may play a contributory role in the etiology of clubfoot regardless of maternal smoking status and may impact foot development through perturbation of tobacco metabolic pathways.


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Exposure to outdoor air pollutants and passive tobacco smoke are common but avoidable worldwide risk factors for morbidity and mortality of individuals. In addition to well-known effects of pollutants on the cardiovascular system and the development of cancer, in recent years the association between air pollution and respiratory morbidity has become increasingly apparent. Not only in adults, but also in children with asthma and in healthy children a clear harmful effect of exposure towards air pollutants has been demonstrated in many studies. Among others increased pollution has been shown to result in more frequent and more severe respiratory symptoms, more frequent exacerbations, higher need for asthma medication, poorer lung function and increased visits to the emergency department and more frequent hospitalisations. While these associations are well established, the available data on the role of air pollution in the development of asthma seems less clear. Some studies have shown that increased exposure towards tobacco smoke and air pollution leads to an increase in asthma incidence and prevalence; others were not able to confirm those findings. Possible reasons for this discrepancy are different definitions of the outcome asthma, different methods for exposure estimation and differences in the populations studied with differing underlying genetic backgrounds. Regardless of this inconsistency, several mechanisms have already been identified linking air pollution with asthma development. Among these are impaired lung growth and development, immunological changes, genetic or epigenetic effects or increased predisposition for allergic sensitisation. What the exact interactions are and which asthmatic phenotypes will be influenced most by pollutants will be shown by future studies. This knowledge will then be helpful in exploring possible preventive measures for the individual and to help policy makers in deciding upon most appropriate regulations on a population level.


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Purpose – A growing body of literature provides evidence for the efficacy of workplace health promotion (WHP). However, little is known about effective dissemination strategies for WHP interventions. The purpose of this paper is to describe how a WHP agency in Zurich, Switzerland, used bulk mailings, information events, telephone marketing and free initial consultations for the large-scale geographic marketing of WHP services, with a focus on tobacco prevention (TP). Design/methodology/approach – To analyze the number of companies responding positively to solicitation, examine the predictors of positive responses and explore the reasons for negative responses, the authors used both quantitative (e.g. a standardized questionnaire) and qualitative (telephone interviews) methods. Findings – The results show that except for telephone marketing (69 percent), the success rates of dissemination activities were very low (3-9 percent). Predictors for a positive response were institutionalization of WHP, the representative’s personal concern about TP, and problems with environmental tobacco smoke within the company. The most prominent reason for a negative Response was that the companies had already implemented TP measures by themselves and needed no further external support. Practical implications – It is suggested that TP was the wrong emphasis for a WHP program to be disseminated at that particular time, because a law on protection from passive smoking was introduced in Switzerland shortly afterwards. Originality/value – The study examines dissemination strategies under real-life Consulting conditions. It builds on on a large sample of companies and uses both quantitative and qualitative research methods. It reports specific numbers and success rates of marketing activities and thereby contributes to the knowledge about an important issue for intervention planning in the field of WHP.


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Maternal smoking during pregnancy increases childhood asthma risk, but health effects in children of nonsmoking mothers passively exposed to tobacco smoke during pregnancy are unclear. We examined the association of maternal passive smoking during pregnancy and wheeze in children aged ≤2 years.Individual data of 27 993 mother-child pairs from 15 European birth cohorts were combined in pooled analyses taking into consideration potential confounders.Children with maternal exposure to passive smoking during pregnancy and no other smoking exposure were more likely to develop wheeze up to the age of 2 years (OR 1.11, 95% CI 1.03-1.20) compared with unexposed children. Risk of wheeze was further increased by children's postnatal passive smoke exposure in addition to their mothers' passive exposure during pregnancy (OR 1.29, 95% CI 1.19-1.40) and highest in children with both sources of passive exposure and mothers who smoked actively during pregnancy (OR 1.73, 95% CI 1.59-1.88). Risk of wheeze associated with tobacco smoke exposure was higher in children with an allergic versus nonallergic family history.Maternal passive smoking exposure during pregnancy is an independent risk factor for wheeze in children up to the age of 2 years. Pregnant females should avoid active and passive exposure to tobacco smoke for the benefit of their children's health.


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Introdução: Demonstramos previamente que em modelo experimental de enfisema pulmonar induzido por instilação de elastase, o inibidor de serinoprotease rBmTI-A promoveu a melhora da destruição tecidual em camundongos. Considerando que o tabagismo é o principal fator de risco para o desenvolvimento da Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crônica (DPOC) e que o modelo de exposição à fumaça de cigarro é considerado o que melhor mimetiza esta doença em humanos, este estudo teve por objetivo verificar a ação do inibidor para serinoproteases rBmTI-A sobre os processos fisiopatológicos envolvidos no desenvolvimento do enfisema pulmonar, em modelo de exposição ao tabaco. Métodos: Para a indução do enfisema pulmonar, os animais foram expostos à fumaça de cigarro (duas vezes ao dia/ 30 minutos/ 5 dias por semana/ durante 12 semanas), e os animais controle permaneceram expostos ao ar ambiente. Dois protocolos de tratamento com o inibidor rBmTI-A foram realizados. No primeiro, os animais receberam duas administrações do inibidor rBmTI-A ou de seu veículo (Solução Salina 0,9%) por via intranasal, sendo a primeira após 24h do término das exposições ao cigarro e outra, 7 dias após à primeira instilação do inibidor. No segundo protocolo, os animais receberam 3 administrações do inibidor rBmTI-A, durante o tempo de exposição (1ª dose: 24h antes do início da exposição à fumaça de cigarro; 2ª dose: um mês após o início da exposição; 3ª dose: dois meses após o início). Após o término dos protocolos de exposição e tratamento, os animais foram submetidos aos procedimentos para coleta dos dados de mecânica respiratória e avaliação do Intercepto Linear Médio (Lm). Para o segundo protocolo, realizamos também as medidas para quantificação de fibras de colágeno e elástica, da densidade de células positivas para MAC-2, MMP-12 e 9, TIMP-1, Gp91phox e TNFalfa; no parênquima através de imunohistoquímica, contagem de células polimorfonucleares além da expressão gênica de MMP-12 e 9 no pulmão através de RT-qPCR. Resultados e Discussão: O tratamento com o inibidor para serinoprotease rBmTI-A atenuou o desenvolvimento do enfisema pulmonar apenas no segundo protocolo, quando foi administrado durante a exposição à fumaça de cigarro. Embora os grupos Fumo-rBmTIA e Fumo-VE apresentem aumento de Lm comparados aos grupos controles, houve uma redução deste índice no grupo Fumo-rBmTIA comparado ao grupo Fumo-VE. O mesmo comportamento foi observado para as análises de proporção em volume de fibras de elástica e colágeno no parênquima. Além disto, observamos aumento de macrófagos, MMP-12, MMP-9 e TNFalfa; nos grupos expostos à fumaça de cigarro, mas o tratamento com o inibidor rBmTI-A diminuiu apenas a quantidade de células positivas para MMP-12. Na avaliação da expressão gênica para MMP-12 e 9, não observamos diferença entre os grupos experimentais e o mesmo comportamento foi observado para a quantidade de células polimorfonucleares no parênquima. Além disso, observamos aumento de GP91phox e TIMP-1 nos grupos tratados com rBmTIA. Conclusões: Tais resultados sugerem que o inibidor rBmTI-A não foi efetivo como tratamento da lesão após a doença instalada. Entretanto, atenuou o desenvolvimento da doença quando administrado durante a indução do enfisema, possivelmente através do aumento de GP91phox e TIMP-1, acompanhados pela diminuição de MMP-12.


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Comunicación presentada en forma de póster en el "12th Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering", Barcelona (Spain), November 15-18, 2011


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Volume containing medicinal recipes, medical notes, poetry, and obituaries written by Dr. Moses Appleton (1773-1849). Many of the recipes were copied from medical texts or other publications. His "cure for the dropsy," taken from the New York Herald, contained stale cider, parsley, horseradish, oxymel squills (sea onion in honey), and juniper berries. For diarrhea, he prescribed a blackberry syrup. Several entries indicate Appleton practiced Thomsonian medicine, an alternative system based on use of botanicals. The medical notes include an account of his treatment of a man with smallpox in 1815, and entries on patients he inoculated with cowpox matter. Another entry dated in 1796 provides instructions from the Massachusetts Humane Society for "treatment to be used with persons apparently dead from drowning," which included blowing tobacco smoke in the victim's lungs and applying warm blankets for several hours. Appleton adds a note questioning whether or not the lungs also should be "often artificially inflated." There is additionally a history of prominent physicians dating from ancient Greece.


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"Jennifer Jinot and Steven Bayard were the scienfitic editors ... Major portions of this revised report were prepared by ICF Incorporated ... under EPA contract no. 68-00-0102"--P. xv.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-04


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Objective: To examine the relationship between self-reported tobacco smoking and urinary cotinine concentrations in the setting of a remote Aboriginal community. Methods: In a remote Northern Territory (NT) Aboriginal community the relationship between self-reported tobacco smoking and urinary cotinine concentrations was examined as part of a cross-sectional survey of cardiovascular risk factors. Current tobacco smoking was assessed as part of a questionnaire. The concentration of cotinine and cotinine/creatinine ratio (CCR) in a spot urine sample were used as a biochemical marker of nicotine exposure. Results: A total of 237 people took part in the survey, although completed questionnaires and urine results were available for 184 people. Current tobacco smoking was reported by 161 (69 [95% Cl 63 to 75]%) people, with higher rates among males (84/104, 81 [95% Cl 72 to 88]%) than females (77/129, 60 [95% Cl 51 to 68]%, p


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Objective: The Ile462Val substitution in the cytochrome P450 1A1 gene (CYP1A1) results in increased enzymatic activity. Preliminary data suggesting a link between this polymorphism and lung cancer risk in Caucasians are inconsistent, reflecting small sample sizes and the relatively low frequency of the variant. Methods: The data set consisted of 1050 primary non-small cell lung cancer cases and 581 controls, a large homogenous population designed specifically to address previous inconsistencies. Patients were genotyped using a PCR-RFLP technique. Results: Carriers of the valine allele, CYP1A1*2C, (Ile/Val or Val/Val genotypes) were significantly over-represented in non-small cell lung cancer compared to controls (OR=1.9; 95% CI=1.2-2.9; p=0.005) when adjusted for confounders, particularly in women (OR=4.6; 95% CI=1.7-12.4; p=0.003). The valine variant was statistically significantly over-represented in cases of lung cancer younger than the median age (64 years) (OR=2.5; 95% CI=1.3-4.8; p=0.005) and cases with less than the median cumulative tobacco-smoke exposure (46 pack-years) (OR=2.4; 95% CI=1.3-4.7; p=0.007). Conclusions: These new data establish an association between the CYP1A1 Ile462Val polymorphism and the risk of developing non-small cell lung cancer, especially among women.


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Background - Smoking is a major cause of cardiovascular disease mortality. There is little information on how it contributes to global and regional cause-specific mortality from cardiovascular diseases for which background risk varies because of other risks. Method and Results - We used data from the American Cancer Society's Cancer Prevention Study II (CPS II) and the World Health Organization Global Burden of Disease mortality database to estimate smoking-attributable deaths from ischemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, and a cluster of other cardiovascular diseases for 14 epidemiological subregions of the world by age and sex. We used lung cancer mortality as an indirect marker for accumulated smoking hazard. CPS-II hazards were adjusted for important covariates. In the year 2000, an estimated 1.62 (95% CI, 1.27 to 2.04) million cardiovascular deaths in the world, 11% of total global cardiovascular deaths, were due to smoking. Of these, 1.17 million deaths were among men and 450 000 among women. There were 670 000 (95% CI, 440 000 to 920 000) smoking-attributable cardiovascular deaths in the developing world and 960 000 (95% CI, 770 000 to 1 200 000) in industrialized regions. Ischemic heart disease accounted for 54% of smoking-attributable cardiovascular mortality, followed by cerebrovascular disease (25%). There was variability across regions in the role of smoking as a cause of various cardiovascular diseases. Conclusions - More than 1 in every 10 cardiovascular deaths in the world in the year 2000 were attributable to smoking, demonstrating that it is an important preventable cause of cardiovascular mortality.


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Background: Asthma in early childhood has been associated with maternal smoking during pregnancy and parental smoking soon after birth. However, less is known about these exposures and the development of asthma symptoms in adolescence. Methods: Data were taken from the Mater University Study, of Pregnancy, a large birth cohort study of mothers and children enrolled in Brisbane, Australia, beginning in 1981. Smoking was assessed at 2 stages during pregnancy and at the 6-month and 5-year follow-up visits. Asthma was assessed from maternal reports that were provided when the child was age 14 years. We conducted multivariable multinomial logistic regression analyses to assess the effect of maternal smoking on asthma symptoms. Results: There was a strong sex interaction such that girls whose mothers had smoked heavily (20 or more cigarettes per day) in pregnancy and at the 6-month follow up had increased odds of experiencing asthma symptoms at age 14 (odds ratio = 1.96; 95% confidence interval = 1.25-3.08). The contribution of heavy smoking during pregnancy appeared to be stronger than heavy smoking after the birth. No similar associations were seen for boys. Conclusion: Female adolescents whose mothers smoked heavily during the fetal period and the early months of life have increased risk of asthma symptoms in adolescence. In utero exposure to heavy smoking was found to have a stronger effect than postnatal environmental tobacco exposure.