882 resultados para the plastic arts


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Este trabalho tem por objetivo explorar as relações entre diferentes linguagens artísticas – literatura, cinema, artes plásticas e desenho –, investigando o funcionamento das técnicas de colagem (termo originário das artes plásticas) e montagem (técnica cinematográfica) e de que forma foram transpostas para a literatura. Para tal, tomaremos como objeto de análise os romances Galvez imperador do Acre ([1977] 1983) e A resistível ascensão do Boto Tucuxi (1982), do escritor amazonense Márcio Souza.


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Dos anos 1960 até hoje, o Tropicalismo se tornou muito mais do que uma das últimas vanguardas modernistas ou a primeira pós-modernista - como se costuma repetir. Ele se firmou como uma espécie eficiente e reiterada de "razão" dualista para se definir a cultura brasileira e orientar sua produção (tanto estética quanto politicamente). O artigo procura analisar, a partir do momento atual de vitória (e crise) da lógica tropicalista, a história desse processo que lançou o Tropicalismo no centro do debate cultural contemporâneo, no Brasil e no exterior.


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El artículo recuerda los intentos de sistematización de saberes anteriores al Romanticismo y recapitula la evolución de la historiografía literaria durante los siglos XIX y XX para presentar después algunas reflexiones metodológicas con respecto a la clasificación de obras literarias a partir de las propuestas formuladas por Ottmar Ette en un libro reciente. Muestra que cualquier intento de "sistematizar" un conjunto de saberes o de obras literarias desemboca rápidamente en sistemas de pertenencias parcialmente compartidas cuyas estructuras parecen arbitrarias, y que quizás sea a veces preferible visualizarlos en esquemas parecidos a los que se utilizaron para sintetizar las numerosas corrientes que caracterizan la evolución de las artes plásticas a partir de 1890.


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El artículo recuerda los intentos de sistematización de saberes anteriores al Romanticismo y recapitula la evolución de la historiografía literaria durante los siglos XIX y XX para presentar después algunas reflexiones metodológicas con respecto a la clasificación de obras literarias a partir de las propuestas formuladas por Ottmar Ette en un libro reciente. Muestra que cualquier intento de "sistematizar" un conjunto de saberes o de obras literarias desemboca rápidamente en sistemas de pertenencias parcialmente compartidas cuyas estructuras parecen arbitrarias, y que quizás sea a veces preferible visualizarlos en esquemas parecidos a los que se utilizaron para sintetizar las numerosas corrientes que caracterizan la evolución de las artes plásticas a partir de 1890.


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El artículo recuerda los intentos de sistematización de saberes anteriores al Romanticismo y recapitula la evolución de la historiografía literaria durante los siglos XIX y XX para presentar después algunas reflexiones metodológicas con respecto a la clasificación de obras literarias a partir de las propuestas formuladas por Ottmar Ette en un libro reciente. Muestra que cualquier intento de "sistematizar" un conjunto de saberes o de obras literarias desemboca rápidamente en sistemas de pertenencias parcialmente compartidas cuyas estructuras parecen arbitrarias, y que quizás sea a veces preferible visualizarlos en esquemas parecidos a los que se utilizaron para sintetizar las numerosas corrientes que caracterizan la evolución de las artes plásticas a partir de 1890.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Artes, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arte, 2016.


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The present work presents the measurements of the magnetic Barkhausen noise (MBN) in ASTM 36 steel samples around a pit under plastic deformation. The contour maps obtained from these Barkhausen noise measurements are compared with the finite element analysis of the ideal plastic deformation. Also, a parameter of the Barkhausen signal to detect the plastic deformation around the pit in ASTM 36 steel is obtained. Additionally to that, we propose another MBN parameter to estimate the pit width using the Barkhausen noise. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This work proposes a constitutive model to simulate nonlinear behaviour of cement based materials subjected to different loading paths. The model incorporates a multidirectional fixed smeared crack approach to simulate crack initiation and propagation, whereas the inelastic behaviour of material between cracks is treated by a numerical strategy that combines plasticity and damage theories. For capturing more realistically the shear stress transfer between the crack surfaces, a softening diagram is assumed for modelling the crack shear stress versus crack shear strain. The plastic damage model is based on the yield function, flow rule and evolution law for hardening variable, and includes an explicit isotropic damage law to simulate the stiffness degradation and the softening behaviour of cement based materials in compression. This model was implemented into the FEMIX computer program, and experimental tests at material scale were simulated to appraise the predictive performance of this constitutive model. The applicability of the model for simulating the behaviour of reinforced concrete shear wall panels submitted to biaxial loading conditions, and RC beams failing in shear is investigated.


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In the 2006 Iowa General Assembly, House File 2797 called for a study on the status of afterschool arts programs and appropriated $5,000 for the study. In accordance with the legislation, the Iowa Arts Council, who received the charge, contracted with the Iowa Afterschool Alliance to form a Resource Group of out-of-school arts providers and experts to develop and oversee the study, review its results, and make recommendations for the expansion of arts programs that operate outside the normal school day. As a part of its charge in HF 2797, the Iowa Arts Council also documented a sampling of out-of-school arts programs statewide. Five are featured in this report.


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La influència de les arts en el desenvolupament cognitiu, és el tema d’aquest Treball de Final de Grau. La recerca ha consistit en descobrir i conèixer quines són les capacitats que es desperten en la nostra ment al relacionar-nos amb les arts plàstiques. Diversos psicòlegs experts en el desenvolupament cognitiu i professionals de les arts, són els que han permès aprofundir en la identificació d’algunes de les capacitats que la cognició desenvolupa amb l’ajuda de l’art. La realització d’una intervenció educativa amb infants d’escola bressol i la mirada profunda d’un projecte educatiu d’una escola, han deixat observar la realitat del què passa quan es realitzen propostes artístiques, quines són les parts de la ment que es desperten durant el procés. Per saber si les arts són avantatjoses o no en la nostra evolució, s’ha elaborat una comparació minuciosa entre els arguments i explicacions dels autors consultats, la pròpia vivència al centre de pràctiques i el projecte educatiu d’una escola.


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The Iowa Arts Council is excited to accomplish goals on behalf of Iowa while helping support the strategic direction of the Department of Cultural Affairs. With an eye to the future, the Iowa Arts Council remains committed to honoring its 45-year legacy while staying true to its mission of enriching the quality of life in Iowa through support of the arts.


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Students today have a different way of relating to information due to the new media channels that have arisen in the last decades. These have changed the way high-school and undergraduate students learn and they have altered the manner by which they perceive the world. Today’s Education Theory must take this fact into account in order to enhance the student’s learning process. The objective of this project is to give an example of how this enhancement may be achieved. First, it will give a brief overview of the relation between today’s young generations and the different channels of information; secondly, it will analyze the cognitive, psychological and educational theories that explain how the human brain learns and the important value that nonverbal information has for the memory system; afterwards, it will focus on this nonverbal information, looking at the possible effects that it may have on human memory and learning; finally, it will give an example of the practical implementation of this theory through the presentation of three animated instructional videos that have been created with the specific aim of enhancing the young generation’s understanding of some complex subjects of the Liberal Arts.