992 resultados para testis biopsy
Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the use of sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) and whole body positron emission tomography (PET), with emphasis on surgical treatment and prognosis, in the detection of clinically occult metastases in patients with clinically localized cutaneous melanoma. Patients and methods: The study population consisted of 1255 patients with clinical stage I–II cutaneous melanoma, operated at Turku University Hospital between 1983 and 2007. 334 patients underwent SLNB and they were compared to 921 retrospective patients. A subgroup of 30 symptom-free patients with high risk melanoma underwent prospectively whole body PET 6–24 months postoperatively. Results: Overall, the disease-specific survival rate was 84.4 % at five years. Sex, Breslow thickness, age and nodal status were independent prognostic factors for survival. SLNB revealed occult nodal metastases in 17 % of the patients. There was no significant difference in disease-specific overall survival between SLNB patients and controls, but the nodal disease-free time was significantly longer suggesting better local control after SLNB and subsequent completion lymph node dissection. The followup time was different between the study cohorts and initial surgery was performed during different time periods. SLNB detected micrometastases in seven of 155 patients (4.5 %) with thin T1 primary melanoma and in four of 25 patients (16 %) with head and neck melanoma. In six of 30 asymptomatic patients with high risk melanoma (20 %), whole body PET detected occult distant metastases. Conclusion: Both SLNB and whole body PET were reliable methods to detect clinically occult metastases in patients with cutaneous melanoma. This upstaging altered the treatment in each case.
Infertility is a common late effect of childhood cancer treatment. Testicular toxicity can clinically be first detected after the onset of pubertal maturation of the patients when the testis does not grow, spermatogenesis does not initiate and serum levels of gonadotrophins rise. Improved prognosis for childhood cancer has resulted in a growing number of childhood cancer survivors with late effects. In our study, we developed novel tools for detecting cancer therapy-related testicular toxicity during development. By using these methods the effects of the tyrosine kinase inhibitor imatinib mesylate, chemotherapy agent doxorubicin and irradiation on testicular development were investigated in rat and monkey. Patients with chronic myeloid leukemia and some patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia have fusion gene BCR-ABL which codes for abnormal tyrosine kinase protein. Imatinib mesylate (Glivec®) inhibits activity of this protein. In addition, imatinib inhibits the action of the c-kit and PDGF –receptors, which are both important for the survival and proliferation of the spermatogonial stem cell pool. Imatinib exposure during prepubertal development disturbed the development and the growth of the testis. Spermatogonial stem cells were also sensitive to the toxic effects of doxorubicin and irradiation during the initiation phase of spermatogenesis. In addition, the effect of the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia on germ cell numbers and recovery of reproductive functions after sexual maturation was investigated. Therapy for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia seldom results in infertility. The present study gives new information on the mechanisms by which cancer treatments exert their gonadal toxicity in immature testis.
OBJETIVO: Verificar o efeito da secção distal do Gubernaculum testis como modelo experimental de criptorquidia unilateral em ratos. MÉTODO: Foram usados 36 ratos machos de linhagem Wistar-EPM, distribuídos em dois grupos: A (Grupo Experimento: animais submetidos à secção distal do gubernaculum direito) e B (Grupo Controle: operação simulada do lado direito). Cada grupo foi subdividido em 3 subgrupos com 6 animais cada : A-1, A-2 e A-3: B-1, B-2 e B-3. Os animais dos subgrupos A-1 e B-1 foram re-operados após 30 dias. Os animais dos subgrupos A-2 e B-2 foram mortos após 50 dias e os dos subgrupos A-3 e B-3 após 90 dias. RESULTADOS: Houve diferenças quanto ao peso, tamanho e posição do testículo afetado em relação ao lado controle,as quais só foram evidenciadas a partir do subgrupo A-2 (50 dias).O testículo não foi palpável na bolsa testicular em 88,9% dos casos e não houve óbito dos animais. Foram observadas alterações da maturidade celular, atrofia tubular, diminuição do diâmetro dos túbulos e ausência de espermatozóides na luz tubular no grupo A e presença de normalidade histológica para a idade nos animais do grupo B. CONCLUSÃO: O modelo experimental de produção de criptorquidia experimental unilateral pela secção do Gubernaculum testis em ratos foi eficaz e prático.
OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi desenvolver um padrão de avaliação diagnóstica pela Core biopsy com agulha de 16G em lesões mamárias. Utilizando critérios ecográficos padronizados e relacionando os resultados ao tamanho das lesões investigadas e avaliando o número ideal de fragmentos a serem colhidos. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo de maio de 2004 a setembro de 2005 em 79 pacientes com lesões incluídas nas categorias 2, 3, 4 e 5, segundo Bi-RADS® US, realizando Core Biopsy com agulha de 16G, retirando-se cinco fragmentos numerados e colocados individualmente em frascos com formol a 10%. RESULTADOS: De 84 biópsias realizadas houve 81 diagnósticos conclusivos (96%), com 43 malignos (51%) e 38 benignos (45%). A eficácia da Core biopsy aumenta com o número de amostras colhidas: com uma amostra é de 95,24%,duas amostras 96,93%; três amostras 98,8%; quatro amostras 98,81%; cinco amostras 100%. CONCLUSÃO: A retirada de três fragmentos foi suficiente para um resultado satisfatório.
OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the accuracy of frozen section histopathology from fragments of tissue obtained by percutaneous core needle biopsy of palpable tumors in the diagnosis of breast cancer. METHODS: a cohort study was performed on 57 patients with palpable tumors and suspected breast cancer undergoing percutaneous thick needle core biopsy. The fragments were analyzed by the same pathologist. RESULTS: frozen section diagnosed 16 benign cases (28.6%) and 40 malignant (71.4%), whereas paraffin showed that 15 were benign (26.8%) and 41 malignant (73.2%). Histopathological examinations were concordant in 55 cases and there was one false-negative (6.2%). Statistics rates were: negative predictive value of 93.8%, positive predictive value of 100%, no false-positive (0%), one false negative (6.2%), specificity of 100%, sensitivity of 97 6%; observed agreement = 98.2%; expected agreement = 59.9%, Kappa = 0.955 [ 95% CI = 0.925-0.974, p < 0.01 ]. CONCLUSIONS: frozen section histopathological findings showed excellent correlation with the findings by the technique in paraffin in the fragments of palpable breast tumors obtained by thick needle percutaneous core biopsy (98.2% accuracy). Therefore, in these patients, it was possible to anticipate the diagnosis, staging and the breast cancer treatment planning.
OBJETIVO: Determinar o grau de subestimação de core biopsy, guiada por imagem, de lesões impalpáveis da mama subsequentemente submetidas à exérese cirúrgica. MÉTODOS: Foram revisados retrospectivamente 352 casos com biópsias de fragmento que foram submetidos à cirurgia entre fevereiro de 2000 e dezembro de 2005, cujo laudo histopatológico estava registrado no sistema interno de informação. Os resultados foram comparados com os da cirurgia e a taxa de subestimação foi calculada dividindo-se o número de carcinoma in situ e/ou invasivo à cirurgia pelo número de lesões de alto risco ou carcinoma in situ que foram submetidas à cirurgia. O grau de concordância entre os resultados foi obtido pelo percentual de concordância e pelo coeficiente kappa de Cohen. A associação das variáveis estudadas com a subestimação do diagnóstico foi verificada pelos testes do c2 exato de Fisher, ANOVA e Mann-Whitney U. O risco de subestimação foi medido por meio do risco relativo acompanhado dos respectivos intervalos com 95% de confiança (IC95%). RESULTADOS: Core biopsy foi inconclusiva em 15,6%. O laudo histopatológico foi benigno em 26,4%, sugestivo de lesão de alto risco em 12,8% e maligno em 45,2%. A concordância entre a core biopsy e a cirurgia foi de 82,1% (kappa=0,75). A taxa de falso negativo foi de 5,4% e a lesão foi completamente removida em 3,4%. A taxa de subestimação foi de 9,1% e esteve associada com BI-RADS® categoria 5 (p=0,01), microcalcificações (p < 0,001) e estereotaxia (p= 0,002). Todos os casos subestimados apresentavam diâmetro menor que 20 mm e em todos foram retirados pelo menos cinco fragmentos. A taxa de subestimação para lesões de alto risco foi de 31,1%, 41,2%, para hiperplasia ductal atípica, 31,2% para lesões papilíferas, 16,7% para tumor filóides e 41,9% para carcinoma ductal in situ. CONCLUSÕES: Core biopsy guiada por imagem é um procedimento confiável, contudo permanece a recomendação de ressecção cirúrgica de lesões de alto risco detectadas à biópsia de fragmento já que não foi possível estabelecer características clínicas, imaginológicas, do procedimento e patológicas que pudessem predizer subestimação e evitar a cirurgia. Amostras representativas da lesão são mais importantes que o número de fragmentos.
With the great development of the gestational studies in all of the species, we noticed the necessity of adaptations of these techniques for prenatal diagnosis in dogs. Based on this, we studied the feasibility of chorion biopsy guided by ultrasound. Our results demonstrated accuracy on the sex determination being 2 males and 12 females, as well as it would be possible to identify chromosome alteration due to the quality of samplings. Sex determination was accomplished with the identification of Y gene chromosomes in PCR technique. After the collection, fragments were prepared for light microscopy studies and revealed fetal chorion tissue, blood colloid and erythrocyte. In the whole material we found hemosiderin impregnations due to the hemolysis and to the residue of blood of the placental marginal hematomes. The submitted female dogs to this technique demonstrated normal puppy births without death.
Endosurgery has been used for assessment of fish celomatic cavity, as well as for obtaining biopsies for organic analysis. Such minimally invasive access may also be used for the analysis of environmental impact on biomarkers of pollution. In Brazil, studies and literature regarding the use of celioscopy in fish are sparse. The purpose of the current study was to develop a two-port celioscopy technique to obtain liver biopsy in silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen). Six adult female silver catfish were used. The animals were anesthetized and the inspection of the celomatic cavity were performed using a telescope and celioscopic-guided liver biopsy were taken using laparoscopic Kelly forceps. On the early postoperative period, the animals were released in a confined water reservoir where mortality could be checked. The liver samples were sent for histological assessment. There were no complications during surgery on early postoperative period. It was possible to visualize meticulously several organs (liver, spleen, stomach, pancreas, swim bladder, ovaries, bowel and transverse septum). In conclusion, the surgical technique and the anesthetic protocol proposed were suitable to perform liver biopsies in silver catfish and provided low morbidity.
The purpose of the present study was to validate the quantitative culture and cellularity of bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) for the diagnosis of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). A prospective validation test trial was carried out between 1992 and 1997 in a general adult intensive care unit of a teaching hospital. Thirty-seven patients on mechanical ventilation with suspected VAP who died at most three days after a BAL diagnostic procedure were submitted to a postmortem lung biopsy. BAL effluent was submitted to Gram staining, quantitative culture and cellularity count. Postmortem lung tissue quantitative culture and histopathological findings were considered to be the gold standard exams for VAP diagnosis. According to these criteria, 20 patients (54%) were diagnosed as having VAP and 17 (46%) as not having the condition. Quantitative culture of BAL effluent showed 90% sensitivity (18/20), 94.1% specificity (16/17), 94.7% positive predictive value and 88.8% negative predictive value. Fever and leukocytosis were useless for VAP diagnosis. Gram staining of BAL effluent was negative in 94.1% of the patients without VAP (16/17). Regarding the total cellularity of BAL, a cut-off point of 400,000 cells/ml showed a specificity of 94.1% (16/17), and a cut-off point of 50% of BAL neutrophils showed a sensitivity of 90% (19/20). In conclusion, BAL quantitative culture, Gram staining and cellularity might be useful in the diagnostic investigation of VAP.
The objective of the present study was to determine the efficacy of detection of antigliadin immunoglobulins G and A (IgG and IgA) for the diagnosis of celiac disease in a developing country, since other enteropathies might alter the levels of these antibodies. Three groups were studied: 22 patients with celiac disease (mean age: 30.6 months), 61 patients with other enteropathies (mean age: 43.3 months), and 46 patients without enteropathies (mean age: 96.9 months). Antigliadin IgG and IgA ELISA showed sensitivity of 90.9 and 95.5%, respectively. With the hypothetical values of prevalence ranging from 1:500 to 1:2000 liveborns, the positive predictive value varied from 8.5 to 2.3% for IgG and from 4.8 to 1.1% for IgA. Considering the patients without enteropathies, specificity was 97.8 and 95.7% for IgG and IgA, respectively. In patients with other enteropathies, specificity was 82.0 and 84.1%, respectively. When patients with and without other enteropathies were considered as a whole, specificity was 88.8 and 91.6%, respectively. The specificity of positive IgG or IgA was 93.5% in children without enteropathies and 78.7% in the presence of other enteropathies. The negative predictive value for hypothetical prevalences varying from 1:500 to 1:2000 liveborns was 99.9%. Thus, even in developing countries where the prevalence of non-celiac enteropathies is high, the determination of serum antigliadin antibody levels is a useful screening test prior to the jejunal biopsy in the investigation of intestinal malabsorption.
Sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) is an appropriate method for the evaluation of axillary status in cases of early breast cancer. We report our experience in treating cases evaluated using SLNB. We analyzed a total of 1192 cases assessed by means of SLNB from July 1999 to December 2007. SLNB processing was successfully completed in 1154 cases with the use of blue dye or radiolabeled 99mTc-Dextran-500, or both. Of these 1154 patients, 857 were N0(i-) (no regional lymph node metastasis, negative immunohistochemistry, IHC), 96 were N0(i+) (no regional lymph node metastasis histologically, positive IHC, no IHC cluster greater than 0.2 mm) and 201 were N1mi (greater than 0.2 mm, none greater than 2.0 mm). Most of the tumors (70%) were invasive ductal carcinomas and tumors were staged as T1 in 770 patients (65%). A total of 274 patients underwent SLNB and axillary dissections up to April 2003. The inclusion criteria were tumor size equal to or less than 3 cm in diameter, no clinically palpable axillary lymph nodes, no neoadjuvant therapy. In 19 cases, the SLN could not be identified intraoperatively. A false-negative rate of 11% and a negative predictive value of 88.2% were obtained for the 255 assessable patients. The overall concordance between SLNB and axillary lymph node status was 92%. SLNB sensitivity for nodes was 81% and specificity was 100%. The higher sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and lower false-negative rates of SLNB suggest that this method may be an appropriate alternative to total axillary dissection in early breast cancer patients.
To explore whether an environment of weightlessness will cause damage to the reproductive system of animals, we used the tail-suspension model to simulate microgravity, and investigated the effect of microgravity on the tissue structure and function of the testis in sexually mature male rats. Forty-eight male Wistar rats weighing 200-250 g were randomly assigned to three groups (N = 16 each): control, tail traction, and tail suspension. After the rats were suspended for 7 or 14 days, morphological changes of testis were evaluated by histological and electron microscopic methods. The expression of HSP70, bax/bcl-2 and AR (androgen receptor) in testis was measured by immunohistochemistry. Obvious pathological lesions were present in the testis after the rats were suspended for 7 or 14 days. We detected overexpression of HSP70 and an increase of apoptotic cells, which may have contributed to the injury to the testis. The expression of AR, as an effector molecule in the testis, was significantly decreased in the suspended groups compared to control (P < 0.01). We also observed that, with a longer time of suspension, the aforementioned pathological damage became more serious and some pathological injury to the testis was irreversible. The results demonstrated that a short- or medium-term microgravity environment could lead to severe irreversible damage to the structure of rat testis.
The Banff classification was introduced to achieve uniformity in the assessment of renal allograft biopsies. The primary aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of specimen adequacy on the Banff classification. All renal allograft biopsies obtained between July 2010 and June 2012 for suspicion of acute rejection were included. Pre-biopsy clinical data on suspected diagnosis and time from renal transplantation were provided to a nephropathologist who was blinded to the original pathological report. Second pathological readings were compared with the original to assess agreement stratified by specimen adequacy. Cohen's kappa test and Fisher's exact test were used for statistical analyses. Forty-nine specimens were reviewed. Among these specimens, 81.6% were classified as adequate, 6.12% as minimal, and 12.24% as unsatisfactory. The agreement analysis among the first and second readings revealed a kappa value of 0.97. Full agreement between readings was found in 75% of the adequate specimens, 66.7 and 50% for minimal and unsatisfactory specimens, respectively. There was no agreement between readings in 5% of the adequate specimens and 16.7% of the unsatisfactory specimens. For the entire sample full agreement was found in 71.4%, partial agreement in 20.4% and no agreement in 8.2% of the specimens. Statistical analysis using Fisher's exact test yielded a P value above 0.25 showing that - probably due to small sample size - the results were not statistically significant. Specimen adequacy may be a determinant of a diagnostic agreement in renal allograft specimen assessment. While additional studies including larger case numbers are required to further delineate the impact of specimen adequacy on the reliability of histopathological assessments, specimen quality must be considered during clinical decision making while dealing with biopsy reports based on minimal or unsatisfactory specimens.