983 resultados para temperature rise


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The relation between changes in modern glaciers, not including the ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica, and their climatic environment is investigated to shed light on paleoglacier evidence of past climate change and for projecting the effects of future climate warming on cold regions of the world. Loss of glacier volume has been more or less continuous since the 19th century, but it is not a simple adjustment to the end of an “anomalous” Little Ice Age. We address the 1961–1997 period, which provides the most observational data on volume changes. These data show trends that are highly variable with time as well as within and between regions; trends in the Arctic are consistent with global averages but are quantitatively smaller. The averaged annual volume loss is 147 mm⋅yr−1 in water equivalent, totaling 3.7 × 103 km3 over 37 yr. The time series shows a shift during the mid-1970s, followed by more rapid loss of ice volume and further acceleration in the last decade; this is consistent with climatologic data. Perhaps most significant is an increase in annual accumulation along with an increase in melting; these produce a marked increase in the annual turnover or amplitude. The rise in air temperature suggested by the temperature sensitivities of glaciers in cold regions is somewhat greater than the global average temperature rise derived largely from low altitude gauges, and the warming is accelerating.


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We consider the simplest relevant problem in the foaming of molten plastics, the growth of a single bubble in a sea of highly viscous Newtonian fluid, and without interference from other bubbles. This simplest problem has defied accurate solution from first principles. Despite plenty of research on foaming, classical approaches from first principles have neglected the temperature rise in the surrounding fluid, and we find that this oversimplification greatly accelerates bubble growth prediction. We use a transport phenomena approach to analyze the growth of a solitary bubble, expanding under its own pressure. We consider a bubble of ideal gas growing without the accelerating contribution from mass transfer into the bubble. We explore the roles of viscous forces, fluid inertia, and viscous dissipation. We find that bubble growth depends upon the nucleus radius and nucleus pressure. We begin with a detailed examination of the classical approaches (thermodynamics without viscous heating). Our failure to fit experimental data with these classical approaches, sets up the second part of our paper, a novel exploration of the essential decelerating role of viscous heating. We explore both isothermal and adiabatic bubble expansion, and also the decelerating role of surface tension. The adiabatic analysis accounts for the slight deceleration due to the cooling of the expanding gas, which depends on gas polyatomicity. We also explore the pressure profile, and the components of the extra stress tensor, in the fluid surrounding the growing bubble. These stresses can eventually be frozen into foamed plastics. We find that our new theory compares well with measured bubble behavior.


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Se describe la composición de especies, distribución, abundancia y frecuencia de paralarvas de cefalópodos en el mar peruano. Se determinó un total de 14 familias, 8 géneros, 4 especies en un total de 1109 muestras de zooplancton colectadas con red Hensen a 50 metros de profundidad desde la superficie, proveniente de 8 cruceros de investigación ejecutados durante los años 2013 y 2014; siendo las especies más dominantes Argonauta spp. (41.4%) y Abraliopsis sp. (6.4%); y las familias Ommastrephidae (13%), Octopodidae (9.1%), Gonatidae (3.9%) y Pyroteuthidae (3.7%). Las paralarvas mostraron una distribución espacial y una relación especie-específica con las masas de agua. Las especies de Argonauta spp. estuvieron relacionadas con ASS, ACF y AES/ATS, y el aumento de sus abundancias relacionadas con el aumento de temperatura; la familia Ommastrephidae relacionadas con ASS y ACF, con una distribución oceánica; la familia Octopodidae distribuida solo en el norte-centro dentro de la plataforma continental; la familia Gonatidae asociadas únicamente a ACF; mientras que las familias Onychoteuthidae y Pyroteuthidae no mostraron patrón de distribución ni preferencia por alguna masa de agua específica.


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Ice core data from Antarctica provide detailed insights into the characteristics of past climate, atmospheric circulation, as well as changes in the aerosol load of the atmosphere. We present high-resolution records of soluble calcium (Ca2+), non-sea-salt soluble calcium (nssCa2+), and particulate mineral dust aerosol from the East Antarctic Plateau at a depth resolution of 1 cm, spanning the past 800 000 years. Despite the fact that all three parameters are largely dust-derived, the ratio of nssCa2+ to particulate dust is dependent on the particulate dust concentration itself. We used principal component analysis to extract the joint climatic signal and produce a common high-resolution record of dust flux. This new record is used to identify Antarctic warming events during the past eight glacial periods. The phasing of dust flux and CO2 changes during glacial-interglacial transitions reveals that iron fertilization of the Southern Ocean during the past nine glacial terminations was not the dominant factor in the deglacial rise of CO2 concentrations. Rapid changes in dust flux during glacial terminations and Antarctic warming events point to a rapid response of the southern westerly wind belt in the region of southern South American dust sources on changing climate conditions. The clear lead of these dust changes on temperature rise suggests that an atmospheric reorganization occurred in the Southern Hemisphere before the Southern Ocean warmed significantly.


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Warming and changes in ocean carbonate chemistry alter marine coastal ecosystems at an accelerating pace. The interaction between these stressors has been the subject of recent studies on reef organisms such as corals, bryozoa, molluscs, and crustose coralline algae. Here we investigated the combined effects of elevated sea surface temperatures and pCO2 on two species of photosymbiont-bearing coral reef Foraminifera: Heterostegina depressa (hosting diatoms) and Marginopora vertebralis (hosting dinoflagellates). The effects of single and combined stressors were studied by monitoring survivorship, growth, and physiological parameters, such as respiration, photochemistry (pulse amplitude modulation fluorometry and oxygen production), and chl a content. Specimens were exposed in flow-through aquaria for up to seven weeks to combinations of two pCO2 (~790 and ~490 µatm) and two temperature (28 and 31 °C) regimes. Elevated temperature had negative effects on the physiology of both species. Elevated pCO2 had negative effects on growth and apparent photosynthetic rate in H.depressa but a positive effect on effective quantum yield. With increasing pCO2, chl a content decreased in H. depressa and increased in M. vertebralis. The strongest stress responses were observed when the two stressors acted in combination. An interaction term was statistically significant in half of the measured parameters. Further exploration revealed that 75 % of these cases showed a synergistic (= larger than additive) interaction between the two stressors. These results indicate that negative physiological effects on photosymbiont-bearing coral reef Foraminifera are likely to be stronger under simultaneous acidification and temperature rise than what would be expected from the effect of each of the stressors individually.


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The generation of heat due to the radioactive decay of plutonium in the form of plutonium dioxide stored in wooden containers is considered. The results of two experiments in which plutonium dioxide is placed inside wooden blocks and the temperature rise measured at various points is reported. Heat transfer calculations are then performed to show that the data obtained are those which would be expected, i.e., that Fourier's Law adequately describes the situation. The heat build up in a proposed wood moderated shipping container is calculated, using some of the assumptions verified in the described experiments.


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A finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) thermal model has been developed to compute the temperature elevation in the Sprague Dawley rat due to electromagnetic energy deposition in high-field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The field strengths examined ranged from 11.75-23.5 T (corresponding to H-1 resonances of 0.5-1 GHz) and an N-stub birdcage resonator was used to both transmit radio-frequency energy and receive the MRI signals. With an in-plane resolution of 1.95 mm, the inhomogeneous rat phantom forms a segmented model of 12 different tissue types, each having its electrical and thermal parameters assigned. The steady-state temperature distribution was calculated using a Pennes 'bioheat' approach. The numerical algorithm used to calculate the induced temperature distribution has been successfully validated against analytical solutions in the form of simplified spherical models with electrical and thermal properties of rat muscle. As well as assisting with the design of MRI experiments and apparatus, the numerical procedures developed in this study could help in future research and design of tumour-treating hyperthermia applicators to be used on rats in vivo.


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The work described in this thesis is directed to the examination of the hypothesis that ultrasound may be used to perturb molecular motion in the liquid phase. These changes can then be detected by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) in spin-lattice and spin-spin relaxation times. The objective being to develop a method capable of reducing the pulsed NMR acquisition times of slowly relaxing nuclei. The thesis describes the theoretical principles underlying both NMR spectroscopy and ultrasonics with particular attention being paid to factors that impinge on testing the above hypothesis. Apparatus has been constructed to enable ultrasound at frequencies between 1 and 10 mega-hertz with a variable power up to 100W/cm-2 to be introduced in the NMR sample. A broadband high frequency generator is used to drive PZT piezo-electric transducer via various transducer to liquid coupling arrangements. A commercial instrument of 20 kilo-hertz has also been employed to test the above hypothesis and also to demonstrate the usefulness of ultrasound in sonochemistry. The latter objective being, detection of radical formation in monomer and polymer ultrasonic degradation. The principle features of the results obtained are: Ultrasonic perturbation of T1 is far smaller for pure liquids than is for mixtures. The effects appear to be greater on protons (1H) than on carbon-13 nuclei (13C) relaxation times. The observed effect of ultrasonics is not due to temperature changes in the sample. As the power applied to the transducer is progressively increased T1 decreases to a minimum and then increases. The T1's of the same nuclei in different functional groups are influenced to different extents by ultrasound. Studies of the 14N resonances from an equimolar mixture of N, N-dimethylformamide and deuterated chloroform with ultrasonic frequencies at 1.115, 6, 6.42 and 10 MHz show that as the frequency is increased the NMR signal to noise ratio decreases to zero at the Larmor frequency of 6.42 MHz and then again rises. This reveals the surprising indication that an effect corresponding to nuclear acoustic saturation in the liquid may be observable. Ultrasonic irradiation of acidified ammonium chloride solution at and around 6.42 MHz appears to cause distinctive changes in the proton-nitrogen J coupling resonance at 89.56 MHz. Ultrasonic irradiation of N, N-dimethylacetamide at 2 KHz using the lowest stable power revealed the onset of coalescence in the proton spectrum. The corresponding effect achieved by direct heating required a temperature rise of approximately 30oC. The effects of low frequency (20 KHz) on relaxation times appear to be nil. Detection of radical formation proved difficult but is still regarded as the principle route for monomer and polymer degradation. The initial hypothesis is considered proven with the results showing significant changes in the mega-hertz region and none at 20 KHz.


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This work has concentrated on the testing of induction machines to determine their temperature rise at full-load without mechanically coupling to a load machine. The achievements of this work are outlined as follows. 1. Four distinct categories of mixed-frequency test using an inverter have been identified by the author. The simulation results of these tests as well as the conventional 2-supply test have been analysed in detail. 2. Experimental work on mixed-frequency tests has been done on a small (4 kW) squirrel cage induction machine using a voltage source PWM inverter. Two out of the four categories of test suggested have been tested and the temperature rise results were found to be similar to the results of a direct loading test. Further, one of the categories of test proposed has been performed on a 3.3 kW slip-ring induction machine for the conformation of the rotor values. 3. A low current supply mixed-frequency test-rig has been proposed. For this purpose, a resonant bank was connected to the DC link of the inverter in order to maintain the exchange of power between the test machine and the resonant bank instead of between the main supply and the test machine. The resonant bank was then replaced with a special electro-mechanical energy storage unit. The current of the main power supply was then reduced in amplitude. 4. A variable inertia test for full load temperature rise testing of induction machines has been introduced. This test is purely mechanical in nature and does not require any electrical connection of the test machine to any other machine. It has the advantage of drawing very little net power from the supply.


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A proposal to increase the existing residential LV grid voltage from 230 V has been made in order to increase existing network capacity. A power-electronic AC-AC converter is then used to provide 230 V at each property. Several constraints such as temperature rise at the converter location lead to a converter design requiring very high efficiency. In this paper results from a recent feasibility study in terms of LV network capacity increase are presented along with the design and testing of a SiC based 1 kW, AC/AC prototype module, which forms the basis of a much larger 15 kW multi-module converter.


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A proposal to increase the existing residential LV grid voltage from 230 V to 300 V has been made in order to increase existing network capacity. A power-electronic AC-AC converter is then used to provide 230 V at each property. The equipment can also provide power-quality improvements to the network and load. Several constraints such as temperature rise at the converter location lead to a converter design requiring very high efficiency. In this paper different AC/AC converter topologies are presented which compares the power quality benefits, size and efficiency of each converter. The design and the control technique of the most suitable topology are verified using simulation and preliminary experimentally results of prototype hardware are also included. © 2013 IEEE.


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We report on high power issues related to the reliability of fibre Bragg gratings inscribed with an infrared femtosecond laser using the point-by-point writing method. Conventionally, fibre Bragg gratings have usually been written in fibres using ultraviolet light, either holographically or using a phase mask. Since the coating is highly absorbing in the UV, this process normally requires that the protective polymer coating is stripped prior to inscription, with the fibre then being recoated. This results in a time consuming fabrication process that, unless great care is taken, can lead to fibre strength degradation, due to the presence of surface damage. The recent development of FBG inscription using NIR femtosecond lasers has eliminated the requirement for the stripping of the coating. At the same time the ability to write gratings point-by-point offers the potential for great flexibility in the grating design. There is, however, a requirement for reliability testing of these gratings, particularly for use in telecommunications systems where high powers are increasingly being used in long-haul transmission systems making use of Raman amplification. We report on a study of such gratings which has revealed the presence of broad spectrum power losses. When high powers are used, even at wavelengths far removed from the Bragg condition, these losses produce an increase in the fibre temperature due to absorption in the coating. We have monitored this temperature rise using the wavelength shift in the grating itself. At power levels of a few watts, various temperature increases were experienced ranging from a few degrees up to the point where the buffer completely melts off the fibre at the grating site. Further investigations are currently under way to study the optical loss mechanisms in order to optimise the inscription mechanism and minimise such losses.


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The aim of this paper is to survey the game theory modelling of the behaviour of global players in mitigation and adaptation related to climate change. Three main fields are applied for the specific aspects of temperature rise: behaviour games, CPR problem and negotiation games. The game theory instruments are useful in analyzing strategies in uncertain circumstances, such as the occurrence and impacts of climate change. To analyze the international players’ relations, actions, attitude toward carbon emission, negotiation power and motives, several games are applied for the climate change in this paper. The solution is surveyed, too, for externality problem.


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Ecological models have often been used in order to answer questions that are in the limelight of recent researches such as the possible effects of climate change. The methodology of tactical models is a very useful tool comparison to those complex models requiring relatively large set of input parameters. In this study, a theoretical strategic model (TEGM ) was adapted to the field data on the basis of a 24-year long monitoring database of phytoplankton in the Danube River at the station of G¨od, Hungary (at 1669 river kilometer – hereafter referred to as “rkm”). The Danubian Phytoplankton Growth Model (DPGM) is able to describe the seasonal dynamics of phytoplankton biomass (mg L−1) based on daily temperature, but takes the availability of light into consideration as well. In order to improve fitting, the 24-year long database was split in two parts in accordance with environmental sustainability. The period of 1979–1990 has a higher level of nutrient excess compared with that of the 1991–2002. The authors assume that, in the above-mentioned periods, phytoplankton responded to temperature in two different ways, thus two submodels were developed, DPGM-sA and DPGMsB. Observed and simulated data correlated quite well. Findings suggest that linear temperature rise brings drastic change to phytoplankton only in case of high nutrient load and it is mostly realized through the increase of yearly total biomass.


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The exponential growth of studies on the biological response to ocean acidification over the last few decades has generated a large amount of data. To facilitate data comparison, a data compilation hosted at the data publisher PANGAEA was initiated in 2008 and is updated on a regular basis (doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.149999). By January 2015, a total of 581 data sets (over 4 000 000 data points) from 539 papers had been archived. Here we present the developments of this data compilation five years since its first description by Nisumaa et al. (2010). Most of study sites from which data archived are still in the Northern Hemisphere and the number of archived data from studies from the Southern Hemisphere and polar oceans are still relatively low. Data from 60 studies that investigated the response of a mix of organisms or natural communities were all added after 2010, indicating a welcomed shift from the study of individual organisms to communities and ecosystems. The initial imbalance of considerably more data archived on calcification and primary production than on other processes has improved. There is also a clear tendency towards more data archived from multifactorial studies after 2010. For easier and more effective access to ocean acidification data, the ocean acidification community is strongly encouraged to contribute to the data archiving effort, and help develop standard vocabularies describing the variables and define best practices for archiving ocean acidification data.