853 resultados para target audience


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In this paper, we propose a brief analysis of Ou Isto ou Aquilo, a 1964 children's poetry book by Cecilia Meireles. Based on the perception that the poems in this book possess a distinctive character, both aesthetically and thematically, the analysis focuses precisely on the work's unique aspects, regarding the approach to certain issues which are not customarily associated with the child's universe - such as solitude, death, longing, sorrow, angst and nostalgia. Our work aims to shun a common - and sometimes reductionist - vision of children's poetry, by seeing the ludic primarily as a tool that allows the poet to address denser themes in a way that is accessible to children, but without underestimating them. Likewise, based on the assumptions presented, we intend to demonstrate how the author allows not only children, but also to the adult readers, to get in contact with poetic profundity that is not restricted to the target audience. Thus, we expect that the presentation and the analysis of children's poems might, in a way, redeem the importance of Cecilia Meireles's children's poetic production


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In this paper, we propose a brief analysis of Ou Isto ou Aquilo, a 1964 children's poetry book by Cecilia Meireles. Based on the perception that the poems in this book possess a distinctive character, both aesthetically and thematically, the analysis focuses precisely on the work's unique aspects, regarding the approach to certain issues which are not customarily associated with the child's universe - such as solitude, death, longing, sorrow, angst and nostalgia. Our work aims to shun a common - and sometimes reductionist - vision of children's poetry, by seeing the ludic primarily as a tool that allows the poet to address denser themes in a way that is accessible to children, but without underestimating them. Likewise, based on the assumptions presented, we intend to demonstrate how the author allows not only children, but also to the adult readers, to get in contact with poetic profundity that is not restricted to the target audience. Thus, we expect that the presentation and the analysis of children's poems might, in a way, redeem the importance of Cecilia Meireles's children's poetic production


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Cabaret is deeply rooted in Austrian culture, particularly in Vienna, where nowadays this genre can once again live its glory days thanks to the effort of many cabaret comedians like Michael Niavarani, Roland Düringer, Alfred Dorfer and Andreas Vitásek. The starting point for this work is the show “Sekundenschlaf”, of the Viennese cabaret artist Andreas Vitásek. The core of the show is time, a dimension that is not fixed, but time can both fly as well as lengthen almost endlessly. Moreover, Vitásek also speaks about many current issues, like politics and the economic crisis, but the focus of the show is always the author’s personal experience. By means of this work I wanted to identify the difficulties of a potential translation of the show in order to find out whether such a translation might be possible and effective. I chose the examples that were more significant from a thematic and linguistic point of view, transcribed them directly from the DVD and analyzed them in detail. The translation of cabaret proves to be particularly difficult, as it is essential to convey the humorous elements to the target audience. Although humor belongs to all human beings, it is extremely specific for each culture and language. Therefore it is the job of a translator to manage to build a bridge between the source and the target culture. This work is divided into two major parts, one dedicated to cabaret as artistic genre, and the other one specifically dedicated to the show “Sekundenschlaf”. Through the analysis of the transcribed examples I have identified first the linguistic and then the thematic difficulties, pointing out which cultural elements are specific for Austrian culture and which elements can be understood (almost) everywhere.


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Abstract in italiano L’oggetto del presente elaborato è una proposta di traduzione dal portoghese all’italiano di un racconto della scrittrice brasiliana Zélia Gattai intitolato "Pipistrelo das mil cores". Il libro ha come fine quello di educare i più piccoli alla tutela della fauna e porre un freno alla crudeltà sugli animali. Questo progetto si divide in tre capitoli: nel primo vengono presentate l’autrice e l’opera, nel secondo la traduzione e, nell’ultimo, vengono commentate le scelte traduttive con particolare attenzione al tipo di pubblico cui il testo è rivolto. Sinopse em português O tema desta dissertação é uma proposta de tradução de português para italiano dum conto da literatura infantil brasileira cujo título é "Pipistrelo das mil cores" escrito por Zélia Gattai. O livro tem o fim de sensibilizar as crianças sobre a salvaguarda da fauna e de pôr fim aos maus tratos infligidos aos animais. Este estudo encontra-se dividido em três capítulos: no primeiro, é apresentada a autora e a obra, no segundo, a tradução e, no terceiro, analizam-se as opções tradutivas com especial atenção para o tipo de leitores aos quais o texto está endereçado. Abstract in English The aim of this dissertation is to translate a piece of Brazilian children’s literature published under the title of "Pipistrelo das mil cores" written by Zélia Gattai from Portuguese into Italian. The objective of the book is to raise awareness of wildlife conservation and of cruelty to animals. This study is divided into three chapters. The first one introduces the author and the book, the second one presents a translation proposal and the last one analyses the translating choices with particular attention to the target audience.


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The aim of this thesis is to analyse the main translating issues related to the subtitling of the Italian social movie Italy in a day into English: Italy in a day is a crowdsourced film, comprising a selection of video clips sent by ordinary people, showing occurrences of everyday life on a single day, October 26th, 2013. My dissertation consists of four chapters. The first provides a general overview of audiovisual translation, from the description of the characteristics of filmic products to a summary of the most important audiovisual translation modes; a theoretical framework of the discipline is also provided, through the analysis of the major contributions of Translations Studies and the multidisciplinary approach proposed by the scholar Frederic Chaume. The second chapter offers insight into the subtitling practice, examining its technical parameters, the spatial and temporal constraints, together with the advantages and pitfalls of this translation mode. The main criteria for quality assessment are also outlined, as well as the procedures carried out in the creation of subtitles within a professional environment, with a particular focus on the production of subtitles for the DVD industry. In the third chapter a definition of social movie is provided and the audiovisual material is accurately described, both in form and content. The creation of the subtitling project is here illustrated: after giving some information about the software employed, every step of the process is explained. In the final chapter the main translation challenges are highlighted. In the first part some text reduction techniques in the shift from oral to written are presented; then the culture-specific references and the linguistic variation in the film are analysed and the compensating strategies adopted to fill the linguistic and cultural gap are commented on and justified taking into account the needs and expectations of the target audience.


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Objectives: The aim of this content analysis study is to characterize the TV advertisements aired to an at-risk child population along the Texas-Mexico border. Methods: We characterized the early Saturday morning TV advertisements aired by three broadcast network categories (U.S. English language, U.S. Spanish language, and Mexican Spanish language) in Spring 2010. The number, type (food related vs. non-food related), target audience, and persuasion tactics used were recorded. Advertised foods, based on nutrition content, were categorized as meeting or not meeting current dietary guidelines. Results: Most commercials were non-food related (82.7%, 397 of 480). The majority of the prepared foods (e.g., cereals, snacks, and drinks) advertised did not meet the current U.S. Dietary Guidelines. Additionally, nutrition content information was not available for many of the foods advertised on the Mexican Spanish language broadcast network category. Conclusions: For U.S. children at risk for obesity along the Texas-Mexico border exposure to TV food advertisements may result in the continuation of sedentary behavior as well as an increased consumption of foods of poor nutritional quality. An international regulatory effort to monitor and enforce the reduction of child-oriented food advertising is needed. Editors' Note: This article was submitted in response to the first issue of the Journal of Applied Research on Children: Latino Children.


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L’infection de prothèse articulaire est une complication rare mais redoutée. Sa prise en charge nécessite une collaboration entre médecin de premier recours, orthopédiste et infectiologue. Une méconnaissance du diagnostic peut avoir pour conséquences des traitements chirurgicaux lourds. L’identification du germe responsable de l’infection est essentielle. Elle guide le choix de l’antibiothérapie et est aussi un critère décisif de la stratégie chirurgicale. Une antibiothérapie ne devrait jamais être instaurée sans prélèvement microbiologique adéquat préalable. Ici, le frottis de plaie superficielle n’est d’aucune utilité, car il reflète tout au plus la colonisation par des germes de la flore cutanée. Cette revue se veut un aperçu pratique des infections de prothèse articulaire à l’attention du médecin de premier recours.


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Perhaps it was foreshadowing the influence emerging technologies would have on health when the term "podcast" beat out "bird flu" for the 2005 word of the year, an honor given by The New Oxford American Dictionary. From medical school courses to medical journal summaries, podcasting has found a niche in the health field and with studies showing a high proportion of people using the Internet to seek health information, it is imperative that the online information be accurate and easily accessible. With the responsibility of health departments to reach out to their respective communities with effective health communication strategies, this study assessed the proportion of 50 states' and the District of Columbia's health departments utilizing podcasting as a tool for health communication. Additionally, to assess any trends, the prevalence of podcasting was compared to select state demographic characteristics (age, sex, and median income), the organization of the health department (freestanding or super-agency), and the respective United Health Foundation 2007 health ranking. ^ Prevalence data were collected from each state health department's website to find evidence of podcasting to any extent. If a podcast was present, characteristics including creator, release frequency, and transcript were further assessed. The study found that 51% (26/51) of all health departments were utilizing podcasts in some capacity and almost 20% (5/26) of these had created their own podcasts. The most common use of podcasting was to link to outside podcast resources, most notably, the Centers for Disease Control's podcast series. No significant associations were found between the state-specific variables and the podcasting outcomes; however, higher percentages of young adults in some states suggest potential podcasting opportunities for targeting these known podcast users with age-specific health messages. Another recommendation is a future assessment of local health departments' use of podcasting as their smaller, more defined target audiences may be a more efficient use of podcasting as a health communication tool. Additionally, there is a need for evaluations of podcasts' overall effectiveness as a health communication tool to (1) reach a target audience; and (2) convey a specific health message. In conclusion, the findings from this project illuminate the extent of podcast influence in states' and the District of Columbia's health departments as a health communication tool; however evaluations of effectiveness are imperative for future studies.^


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Background. In public health preparedness, disaster preparedness refers to the strategic planning of responses to all types of disasters. Preparation and training for disaster response can be conducted using different teaching modalities, ranging from discussion-based programs such as seminars, drills and tabletop exercises to more complex operation-based programs such as functional exercises and full-scale exercises. Each method of instruction has its advantages and disadvantages. Tabletop exercises are facilitated discussions designed to evaluate programs, policies, and procedures; they are usually conducted in a classroom, often with tabletop props (e.g. models, maps or diagrams). ^ Objective. The overall goal of this project was to determine whether tabletop exercises are effective teaching modalities for disaster preparedness, with an emphasis on intentional chemical exposure. ^ Method. The target audience for the exercise was the Medical Reserve Brigade of the Texas State Guard, a group of volunteer healthcare providers and first responders who prepare for response to local disasters. A new tabletop exercise was designed to provide information on the complex, interrelated organizations within the national disaster preparedness program that this group would interact with in the event of a local disaster. This educational intervention consisted of a four hour multipart program that included a pretest of knowledge, lecture series, an interactive group discussion using a mock disaster scenario, a posttest of knowledge, and a course evaluation. ^ Results. Approximately 40 volunteers attended the intervention session; roughly half (n=21) had previously participated in a full scale drill. There was an 11% improvement in fund of knowledge between the pre- and post-test scores (p=0.002). Overall, the tabletop exercise was well received by those with and without prior training, with no significant differences found between these two groups in terms of relevance and appropriateness of content. However, the separate components of the tabletop exercise were variably effective, as gauged by written text comments on the questionnaire. ^ Conclusions. Tabletop exercises can be a useful training modality in disaster preparedness, as evidenced by improvement in knowledge and qualitative feedback on its value. Future offerings could incorporate recordings of participant responses during the drill, so that better feedback can be provided to them. Additional research should be conducted, using the same or similar design, in different populations that are stakeholders in disaster preparedness, so that the generalizability of these findings can be determined.^


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This article presents an historical overview of the processes of genesis, development, crisis and reforms in public agricultural extension throughout the 1990s, offering an overview of its main determinants, based on the literature on the subject. In this way, we analyzed the process of constitution of institutional apparatuses for the offering of extension services and linking policies technical modernization of agriculture worldwide during the postwar period, weaving considerations on the Brazilian case. The article also examines the aspects that determined the emergence of a crisis of public extension occurred during the 1980s, amid intensifying criticism of the Green Revolution model of agriculture. Finally, the article seeks to highlight the connections between the crisis and the reforms of privatization of public extension occurred in several countries during the 1990s guided the redesign of its institutional forms, forms of financing, its goals, its target audience, the working methodologies and technological matrix advocated


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This article presents an historical overview of the processes of genesis, development, crisis and reforms in public agricultural extension throughout the 1990s, offering an overview of its main determinants, based on the literature on the subject. In this way, we analyzed the process of constitution of institutional apparatuses for the offering of extension services and linking policies technical modernization of agriculture worldwide during the postwar period, weaving considerations on the Brazilian case. The article also examines the aspects that determined the emergence of a crisis of public extension occurred during the 1980s, amid intensifying criticism of the Green Revolution model of agriculture. Finally, the article seeks to highlight the connections between the crisis and the reforms of privatization of public extension occurred in several countries during the 1990s guided the redesign of its institutional forms, forms of financing, its goals, its target audience, the working methodologies and technological matrix advocated


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This article presents an historical overview of the processes of genesis, development, crisis and reforms in public agricultural extension throughout the 1990s, offering an overview of its main determinants, based on the literature on the subject. In this way, we analyzed the process of constitution of institutional apparatuses for the offering of extension services and linking policies technical modernization of agriculture worldwide during the postwar period, weaving considerations on the Brazilian case. The article also examines the aspects that determined the emergence of a crisis of public extension occurred during the 1980s, amid intensifying criticism of the Green Revolution model of agriculture. Finally, the article seeks to highlight the connections between the crisis and the reforms of privatization of public extension occurred in several countries during the 1990s guided the redesign of its institutional forms, forms of financing, its goals, its target audience, the working methodologies and technological matrix advocated


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Despite the growth experienced by e-commerce in recent years, results in terms of adoption rates and revenue are still far from the predictions made a few years ago. In order to achieve the expected growth rates, characteristics of con-sumers have to be studied so that an offer adapted to the customers' needs may be developed. In recent years, various methods have been used to perform consumer segmentations. In this paper we have analyzed and classified the articles published on e-commerce segmentation according to five criteria: country, target audience, type of segmentation variables, objective of segmentation and influence of product types. The results of the analysis show a small number of papers, mainly empiri-cal, that have provided only partial conclusions. New research options are pro-posed in the final section.