969 resultados para super-aggregates
Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum Bibliothecae regiae. Pars tertia. Tomus tertius (-quartus), Parisiis : ex typographia regia, 1744 : "1.° Anonymi grammatica, in qua de verborum conjugatione. — 2.° Bedae, Presbyteri, de arte metrica liber ad Gutbertum. — 3.° Ejusdem de schematibus et tropis liber ad eundem. — 4.° Claudii Marii Victoris Massiliensis, de Genesi libri tres : carmine heroïco ; porro hi libri iidem prorsus cum illis qui commentariorum in Genesim in editis titulum prae se ferunt : praemittitur Victoris precatio ad Deum, oratione soluta. — 5.° Sancti Paulini carmina ad Ausonium. — 6.° Ausonii, qui in hoc codice sanctus appellatur, carmina ad Paulinum. — 7.° Anonymi carmen in laudem sancti Joannis Baptistae. — 8.° Anonymi carmen cujus is est titulus : laudes Domini cum miraculo quod accidit in Aedrico. — 9.° Anonymi carmen in laudem Christi Domini ; incipit : Jam mihi polliceor. — 10.° Bebiani carmen de uxore sua morti proxima, è variis versuum generibus contextum ; incipit : ô vir beatus cui remissa iniquitas. — 11.° Drepanii Flori Diaconi Lugdunensis, carmen de cereo paschali. — 12.° Hymnus in solemnitate S. Michaëlis, Archangeli. — 13.° Drepanii Flori, Diaconi Lugdunensis, epistola ad Modoinum, Episcopum Augustodunensem. — 14.° Servii Honorati de ultimarum syllabarum natura liber ad Aquilinum. — 15.° Anonymi grammatica. — 16.° Epigrammata quorumdam psalmorum, sive potiùs, psalmi XXII. XXVI. XXVII. versibus haeroïcis expositi ; authore Drepanio Floro. — 17.° Canticum trium puerorum, versibus heroïcis : eodem authore. — 18.° Anonymi cohortatio ad Wlfinum, Aurelianensem Grammaticum. — 19.° Sedulii carmen elegiacum de incarnatione Christi. Saeculo nono videtur exaratus."
En tête, formule de confession écrite en 1389.
The discussion presented below concerns the section on "Unidentified Cement-Aggregate Reactions" in which mention is made of concrete deterioration related to argillaceous dolomitic limestone aggregates. A considerable amount of research has been conducted on carbonate aggregate-cement reactions as part of the general study on the suitability of carbonate rocks as concrete aggregate which inadvertently did not reach the authors in time to be incorporated in their paper. These reactions which occur in response to the alkaline environment of concrete are not typical alkali-aggregate reactions associated with siliceous aggregates such as opaline cherts, volcanic glasses and etc. The reactions are associated with certain carbonate aggregates whose service records indicate deleterious performance in concrete has occurred. It is my purpose to review briefly carbonate aggregate research conducted at Iowa State University and present some new data on the problem of carbonate aggregate-cement paste reactions.
HR-116 is concerned with the relationship of carbonate aggregate to aging of highway concrete. The ultimate purpose of the research is to provide the Materials Department with better criteria for selection of carbonate aggregates for use in highway concrete. The research stems from the problem in Iowa which relates durability of highway concrete to use of certain aggregates. Service records of certain highways have shown that concrete deterioration is related to the source of coarse carbonate aggregate. Research on this problem in projects HR-15 and HR-86 helped define three broad areas of the problem in more detail: 1. The problem of evaluation of rocks which pass current specifications but have poor service records 2. The basic problem of how rocks contribute to distress in concrete 3. The problem of how concrete ages or weathers.
Donné le 14 juillet 1848 par M. Guyot; cf. B.n.F., département des Manuscrits, registre des dons 1848-1895, n° 4661
An initial feasibility study indicated that the "Purdue Accelerated Polishing Method" gave repeatable results when testing the skid resistance of laboratory specimens. The results also showed a rough correlation with the field performance of the same aggregate sources. The research was then expanded to include all available asphalt aggregates. The results of the expanded study indicated that the method is not presently capable of developing and measuring the full skid potential of the various aggregate sources. Further research in the area of polishing times and/or pressures is needed.
The Iowa D.O.T. has a classification system designed to rate coarse aggregates as to their skid resistant characteristics. Aggregates have been classified into five functional types, with a Type 1 being the most skid resistant. A complete description of the classification system can be found in the Office of Materials Instructional Memorandum T-203. Due to the variability of ledges within any given quarry the classification of individual ledges becomes necessary. The type of aggregate is then specified for each asphaltic concrete surface course. As various aggregates become used in a.c. paving, there is a continuing process of evaluating the frictional properties of the pavement surface. It is primarily through an effort of this sort that information on aggregate sources and individual ledges becomes more refined. This study is being conducted to provide that needed up-to-date information that can be used to monitor the aggregate classification system.