916 resultados para suicide assisté
This article discusses the evaluation of Stop Suicide, a regional association active in youth suicide prevention in Switzerland. The first part of the article presents and discusses the activities of Stop Suicide and its national context, characterized by an absence of a general national suicide prevention program. The second part specifically focuses on the evaluation of Stop Suicide, based on interviews with the members of the association's network. The evaluation reported an assessment carried out regarding the members' general perceptions about the association and its collaborations. The article suggests the possibility of creating a branch for coordinating regional suicide prevention, and it highlights the need to evaluate the impact and effects of the activities on the population concerned, youth
Conflicting results have been published about suicidality among HIV+ subjects; part of the alleged increased risk may be linked to premorbid risk factors such as drug addiction and homosexuality. In order to cope with these confounding factors, we assessed the degree of suicidal ideation in a sample of Swiss male homo- and bisexuals, comparing HIV- and HIV+ subjects. A total of 164 subjects returned a self-administered, home-completed questionnaire, which had been circulated among homosexuals in the French speaking part of Switzerland. Suicidal ideation was assessed through Pöldinger's scale. Serostatus was known for 149 subjects, among whom 65 were HIV+. A high rate of suicide attempts was found among homosexuals, both HIV- and HIV+. Scores on Pöldinger's scale are significantly, though moderately, higher among HIV+ subjects, and this finding seems to be a direct consequence of HIV infection.
Weak and Strong Altruism in Trait Groups: Reproductive Suicide, Personal Fitness, and Expected Value
A simple variant of trait group selection, employing predators as the mechanism underlying group selection, supports contingent reproductive suicide as altruism (i.e., behavior lowering personal fitness while augmenting that of another) without kin assortment. The contingent suicidal type may either saturate the population or be polymorphic with a type avoiding suicide, depending on parameters. In addition to contingent suicide, this randomly assorting morph may also exhibit continuously expressed strong altruism (sensu Wilson 1979) usually thought restricted to kin selection. The model will not, however, support a sterile worker caste as such, where sterility occurs before life history events associated with effective altruism; reproductive suicide must remain fundamentally contingent (facultative sensu West Eberhard 1987; Myles 1988) under random assortment. The continuously expressed strong altruism supported by the model may be reinterpreted as probability of arbitrarily committing reproductive suicide, without benefit for another; such arbitrary suicide (a "load" on "adaptive" suicide) is viable only under a more restricted parameter space relative to the necessarily concomitant adaptive contingent suicide.
The purpose of Project ASSIST is to provide computer training to individuals who are blind, visually-impaired or deaf-blind. Our training materials address all levels of users, from beginners to advanced users. We have tutorials, keyboard guides and diagrams, and course packets. These materials can be used by individuals who want to learn popular computer programs on their own and by professional trainers for their organization's computer training program. We also offer instructor-led training through our ASSIST Online distance learning program.
Abstract OBJECTIVE Discussing the factors associated with major depression and suicide risk among nursing professionals. METHOD An integrative review in PubMed/MEDLINE, LILACS, SciELO and BDENF databases, between 2003 and 2015. RESULTS 20 published articles were selected, mostly from between 2012 and 2014, with significant production in Brazil. Nursing professionals are vulnerable to depression when young, married, performing night work and having several jobs, and when they have a high level of education, low family income, work overload, high stress, insufficient autonomy and a sense of professional insecurity and conflict in the family and workrelationship. Suicide risk was correlated with the presence of symptoms of depression, high levels of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and low personal accomplishment; characteristics of Burnout Syndrome. CONCLUSION Suicide risk among nursing professionals is associated with symptoms of depression and correlated with Burnout Syndrome, which can affect work performance.
[Table des matières] 1. Thème. 2. Définitions. 3. Méthodes et données. 3.1. Recherche de littérature. 3.2. Récolte des données. 3.3. Données. 4. Analyse des données. 4.1. Situation générale. 4. 2. Constats valaisans. 4.3. Les taux de mortalité par suicide. 4. 4. Comparaisons des sources. 4.5. Comparaison des phénomènes. 4. 5. Tentatives de suicide. 5. Discussion. 5.1. Résultats principaux. 5.2. Force et faiblesse de l'étude. 5.3. Valeur de cette étude. 5.4. Questions ouvertes. 6. Recommandations. 7. Sites internet avec des informations intéressantes. 8. Annexes. 8.1. Etiologie du suicide. 8.2. Concept de prévention (conditions, types de prévention, niveaux des interventions préventives). 8.3. Programmes - Recommandations professionnelles - Recherche (Suisse, étranger, recherches). 8.4. Littérature.
Intentional or unintentional caffeine abuse due to excessive intake of beverages or energy drinks containing caffeine is relatively frequent. However, death due to caffeine intoxication is rare and case reports of fatalities from caffeine toxicity are relatively infrequent. In this report, we describe an autopsy case involving a 31Â year-old man who intentionally took a large amount of caffeine tablets in the form of a weight loss supplement as part of a suicide plan. Caffeine femoral blood concentration (170Â mg/l) was within the toxic and potentially lethal ranges reported in the literature in similar cases. Postmortem biochemistry results suggested depressed glomerular filtration rate and pre-renal failure at the time of death but failed to reveal myoglobinuria, glycosuria, ketonuria or ketonemia. Based on the absence of pathological findings at autopsy and the high blood caffeine level, death was attributed to acute caffeine toxicity. The case emphasizes the usefulness of performing exhaustive toxicology and searching for all potentially relevant information in order to formulate appropriate hypotheses concerning the cause and manner of death.
OBJECTIVE: High rates of suicide have been described in HIV-infected patients, but it is unclear to what extent the introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has affected suicide rates. The authors examined time trends and predictors of suicide in the pre-HAART (1988-1995) and HAART (1996-2008) eras in HIV-infected patients and the general population in Switzerland. METHOD: The authors analyzed data from the Swiss HIV Cohort Study and the Swiss National Cohort, a longitudinal study of mortality in the Swiss general population. The authors calculated standardized mortality ratios comparing HIV-infected patients with the general population and used Poisson regression to identify risk factors for suicide. RESULTS: From 1988 to 2008, 15,275 patients were followed in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study for a median duration of 4.7 years. Of these, 150 died by suicide (rate 158.4 per 100,000 person-years). In men, standardized mortality ratios declined from 13.7 (95% CI=11.0-17.0) in the pre-HAART era to 3.5 (95% CI=2.5-4.8) in the late HAART era. In women, ratios declined from 11.6 (95% CI=6.4-20.9) to 5.7 (95% CI=3.2-10.3). In both periods, suicide rates tended to be higher in older patients, in men, in injection drug users, and in patients with advanced clinical stage of HIV illness. An increase in CD4 cell counts was associated with a reduced risk of suicide. CONCLUSIONS: Suicide rates decreased significantly with the introduction of HAART, but they remain above the rate observed in the general population, and risk factors for suicide remain similar. HIV-infected patients remain an important target group for suicide prevention.
This study on suicide attempts is part of a large research project on dependent behavior in adolescents and young adults. 228 subjects aged 14-25 (107 "drug abusers," 121 controls) from the French speaking part of Switzerland were evaluated on the basis of a semi-structured interview (Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview), enabling a DSM-IV diagnosis, and self-reports (SSS by Zuckermann, MMPI-2, IDI by Hirschfeld). 31.5% of "drug abuser" males and 41.2% of "drug abuser" females committed one or more suicide attempts. The results of a logistic regression show that the significant factor explaining suicide attempts in drug users is emotional reliance for males and experience-seeking for females.
A simple variant of trait group selection, employing predators as themechanism underlying group selection, supports contingent reproductivesuicide as altruism (i.e., behavior lowering personal fitness whileaugmenting that of another) without kin assortment. The contingentsuicidal type may either saturate the population or be polymorphicwith a type avoiding suicide, depending on parameters. In addition tocontingent suicide, this randomly assorting morph may also exhibitcontinuously expressed strong altruism (sensu Wilson 1979) usuallythought restricted to kin selection. The model will not, however,support a sterile worker caste as such, where sterility occurs beforelife history events associated with effective altruism; reproductivesuicide must remain fundamentally contingent (facultative sensu WestEberhard 1987; Myles 1988) under random assortment. The continuouslyexpressed strong altruism supported by the model may be reinterpretedas probability of arbitrarily committing reproductive suicide, withoutbenefit for another; such arbitrary suicide (a "load" on "adaptive"suicide) is viable only under a more restricted parameter spacerelative to the necessarily concomitant adaptive contingent suicide.
INTRODUCTION. Neurally Adjusted Ventilatory Assist (NAVA) [1] is a new spontaneousassisted ventilatory mode which uses the diaphragmatic electrical activity (Eadi) to pilot the ventilator. Eadi is used to initiate the ventilator's pressurization and cycling off. Delivered inspiratory assistance is proportional to Eadi. NAVA can improve patient-ventilator synchrony [2] compared to pressure support (PS), but little is known about its effect on minute ventilation and oxygenation. OBJECTIVES. To compare the effects of NAVA and PS on minute ventilation and oxygenation and to analyze potential determinant factors for oxygenation. METHODS. Comparison between two 20-min periods under NAVA and PS. NAVA gain (proportionality factor between Eadi and delivered pressure) set as to obtain the same peak pressure as in PS. FIO2 and positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) were the same in NAVA and PS. Blood gas analyses were performed at the end of both recording periods. Statistical analysis: groups were compared with paired t tests or non parametric Wilcoxon signed-rank tests. p\0.05 was considered significant. RESULTS. [Mean ± SD]: 22 patients (age 66 ± 12 year, 7 M/15F, BMI 23.4 ± 3.1 kg/m2), 8 patients with COPD. Initial settings: PS 13 ± 3 cmH2O, PEEP 7 ± 2 cmH2O, NAVA gain 2.2 ± 1.8. Minute ventilation and PaCO2 were the same with both modes (p = 0.296 and 0.848, respectively). Tidal volume was lower with NAVA (427 ± 102 vs. 477 ± 102 ml, p\0.001). In contrast respiratory rate was higher with NAVA (25.6 ± 9.5 vs. 22.3 ± 8.9 cycles/min). Arterial oxygenation was improved with NAVA (PaO2 85.1 ± 28.9 vs. 75.8 ± 11.9 mmHg, p = 0.017, PaO2/FIO2 210 ± 53 vs. 195 ± 58 mmHg, p = 0.019). Neural inspiratory time (Tin) was comparable between NAVA and PS (p = 0.566). Among potential determinant factors for oxygenation, mean airway pressure (Pmean) was lower with NAVA (10.6 ± 2.6 vs. 11.1 ± 2.4 cmH2O, p = 0.006), as was the pressure time product (PTP) (6.8 ± 3.0 vs. 9.2 ± 3.5 cmH2O 9 s, p = 0.004). There were less asynchrony events with NAVA (2.3 ± 2.0 vs. 4.4 ± 3.8, p = 0.009).Tidal volume variability was higher with NAVA (variation coefficient: 30 ± 19.5 vs. 13.5 ± 8.6, p\0.001). Inspiratory time in excess (Tiex) was lower with NAVA (56 ± 23 vs. 202 ± 200 ms, p = 0.001). CONCLUSION. Despite lower Pmean and PTP in NAVA, arterial oxygenation was improved compared to PS. As asynchronies may be associated with an increased work of breathing and a higher oxygen consumption, their decrease in number with NAVA could be an explanation for oxygenation improvement. Another explanation could be the increase in VT variability. Further studies should now be performed to confirm the potential of NAVA in improving arterial oxygenation and explore the underlying mechanisms.
Tolperisone (Mydocalm) is a centrally acting muscle relaxant with few sedative side effects that is used for the treatment of chronic pain conditions. We describe three cases of suicidal tolperisone poisoning in three healthy young subjects in the years 2006, 2008 and 2009. In all cases, macroscopic and microscopic autopsy findings did not reveal the cause of death. Systematic toxicological analysis (STA) including immunological tests, screening for volatile substances and blood, urine and gastric content screening by GC-MS and HPLC-DAD demonstrated the presence of tolperisone in all cases. In addition to tolperisone, only the analgesics paracetamol (acetaminophen), ibuprofen and naproxen could be detected. The blood ethanol concentrations were all lower than 0.10 g/kg. Tolperisone was extracted by liquid-liquid extraction using n-chlorobutane as the extraction solvent. The quantification was performed by GC-NPD analysis of blood, urine and gastric content. Tolperisone concentrations of 7.0 mg/l, 14 mg/l and 19 mg/l were found in the blood of the deceased. In the absence of other autopsy findings, the deaths in these three cases were finally explained as a result of lethal tolperisone ingestion. To the best of our knowledge, these three cases are the first reported cases of suicidal tolperisone poisonings.
Background During gait, the hip flexors generate 40% of the total power. Nevertheless, no device has been tested extensively for clinical purposes to cope with weakness in the hip flexors in patients with stroke. Objective The purpose of this study was to assess the efficacy and safety of a newly developed hip flexion assist orthosis in adult patients with hemiparesis after stroke. Design The study used a prospective, randomized, before-after trial design. The inclusion criteria were hemiparesis resulting from stroke (onset ≥8 weeks); ability to walk, even if with assistance; and hip flexion weakness (Medical Research Council Scale score ≤4).¦METHODS: /b> The main outcome measures were the 10-Meter Walk Test and the Six-Minute Walk Test. Patients also were evaluated with the Trunk Control Test, the Functional Ambulation Categories, the Motricity Index, and hip flexor strength on the Medical Research Council Scale. Sixty-two survivors of stroke were tested in random order with and without the orthosis. Any adverse event associated with its use was recorded.¦RESULTS: /b> Both the Six-Minute Walk Test and the 10-Meter Walk Test scores improved with the use of the orthosis. A significant negative correlation was found for improvement between scores on the 2 main outcome measures with the orthosis and the Functional Ambulation Categories scores. The improvement in Six-Minute Walk Test scores with the orthosis was related inversely to hip flexor strength.¦CONCLUSIONS: /b> The data showed that the use of a hip flexion assist orthosis can improve gait in patients with poststroke hemiparesis, particularly those with more severe walking impairment.