223 resultados para stains


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Abstract Background Salivary Glands Malignant Neoplasms (SGMNs) account for 3-6% of head and neck cancers and 0.3% of all cancers. Tumor cells that express CD44 and CD24 exhibit a stem-cell-like behavior. CD44 is the binding site for hyaluronic acid, and CD24 is a receptor that interacts with P-selectin to induce metastasis and tumor progression. The present study aims to evaluate the expression of CD44 and CD24 on SGMNs and correlated these data with several clinicopathologic features. Methods Immunohistochemical stains for CD44 and CD24 were performed on tissue microarrays containing SGMN samples from 69 patients. The CD44, CD24 and CD44/CD24 expression phenotypes were correlated to patient clinicopathologic features and outcome. Results CD44 expression was associated with the primary site of neoplasm (p = 0.046). CD24 was associated with clinical stage III/IV (p = 0.008), T stage (p = 0,27) and lymph node (p = 0,001). The CD44/CD24 profiles were associated with the primary site of injury (p = 0.005), lymph node (p = 0.011) and T stage (p = 0.023). Univariate analysis showed a significant relationship between clinical staging and disease- free survival (p = 0.009), and the overall survival presents relation with male gender (p = 0.011) and metastasis (p = 0.027). Conclusion In summary, our investigation confirms that the clinical stage, in accordance with the literature, is the main prognostic factor for SGMN. Additionally, we have presented some evidence that the analysis of isolated CD44 and CD24 immunoexpression or the two combined markers could give prognostic information associated to clinicopathologic features in SGMN. Virtual Slides The virtual slide(s) for this article can be found here: http://www.diagnosticpathology.diagnomx.eu/vs/1284611098470676.


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Chemical disinfectants are usually associated with mechanical methods to remove stains and reduce biofilm formation. This study evaluated the effect of disinfectants on release of metal ions and surface roughness of commercially pure titanium, metal alloys, and heat-polymerized acrylic resin, simulating 180 immersion trials. Disk-shaped specimens were fabricated with commercially pure titanium (Tritan), nickel-chromium-molybdenum-titanium (Vi-Star), nickel-chromium (Fit Cast-SB Plus), and nickel-chromium-beryllium (Fit Cast-V) alloys. Each cast disk was invested in the flasks, incorporating the metal disk to the heat-polymerized acrylic resin. The specimens (n=5) were immersed in these solutions: sodium hypochlorite 0.05%, Periogard, Cepacol, Corega Tabs, Medical Interporous, and Polident. Deionized water was used as a control. The quantitative analysis of metal ion release was performed using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ELAN DRC II). A surface analyzer (Surftest SJ-201P) was used to measure the surface roughness (µm). Data were recorded before and after the immersions and evaluated by two-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (α=0.05). The nickel release proved most significant with the Vi-Star and Fit Cast-V alloys after immersion in Medical Interporous. There was a significant difference in surface roughness of the resin (p=0.011) after immersion. Cepacol caused significantly higher resin roughness. The immersion products had no influence on metal roughness (p=0.388). It could be concluded that the tested alloys can be considered safe for removable denture fabrication, but disinfectant solutions as Cepacol and Medical Interporous tablet for daily denture immersion should be used with caution because it caused greater resin surface roughness and greater ion release, respectively.


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In this thesis, we investigated the evaporation of sessile microdroplets on different solid substrates. Three major aspects were studied: the influence of surface hydrophilicity and heterogeneity on the evaporation dynamics for an insoluble solid substrate, the influence of external process parameters and intrinsic material properties on microstructuring of soluble polymer substrates and the influence of an increased area to volume ratio in a microfluidic capillary, when evaporation is hindered. In the first part, the evaporation dynamics of pure sessile water drops on smooth self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) of thiols or disulfides on gold on mica was studied. With increasing surface hydrophilicity the drop stayed pinned longer. Thus, the total evaporation time of a given initial drop volume was shorter, since the drop surface, through which the evaporation occurs, stays longer large. Usually, for a single drop the volume decreased linearly with t1.5, t being the evaporation time, for a diffusion-controlled evaporation process. However, when we measured the total evaporation time, ttot, for multiple droplets with different initial volumes, V0, we found a scaling of the form V0 = attotb. The more hydrophilic the substrate was, the more showed the scaling exponent a tendency to an increased value up to 1.6. This can be attributed to an increasing evaporation rate through a thin water layer in the vicinity of the drop. Under the assumption of a constant temperature at the substrate surface a cooling of the droplet and thus a decreased evaporation rate could be excluded as a reason for the different scaling exponent by simulations performed by F. Schönfeld at the IMM, Mainz. In contrast, for a hairy surface, made of dialkyldisulfide SAMs with different chain lengths and a 1:1 mixture of hydrophilic and hydrophobic end groups (hydroxy versus methyl group), the scaling exponent was found to be ~ 1.4. It increased to ~ 1.5 with increasing hydrophilicity. A reason for this observation can only be speculated: in the case of longer hydrophobic alkyl chains the formation of an air layer between substrate and surface might be favorable. Thus, the heat transport to the substrate might be reduced, leading to a stronger cooling and thus decreased evaporation rate. In the second part, the microstructuring of polystyrene surfaces by drops of toluene, a good solvent, was investigated. For this a novel deposition technique was developed, with which the drop can be deposited with a syringe. The polymer substrate is lying on a motorized table, which picks up the pendant drop by an upward motion until a liquid bridge is formed. A consecutive downward motion of the table after a variable delay, i.e. the contact time between drop and polymer, leads to the deposition of the droplet, which can evaporate. The resulting microstructure is investigated in dependence of the processes parameters, i.e. the approach and the retraction speed of the substrate and the delay between them, and in dependence of the intrinsic material properties, i.e. the molar mass and the type of the polymer/solvent system. The principal equivalence with the microstructuring by the ink-jet technique was demonstrated. For a high approach and retraction speed of 9 mm/s and no delay between them, a concave microtopology was observed. In agreement with the literature, this can be explained by a flow of solvent and the dissolved polymer to the rim of the pinned droplet, where polymer is accumulated. This effect is analogue to the well-known formation of ring-like stains after the evaporation of coffee drops (coffee-stain effect). With decreasing retraction speed down to 10 µm/s the resulting surface topology changes from concave to convex. This can be explained with the increasing dissolution of polymer into the solvent drop prior to the evaporation. If the polymer concentration is high enough, gelation occurs instead of a flow to the rim and the shape of the convex droplet is received. With increasing delay time from below 0 ms to 1s the depth of the concave microwells decreases from 4.6 µm to 3.2 µm. However, a convex surface topology could not be obtained, since for longer delay times the polymer sticks to the tip of the syringe. Thus, by changing the delay time a fine-tuning of the concave structure is accomplished, while by changing the retraction speed a principal change of the microtopolgy can be achieved. We attribute this to an additional flow inside the liquid bridge, which enhanced polymer dissolution. Even if the pendant drop is evaporating about 30 µm above the polymer surface without any contact (non-contact mode), concave structures were observed. Rim heights as high as 33 µm could be generated for exposure times of 20 min. The concave structure exclusively lay above the flat polymer surface outside the structure even after drying. This shows that toluene is taken up permanently. The increasing rim height, rh, with increasing exposure time to the solvent vapor obeys a diffusion law of rh = rh0  tn, with n in the range of 0.46 ~ 0.65. This hints at a non-Fickian swelling process. A detailed analysis showed that the rim height of the concave structure is modulated, unlike for the drop deposition. This is due to the local stress relaxation, which was initiated by the increasing toluene concentration in the extruded polymer surface. By altering the intrinsic material parameters i.e. the polymer molar mass and the polymer/solvent combination, several types of microstructures could be formed. With increasing molar mass from 20.9 kDa to 1.44 MDa the resulting microstructure changed from convex, to a structure with a dimple in the center, to concave, to finally an irregular structure. This observation can be explained if one assumes that the microstructuring is dominated by two opposing effects, a decreasing solubility with increasing polymer molar mass, but an increasing surface tension gradient leading to instabilities of Marangoni-type. Thus, a polymer with a low molar mass close or below the entanglement limit is subject to a high dissolution rate, which leads to fast gelation compared to the evaporation rate. This way a coffee-rim like effect is eliminated early and a convex structure results. For high molar masses the low dissolution rate and the low polymer diffusion might lead to increased surface tension gradients and a typical local pile-up of polymer is found. For intermediate polymer masses around 200 kDa, the dissolution and evaporation rate are comparable and the typical concave microtopology is found. This interpretation was supported by a quantitative estimation of the diffusion coefficient and the evaporation rate. For a different polymer/solvent system, polyethylmethacrylate (PEMA)/ethylacetate (EA), exclusively concave structures were found. Following the statements above this can be interpreted with a lower dissolution rate. At low molar masses the concentration of PEMA in EA most likely never reaches the gelation point. Thus, a concave instead of a convex structure occurs. At the end of this section, the optically properties of such microstructures for a potential application as microlenses are studied with laser scanning confocal microscopy. In the third part, the droplet was confined into a glass microcapillary to avoid evaporation. Since here, due to an increased area to volume ratio, the surface properties of the liquid and the solid walls became important, the influence of the surface hydrophilicity of the wall on the interfacial tension between two immiscible liquid slugs was investigated. For this a novel method for measuring the interfacial tension between the two liquids within the capillary was developed. This technique was demonstrated by measuring the interfacial tensions between slugs of pure water and standard solvents. For toluene, n-hexane and chloroform 36.2, 50.9 and 34.2 mN/m were measured at 20°C, which is in a good agreement with data from the literature. For a slug of hexane in contact with a slug of pure water containing ethanol in a concentration range between 0 and 70 (v/v %), a difference of up to 6 mN/m was found, when compared to commercial ring tensiometry. This discrepancy is still under debate.


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Die Analyse tandem-repetitiver DNA-Sequenzen hat einen festen Platz als genetisches Typisierungsverfahren in den Breichen der stammesgeschichtlichen Untersuchung, der Verwandtschaftsanalyse und vor allem in der forensischen Spurenkunde, bei der es durch den Einsatz der Multiplex-PCR-Analyse von Short Tandem Repeat-Systemen (STR) zu einem Durchbruch bei der Aufklärung und sicheren Zuordnung von biologischen Tatortspuren kam. Bei der Sequenzierung des humanen Genoms liegt ein besonderes Augenmerk auf den genetisch polymorphen Sequenzvariationen im Genom, den SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms). Zwei ihrer Eigenschaften – das häufige Vorkommen innerhalb des humanen Genoms und ihre vergleichbar geringe Mutationsrate – machen sie zu besonders gut geeigneten Werkzeugen sowohl für die Forensik als auch für die Populationsgenetik.rnZum Ziel des EU-Projekts „SNPforID“, aus welchem die vorliegende Arbeit entstanden ist, wurde die Etablierung neuer Methoden zur validen Typisierung von SNPs in Multiplexverfahren erklärt. Die Berücksichtigung der Sensitivität bei der Untersuchung von Spuren sowie die statistische Aussagekraft in der forensischen Analyse standen dabei im Vordergrund. Hierfür wurden 52 autosomale SNPs ausgewählt und auf ihre maximale Individualisierungsstärke hin untersucht. Die Untersuchungen der ersten 23 selektierten Marker stellen den ersten Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit dar. Sie umfassen die Etablierung des Multiplexverfahrens und der SNaPshot™-Typisierungsmethode sowie ihre statistische Auswertung. Die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchung sind ein Teil der darauf folgenden, in enger Zusammenarbeit der Partnerlaboratorien durchgeführten Studie der 52-SNP-Multiplexmethode. rnEbenfalls im Rahmen des Projekts und als Hauptziel der Dissertation erfolgten Etablierung und Evaluierung des auf der Microarray-Technologie basierenden Verfahrens der Einzelbasenverlängerung auf Glasobjektträgern. Ausgehend von einer begrenzten DNA-Menge wurde hierbei die Möglichkeit der simultanen Hybridisierung einer möglichst hohen Anzahl von SNP-Systemen untersucht. Die Auswahl der hierbei eingesetzten SNP-Marker erfolgte auf der Basis der Vorarbeiten, die für die Etablierung des 52-SNP-Multiplexes erfolgreich durchgeführt worden waren. rnAus einer Vielzahl von Methoden zur Genotypisierung von biallelischen Markern hebt sich das Assay in seiner Parallelität und der Einfachheit des experimentellen Ansatzes durch eine erhebliche Zeit- und Kostenersparnis ab. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde das „array of arrays“-Prinzip eingesetzt, um zur gleichen Zeit unter einheitlichen Versuchsbedingungen zwölf DNA-Proben auf einem Glasobjektträger zu typisieren. Auf der Basis von insgesamt 1419 typisierten Allelen von 33 Markern konnte die Validierung mit einem Typisierungserfolg von 86,75% abgeschlossen werden. Dabei wurden zusätzlich eine Reihe von Randbedingungen in Bezug auf das Sonden- und Primerdesign, die Hybridisierungsbedingungen sowie physikalische Parameter der laserinduzierten Fluoreszenzmessung der Signale ausgetestet und optimiert. rn


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Bacteria are generally difficult specimens to prepare for conventional resin section electron microscopy and mycobacteria, with their thick and complex cell envelope layers being especially prone to artefacts. Here we made a systematic comparison of different methods for preparing Mycobacterium smegmatis for thin section electron microscopy analysis. These methods were: (1) conventional preparation by fixatives and epoxy resins at ambient temperature. (2) Tokuyasu cryo-section of chemically fixed bacteria. (3) rapid freezing followed by freeze substitution and embedding in epoxy resin at room temperature or (4) combined with Lowicryl HM20 embedding and ultraviolet (UV) polymerization at low temperature and (5) CEMOVIS, or cryo electron microscopy of vitreous sections. The best preservation of bacteria was obtained with the cryo electron microscopy of vitreous sections method, as expected, especially with respect to the preservation of the cell envelope and lipid bodies. By comparison with cryo electron microscopy of vitreous sections both the conventional and Tokuyasu methods produced different, undesirable artefacts. The two different types of freeze-substitution protocols showed variable preservation of the cell envelope but gave acceptable preservation of the cytoplasm, but not lipid bodies, and bacterial DNA. In conclusion although cryo electron microscopy of vitreous sections must be considered the 'gold standard' among sectioning methods for electron microscopy, because it avoids solvents and stains, the use of optimally prepared freeze substitution also offers some advantages for ultrastructural analysis of bacteria.


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Mandibles of two cats containing carious lesions were discovered among the previously published findings of feline dental resorptive lesions from materials examined at an archaeological museum. These lesions were too small to be noted on radiographs, and consisted of two inconspicuous enamel lesions in a mandibular left first molar tooth (309), a clinically visible white spot area containing an enamel lesion in a mandibular left fourth premolar tooth (308), and a root surface caries in the 308 of a different specimen. Histologic examination using special stains and polarized light revealed both initial and early initial stage enamel caries, as well as root surface caries. Knoop hardness measurements confirmed these findings, considered the first documented cases of feline caries.


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Rosai-Dorfman disease (RDD) is a non-neoplastic proliferative histiocytic disorder that primarily affects lymph nodes (sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy). Primary RDD of the central nervous system is most uncommon. We report on a 35-year-old man with isolated RDD of the meninges overlying the left cerebral hemisphere. Presenting signs and symptoms included severe progressive ipsilateral headaches of 4 months duration, as well as laboratory evidence of mild non-specific systemic inflammatory reaction. On magnetic resonance imaging, the lesion was seen as a contrast-enhancing, plaque-like thickening of the dura mater over the left convexity,without impinging on adjacent bone or cerebral parenchyma. Meningeal biopsy revealed a mixed mononuclear infiltrate dominated by CD68(+), S100(+), CD1a(-) non-Langerhans type histiocytes on a background of fibrosis. Bacteria, in particular mycobacteria, and fungi were excluded with special stains. Extensive clinical workup, encompassing computed tomography of thoracal and abdominal organs, bone marrow biopsy, and bronchoalveolar lavage failed to reveal any extracranial involvement. Laboratory tests for autoimmunity, including C- and P-antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies, antinuclear antibody, and serum rheumatoid factor, were negative. Methylprednisolone therapy induced complete remission of symptoms, with the neuroradiologic status remaining unchanged on follow-up after 2 months. We discuss the complex clinicopathologic differential diagnosis and therapeutic issues of this rare condition. While the correct diagnosis of central nervous system RDD is unlikely to be established without invasive procedures (biopsy), a conservative therapeutic approach may be considered a legitimate option.


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Studies of subcellular Ca(2+) signaling rely on methods for labeling cells with fluorescent Ca(2+) indicator dyes. In this study, we demonstrate the use of single-cell electroporation for Ca(2+) indicator loading of individual neurons and small neuronal networks in rat neocortex in vitro and in vivo. Brief voltage pulses were delivered through glass pipettes positioned close to target cells. This approach resulted in reliable and rapid (within seconds) loading of somata and subsequent complete labeling of dendritic and axonal arborizations. By using simultaneous whole-cell recordings in brain slices, we directly addressed the effect of electroporation on neurons. Cell viability was high (about 85%) with recovery from the membrane permeabilization occurring within a minute. Electrical properties of recovered cells were indistinguishable before and after electroporation. In addition, Ca(2+) transients with normal appearance could be evoked in dendrites, spines, and axonal boutons of electroporated cells. Using negative-stains of somata, targeted single-cell electroporation was equally applicable in vivo. We conclude that electroporation is a simple approach that permits Ca(2+) indicator loading of multiple cells with low background staining within a short amount of time, which makes it especially well suited for functional imaging of subcellular Ca(2+) dynamics in small neuronal networks.


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Abstract Background: The aim of this study was to examine mechanical, microbiologic, and morphologic changes of the appendicle rim to assess if it is appropriate to dissect the appendix with the ultrasound-activated scalpel (UAS) during laparoscopic appendectomy. Materials and Methods: After laparoscopic resection of the appendix, using conventional Roeder slings, we investigated 50 appendicle rims with an in vitro procedure. The overall time of dissection of the mesoappendix with UAS was noted. Following removal, the appendix was dissected in vitro with the UAS one cme from the resection rim. Seal-burst pressures were recorded. Bacterial cultures of the UAS-resected rim were compared with those of the scissors resected rim. Tissue changes were quantified histologically with hematoxylin and eosin (HE) stains. Results: The average time to dissect the mesoappendix was 228 seconds (25-900). Bacterial culture growths were less in the UAS-resected probes (7 versus 36 positive probes; (p > 0.01). HE-stained tissues revealed mean histologic changes in the lamina propria muscularis externa of 2 mm depth. The seal-burst pressure levels of the appendicle lumen had a mean of 420 mbar. Seal-burst pressures and depths of histologic changes were not dependent on the different stages of appendicitis investigated, gender, or age groups. Seal-burst pressure levels were not related to different depths of tissue changes (P = 0.64). Conclusions: The UAS is a rapid instrument for laparoscopic appendectomy and appears to be safe with respect to stability, sterility and tissue changes. It avoids complex time consuming instrument change manoeuvres and current transmission, which may induce intra- and postoperative complications. Our results suggest that keeping a safety margin of at least 5 mm from the bowel would be sufficient to avoid thermal damage.


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Radiation proctitis is an inflammatory process associated with persistent and refractory lower gastrointestinal bleeding. Purinergic signaling regulates hemostasis, inflammation, and angiogenesis. For example, CD39, the vascular ectonucleotidase, blocks platelet activation and is required for angiogenesis. Whether CD39 expression is affected by radiation injury is unknown. The aim of this work was to study CD39 expression patterns after clinical radiation injury to the rectum. We prospectively enrolled eight patients with radiation proctitis and five gender-matched controls. Biopsies were taken from normal-appearing rectal mucosa of controls and from the normal sigmoid and abnormal rectum of patients. Expression patterns of CD39, P2Y2 receptor, CD31, CD61 integrin, and vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 were examined by immunostaining; levels of CD39 were further evaluated by Western blots. Chronic inflammatory lesions of radiation proctitis were associated with heightened levels of angiogenesis. Immunohistochemical stains showed increased vascular expression of CD39, as confirmed by Western blots. CD39 was co-localized with vascular endothelial markers CD31 and CD61 integrin, as well as expressed by stromal tissues. Development of neovasculature and associated CD39 expression in radiation proctitis may be associated with the chronic, refractory bleeding observed in this condition.


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Background Tissue microarray (TMA) technology revolutionized the investigation of potential biomarkers from paraffin-embedded tissues. However, conventional TMA construction is laborious, time-consuming and imprecise. Next-generation tissue microarrays (ngTMA) combine histological expertise with digital pathology and automated tissue microarraying. The aim of this study was to test the feasibility of ngTMA for the investigation of biomarkers within the tumor microenvironment (tumor center and invasion front) of six tumor types, using CD3, CD8 and CD45RO as an example. Methods Ten cases each of malignant melanoma, lung, breast, gastric, prostate and colorectal cancers were reviewed. The most representative H&E slide was scanned and uploaded onto a digital slide management platform. Slides were viewed and seven TMA annotations of 1 mm in diameter were placed directly onto the digital slide. Different colors were used to identify the exact regions in normal tissue (n = 1), tumor center (n = 2), tumor front (n = 2), and tumor microenvironment at invasion front (n = 2) for subsequent punching. Donor blocks were loaded into an automated tissue microarrayer. Images of the donor block were superimposed with annotated digital slides. Exact annotated regions were punched out of each donor block and transferred into a TMA block. 420 tissue cores created two ngTMA blocks. H&E staining and immunohistochemistry for CD3, CD8 and CD45RO were performed. Results All 60 slides were scanned automatically (total time < 10 hours), uploaded and viewed. Annotation time was 1 hour. The 60 donor blocks were loaded into the tissue microarrayer, simultaneously. Alignment of donor block images and digital slides was possible in less than 2 minutes/case. Automated punching of tissue cores and transfer took 12 seconds/core. Total ngTMA construction time was 1.4 hours. Stains for H&E and CD3, CD8 and CD45RO highlighted the precision with which ngTMA could capture regions of tumor-stroma interaction of each cancer and the T-lymphocytic immune reaction within the tumor microenvironment. Conclusion Based on a manual selection criteria, ngTMA is able to precisely capture histological zones or cell types of interest in a precise and accurate way, aiding the pathological study of the tumor microenvironment. This approach would be advantageous for visualizing proteins, DNA, mRNA and microRNAs in specific cell types using in situ hybridization techniques.


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BACKGROUND The technique of 5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA) tumor fluorescence is increasingly used to improve visualization of tumor tissue and thereby to increase the rate of patients with gross total resections. In this study, we measured the resection volumes in patients who underwent 5-ALA-guided surgery for non-eloquent glioblastoma and compared them with the preoperative tumor volume. METHODS We selected 13 patients who had received a complete resection according to intraoperative 5-ALA induced fluorescence and CRET according to post-operative T1 contrast-enhanced MRI. The volumes of pre-operative contrast enhancing tissue, post-operative resection cavity and resected tissue were determined through shift-corrected volumetric analysis. RESULTS The mean resection cavity (29 cm(3)) was marginally smaller than the pre-operative contrast-enhancing tumor (39 cm(3), p = 0.32). However, the mean overall resection volume (84 cm(3)) was significantly larger than the pre-operative contrast-enhancing tumor (39 cm(3), p = 0.0087). This yields a mean volume of resected 5-ALA positive, but radiological non-enhancing tissue of 45 cm(3). The mean calculated rim of resected tissue surpassed pre-operative tumor diameter by 6 mm (range 0-10 mm). CONCLUSIONS Results of the current study imply that (i) the resection cavity underestimates the volume of resected tissue and (ii) 5-ALA complete resections go significantly beyond the volume of pre-operative contrast-enhancing tumor bulk on MRI, indicating that 5-ALA also stains MRI non-enhancing tumor tissue. Use of 5-ALA may thus enable extension of coalescent tumor resection beyond radiologically evident tumor. The impact of this more extended resection method on time to progression and overall survival has not been determined, and potentially puts adjacent and functionally intact tissue at risk.


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INTRODUCTION: SPARC is a matricellular protein, which, along with other extracellular matrix components including collagens, is commonly over-expressed in fibrotic diseases. The purpose of this study was to examine whether inhibition of SPARC can regulate collagen expression in vitro and in vivo, and subsequently attenuate fibrotic stimulation by bleomycin in mouse skin and lungs. METHODS: In in vitro studies, skin fibroblasts obtained from a Tgfbr1 knock-in mouse (TBR1CA; Cre-ER) were transfected with SPARC siRNA. Gene and protein expressions of the Col1a2 and the Ctgf were examined by real-time RT-PCR and Western blotting, respectively. In in vivo studies, C57BL/6 mice were induced for skin and lung fibrosis by bleomycin and followed by SPARC siRNA treatment through subcutaneous injection and intratracheal instillation, respectively. The pathological changes of skin and lungs were assessed by hematoxylin and eosin and Masson's trichrome stains. The expression changes of collagen in the tissues were assessed by real-time RT-PCR and non-crosslinked fibrillar collagen content assays. RESULTS: SPARC siRNA significantly reduced gene and protein expression of collagen type 1 in fibroblasts obtained from the TBR1CA; Cre-ER mouse that was induced for constitutively active TGF-beta receptor I. Skin and lung fibrosis induced by bleomycin was markedly reduced by treatment with SPARC siRNA. The anti-fibrotic effect of SPARC siRNA in vivo was accompanied by an inhibition of Ctgf expression in these same tissues. CONCLUSIONS: Specific inhibition of SPARC effectively reduced fibrotic changes in vitro and in vivo. SPARC inhibition may represent a potential therapeutic approach to fibrotic diseases.


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PURPOSE To assess ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide particles (USPIO) -enhanced MR imaging for the differentiation of malignant from benign, inflammatory lesions. MATERIALS AND METHODS In this study, approved by the local animal care committee, VX2 carcinoma and intramuscular abscesses were implanted into the hind thighs of New Zealand White rabbits. MR imaging was performed pre contrast and serially for 24 h after the injection of USPIO. MR findings were compared with histopathologic results based on Prussian blue stains for the presence of iron. RESULTS Twenty-four hours after the Ferumoxtran-injection, no changes were observed in VX2 carcinomas, whereas a mean reduction of the contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) of approximately 90% was noticed in abscesses as well as in necrotic tumors. On histopathologic examination, abscess and necrotic parts of the tumor were found to include iron-containing monocytes demonstrating that the reduction in CNR was caused by USPIO-tagged monocytes. CONCLUSION Our results prove the ability of USPIO-enhanced MRI to differentiate benign, inflammatory from malignant lesions.


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BACKGROUND There is confusion over the definition of the term "viability state(s)" of microorganisms. "Viability staining" or "vital staining techniques" are used to distinguish live from dead bacteria. These stainings, first established on planctonic bacteria, may have serious shortcomings when applied to multispecies biofilms. Results of staining techniques should be compared with appropriate microbiological data. DISCUSSION Many terms describe "vitality states" of microorganisms, however, several of them are misleading. Authors define "viable" as "capable to grow". Accordingly, staining methods are substitutes, since no staining can prove viability.The reliability of a commercial "viability" staining assay (Molecular Probes) is discussed based on the corresponding product information sheet: (I) Staining principle; (II) Concentrations of bacteria; (III) Calculation of live/dead proportions in vitro. Results of the "viability" kit are dependent on the stains' concentration and on their relation to the number of bacteria in the test. Generally this staining system is not suitable for multispecies biofilms, thus incorrect statements have been published by users of this technique.To compare the results of the staining with bacterial parameters appropriate techniques should be selected. The assessment of Colony Forming Units is insufficient, rather the calculation of Plating Efficiency is necessary. Vital fluorescence staining with Fluorescein Diacetate and Ethidium Bromide seems to be the best proven and suitable method in biofilm research.Regarding the mutagenicity of staining components users should be aware that not only Ethidium Bromide might be harmful, but also a variety of other substances of which the toxicity and mutagenicity is not reported. SUMMARY - The nomenclature regarding "viability" and "vitality" should be used carefully.- The manual of the commercial "viability" kit itself points out that the kit is not suitable for natural multispecies biofilm research, as supported by an array of literature.- Results obtained with various stains are influenced by the relationship between bacterial counts and the amount of stain used in the test. Corresponding vitality data are prone to artificial shifting.- As microbiological parameter the Plating Efficiency should be used for comparison.- Ethidium Bromide is mutagenic. Researchers should be aware that alternative staining compounds may also be or even are mutagenic.