917 resultados para sport performance
Cette étude exploratoire vise essentiellement à identifier les principaux facteurs psychologiques des gardiens de but au hockey ayant connu du succès. Plus précisément, cette étude nous a permis d’approfondir le sujet à l’aide d’entrevues individuelles semi-dirigées menées auprès de sept gardiens de but et huit entraîneurs des gardiens de but issus de la Ligue de hockey junior majeur du Québec (LHJMQ). Nous avons ensuite comparé les réponses de ces deux groupes d’experts dans le domaine afin de dresser un portrait précis de l’aspect mental entourant cette position au hockey. Nos résultats démontrent que les mêmes facteurs psychologiques majeurs ressortent du discours des gardiens de but et de celui de leurs entraîneurs. Il a ainsi été possible d’identifier neuf attributs psychologiques prédominants provenant des discours de chacune des parties. Plus précisément, ces neuf facteurs psychologiques reliés à l’atteinte d’une performance athlétique hors pair seraient les traits de personnalité, la résilience, le niveau de confiance, la passion, l’état d’esprit optimal, l’éthique au quotidien, un niveau de concentration optimal, la relativisation des événements et le contrôle des émotions. De manière générale, nos résultats vont dans le même sens que les conclusions tirées des autres études sur les différents aspects mentaux des athlètes de niveau élite. Toutefois, on observe un manque de données scientifiques en ce qui a trait à la psychologie du sport chez les gardiens de but au hockey. Cette étude constitue donc un premier développement dans l’identification des atouts psychologiques influençant la performance des gardiens de but au hockey.
Fondée sur une étude ethnographique de la pratique du soccer amateur au sein d’une population immigrante associée politiquement à des minorités visibles, discernables par rapport au groupe majoritaire que forment les Québécois francophones, cette thèse cherche à élucider le rapport pratique et fonctionnel entre corps, connaissance et société à la lumière de la théorie de la pratique élaborée par Bourdieu. Dans cette voie, elle cherche à concevoir la pratique sportive comme vecteur d’intégration sociale susceptible de former l’habitus propice à l’intégration, à la sociabilité et à la participation sociale requises pour développer le sentiment d’appartenance à la société d’accueil dans les rangs de ces sportifs. Dans la veine de la théorisation enracinée, et en s’appuyant sur l’observation systématique du style de jeu et des représentations sociales autour de l’intégration élaborés par un groupe d’adeptes du soccer dans une étude combinant observation, vidéo, notes de terrain et interviews, recueillies dans une ligue amateur de Montréal, la thèse a pour objectif de débusquer la logique sociale que sous-tend la pratique sportive en décelant le sens pratique à l’œuvre dans cette dimension de l’espace social. Sur la lancée, l’étude de la pratique du soccer et de la matérialité du corps de l’immigrant en tant que « fait social total » nous amène à concevoir l’intégration du nouveau venu à la société d’accueil comme la combinaison de l’« extériorité » et de l’« intériorité » responsable des dispositions propres à donner corps à l’intégration. On est fondé à penser que la pratique du sport permet à ses adeptes de nouer avec leurs vis-à-vis des relations sociales qui, leur conférant des positions distinctes et distinctives, permettent de comprendre et d’expliquer l’intégration par les enjeux que cela soulève. Sous ce chef, l’ethnicisation en acte dans ce contexte s’opère sous la médiation du corps conçu comme « vecteur de connaissances », « forme de présentation de soi » (Sayad, 1999, p. 301), et « emblème de l’ethnicité » (Defrance, 2009, p. 26). Le corps, aux yeux des joueurs et des supporteurs, devient objet de représentations fondées sur la performance sportive, le jugement de l’habileté physique et l’attitude personnelle comme indicateurs de la compétence du joueur et, plus généralement, les éléments symboliques nés de l’interaction sociale sur le terrain de jeu comme à l’extérieur. En dernière analyse, le soccer, par sa pratique, fait office de médiation, voire de levier, susceptible d’aplanir les entraves à l’intégration à la société d’accueil sous les traits de l’acculturation. La thèse au programme vient donc enrichir l’explication sociologique du processus d’intégration en contexte multiethnique à la lumière du concept d’habitus afin de concevoir théoriquement la dialectique entre acculturation et incorporation sous les traits d’un jeu de relations objectives en vertu duquel le participant s’y engage de son propre chef, sans être tout à fait conscient que par la pratique il est soumis au jugement social, à l’inculcation de dispositions culturellement légitimes, etc. Il s’en dégage l’hypothèse que le joueur de soccer manifeste la « connaissance par corps » que requiert son intégration à la société dans laquelle il a décidé d’évoluer de son plein gré (Bourdieu, 2003). La pratique sportive se révèle donc une « stratégie identitaire synthétique » susceptible de mettre au diapason son identité et les « conditions objectives d’existence » du milieu auquel il est en passe de s’intégrer (Manço, 1999).
Hintergrund und Ziel: Ausgehend von einem Forschungsdefizit im Bereich von Performance-Tests, das von der Arbeitsgruppe um Bührlen et al. (2002) gekennzeichnet wurde, war es das Ziel der Arbeit einen Performance-Tests of lower limb activities (Polla) zu validieren. Methode: In einer Längsschnittstudie wurden die Ergebnisse einer sechswöchigen physiotherapeutischen Behandlung an einem 19-75jährigem orthopädisch-traumatologisch orientierten Patientenkollektiv (n=81) mit dem Polla und dem SF-36 Fragebogen erfasst. Ergebnisse: Die Ergebnisse machen eine gute Absicherung der Teststatistik deutlich. Bei ausgezeichneter Intrarater- (n=29) sowie guter Interrater-Reliabilität (n=32) weist die Konsistenzanalyse eine zufrieden stellende Zuverlässigkeit auf. Die Kriteriumsvalidität macht moderate Zusammenhänge zwischen dem Polla und den Dimensionen Schmerz, Körperliche Rollenfunktion und Körperliche Funktionsfähigkeit des SF-36 deutlich. Über die Standardized Response Mean zeigen die Instrumente eine große Änderungssensitivität, die nur für den Polla auch zum Follow-up (n=26) gilt. Schlussfolgerung: Der Polla ist ein kostenloses Testverfahren mit hoher praktischer Relevanz, wobei aus zeitökonomischen Gründen eine modifizierte Form des Polla mit nur zehn Items und einem gemessenen Test zu empfehlen ist.
In the elite domain of interactive sports, athletes who demonstrate a left preference (e.g., holding a weapon with the left hand in fencing or boxing in a ‘southpaw’ stance) seem overrepresented. Such excess indicates a performance advantage and was also interpreted as evidence in favour of frequency-dependent selection mechanisms to explain the maintenance of left-handedness in humans. To test for an overrepresentation, the incidence of athletes’ lateral preferences is typically compared with an expected ratio of left- to right-handedness in the normal population. However, the normal population reference values did not always relate to the sport-specific tasks of interest, which may limit the validity of reports of an excess of ‘left-oriented’ athletes. Here we sought to determine lateral preferences for various sport-specific tasks (e.g., baseball batting, boxing) in the normal population and to examine the relationship between these preferences and handedness. To this end, we asked 903 participants to indicate their lateral preferences for sport-specific and common tasks using a paper-based questionnaire. Lateral preferences varied considerably across the different sport tasks and we found high variation in the relationship between those preferences and handedness. In contrast to unimanual tasks (e.g., fencing or throwing), for bimanually controlled actions such as baseball batting, shooting in ice hockey or boxing the incidence of left preferences was considerably higher than expected from the proportion of left-handedness in the normal population and the relationship with handedness was relatively low. We conclude that (i) task-specific reference values are mandatory for reliably testing for an excess of athletes with a left preference, (ii) the term ‘handedness’ should be more cautiously used within the context of sport-related laterality research and (iii) observation of lateral preferences in sports may be of limited suitability for the verification of evolutionary theories of handedness.
Purpose– The purpose of this paper is to shed new light on the link between diversity in project teams and team performance by examining the effects of players’ international career diversity on the performance of national football teams. Design/methodology/approach– The paper draws upon the literature on project organizations and experiential diversity in teams. Using data on players’ international career backgrounds and team performance from the FIFA World Cup 2006, the authors test two hypotheses linking experiential diversity in teams and a measure of relative team performance. The dataset includes detailed individual background profiles of the 736 participating players and performance data from the 64 games played at the tournament. Findings– The findings suggest that different types of experiential diversity have contrasting effects on team performance in a time‐limited project team setting. Research limitations/implications– These findings encourage team diversity researchers to further examine the impact of experiential diversity in teams on team process and performance outcomes in future research. Practical implications– The findings particularly highlight the need to carefully manage experiential diversity in project team settings in order to benefit from access to diverse tacit resources, while at the same time avoiding that the integrative capacities of teams becoming overstretched. Originality/value– The paper is a step towards a better understanding of how diversity of individual career backgrounds affects team performance outcomes in project teams.
Twitter has become a dependable microblogging tool for real time information dissemination and newsworthy events broadcast. Its users sometimes break news on the network faster than traditional newsagents due to their presence at ongoing real life events at most times. Different topic detection methods are currently used to match Twitter posts to real life news of mainstream media. In this paper, we analyse tweets relating to the English FA Cup finals 2012 by applying our novel method named TRCM to extract association rules present in hash tag keywords of tweets in different time-slots. Our system identify evolving hash tag keywords with strong association rules in each time-slot. We then map the identified hash tag keywords to event highlights of the game as reported in the ground truth of the main stream media. The performance effectiveness measure of our experiments show that our method perform well as a Topic Detection and Tracking approach.
This paper aims to encourage critical reflection on what are key and pressing social and political issues surrounding the Paralympics Games. The focus of the paper is personal narratives of six current elite Paralympic athletes who have participated in at least one Paralympic Games. In response to critical stimuli presented in the form of five ‘unfinished stories’, the self-reflexive, personal, compelling narrative reflections of these individuals were (re)presented for each of the stories as a composite narrative. The stories expose questions over fear, despair, freedom, hope, love, oppression, hatred, hurt, terror, (in)equality, peace, performance and impairment. To really learn from London and reflect for Rio, we need academic work that can understand sport, sporting bodies and physical activity as important ‘sites’ through which social forces, discourses, institutions and processes congregate, congeal and are contested in a manner that contributes to the shaping of human relations, subjectivities, and experiences in particular, contextually contingent ways.
Introduction Performance in cross-country skiing is influenced by the skier’s ability to continuously produce propelling forces and force magnitude in relation to the net external forces. A surrogate indicator of the “power supply” in cross-country skiing would be a physiological variable that reflects an important performance-related capability, whereas the body mass itself is an indicator of the “power demand” experienced by the skier. To adequately evaluate an elite skier’s performance capability, it is essential to establish the optimal ratio between the physiological variable and body mass. The overall aim of this doctoral thesis was to investigate the importance of body-mass exponent optimization for the evaluation of performance capability in cross-country skiing. Methods In total, 83 elite cross-country skiers (56 men and 27 women) volunteered to participate in the four studies. The physiological variables of maximal oxygen uptake (V̇O2max) and oxygen uptake corresponding to a blood-lactate concentration of 4 mmol∙l-1 (V̇O2obla) were determined while treadmill roller skiing using the diagonal-stride technique; mean oxygen uptake (V̇O2dp) and upper-body power output (Ẇ) were determined during double-poling tests using a ski-ergometer. Competitive performance data for elite male skiers were collected from two 15-km classical-technique skiing competitions and a 1.25-km sprint prologue; additionally, a 2-km double-poling roller-skiing time trial using the double-poling technique was used as an indicator of upper-body performance capability among elite male and female junior skiers. Power-function modelling was used to explain the race and time-trial speeds based on the physiological variables and body mass. Results The optimal V̇O2max-to-mass ratios to explain 15-km race speed were V̇O2max divided by body mass raised to the 0.48 and 0.53 power, and these models explained 68% and 69% of the variance in mean skiing speed, respectively; moreover, the 95% confidence intervals (CI) for the body-mass exponents did not include either 0 or 1. For the modelling of race speed in the sprint prologue, body mass failed to contribute to the models based on V̇O2max, V̇O2obla, and V̇O2dp. The upper-body power output-to-body mass ratio that optimally explained time-trial speed was Ẇ ∙ m-0.57 and the model explained 63% of the variance in speed. Conclusions The results in this thesis suggest that V̇O2max divided by the square root of body mass should be used as an indicator of performance in 15-km classical-technique races among elite male skiers rather than the absolute or simple ratio-standard scaled expression. To optimally explain an elite male skier’s performance capability in sprint prologues, power-function models based on oxygen-uptake variables expressed absolutely are recommended. Moreover, to evaluate elite junior skiers’ performance capabilities in 2-km double-poling roller-skiing time trials, it is recommended that Ẇ divided by the square root of body mass should be used rather than absolute or simple ratio-standard scaled expression of power output.
The aim of this study was 1) to validate the 0.5 body-mass exponent for maximal oxygen uptake (V. O2max) as the optimal predictor of performance in a 15 km classical-technique skiing competition among elite male cross-country skiers and 2) to evaluate the influence of distance covered on the body-mass exponent for V. O2max among elite male skiers. Twenty-four elite male skiers (age: 21.4±3.3 years [mean ± standard deviation]) completed an incremental treadmill roller-skiing test to determine their V. O2max. Performance data were collected from a 15 km classicaltechnique cross-country skiing competition performed on a 5 km course. Power-function modeling (ie, an allometric scaling approach) was used to establish the optimal body-mass exponent for V . O2max to predict the skiing performance. The optimal power-function models were found to be race speed = 8.83⋅(V . O2max m-0.53) 0.66 and lap speed = 5.89⋅(V . O2max m-(0.49+0.018lap)) 0.43e0.010age, which explained 69% and 81% of the variance in skiing speed, respectively. All the variables contributed to the models. Based on the validation results, it may be recommended that V. O2max divided by the square root of body mass (mL⋅min−1 ⋅kg−0.5) should be used when elite male skiers’ performance capability in 15 km classical-technique races is evaluated. Moreover, the body-mass exponent for V . O2max was demonstrated to be influenced by the distance covered, indicating that heavier skiers have a more pronounced positive pacing profile (ie, race speed gradually decreasing throughout the race) compared to that of lighter skiers.
Os fatores de risco para instalação de lesões do esporte têm sido pesquisados no sentido de facilitar o entendimento sobre o assunto. Contudo, para altos níveis de performance, nos eventos de pista e campo do atletismo, são escassos os documentos que abordam o tema. Assim, a partir da possibilidade de reunir informações sobre a condição descrita, objetivou-se com o presente estudo a exploração de fatores de risco para lesões desportivas no atletismo, a partir de inquérito aplicado a atletas da elite mundial da modalidade. A população foi composta por 60 homens e 60 mulheres alocados em grupos conforme a especificidade de sua modalidade (velocidade, resistência, arremessos e saltos). Realizou-se entrevista utilizando-se de inquérito de morbidade referida, abordando questões sobre variáveis antropométricas e de treinamento, assim como lesões. Utilizou-se a técnica da análise de variância paramétrica para as variáveis antropométricas (idade, peso, estatura) e da técnica da análise de variância não paramétrica em relação às variáveis de treinamento (anos de treinamento e horas semanais). Para associação entre momento de lesão e especialidades, utilizou-se do teste de Goodman em nível de 5% de significância. Os resultados mostraram que houve elevada freqüência de lesões na modalidade em ambos os sexos. As taxas de lesão por atleta entrevistado foram de 0,92 (velocidade), 1,08 (resistência), 1,22 (saltos) e 1,20 (arremessos). Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante para as variáveis antropométricas e de treinamento em relação às provas, com exceção dos saltadores, que apresentaram diferenças para estatura e tempo de treinamento; nesse caso, os acometidos são mais altos ou praticam atletismo há menos tempo (P < 0,05). Concluiu-se que, para população estudada, o risco de lesão é acentuado, mas sem relação entre variáveis e presença de agravos, salvo para especialistas em provas de saltos, que apresentaram estatura e tempo de treinamento como fatores predisponentes à lesão.
Processing efficiency theory predicts that anxiety reduces the processing capacity of working memory and has detrimental effects on performance. When tasks place little demand on working memory, the negative effects of anxiety can be avoided by increasing effort. Although performance efficiency decreases, there is no change in performance effectiveness. When tasks impose a heavy demand on working memory, however, anxiety leads to decrements in efficiency and effectiveness. These presumptions were tested using a modified table tennis task that placed low (LWM) and high (HWM) demands on working memory. Cognitive anxiety was manipulated through a competitive ranking structure and prize money. Participants' accuracy in hitting concentric circle targets in predetermined sequences was taken as a measure of performance effectiveness, while probe reaction time (PRT), perceived mental effort (RSME), visual search data, and arm kinematics were recorded as measures of efficiency. Anxiety had a negative effect on performance effectiveness in both LWM and HWM tasks. There was an increase in frequency of gaze and in PRT and RSME values in both tasks under high vs. low anxiety conditions, implying decrements in performance efficiency. However, participants spent more time tracking the ball in the HWM task and employed a shorter tau margin when anxious. Although anxiety impaired performance effectiveness and efficiency, decrements in efficiency were more pronounced in the HWM task than in the LWM task, providing support for processing efficiency theory.
Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC