172 resultados para sponsor
These guidelines have been prepared to assist in the planning, conduct and interpretation of studies for the assessment of the efficacy of acaricides (excluding vaccines and other bio-control agents) against single and multi-host ticks (Ixodidae) on ruminants. Information is provided on the selection of animals, dose determination, dose confirmation and field studies, record keeping and result interpretation. The use of pen facilities is advocated for dose determination and confirmation studies for defining therapeutic and persistent efficacy. A minimum of two studies per tick species for which claims are sought is recommended for each dose determination and dose confirmation investigation. If dose confirmation studies demonstrate greater than 95% efficacy the sponsor may proceed to field studies, where a minimum of two studies per geographical location is preferred to confirm the therapeutic and persistent efficacy under field conditions. If dose confirmation studies demonstrate less than 95% efficacy then longer-term field studies can be conducted over two tick seasons with a minimum of two studies per geographical location. These studies can incorporate other control methods such as tick vaccines, to demonstrate stable long-term tick management. Specific advice is also given on conducting studies with paralysis ticks. These guidelines are also intended to assist investigators on how to conduct specific experiments, to provide specific information for registration authorities involved in the decision-making process, to assist in the approval and registration of new acaricides, and to facilitate the worldwide adoption of standard procedures. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Corporate sponsorship of events contributes significantly to marketing aims, including brand awareness as measured by recall and recognition of sponsor-event pairings. Unfortunately, resultant advantages accrue disproportionately to brands having a natural or congruent fit with the available sponsorship properties. In three cued-recall experiments, the effect of articulation of sponsorship fit on memory for sponsor-event pairings is examined. While congruent sponsors have a natural memory advantage, results demonstrate that memory improvements via articulation are possible for incongruent sponsor-event pairings. These improvements are, however, affected by the presence of competitor brands and the way in which memory is accessed.
Essa dissertação abordou os conflitos que ocorreram no espaço geográfico denominado Norte Pioneiro . A imagem do Bom Jesus, de propriedade da família Pinto, foi expropriada pelo vigário da paróquia do Distrito de Salto do Itararé, padre Alfredo Simon, que reuniu cerca de vinte homens aramados para capturar esse santo. Nesse conflito religioso que ocorreu no dia 26/4/1933 duas pessoas foram mortas: o comerciante do Arraial dos Pintos, João Moreira, e o herdeiro do Bom Jesus, José Pinto de Oliveira. Esse último veio a falecer meses depois do conflito. Ao redor dessa imagem foi sendo criada uma história oficial e vigiada pelos donos do poder simbólico, mantenedora da ordem e da tradição. No entanto, a história do Bom Jesus foi compreendida numa concepção mais ampla, pois na esfera religiosa ocorria um fenômeno denominado de romanização. A Igreja Católica seguia o Código de Direito Canônico de 1917, não reconhecendo o Código de Direito Civil do Estado Nacional Brasileiro. Na esfera política, o governo paranaense colocou em prática o sistema de terras devolutas. No setor dos transportes, a estrada de ferro RVPRSC (Rede Viária Paraná Santa Catarina) já se encontrava na região desde 1919. E nesse ínterim, as novas relações sócio-culturais e econômicas foram introduzidas no campo, isto é, o capitalismo agrário.(AU)
Este trabalho enfoca a ação de patrocínio a eventos como ferramenta comunicacional, incorporada ao composto da comunicação de marketing. O principal objetivo é analisar e apresentar como as empresas usam e articulam as ferramentas da comunicação integrada de marketing às ações de patrocínio para se criar um efeito sinérgico de comunicação. A metodologia constitui-se em pesquisa bibliográfica e documental e o estudo de casos envolvendo as empresas Ambev, Petrobras e Bradesco com o patrocínio aos respectivos eventos: Skol Beats; Jogos Pan-americanos 2007 e o Espetáculo Saltimbanco do Cirque du Soleil, verificando como os aspectos teóricos foram apropriados em cada caso. As conclusões apontam, principalmente, que as empresas vêm buscando utilizar o potencial máximo de comunicação dos eventos não só ao promoverem, mas também na condição de patrocinadoras, e que o patrocínio deve ser parte de um plano integrado, no qual as ações estratégicas de comunicação de marketing, através das várias ferramentas que as constituem, podem e devem ser conjugadas para alcançar sinergia e valorizar as ações comunicacionais dos patrocinadores.(AU)
This study concerns the application of a model of effective interpersonal relationships to problems arising from staff assessment at I.C.I. Ltd. Corporate Laboratory between 1972 and 1974. In collaboration with academic and industrial supervision, the study commenced with a survey of management and supervisor opinions about the effectiveness of current staff (work) relationships, with particular reference to the problem of recognising and developing creative potential. This survey emphasised a need to improve the relationships between staff in the staff assessment context. A survey of research into creativity emphasised the importance of the interpersonal environment for obtaining creative behaviour in an organisation context. A further survey of theories of how interpersonal behaviour related to personal creativity (therapeutic psychology) provided a model of effective interpersonal behaviour (Carkhuff, 1969) that could be applied to the organisation context of staff assessment. The objective of the project was redefined as a need to improve the conditions of interpersonal behaviour in relation to certain (career development) problems arising from staff assessment practices. In order to demonstrate the application of the model of effective interpersonal behaviour, the research student recorded interviews between himself and members of staff designed to develop and operate the dimensions of the model. Different samples of staff were used to develop the 'facilitative' and the 'action oriented' dimensions of bahaviour, and then for the operation of a helping programme (based on vocational guidance tests). These interactions have been analysed, according to the scales of measurement in the model ana the results are presented in case study form in this thesis. At each stage of the project, results and conclusions were presented to the sponsoring organisation (e.g. industrial supervisor) in order to assess their (subjective) opinion of relevance to the organ isation. Finally, recommendations on further actions towards general improvement of the work relationships in the laboratory were presented in a brief report to the sponsor.
A comprehensive survey of industrial sites and heat recovery products revealed gaps between equipment that was required and that which was available. Two heat recovery products were developed to fill those gaps: a gas-to-gas modular heat recovery unit; a gas-to-liquid exhaust gas heat exchanger. The former provided an entire heat recovery system in one unit. It was specifically designed to overcome the problems associated with existing component system of large design commitment, extensive installation and incompatibility between parts. The unit was intended to recover heat from multiple waste gas sources and, in particular, from baking ovens. A survey of the baking industry defined typical waste gas temperatures and flow rates, around which the unit was designed. The second unit was designed to recover heat from the exhaust gases of small diesel engines. The developed unit differed from existing designs by having a negligible effect on engine performance. In marketing terms these products are conceptual opposites. The first, a 'product-push' product generated from site and product surveys, required marketing following design. The second, a 'market-pull' product, resulted from a specific user need; this had a captive market and did not require marketing. Here marketing was replaced by commercial aspects including the protection of ideas, contracting, tendering and insurance requirements. These two product development routes are compared and contrasted. As a general conclusion this work suggests that it can be beneficial for small companies (as was the sponsor of this project) to undertake projects of the market-pull type. Generally they have a higher probability of success and are less capital intensive than their product-push counterparts. Development revealed shortcomings in three other fields: British Standards governing heat exchangers; financial assessment of energy saving schemes; degree day procedure of calculating energy savings. Methods are proposed to overcome these shortcomings.
A need was indicated for the identification of a possible new solar energy product to improve the sales potential of a metal film with a selective surface, manufactured by the industriaI sponsor of this project (INCO). A possible way of overcoming the disadvantageous economics of solar energy collection was identified. This utilised the collection of solar energy by the walls of buildings constructed in such a manner as to allow the transfer of energy into the building, whilst providing adequate thermal insulation in the absence of sunlight. The actual collection element of the wall, being metallic, is also capable of performing the function of a low temperature heating .system in the absence of sunlight. As a result of this, the proposed system, by displacing both the wall and centraI heating system which would otherwise be necessary, demonstrates economic benefits over systems which are constructed solely for the purpose of collecting solar energy. The necessary thermodynamic and meteorological. characteristics and data: are established, and applied to a typical urban site in the North of England, for a typical average year, with and without a shading device incorporated into the construction. It is concluded that the proposed system may offer considerable benefit in reducing the effective heating season in all orientations of wall.
The use of arm's-length bodies to deliver certain services, to regulate certain sectors or to assume responsibility for particularly salient political issues is neither new in historical terms or a feature unique to the UK in comparative terms. What is particularly distinctive, however, is the Coalition Government's attempts since 2010 to reduce the number of ‘quangos’ while also strengthening the capacity of the core executive and sponsor departments to control and co-ordinate this dense and fragmented sphere of delegated governance. Drawing upon the findings of the first research project to analyse the current Public Bodies Reform Agenda, this article provides an account of the ‘filling-in’ of the ‘hollowing out’. It argues that when viewed through a historical lens, the Coalition Government has adopted a distinctive approach to ‘the quango problem’.
This paper presents an argument that it is possible for an organisation to manage networks, but understanding this involves consideration of what is meant by "managing". Based on prior research and data from a major longitudinal action research study in the health sector, the paper describes six network management roles: network structuring agent; co-ordinator; advisor; information broker; relationship broker; innovation sponsor. The necessary "assets" for effective performance of these roles are identified, in particular those relating to team competence. The findings enrich and significantly develop previous work on network management roles and activities, and their influencing factors. It is concluded that, given the specific nature of the networks studied, further research is required to evaluate the generalisability of the findings, though initial indications are promising.
This article reflects on the UK coalition government’s ‘alternative models’ agenda, specifically in terms of the adoption of new models of service delivery by arm’s-length bodies (ALBs). It provides an overview of the alternative models agenda and discusses barriers to implementation. These include practical challenges involved in the set up of alternative models, the role of sponsor departments, and the effective communication of best practice. Finally, the article highlights some issues for further discussion.
Purpose: The study aims to explore the novel issue of how consumers perceive sponsorship initiatives by foreign companies and how the sponsors' country-of-origin (COO) cue may influence sponsorship outcomes. Design/methodology/approach: The measurement model and proposed relationships were tested based on a sample of 811 Chinese consumers using confirmatory factor analysis and structural path analysis. Findings: The results reveal that attitudes toward the sponsor completely mediate the effect of event involvement on willingness to buy from the sponsor (WBS). Attitudes toward the sponsor also partially mediate the relationship between economic animosity towards a specific sponsor's COO and WBS. Additionally, the level of a country's economic competitiveness found to moderate the negative relationship between economic animosity, attitudes toward the sponsor and WBS. Research limitations/implications: The nature of the product type and the desire of the consumer to own such a product may have influenced the measurement of willingness to buy. Practical implications: The research adds to the existing knowledge by identifying the opportunities and potential biases that a foreign company may encounter when considering sponsoring a mega sport event in a different cultural context. The study helps managers to understand how sports sponsorship could be used effectively in emerging markets. Originality/value: The proposed conceptual model advances the application of classical conditioning theory, the consumer animosity model of foreign product purchase and the belief-attitude-intention hierarchy in the sponsorship arena. It is the first investigation of the role of event involvement and economic animosity in understanding sponsorship responses. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
This study investigates Chinese consumers' responses to foreign and domestic sponsors engaged in the Beijing Olympic Games. It identifies direct causal relationships between consumer ethnocentrism, attitudes towards the sponsor and product judgement. Findings reveal that event involvement mediates the positive relationship between consumer ethnocentrism and attitudes towards the domestic sponsor. Attitudes towards foreign sponsors are found to be a significant mediator in the relationship between consumer ethnocentrism and judgements of the sponsors' products. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.
Napjainkra a sport, a valamikori egyértelműen civil tevékenység összetett, folyamatosan változó és jelentős üzleti lehetőségeket rejtő iparággá fejlődött. Ebben az iparágban a hivatásos sport esetében öt piac működik: a fogyasztói piac, a játékos piac, a szponzori piac, a közvetítési jogok piaca és a merchandising piac. A szabadidősport esetében is azonosíthatók piacok. A szerző célja e piacok magyarországi működésének bemutatása, amit 31 kvalitatív mélyinterjúhoz kapcsolódó eredményei segítségével tesz meg _____ Sport, which was the activity of the civil sphere, has become a complex, continuously changing industry with significant business opportunities. In the case of professional sports there are five markets: consumer, player, sponsor, media (broadcasting) and merchandising markets. In the case of leisure sports the author can also identify different markets. The aim of this paper is to present these markets in Hungary with the help of the results of the author’s 31 qualitative in-depth interviews.
A szerzők jelen cikkükben a projektmenedzsment és a változásmenedzsment szakirodalmában olvasható szerepelméleteket hasonlítják össze. A hasonlóságok szembeötlőek, de nem nyilvánvaló, hogy az egyes definíciók pontosan miben egyeznek vagy térnek el egymástól. A két szakterület irodalmában nem találtak ilyen összehasonlító elemzést. Először összehasonlítják a projekt, az elsőfokú (morfostatikus) és a másodfokú (morfogenetikus) változás közkeletű definícióit, hogy körülhatárolhassák a közöttük lévő átfedéseket, ahol egyáltalán van értelme összevetniük a különböző szerepmeghatározásokat. Találnak közöttük átfedést, ahol a különböző szerepdefiníciók egyaránt érvényesek, így összehasonlíthatók egymással. A két szakterület szerepmeghatározásainak tartalmát elemezve teljes egyezések, részleges hasonlóságok és különbségek is találhatók. Legfontosabb megállapításuk az, hogy a tartalmi átfedések és kapcsolódások miatt mindkét szakterület oktatói, kutatói és gyakorlati művelői komoly haszonnal forgathatják a másik terület szerepelméleti szakirodalmát is. ________ This paper compares the role concepts which are in current use in project management and change management literature. The similarities are noticeable at first sight but it is not clear where the domains of the different definitions of the two management disciplines overlap and where they vary from each other significantly. The authors have not found such an interdisciplinary comparison in the literature of the two fields. At first, they compared the widely used definitions of project, first order (or morphostatic) and second order (or morphogenetic) changes to find the overlapping areas where it is reasonable to compare the different role definitions at all. They found an overlapping area where the different role definitions are all valid and the role theories can be compared. The typical project stakeholders are: project sponsor, project manager, project management team, project team, influencers, customer/user, performing organization etc. The typical change roles are: sponsor (initiating and sustaining), agent, target, advocate, facilitator etc. The authors found samenesses, similarities and differences alike between the two sets of roles. The most important conclusion is that the findings enable participants working on these types of activities to rely on both bodies of knowledge properly.
The financial community is well aware that continued underfunding of state and local government pension plans poses many public policy and fiduciary management concerns. However, a well-defined theoretical rationale has not been developed to explain why and how public sector pension plans underfund. This study uses three methods: a survey of national pension experts, an incomplete covariance panel method, and field interviews.^ A survey of national public sector pension experts was conducted to provide a conceptual framework by which underfunding could be evaluated. Experts suggest that plan design, fiscal stress, and political culture factors impact underfunding. However, experts do not agree with previous research findings that unions actively pursue underfunding to secure current wage increases.^ Within the conceptual framework and determinants identified by experts, several empirical regularities are documented for the first time. Analysis of 173 local government pension plans, observed from 1987 to 1992, was conducted. Findings indicate that underfunding occurs in plans that have lower retirement ages, increased costs due to benefit enhancements, when the sponsor faces current year operating deficits, or when a local government relies heavily on inelastic revenue sources. Results also suggest that elected officials artificially inflate interest rate assumptions to reduce current pension costs, consequently shifting these costs to future generations. In concurrence with some experts there is no data to support the assumption that highly unionized employees secure more funding than less unionized employees.^ Empirical results provide satisfactory but not overwhelming statistical power, and only minor predictive capacity. To further explore why underfunding occurs, field interviews were carried out with 62 local government officials. Practitioners indicated that perceived fiscal stress, the willingness of policymakers to advance funding, bargaining strategies used by union officials, apathy by employees and retirees, pension board composition, and the level of influence by internal pension experts has an impact on funding outcomes.^ A pension funding process model was posited by triangulating the expert survey, empirical findings, and field survey results. The funding process model should help shape and refine our theoretical knowledge of state and local government pension underfunding in the future. ^