999 resultados para soybean crop expansion


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Centrifugal spreaders dominate the application of solid materials in agriculture offering expressive operational field capacity and extended range of applied rates. Field tests for characterization of theirperformance are conducted without any physical obstacles (such as the presence of plants) during the parabolic trajectory of the falling particles of fertilizer to the soil. The purpose of this study was to comparatively evaluate the transverse distribution of solid fertilizers applied on cropped corn, soybeans and cotton. Evaluations of the spreaders were designed according to ASAE S341.3/99 Standard. Tests consisted in aligning side by side collectors in-between the cropped rows and weighting the material deposited. The results showed that transverse distribution of solid fertilizers applied over the cotton and corn crops is affected by the crop height, interfering directly on the effective width of the spreader application, which was not observedin the soybean crop, once the fertilizer application is done when the crop was still below the collector's height. The results suggest that evaluation of effective width of the spreaders application need to be done under real crop environment.


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The objective of this work was to assess the spatial and temporal variability of sugarcane yield efficiency and yield gap in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, throughout 16 growing seasons, considering climate and soil as main effects, and socioeconomic factors as complementary. An empirical model was used to assess potential and attainable yields, using climate data series from 37 weather stations. Soil effects were analyzed using the concept of production environments associated with a soil aptitude map for sugarcane. Crop yield efficiency increased from 0.42 to 0.58 in the analyzed period (1990/1991 to 2005/2006 crop seasons), and yield gap consequently decreased from 58 to 42%. Climatic factors explained 43% of the variability of sugarcane yield efficiency, in the following order of importance: solar radiation, water deficit, maximum air temperature, precipitation, and minimum air temperature. Soil explained 15% of the variability, considering the average of all seasons. There was a change in the correlation pattern of climate and soil with yield efficiency after the 2001/2002 season, probably due to the crop expansion to the west of the state during the subsequent period. Socioeconomic, biotic and crop management factors together explain 42% of sugarcane yield efficiency in the state of Sao Paulo.


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Eficiência agrícola (EA) é utilizada como indicador do nível de desenvolvimento agrícola regional, expressando, por meio da relação entre as produtividades real e atingível, o nível tecnológico empregado nas culturas. Com base nisso, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a EA das culturas da soja, do milho e do trigo para o estado do Rio Grande do Sul, entre os anos de 1980 e 2008, identificando os principais fatores que as condicionaram. A EA foi obtida pela relação entre a produtividade atingível (PA) e a real (PR). A PR foi obtida junto ao banco de dados do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). A PA foi obtida pela estimativa da produtividade potencial (PPf), pelo método de Zona Agroecológica da FAO, deflacionada pelo déficit hídrico em cada uma das fases da cultura. Verificou-se que as EAs médias para as culturas do milho, da soja e do trigo para o RS foram iguais a 54, 61 e 43%, respectivamente. Nas localidades de Santa Rosa, São Borja e Veranópolis, a EA para a soja foi, ao contrário das demais localidades, negativa. Os principais fatores que contribuíram para o aumento da EA, na maioria das localidades, foram: mudanças no uso e fertilidade do solo; uso de mecanização agrícola; preços pagos pelas commodities; investimentos em pesquisa e desenvolvimento; adoção do zoneamento de risco climático; e melhoramento genético.


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The objective of this work was to assess the spatial and temporal variability of sugarcane yield efficiency and yield gap in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, throughout 16 growing seasons, considering climate and soil as main effects, and socioeconomic factors as complementary. An empirical model was used to assess potential and attainable yields, using climate data series from 37 weather stations. Soil effects were analyzed using the concept of production environments associated with a soil aptitude map for sugarcane. Crop yield efficiency increased from 0.42 to 0.58 in the analyzed period (1990/1991 to 2005/2006 crop seasons), and yield gap consequently decreased from 58 to 42%. Climatic factors explained 43% of the variability of sugarcane yield efficiency, in the following order of importance: solar radiation, water deficit, maximum air temperature, precipitation, and minimum air temperature. Soil explained 15% of the variability, considering the average of all seasons. There was a change in the correlation pattern of climate and soil with yield efficiency after the 2001/2002 season, probably due to the crop expansion to the west of the state during the subsequent period. Socioeconomic, biotic and crop management factors together explain 42% of sugarcane yield efficiency in the state of São Paulo.


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Para desarrollar y validar una escala logarítmica diagramática de evaluación de daño por orugas defoliadoras al cultivo de soja, para el centro-sur de Córdoba, se colectaron folíolos dañados a fin de obtener la máxima defoliación presente. Se calculó el porcentaje de defoliación escaneando cada folíolo, utilizando el software WinFolia. Se planteó una escala de siete clases obteniendo el valor medio de cada una con el programa DOSLOG. Posteriormente 140 folíolos, cuya defoliación real se determinó con WinFolia, fueron evaluados por seis evaluadores con y sin experiencia previa en estimaciones de defoliación, con y sin escala. La validación por precisión y exactitud se realizó por regresión lineal simple entre la defoliación real y la estimada, y la reproducibilidad por regresión entre las 140 estimaciones de los evaluadores combinados de a pares. Sin la escala la mayoría de los evaluadores sobreestimaron la defoliación, indicando desvíos positivos constantes para todos los niveles, y en 9 de 12 evaluadores ocurrieron desvíos sistemáticos. Con la escala mejoró la exactitud (-1,74 a 1,39), precisión (0,77 a 0,90) y reproducibilidad, por lo que se la considera adecuada para evaluaciones de daños causados por orugas defoliadoras al cultivo de soja, en la región centro-sur de Córdoba.


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A obtenção de uma lavoura com população adequada de plantas depende da utilização de diferentes práticas agronômicas, estando o sucesso condicionado ao uso de sementes de boa qualidade. No entanto, a semeadura dificilmente é realizada em condições ideais o que resulta em problemas na emergência das plantas. Grande é a procura por alternativas que melhorem a germinação e o desenvolvimento inicial dos cultivos resultando em uniformidade de emergência, garantindo o estande e culminando em produção. O tratamento de sementes com agroquímicos fitossanitários é uma solução parcial no combate de agentes fitopatológicos e pragas, mas poucas são as soluções adotadas para melhorar o desenvolvimento vegetal inicial, que pode levar a desuniformidade e falhas no estande gerando prejuízos econômicos. Os extratos de algas já demonstraram em diversos estudos sua eficiência no desenvolvimento vegetal quando aplicados em plantas. Porém poucos são os estudos voltados para os efeitos dos extratos de algas na germinação e emergência. Assim, o intuito deste trabalho foi testar o extrato comercial de Ascophyllum nodosum, e diferentes fracionamentos do mesmo, no tratamento de sementes de soja e milho. Avaliou-se o efeito de diferentes doses no desenvolvimento das plântulas e as doses de melhor resposta foram utilizadas no tratamento de sementes de soja a fim de associar as respostas obtidas à expressão gênica de 9 genes relacionados ao processo germinativo em 24 e 48h de embebição. Sementes de soja tratadas com o extrato comercial resultaram em plântulas menos desenvolvidas o que pode estar relacionado ao alto teor de sais contidos no produto. O tratamento com as demais frações favoreceu o desenvolvimento das plântulas, principalmente o desenvolvimento radicular. Sementes de milho tratadas não apresentaram desenvolvimento tão satisfatório quanto as sementes de soja tratadas. A análise da expressão gênica relativa demonstrou que o tratamento com frações do extrato comercial é capaz de regular algumas vias do metabolismo hormonal, como a isopentenil transferase e a GA20 oxidase 2, e do catabolismo de reservas, como a acil-CoA oxidase. Em condições ótimas, o tratamento de sementes de soja com frações do extrato comercial de A. nodosum favoreceu o desenvolvimento inicial das plântulas de soja, no entanto não ocasionou grandes alterações no desenvolvimento de milho. Este estudo demonstrou a possibilidade de utilização de frações do extrato de A. nodosum no favorecimento do desenvolvimento inicial de plântulas de soja. Maiores estudos são necessários quanto às respostas em campo e na atenuação de estresses para viabilizar seu uso como um bioestimulante em sementes.


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As culturas da soja e milho são de grande importância econômica mundial e também para o Brasil, onde a área cultivada com essas duas culturas está estimada em 45.855.900 mil hectares, distribuídas em todos estados produtores conforme suas características. A estimativa da safra mundial de soja em 2015/16 apresentou uma redução na produção global da oleaginosa para 319,0 milhões de ton, volume 1,1 milhão de ton inferior ao levantamento de dezembro de 2015. Ainda assim, trata-se de um volume recorde. Para o milho, a produção global foi de 967,9 milhões de ton, com uma redução no volume de 5,9 milhões de ton em relação ao levantamento realizado em dezembro de 2015. Nessas duas culturas são comumente utilizadas bactérias fixadoras de nitrogênio (BFN), reduzindo ou até mesmo, eliminando a aplicação de adubos nitrogenados. Estudos apontam que a simbiose entre BFN e as culturas soja e milho pode ser otimizada mediante a coinoculação com rizobatérias promotoras de crescimento de plantas (RPCP). Apesar de promissora, o estudo da utilização de BFN em associação com RPCPs é incipiente no Brasil. Assim, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo monitorar, a partir da marcação bacteriana, a interação entre a linhagem de Burkholderia ambifaria (RZ2MS16), uma rizobactéria proveniente do guaranazeiro e previamente descrita como promotora de crescimento em soja e milho e linhagens das espécies Bradyrhizobium japonicum (SEMIA5079), Bradyrhizobium diazoefficiens (SEMIA5080) e Azospirillum brasilense (Ab-v5 e Ab-v6) que são comercialmente utilizadas como bioinoculantes nessas culturas respectivamente. Os efeitos sinergisticos da interação entre RZ2MS16 e bioinoculantes comercias foram avaliados em experimento de casa de vegetação. Também foi avaliado o efeito da coinoculação de bioinculantes com outra rizobactéria proveniente do guaranazeiro, Bacillus sp. (RZ2MS9). As linhagens foram inoculadas separadamente e coinoculadas, sendo melhores resultados observados com a coinoculação das linhagens. As linhagens marcadas com genes de fluorescência selecionadas para estudo de interação foram RZ2MS16, Ab-v5 e SEMIA5080, sendo essa interação observada por microscopia de fluorescência, com também pelo reisolamento das linhagens marcadas. As linhagens RZ2MS16:pNKGFP e Ab-v5: pWM1013 e SEMIA5080:pWM1013 colonizaram todos os nichos avaliados em milho e soja, respectivamente, sendo também caracterizadas como endofíticos. Assim se observa que estudos desta natureza são de grande importância para um melhor entendimento da interação entre bactéria planta e o efeito da coinoculação no melhor desenvolvimento de plantas comercialmente utilizadas.


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The climate is still main responsible for the variations soybean productivity (Glycine max (L.) Merrill), exerting a limiting action on these agricultural systems. The bomjesuense cerrado, this culture has proved, over the years, an increase of cultivated areas, however, productivity does not keep the same pace, going through periods of oscillations. Thus, although the crop is added to high technology, culture has great vulnerability to climatic adversities. Thus, the present study aims to analyze possible trends in meteorological variables, which can influence the soybean yield in Bom Jesus. For this purpose, different datasets were used, as follows: i) two periods of daily data (1984-2014 and 1974-2014), both obtained from the National Meteorological Institute (INMET); ii) climate normals from 1961-1990 as defined by INMET; iii) local agricultural production data of soybean-year (1997/1998 to 2012/2013) obtained from the Municipal Agricultural Production (PAM) dataset, which is management by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). The analysis procedures included calculations of climate normals for 1984 to 2014 period and some statistical applications, as follows: i) the Wilcoxon test, used to evaluate differences between climate normals (1961 to 1990 and 1984 to 2014); ii) the Mann-Kendall nonparametric test, in order to analyze the linear trend of agrometeorological variables (rainfall, maximum temperature, minimum temperature and diurnal range of temperature; iii) cluster analysis by Ward method and the Spearman correlation test (rs) to identify the relationship between agrometeorological variable and soybean annual productivity. We adopted a statistical significance level of 5%. The results indicate changes in seasonality of the 1984-2014 climatology with respect to past climatology for all variables analyzed, except for insolation and precipitation. However, the monthly analysis of precipitation indicate negative trend during October and positive trend in December, causing a delay in start of rainy season. If this trend is persistent this result must be considered in futures definitions of the soybean crop sowing date over the region studied. With Mann-Kendall test was possible to identify positive trends with statistical significance in maximum temperature for all month forming part of soybean cycle (from November to April), which in turn tends to cause adverse effects on crop physiology, and consequently impacts on the final yield. Was identified a significant positive correlation between soybean yield and precipitation observed in March, thus precipitation deficit in this month is harmful to the soybean crop development. No statistically significant correlation was identified among maximum temperature, minimum temperature, and DTR with annual soybean productivity due these range of meteorological variables are not limiting factors in the final soybean yield in Bom Jesus (PI). It is expected that this study will contribute to propose planning strategies considering the role of climate variability on soybean crop final yield.


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Soybean crop is substantially important for both Brazilian and international markets. A relevant disease that affects soybeans is powdery mildew, caused by fungus Erysiphe diffusa. The objective of this master’s thesis was to analyze physiological changes produced by fungicides in two greenhouse-grown soybean genotypes (i.e., Anta 8500 RR and BRS Santa Cruz RR) naturally infected with powdery mildew. A complete randomized block design was used with six replications in a 2x5 factorial arrangement. Treatments consisted of applications of Azoxystrobin, Biofac (fermented solution of Penicillium sp.), Carbendazim or Picoxystrobin fungicides, and a Control (no fungicide application). Three applications were performed in the experimental period, and each eventually represented a period of data collection. Gas exchanges, chlorophyll content, fluorescence of chlorophyll a and disease severity were measured twice a week. Dry grain mass production was measured at the end of the experiment. Areas under progression curve of variables were submitted to both ANOVA and Tukey’s test at 5% significance. Treatments Azoxystrobin, Biofac and Picoxystrobin had higher photosynthetic rates than Control in the second period, with genotype Anta having higher rate than Santa Cruz. Biofac had higher transpiration rate than Control in the second period, while Biofac and Picoxystrobin had higher figures in Santa Cruz in the third period. Carbendazim had greater stomatal conductance in Anta, whilst Azoxystrobin, Biofac and Picoxystrobin had greater values than Carbendazim in Santa Cruz. Biofac and Picoxystrobin had greater intercellular CO2 concentration in Santa Cruz. Azoxystrobin and Picoxystrobin had greater instantaneous water use efficiency than Control, with Anta being more efficient than Santa Cruz. Biofac and Picoxystrobin had greater intrinsic water use efficiency in Anta, while Carbendazim increased efficiency in Santa Cruz. Azoxystrobin, Biofac and Picoxystrobin had greater carboxylation efficiency than Control in the second period, with Anta being more efficient than Santa Cruz. Azoxystrobin and Biofac had greater contents of chlorophylls a, b and a+b than Control in the second period. Azoxystrobin had greater effective quantum yield than Control and Picoxystrobin. All treatments faced increasing disease severity over time, with Anta being less resistant than Santa Cruz. As for production, data showed that: (1) Santa Cruz was more productive than Anta, having the greatest dry grain mass with Carbendazim, and (2) Anta’s lower disease severity did not translate into higher productions. In conclusion, strobilurins (Azoxystrobin and Picoxystrobin) and Biofac performed similarly as to their physiological effects on soybeans; however, these effects did not lead to increased dry grain mass by the end of the experiment.


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On the national scene, soybean crop occupies a prominent position in cultivated area and volume production, being cultivated largely in the no tillage system. This system, due to the intense traffic of machines and implements on its surface has caused soil compaction problems, which has caused the yield loss of crops. In order to minimize this effect the seeder-drill uses the systems to opening the furrow by shank or the double disc type. The use of the shank has become commonplace for allowing the disruption of the compacted surface layer, however requires greater energy demand and may cause excessive tillage in areas where there is not observed high levels of compaction. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the effects of furrowers mechanisms and levels of soil compacting on traction requirement by a seeder-drill and on the growing and productivity of soybean in an Oxisol texture clay, in a two growing seasons. The experimental design consisted of randomized blocks with split plots with the main plots composed of four levels of soil compaction (N0 – no tillage without additional compaction, N1, N2 and N3 – no tillage subjected to compaction through two, four and six passes with tractor, respectively) corresponding to densities of soil 1.16, 1.20, 1.22 and 1.26 g cm-3, and subplots by two furrowers mechanisms (shank and double disc) with four replicates. To evaluate the average, maximum and specific traction force requested by the seeder-drill, was used a load cell, with capacity of 50 kN and sensitivity of 2 mV V-1, coupled between the tractor and seeder-drill, whose data are stored in a datalogger system model CR800 of Campbell Scientific. In addition, were evaluated the bulk density, soil mechanical resistance to penetration, sowing depth, depth and groove width, soil area mobilized, emergence speed index, emergence operation, final plant stand, stem diameter, plant height, average number of seeds per pod, weight of 1,000 seeds, number of pods per plant and crop productivity. Data were subjected to analysis of variance, the mean of furrowers were compared by Tukey test (p≤0.05), while for the factor soil compaction, polynomial regression analysis was adopted, selected models by the criterion of greater R2 and significance (p≤0.05) of equation parameters. Regardless of the crop season, penetration resistance increase as soil compaction levels up to around 0.20 m deep, and bulk density influenced the sowing quality parameters, however, did not affect the crop yield. In the first season, there was a higher productivity with the use of the shank type. In the second crop season, the shank demanded greater energetic requirement with the increase of bulk density and opposite situation with the double disc. The locking of sowing lines allow better performance of the shank to break the compacted layer.


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The use of inputs containing phosphites have been presenting results in many studies, taking on importance to the control of diseases in some cultures and demonstrating the resistance induction in seedlings, with ability to activate defense mechanisms, conferring protection to plants against microorganisms. The soybean crop is recognized for its importance in providing grains and derivatives for human consumption, animal, production of biofuels, pharmaceuticals, among others. Positive results obtained through studies based on resistance inducers in some cultures arouse the interest for further study. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of potassium phosphites on the resistance induction and treatment of soybean seeds. Therefore were conducted four laboratory studies at the Federal Technological University of Paraná, Campus of Dois Vizinhos. In the first study it was evaluated the quality attributes of the seeds and the resistance induction as seed treatment. Then it was verified that phosphites have action upon the seedlings metabolism in due to seed treatment, having the phosphite Reforce® contributed to seed quality attributes and phosphites FitofosK® and Fitofos K Plus® induced the resistance increasing the activity of β-1,3-glucanase. In the second study it was evaluated the the resistance induction in soybean cotyledons, in which the phosphites demonstrated induction potential of phytoalexin gliceolin. In the third study It was evaluated the soybean seed health treated with potassium phosphites.. it was observed that the phosphites reduced the incidence of many fungi on seeds, especially of storage fungi like Aspergillus sp. and Fusarium semitectum. In the fourth study it was evaluated the in vitro effect of potassium phosphites on pathogenic fungi of the culture. And it was found direct action of phosphites on the mycelial growth of Fusarium semitectum, Pythium sp. and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Based on these results, we concluded that potassium phosphites have potential in seeds treatment, as resistance inducer and on in vitro control of phytopathogens.


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In order to add value to soybens crops, and hence the marketing, medium and large producers have been using precision agriculture techniques (PA), as the Remote Sensing, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and positioning satellite, to assist the management of crops. Thus, given the economic relevance of that culture to the southwest of Paraná State and Brazil, scientific studies to increase their productivity and profitability are of main importance. The objective of this study was to evaluate the correlation between the chemical soil properties and soybean yield for each estimated parameter of semivariogram (range, nugget and level effect), and the deployment of these correlations in direct and indirect effects, aiming to improve the mapping process of spatial variability of soil chemical properties for use in PA. The hypothesis is that not all attributes of soil used to estimate the semivariogram parameters has a direct effect on productivity, and that even in groups of plants within a larger area it is possible to estimate the parameters of the semivariograms. The experiment was conducted in a commercial area of 19.7 ha, located in the city of Pato Branco - PR, central geographic coordinates 26º 11 '35 "South, 52 43' 05" West longitude, and average altitude of 780 m. The area is planted with soybeans for over 30 years, currently being adopted to cultivate Brasmax Target RR - Don Mario 5.9i, with row spacing of 0.50 m and 13 plants m-1, totaling 260,000 plants ha-1. For georeferencing of the area of study and sampling points was used a couple of topographic ProMarkTM3 receptors, making a relative positioning to obtain the georeferenced coordinates. To collect data (chemical analyzes of soil and crop yield) were sampled 10 blocks in the experimental area, each with an area of 20 m2 (20 meters long x 1 meter wide) containing two spaced adjacent rows of 0.5 m. Each block was divided into 20 portions of 1 m2, and from each were collected four subsamples at a distance of 0.5 m in relation to the lines of blocks, making up a sample depth for 0-10 cm a sample to 10-20 cm for each plot, totaling 200 samples for each depth. The soybean crop was performed on the blocks depending on maturity, and in each block was considered a bundle at each meter. In the data analysis, it was performed a diagnosis of multicollinearity, and subsequently a path analysis of the main variables according to the explanatory variables (range of chemical attributes: pH, K, P, Ca, etc.). The results obtained by the path analysis of the parameters of the semivariogram of soil chemical properties, indicated that only the Fe, Mg, Mn, organic matter (OM), P and Saturation by bases (SB) exerted direct and indirect effects on soybean productivity, although they have not presented spatial variability, indicating that the distribution of blocks in the area was unable to identify the spatial dependence of these elements, making it impossible to draw up maps of the chemical attributes for use in PA.


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São Paulo state, Brazil, has been highlighted by the sugarcane crop expansion. The actual scenario of climate and land use changes, bring attention for the large-scale water productivity (WP) analyses. MODIS images were used together with gridded weather data for these analyses. A generalized sugarcane growing cycle inside a crop land mask, from September 2011 to October 2012, was considered in the main growing regions of the state. Actual evapotranspiration (ET) is quantified by the SAFER (Simple Algorithm for Evapotranspiration Retrieving) algorithm, the biomass production (BIO) by the RUE (Radiation Use Efficiency) Monteith?s model and WP is considered as the ratio of BIO to ET. During the four generalized sugarcane crop phases, the mean ET values ranged from 0.6 to 4.0 mm day-1; BIO rates were between 20 and 200 kg ha-1 day-1, resulting in WP ranging from 2.8 to 6.0 kg m-3. Soil moisture indicators are applied, indicating benefits from supplementary irrigation during the grand growth phase, wherever there is water availability for this practice. The quantification of the large-scale water variables may subsidize the rational water resources management under the sugarcane expansion and water scarcity scenarios.