954 resultados para software-defined network
Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Computer Science
Nowadays, many P2P applications proliferate in the Internet. The attractiveness of many of these systems relies on the collaborative approach used to exchange large resources without the dependence and associated constraints of centralized approaches where a single server is responsible to handle all the requests from the clients. As consequence, some P2P systems are also interesting and cost-effective approaches to be adopted by content-providers and other Internet players. However, there are several coexistence problems between P2P applications and In- ternet Service Providers (ISPs) due to the unforeseeable behavior of P2P traffic aggregates in ISP infrastructures. In this context, this work proposes a collaborative P2P/ISP system able to underpin the development of novel Traffic Engi- neering (TE) mechanisms contributing for a better coexistence between P2P applications and ISPs. Using the devised system, two TE methods are described being able to estimate and control the impact of P2P traffic aggregates on the ISP network links. One of the TE methods allows that ISP administrators are able to foresee the expected impact that a given P2P swarm will have in the underlying network infrastructure. The other TE method enables the definition of ISP friendly P2P topologies, where specific network links are protected from P2P traffic. As result, the proposed system and associated mechanisms will contribute for improved ISP resource management tasks and to foster the deployment of innovative ISP-friendly systems.
PhD thesis in Biomedical Engineering
Identificación y caracterización del problema. Uno de los problemas más importantes asociados con la construcción de software es la corrección del mismo. En busca de proveer garantías del correcto funcionamiento del software, han surgido una variedad de técnicas de desarrollo con sólidas bases matemáticas y lógicas conocidas como métodos formales. Debido a su naturaleza, la aplicación de métodos formales requiere gran experiencia y conocimientos, sobre todo en lo concerniente a matemáticas y lógica, por lo cual su aplicación resulta costosa en la práctica. Esto ha provocado que su principal aplicación se limite a sistemas críticos, es decir, sistemas cuyo mal funcionamiento puede causar daños de magnitud, aunque los beneficios que sus técnicas proveen son relevantes a todo tipo de software. Poder trasladar los beneficios de los métodos formales a contextos de desarrollo de software más amplios que los sistemas críticos tendría un alto impacto en la productividad en tales contextos. Hipótesis. Contar con herramientas de análisis automático es un elemento de gran importancia. Ejemplos de esto son varias herramientas potentes de análisis basadas en métodos formales, cuya aplicación apunta directamente a código fuente. En la amplia mayoría de estas herramientas, la brecha entre las nociones a las cuales están acostumbrados los desarrolladores y aquellas necesarias para la aplicación de estas herramientas de análisis formal sigue siendo demasiado amplia. Muchas herramientas utilizan lenguajes de aserciones que escapan a los conocimientos y las costumbres usuales de los desarrolladores. Además, en muchos casos la salida brindada por la herramienta de análisis requiere cierto manejo del método formal subyacente. Este problema puede aliviarse mediante la producción de herramientas adecuadas. Otro problema intrínseco a las técnicas automáticas de análisis es cómo se comportan las mismas a medida que el tamaño y complejidad de los elementos a analizar crece (escalabilidad). Esta limitación es ampliamente conocida y es considerada crítica en la aplicabilidad de métodos formales de análisis en la práctica. Una forma de atacar este problema es el aprovechamiento de información y características de dominios específicos de aplicación. Planteo de objetivos. Este proyecto apunta a la construcción de herramientas de análisis formal para contribuir a la calidad, en cuanto a su corrección funcional, de especificaciones, modelos o código, en el contexto del desarrollo de software. Más precisamente, se busca, por un lado, identificar ambientes específicos en los cuales ciertas técnicas de análisis automático, como el análisis basado en SMT o SAT solving, o el model checking, puedan llevarse a niveles de escalabilidad superiores a los conocidos para estas técnicas en ámbitos generales. Se intentará implementar las adaptaciones a las técnicas elegidas en herramientas que permitan su uso a desarrolladores familiarizados con el contexto de aplicación, pero no necesariamente conocedores de los métodos o técnicas subyacentes. Materiales y métodos a utilizar. Los materiales a emplear serán bibliografía relevante al área y equipamiento informático. Métodos. Se emplearán los métodos propios de la matemática discreta, la lógica y la ingeniería de software. Resultados esperados. Uno de los resultados esperados del proyecto es la individualización de ámbitos específicos de aplicación de métodos formales de análisis. Se espera que como resultado del desarrollo del proyecto surjan herramientas de análisis cuyo nivel de usabilidad sea adecuado para su aplicación por parte de desarrolladores sin formación específica en los métodos formales utilizados. Importancia del proyecto. El principal impacto de este proyecto será la contribución a la aplicación práctica de técnicas formales de análisis en diferentes etapas del desarrollo de software, con la finalidad de incrementar su calidad y confiabilidad. A crucial factor for software quality is correcteness. Traditionally, formal approaches to software development concentrate on functional correctness, and tackle this problem basically by being based on well defined notations founded on solid mathematical grounds. This makes formal methods better suited for analysis, due to their precise semantics, but they are usually more complex, and require familiarity and experience with the manipulation of mathematical definitions. So, their acceptance by software engineers is rather restricted, and formal methods applications have been confined to critical systems. Nevertheless, it is obvious that the advantages that formal methods provide apply to any kind of software system. It is accepted that appropriate software tool support for formal analysis is essential, if one seeks providing support for software development based on formal methods. Indeed, some of the relatively recent sucesses of formal methods are accompanied by good quality tools that automate powerful analysis mechanisms, and are even integrated in widely used development environments. Still, most of these tools either concentrate on code analysis, and in many cases are still far from being simple enough to be employed by software engineers without experience in formal methods. Another important problem for the adoption of tool support for formal methods is scalability. Automated software analysis is intrinsically complex, and thus techniques do not scale well in the general case. In this project, we will attempt to identify particular modelling, design, specification or coding activities in software development processes where to apply automated formal analysis techniques. By focusing in very specific application domains, we expect to find characteristics that might be exploited to increase the scalability of the corresponding analyses, compared to the general case.
Aquest projecte es basa en l'estudi de l'oferiment de qualitat de servei en xarxes wireless i satel·litals. Per això l'estudi de les tècniques de cross-layer i del IEEE 802.11e ha sigut el punt clau per al desenvolupament teòric d’aquest estudi. Usant el simulador de xarxes network simulator, a la part de simulacions es plantegen tres situacions: l'estudi de la xarxa satel·lital, l'estudi del mètode d'accés HCCA i la interconnexió de la xarxa satel·lital amb la wireless. Encara que aquest últim punt, incomplet en aquest projecte, ha de ser la continuació per a futures investigacions.
Treball de recerca realitzat per un alumne d'ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l'any 2009. L’objectiu d’aquest treball de recerca és la creació d’un dispositiu encarregat de centralitzar totes les necessitats multimèdia de casa nostra i distribuir aquest contingut a tots els terminals de la xarxa local d’una manera senzilla i automatitzada. Aquest dispositiu s’ha dissenyat per estar connectat a una televisió d’alta definició, que permetrà la reproducció i l’organització de tot el nostre multimèdia d’una manera còmoda i fàcil. El media center s’encarrega de gestionar la nostra filmoteca, fototeca, biblioteca musical i sèries de TV de manera transparent i automàtica. A més a més, l’usuari pot accedir a tot el multimèdia emmagatzemat al media center des de qualsevol dispositiu de la xarxa local a través de protocols com CIFS o UPnP, en un intent de replicar el cloud computing a escala local. El dispositiu ha estat dissenyat per a suportar tot tipus de formats i subtítols, assegurant la compatibilitat total amb arxius lliures de DRM. El seu disseny minimalista i silenciós el fa perfecte per a substituir el reproductor de DVD de la sala. Tot això sense oblidar el seu baix consum, de l’ordre d’un 75% inferior al d’un PC convencional.
We re-examine the literature on mobile termination in the presence of network externalities. Externalities arise when firms discriminate between on- and off-net calls or when subscription demand is elastic. This literature predicts that profit decreases and consumer surplus increases in termination charge in a neighborhood of termination cost. This creates a puzzle since in reality we see regulators worldwide pushing termination rates down while being opposed by network operators. We show that this puzzle is resolved when consumers' expectations are assumed passive but required to be fulfilled in equilibrium (as defined by Katz and Shapiro, AER 1985), instead of being rationally responsive to non-equilibrium prices, as assumed until now.
Avui en dia, estem assistint a una expansió de la tecnologia d’agents mòbils i noves aplicacions basades en aquesta s’estan obrint pas constantment. Les aplicacions han de demostrar la seva viabilitat sobretot en entorns heterogenis i complexos com les xarxes MANET. En aquest projecte es desenvolupa un sistema per simular el comportament dels agents mòbils, ampliant l’actual simulador de xarxa NS2, i també es comprova la viabilitat de l’implementació de l’ETTMA pel triatge de víctimes en situacions d’emergència.
In the recent years most libraries have focused on mass digitization programs and keeping electronic born documents, showing and organizing them in a repository. While those repositories have evolved to a much more manageable systems focusing on the user expectations and introducing web 2.0 tools, digital preservation is still in the to-do list of most of them. There is quite a lot of studies focused on preservation and some complex models exist, unfortunately, very few practical systems are running and its quite difficult for a library to get involved in a solution already tested by others. The CBUC (Consortium of University Catalan Libraries) runs TDX, an ETD repository now keeping more than 10.000 full text thesis from any of the 12 university members. After 10 years running TDX a solid preservation system was needed to ensure every thesis would be kept as it was regardless what happens to the repository. The perfect solution was found in the MetaArchive cooperative, this is the effort of many insitutions to keep a copy of each other content through a newtwork using the LOCKSS software as a mechanism to keep track of any change. The presentation will shortly introduce what TDX and MetaArchive is but will, in a practical way, show how the LOCKSS network for presrervation works. Finally a summary of the benefits of the overall experience will be shown.
El propósito de diseñar esta aplicación, es facilitar una herramienta a los usuarios de una red informática que gestione la resolución de incidencias técnicas con el objetivo que el servicio se vea interrumpido el menor tiempo posible.
El projecte té com idea fonamental crear un programari que permeti la instal·lació de paquets per mitjà de la xarxa en diverses màquines que es trobin registrades en la Base de dades, i a la vegada, es tenen dos mòduls un per a l'aplicació servidor i altre per a l'aplicació client.
OBJECTIVES: To assess the effectiveness of implementing guidelines, coupled with individual feedback, on antibiotic prescribing behaviour of primary care physicians in Switzerland. METHODS: One hundred and forty general practices from a representative Swiss sentinel network of primary care physicians participated in this cluster-randomized prospective intervention study. The intervention consisted of providing guidelines on treatment of respiratory tract infections (RTIs) and uncomplicated lower urinary tract infections (UTIs), coupled with sustained, regular feedback on individual antibiotic prescription behaviour during 2 years. The main aims were: (i) to increase the percentage of prescriptions of penicillins for all RTIs treated with antibiotics; (ii) to increase the percentage of trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole prescriptions for all uncomplicated lower UTIs treated with antibiotics; (iii) to decrease the percentage of quinolone prescriptions for all cases of exacerbated COPD (eCOPD) treated with antibiotics; and (iv) to decrease the proportion of sinusitis and other upper RTIs treated with antibiotics. The study was registered at ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT01358916). RESULTS: While the percentage of antibiotics prescribed for sinusitis or other upper RTIs and the percentage of quinolones prescribed for eCOPD did not differ between the intervention group and the control group, there was a significant increase in the percentage of prescriptions of penicillins for all RTIs treated with antibiotics [57% versus 49%, OR=1.42 (95% CI 1.08-1.89), P=0.01] and in the percentage of trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole prescriptions for all uncomplicated lower UTIs treated with antibiotics [35% versus 19%, OR=2.16 (95% CI 1.19-3.91), P=0.01] in the intervention group. CONCLUSIONS: In our setting, implementing guidelines, coupled with sustained individual feedback, was not able to reduce the proportion of sinusitis and other upper RTIs treated with antibiotics, but increased the use of recommended antibiotics for RTIs and UTIs, as defined by the guidelines.
We present a system for dynamic network resource configuration in environments with bandwidth reservation and path restoration mechanisms. Our focus is on the dynamic bandwidth management results, although the main goal of the system is the integration of the different mechanisms that manage the reserved paths (bandwidth, restoration, and spare capacity planning). The objective is to avoid conflicts between these mechanisms. The system is able to dynamically manage a logical network such as a virtual path network in ATM or a label switch path network in MPLS. This system has been designed to be modular in the sense that in can be activated or deactivated, and it can be applied only in a sub-network. The system design and implementation is based on a multi-agent system (MAS). We also included details of its architecture and implementation
Percutaneous transluminal renal angioplasty (PTRA) is an invasive technique that is costly and involves the risk of complications and renal failure. The ability of PTRA to reduce the administration of antihypertensive drugs has been demonstrated. A potentially greater benefit, which nevertheless remains to be proven, is the deferral of the need for chronic dialysis. The aim of the study (ANPARIA) was to assess the appropriateness of PTRA to impact on the evolution of renal function. A standardized expert panel method was used to assess the appropriateness of medical treatment alone or medical treatment with revascularization in various clinical situations. The choice of revascularization by either PTRA or surgery was examined for each clinical situation. Analysis was based on a detailed literature review and on systematically elicited expert opinion, which were obtained during a two-round modified Delphi process. The study provides detailed responses on the appropriateness of PTRA for 1848 distinct clinical scenarios. Depending on the major clinical presentation, appropriateness of revascularization varied from 32% to 75% for individual scenarios (overal 48%). Uncertainty as to revascularization was 41% overall. When revascularization was appropriate, PTRA was favored over surgery in 94% of the scenarios, except in certain cases of aortic atheroma where sugery was the preferred choice. Kidney size [7 cm, absence of coexisting disease, acute renal failure, a high degree of stenosis (C70%), and absence of multiple arteries were identified as predictive variables of favorable appropriateness ratings. Situations such as cardiac failure with pulmonary edema or acute thrombosis of the renal artery were defined as indications for PTRA. This study identified clinical situations in which PTRA or surgery are appropriate for renal artery disease. We built a decision tree which can be used via Internet: the ANPARIA software (http://www.chu-clermontferrand.fr/anparia/). In numerous clinical situations uncertainty remains as to whether PTRA prevents deterioration of renal function.
Abstract Consideration of consumers’ demand for food quality entails several aspects. Quality itself is a complex and dynamic concept, and constantly evolving technical progress may cause changes in consumers’ judgment of quality. To improve our understanding of the factors influencing the demand for quality, food quality must be defined and measured from the consumer’s perspective (Cardello, 1995). The present analysis addresses the issue of food quality, focusing on pork—the food that respondents were concerned about. To gain insight into consumers’ demand, we analyzed their perception and evaluation and focused on their cognitive structures concerning pork quality. In order to more fully account for consumers’ concerns about the origin of pork, in 2004 we conducted a consumer survey of private households. The qualitative approach of concept mapping was used to uncover the cognitive structures. Network analysis was applied to interpret the results. In order to make recommendations to enterprises, we needed to know what kind of demand emerges from the given food quality schema. By establishing the importance and relative positions of the attributes, we find that the country of origin and butcher may be the two factors that have the biggest influence on consumers’ decisions about the purchase of pork.