825 resultados para social conditions
Es presenta el gruix dels resultats producte de lencrrec realitzat per lAjuntament de Lleida a la Ctedra de Geografia Humana de la Universitat de Lleida sobre lanlisi de les dades referides a poblaci, activitat econmica i caracterstiques de ledificaci i de la fbrica urbana del centre histric de la ciutat
Investigaci socioeducativa que estudia les necessitats socials de les persones de ms de 80 anys que viuen soles a la ciutat dOlot. Els objectius de la recerca sn descriure, explicar i comprendre les caracterstiques i les necessitats socials daquesta poblaci i contribuir a millorar les prctiques de les poltiques locals referents als plans datenci a gent gran i Serveis Socials. La principal tcnica per recollir les dades ha estat un qestionari delaboraci expressa per aquesta investigaci, contestat per 400 persones
Esta comunicacin presenta las prcticas llevadas a cabo en el marco del proyecto de Innovacin Docente 'Construccin de una red de aprendizaje cooperativo para el anlisis aplicado del contexto socioeconmico marroqu', valorado positivamente por la ANECA y subvencionado por la unidad de Innovacin Docente de la Universidad de Granada (UGR). El proyecto se inserta en una doble lnea: descubrir la realidad social y econmica de un pas vecino socio de la Unin Europea y crear la interaccin con y entre el alumnado desde una perspectiva internacional e intercultural para desarrollar sus destrezas socio-profesionales y facilitar su movilidad
Estudi sobre els inicis de la industrialitzaci i el naixement de l'obrerisme a Girona
Sobre l'emergncia i presa de conscincia d'una classe dirigent a la societat gironina de finals del segle XVIII
Debido al reciente reconocimiento en la Constitucin ecuatoriana de 2008 de los afroecuatorianos como un grupo con derechos colectivos a sus territorios ancestrales, el Bernard and Audre Rapoport Center for Human Rights and Justice ha dirigido un estudio legal sobre la poltica relacionada con los derechos territoriales de las comunidades rurales afroecuatorianas. El estudio incluye el trabajo de una delegacin de investigadores que visitaron Quito, Esmeraldas y el Valle del Chota en la primavera de 2009. Este reporte est basado en informacin colectada en reuniones llevadas a cabo en Ecuador, entre delegados del Centro Rapoport y los miembros de la comunidad afroecuatoriana, activistas, acadmicos y oficiales del Estado. El reporte examina la situacin que enfrentan comunidades afroecuatorianas rurales y su lucha por los derechos territoriales.
Requirements for research, practices and policies affecting soil management in relation to global food security are reviewed. Managing soil organic carbon (C) is central because soil organic matter inuences numerous soil properties relevant to ecosystem functioning and crop growth. Even small changes in total C content can have disproportionately large impacts on key soil physical properties. Practices to encourage maintenance of soil C are important for ensuring sustainability of all soil functions. Soil is a major store of C within the biosphere increases or decreases in this large stock can either mitigate or worsen climate change. Deforestation, conversion of grasslands to arable cropping and drainage of wetlands all cause emission of C; policies and international action to minimise these changes are urgently required. Sequestration of C in soil can contribute to climate change mitigation but the real impact of different options is often misunderstood. Some changes in management that are benecial for soil C, increase emissions of nitrous oxide (a powerful greenhouse gas) thus cancelling the benet. Research on soil physical processes and their interactions with roots can lead to improved and novel practices to improve crop access to water and nutrients. Increased understanding of root function has implications for selection and breeding of crops to maximise capture of water and nutrients. Roots are also a means of delivering natural plant-produced chemicals into soil with potentially benecial impacts. These include biocontrol of soil-borne pests and diseases and inhibition of the nitrication process in soil (conversion of ammonium to nitrate) with possible benets for improved nitrogen use efciency and decreased nitrous oxide emission. The application of molecular methods to studies of soil organisms, and their interactions with roots, is providing new understanding of soil ecology and the basis for novel practical applications. Policy makers and those concerned with development of management approaches need to keep a watching brief on emerging possibilities from this fast-moving area of science. Nutrient management is a key challenge for global food production: there is an urgent need to increase nutrient availability to crops grown by smallholder farmers in developing countries. Many changes in practices including inter-cropping, inclusion of nitrogen-xing crops, agroforestry and improved recycling have been clearly demonstrated to be benecial: facilitating policies and practical strategies are needed to make these widely available, taking account of local economic and social conditions. In the longer term fertilizers will be essential for food security: policies and actions are needed to make these available and affordable to small farmers. In developed regions, and those developing rapidly such as China, strategies and policies to manage more precisely the necessarily large ows of nutrients in ways that minimise environmental damage are essential. A specic issue is to minimise emissions of nitrous oxide whilst ensuring sufcient nitrogen is available for adequate food production. Application of known strategies (through either regulation or education), technological developments, and continued research to improve understanding of basic processes will all play a part. Decreasing soil erosion is essential, both to maintain the soil resource and to minimise downstream damage such as sedimentation of rivers with adverse impacts on sheries. Practical strategies are well known but often have nancial implications for farmers. Examples of systems for paying one group of land users for ecosystem services affecting others exist in several parts of the world and serve as a model.
This article relates the Actual History of the Mapuche People with the different political processes that have taken place in Chile from 1970 until the present time, passing through the government of Popular Unity, the Pinochets Regime and the return of Democracy. The purpose of this paper is to show that the political and social conditions of the Mapuche People were directly connected with what was going on in Chile during those years, not only being part of the general Chilean History but also protagonist and mean actors of the moment.
The students' expectations must be met to ensure their overall satisfaction. Because of this student satisfaction has become a measurement tool with which the universities can compete against each other in order to attract potential students and also a higher level of internal and external funding. This thesis deals with students' overall satisfaction in tourism education at Dalarna University in Sweden. It is important to understand what it takes for the universities to be able to produce a motivated workforce for the communities and how satisfied students could help in achieving this goal. Sweden was selected because of the recent introduction of tuition fees, in 2010, which has made it even more crucial to understand the factors affecting students' satisfaction. The method chosen for conducting this study was a questionnaire where the students of Dalarna University were asked to rate different aspects of their overall experience on a Likert scale. The research was conducted via Facebook and email questionnaire. The results show different levels of satisfaction based on the tourism programmes and gender for example. The major finding from this research implicate that the social conditions and surrounding city categories are the most influential when it comes to the overall satisfaction of students at Dalarna University. The results give the university and the city of Borlnge an insight on issues that really matter to the students and how to improve them.
I begin by citing a definition of "third wave" from the glossary in Turbo Chicks: Talking Young Feminisms at length because it communicates several key issues that I develop in this project. The definition introduces a tension within "third wave" feminism of building and differentiating itself from second wave feminism, the newness of the term "third wave," its association with "young" women, complexity of contemporary feminisms, and attention to multiple identities and oppressions. Uncovering explanations of "third wave" feminism that go beyond, like this one, generational associations, is not an easy task. Authors consistently group new feminist voices together by age under the label "third wave" feminists without questioning the accuracy of the designation. Most explorations of "third wave" feminism overlook the complexities and distinctions that abound among "young" feminists ; not all young feminists espouse similar ideas, tactics, and actions; and for various reasons, not all young feminists identify with a "third wave" of feminism. Less than a year after I began to learn about feminism I discovered Barbara Findlen's Listen Up: Voices From the Next Feminist Generation. Although the collection nor its contributors declare association with "third wave" feminism, consequent reviews and citations in articles identify it, along with Rebecca Walker's To Be Real: Telling the Truth and Changing the Voice of Feminism, as a major text of "third wave" feminism. Re-reading Listen Up since beginning to research "third wave" feminism, I now understand its fundamental influence on my research questions as a starting point for assessing persistent exclusion in contemporary feminism, rather than as a revolutionary text (as it is claimed to be in many reviews). Findlen begins the introduction with the bold claim, "My feminism wasn't shaped by antiwar or civil rights activism ..." (xi). Framing the collection with a disavowal of the influence women of color's organizational efforts negates, for me, the project's proclaimed commitment to multivocality. Though several contributions examine persistent exclusion within contemporary feminist movement, the larger project seems to rely on these essays to reflect this commitment, suggesting that Listen Up does not go beyond the "add and stir" approach to "diversity." Interestingly, this statement does not appear in the new edition of Listen Up published in 2001. And the content has changed with this new edition, including several more Latina contributors and other "corrective" additions.
The research contemplates the dilemma faced by small rural communities producers in north-eastern Brazil maintaining last longing relationships. Due to difficult social conditions in distant regions, small producers utilize practices of commercial exclusivity to obtain sustainability. In the Lago do Junco community case, located in the state of Maranho, the babau oil exports, the social environmental appeal guarantee the cluster participants sustainability and the representation of women in society. But social problems related to the lack of formal education e the absence of relationship with local aid organizations causes the non compliance with market demands, leading the cluster to a non-innovative trap. In the honey community case in Simplcio Mendes, located in the state of Piau, the closest relationship with the external aid agents increased the conversion of market demands in reality. The analysis reveal possibilities on obtaining economic sustainability for small producers thru the conscientious utilization of nature resources guaranteeing the harmony between the environmental preservation and the development of both activities, apiculture in Piau and babau oil processing in Maranho.
Esta tese busca discutir problemas relacionados s finanas pblicas municipais no pas. Um aprimoramento de nosso federalismo fiscal, com maior descentralizao de recursos e implementao de regras de transferncias federativas com maiores incentivos pr-eficincia aumentando os incentivos pr-obteno de melhores resultados sociais por parte das unidades subfederadas pode se revelar instrumento importante na melhoria de nossas condies sociais. Para isto, dividiu-se esta tese em quatro partes distintas. No primeiro captulo, discutem-se os impactos das receitas petrolferas sobre as finanas pblicas municipais. As mudanas legais ocorridas no pas na dcada de noventa do ltimo sculo - relativas ao setor petrolfero - levaram a crescente (e concentrada) transferncia de recursos do setor para os estados e municpios brasileiros. A forte sensao que estes estariam sendo desperdiados de alguma forma vem suscitando discusses sobre a necessidade de se reformular sua distribuio. As recentes descobertas de megacampos petrolferos no pr-sal do litoral brasileiro somente intensificaram este processo. Buscou-se identificar os efeitos destas transferncias sobre as variveis fiscais municipais no pas. Detectou-se que no ocorreu substituio tributria, ou seja, estes recursos no diminuram o esforo arrecadatrio dos municpios. Em compensao, tanto os recursos cuja distribuio bem mais concentrada (referentes aos royalties excedentes) quanto aqueles mais bem-distribudos (referentes aos royalties originais) levaram as prefeituras a aumentar seus gastos correntes (piorando sua composio do ponto de vista social) e diminuir seus investimentos. O contrrio parece ocorrer com os recursos cuja distribuio se d de forma intermediria (os royalties referentes s participaes especiais). No segundo captulo, discute-se o impacto das receitas petrolferas sobre a proficincia dos alunos at a quarta srie primria das escolas pblicas municipais. As receitas petrolferas agregadas ou no no se mostraram estatisticamente significativas na explicao do desempenho observado pelos alunos da quarta srie primria das escolas municipais em portugus ou matemtica. Este resultado, entretanto, deve ser olhado com cautela, uma vez que no trivial identificar como (e o tempo necessrio) estes efeitos seriam gerados. Entretanto, diferentes fontes de receitas municipais impactariam de forma diferenciada as proficincias observadas nos testes de portugus e matemtica, explicitando a necessidade de se entender melhor estas diferenas para se desenhar mecanismo mais eficiente de repasse de recursos constitucionais aos municpios. No terceiro captulo, estudam-se os impactos das emancipaes municipais ocorridas na dcada de 90 sobre o bem-estar das populaes locais. Devido Constituio Federal de 1988, o nmero de municpios no Brasil multiplicou-se fortemente na dcada de 90 do ltimo sculo. Mais de mil municpios foram criados em todo o pas, fazendo seu nmero ultrapassar a casa dos 5.500. Este processo tem sido interpretado de forma bastante negativa. Baseado em evidncias anedticas, se pressupe que os atores polticos locais o utilizaram para se apropriar de maior parcela dos recursos transferidos de outros nveis governamentais. Entretanto, nenhum esforo mais sistemtico foi realizado buscando calcular, de maneira efetiva, os resultados sociais lquidos deste processo. isto que se busca fazer aqui, utilizando dados sobre os municpios mineiros - cujo nmero passa de 723 em 1991 para 853 em 2000. Foram detectados impactos positivos relacionados a diversas variveis educacionais e de sade. Ao mesmo tempo, o contrrio ocorreu com os indicadores de pobreza e indigncia. Este resultado mostra que o movimento observado de emancipao municipal talvez tenha sido bastante benfico, sinalizando para a existncia de mercados polticos eficientes nestas localidades, o que indicaria a necessidade de se manter uma maior autonomia local relativa a processos de emancipao de distritos. Por fim, no quarto captulo, analisam-se os impactos de lei (implementada em Minas Gerais) que buscou aumentar os incentivos pr-eficincia das prefeituras municipais a partir das transferncias federativas. Buscando melhorar as condies de vida dos municpios mineiros, o governo estadual mineiro instituiu, em 1995, a lei 12.040, conhecida como Lei Robin Hood. Esta permitia que 25% dos recursos de ICMS a serem distribudos aos municpios mineiros se dessem sobre resultados observveis em diversas reas tais como sade, educao, conservao ecolgica, entre outras. Ou seja, esta institua, em relao a estas transferncias, um contrato de alto poder com os municpios relacionados s polticas pblicas implementadas. O estudo destas transferncias (relativas educao e sade) mostrou resultados dbios. Resultados positivos relativos educao e sade parecem ocorrer em todo o estado, mas os incentivos dados poderiam ser bem maiores - faz-se necessrio um refinamento das regras da partilha destas transferncias. Dada a relativa escassez deste tipo de contrato em transferncias federativas, seja no Brasil, seja no restante do mundo, este resultado aponta a necessidade de utilizao de instrumentos de maior poder nas relaes federativas, buscando incrementar as condies de vida locais.
A presente pesquisa tem por objetivo investigar o comportamento social de justia e sua relao com variveis de personalidade e variveis situacionais. De modo especfico, pretende-se verificar a influncia relativa de um ou outro tipo de varivel na preferncia por determinadas normas de justia distributiva em situao de alocao de recompensas. Os fatores de personalidade selecionados para estudo so racionalidade/emocionalidade, necessidade de realizao e necessidade de afiliao. Por outro lado, as variveis situacionais referem-se aos tipos de relaes interpessoais envolvidas no funcionamento dos grupos, tais como preconizadas por Deutsch. Os resultados obtidos comprovam empiricamente as hipteses de Deutsch, segundo as quais a natureza das relaes sociais e dos objetivos principais que movem os grupos determinam a escolha da base de justia que regula a repartio de bens e condies sociais entre seus membros. A relao entre as variveis de personalidade e o comportamento de alocao de recursos no foi confirmada empiricamente. Apenas alguns indcios foram encontrados na direoesperada, especialmente quanto a uma eventual associao entre necessidade de afiliao e a escolha de certos princpios distributivos. No entanto, face s limitaes impostas por restries psicomtricas nos instrumentos de medida, esses resultados devem ser encarados com reservas. Estudos empricos adicionais sao sugeridos para o aprimoramento das escalas de aferio das variveis psicolgicas a fim de que seja possvel extrair concluses mais consistentes.
A instruio p~blica no Maranho sofreu certas mudanas, a partir do Ato Adicibnal (1834), que coiocou sob a responsabilidade das Administraes provinciais a direo do ensino p~blico, primario e secundario no Brasil. No s~culo passado, (XIX), no final dos anos 30 e durante os decnios de 40 e 50, houve, no Maranho, um certo esforo do Estado, no sentido de exercer um contrle maior sobre a instruo provincial e de desenvolver ~ uma. maior clientela o ensino elementar. Nessa poca, foram. pr~:))lr?v1dos pela Administrao local os primeiros incentivos di fuso do ensino t~cnico e agrIcola; e reorganizado o ensino securidirio com a criao do Liceu Maranhense. Nas ~ltimas d~cadas do Imperio, entretanto, o Estado demonstrou um gra~ de desinteresse pelo desenvolvimento da educao escolar no Maranho. As realizaes oficiais dessa ~po~a, nos diver sos nIveis, ' foram insignificantes. A Administrao Local, decretando o livre exeycIcio do ensino, em 1874, demonstrou legalmente o descaso a que relegou a instruo p~blica pr~ vincial. As tendncias verificadas no ensino p~blico maranhense, nesse perIodo (1834-1889), for~m sobretudo, por particularidades do processo determinadas, polItico-econ mico marannense da ~poca. Nos primeiros decnios (final .de 30 : : d~ca.das 40 ~. 50)', a sit~ao p'tia . ~aranhens.e ;'.ar.act.eri:zav~-. se por um grande empenho dos fazendeiros (frao da classe dominante no poder) em garantir a ordem e buscar a nia. No mbito econmico, destacava-se um af por hegem2. reformas materiais, visando ao soerguimento da economia mercantil. Ji nos Gltirnos dec~nios analisados, a situao p61Itico-ec2. n~mica traduzia-se por um maior fortalecimento do poder Poltico dos fazendeiros, mas com uma grave crise econmica. As condies sociais maranhenses nas primeiras dcadas favo receram, pois, o surgimento de uma maior preocupao do Es tado pela educao escolar, enquanto que, na ltima fase, a situao poltico-econmica maranhense desestimulou um interesse maior do Estado pelo desenvolvimento do ensino pblico no Maranho.
This study aims to understand the changes in the improvement of economic and social conditions of small entrepreneurs who participate in solidarity groups linked to the Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) "X" in Fortaleza city, Cear, through the use of productive-guided microcredit. It is come a research in exploratory and descriptive nature, with a quantitative and qualitative approach. Data were collected from the small entrepreneurs by applying a questionnaire, as well as through structured interviews with group leaders. They were worked on issues relating to income generation, employment generation, housing and health conditions, dietary pattern and leisure activities of small entrepreneurs and their families before and after the union to solidarity groups and use of productive-guided microcredit. The research showed that the use of microcredit has interfered with social and economic life of these small entrepreneurs, generating positive effects