980 resultados para social accounts


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En este artículo se postula que la geografía posee una cierta capacidad para establecer marcos analíticos que sirven a la prospectiva en ciencias sociales. Para ello se acude a las posibilidades del análisis multiescalar como instrumento que, partiendo de los procesos territoriales estudiados a diferentes escalas, da cuenta también de los diferentes tempos que los afectan. Esas distintas temporalidades, al conjugarse en determinados espacios, ponen condiciones a los desarrollos futuros que son de interés para el análisis sociológico. Las actuales condiciones en que se desarrolla la sociedad urbana argentina son analizadas desde esta perspectiva.


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El objetivo del artículo es presentar un análisis de la importancia que adquieren diferentes intervenciones de los programas alimentarios en un barrio pobre de la Ciudad de La Plata, Argentina, entre los años 2006 y 2008, señalando el lugar que ocupan en la resolución de las necesidades alimentarias tal como son reconocidas y evaluadas por sus destinatarios. Se detallan las características del trabajo empírico realizado en ese barrio y, a partir de los relatos de las beneficiarias, se reconstruyeron las visiones sobre el lugar que ocupan los productos y prestaciones de esos programas en los consumos habituales, junto con la adaptación, aceptación y utilización de los mismos, destacando los distintos aportes de la ayuda alimentaria estatal en términos de seguridad y soberanía alimentaria mediante la aplicación del enfoque de derechos al análisis de políticas sociales


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El artículo tiene como objetivo el análisis del proceso de construcción social del fenómeno de las adopciones en España, que tendrá mayor relevancia numérica e impacto social en la década de los noventa con el incremento de las adopciones internacionales. Las conclusiones que se presentan surgen de la investigación documental llevada a cabo en documentos oficiales y personales. Las leyes, normas y decretos que se revisan son examinados en su estructura social y al hilo de las ideologías dominantes sobre maternidad, crianza, infancia y familia. Se incluye el legado normativo que el movimiento por la recuperación de la memoria histórica ha dotado de contemporaneidad, al tiempo que nos sitúa en la construcción actual de la adopción. Esta visión diacrónica se completa con el análisis de documentos personales autobiográficos. Si significativo es el incremento de las adopciones internacionales en España, también lo es el importante número de documentos personales en los que madres y padres relatan en primera persona su experiencia con la adopción. Sus narraciones son críticas con la gestión del proceso de la adopción y con la ideología que subyace, basada en la construcción de la diferencia con fuerte sesgo a favor del modelo biológico y en la sacralización del niño adoptado. En sus relatos se sigue el proceso contemporáneo de construcción identitario, individual y social de la adopción en España.


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Although computer technology is central to the operation of the modern welfare state, there has been little analysis of its role or of the factors shaping the way in which it is used. Using data generated by expert informants from 13 OECD countries, this paper provides an indicative comparison of the aims of computerization in national social security systems over a 15-year period from 1985 to 2000. The paper seeks to identify and explain patterns in the data and outlines and examines four hypotheses. Building on social constructivist accounts of technology, the first three hypotheses attribute variations in the aims of computerization to different welfare state regimes, forms of capitalism, and structures of public administration. The fourth hypothesis, which plays down the importance of social factors, assumes that computerization is adopted as a means of improving operational efficiency and generating expenditure savings. The findings suggest that, in all 13 countries, computerization was adopted in the expectation that it would lead to increased productivity and higher standards of performance, thus providing most support for the fourth hypothesis. However, variations between countries suggest that the sociopolitical values associated with different welfare state regimes have also had some effect in shaping the ways in which computer technology has been used in national social security systems.


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Lessons on social communication in older age are drawn from the stories and qualitative case reports of three older people who have aphasia following stroke. Descriptive accounts of participant responses to qualitative interviews and stimulated recall of natural conversations, together with information from a social network diary, provide evidence of aspects of social communication relevant to the older person with aphasia. The perspectives of individuals and common themes relating to social communication with family and friends, the experience of aphasia, and living with aphasia in older age are presented. The prominence of conversations and the role of storytelling and of humor within the daily social communication of older people are illuminated. Key words: aphasia, older people, social communication


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This paper reports on how Six Sigma training can be made more effective. The research is empirically based. To date it has engaged with over 100 respondents from 60 different organisations around the world. The questionnaire has been derived from leading refereed sources and expert practitioner experience and addresses both success factor and tools issues from three perspectives: (i) academic, (ii) training, and (iii) practice to help maximise economic and social impact of programmes. This topic is important because the popularity of Six Sigma adoption in organisations has grown dramatically over recent years. This is probably because many accounts of great cost savings and quality improvements have been published by major international companies. However, other companies striving to emulate this success are finding that effective implementation needs experienced and well trained individuals. To date, there have been few such surveys and this work-in-progress benchmarking study provides unique insight.


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We undertook a secondary analysis of in-depth interviews with white (n = 32) and Pakistani and Indian (n = 32) respondents who had type 2 diabetes, which explored their perceptions and understandings of disease causation. We observed subtle, but important, differences in the ways in which these respondent groups attributed responsibility and blame for developing the disease. Whereas Pakistani and Indian respondents tended to externalise responsibility, highlighting their life circumstances in general and/or their experiences of migrating to Britain in accounting for their diabetes (or the behaviours they saw as giving rise to it), white respondents, by contrast, tended to emphasise the role of their own lifestyle 'choices' and 'personal failings'. In seeking to understand these differences, we argue for a conceptual and analytical approach which embraces both micro- (i.e. everyday) and macro- (i.e. cultural) contextual factors and experiences. In so doing, we provide a critique of social scientific studies of lay accounts/understandings of health and illness. We suggest that greater attention needs to be paid to the research encounter (that is, to who is looking at whom and in what circumstances) to understand the different kinds of contexts researchers have highlighted in presenting and interpreting their data. © 2007 Foundation for the Sociology of Health & Illness/Blackwell Publishing Ltd.


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Ionising radiation hazards are perhaps the most documented and regulated occupational and environmental hazard. In the radiological protection field a single expert advisory organisation has had an unusually large influence on the international standard setting process. This is the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP). Two common, and opposing views, exist over the formulation of protection recommendations by the ICRP. The first, and most widely accepted, is that its recommendations are scientifically determined. The second view, is that its recommendations are politically or socially determined. Neither of these analyses adequately accounts for the complex process in which protection recommendations are formulated. A third view, provided by studies of the origins of scientific controversy, suggests that both science and social factors are important in the assessment and limitation of risk. The aim of this thesis is not simply to examine the origin of controversy. Issues of equal, if not more, importance are the resolution of controversy, the formation of consensus and the maintenance of expert authority and influence. These issues form the central focus of this thesis. The aim is to assess the process through which the ICRP formulates its radiological protection recommendations and comment on the extent that these are influenced by the affiliations of its members. This thesis concludes that the ICRP's recommendations have been shaped by a complex relationship of scientific and social considerations, in which a socio-technical commitment to nuclear energy has played a key role. The Commission has responded to new scientific data by making complex changes to its philosophy and methods of describing risk. Where reductions in numerical limits have been applied they have been accompanied by practical measures designed to limit the impact of the change and provide continuity with the old limits and flexibility in the application of the new recommendations.


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This study examines the invention, innovation, introduction and use of a new drug therapy for coronary heart disease and hypertension; beta-blockade. The relationships between drug introductions and changes in medical perceptions of disease are analysed, and the development and effects of our perception of heart disease through drug treatments and diagnostic technology is described. The first section looks at the evolution of hypertension from its origin as a kidney disorder, Bright's disease, to the introduction and use of effective drugs for its treatment. It is shown that this has been greatly influenced by the introduction of new medical technologies. A medical controversy over its nature is shown both to be strongly influenced by the use of new drugs, and to influence their subsequent use. The second section reviews the literature analysing drug innovation, and examines the innovation of the beta-blocking drugs, making extensive use of participant accounts. The way in which the development of receptor theory, the theoretical basis of the innovation,was influenced by the innovation and use of drugs is discussed, then the innovation at ICI, the introduction into clinical use, and the production of similar drugs by other manufacturers are described. A study of the effects of these drugs is then undertaken, concentrating on therapeutic costs and benefits, and changes in medical perceptions of disease. The third section analyses the effects of other drugs on heart disease, looking at changes in mortality statistics and in medical opinions. The study concludes that linking work on drug innovation with that on drug effects is fruitful, that new drugs and diagnostic technology have greatly influenced medical perceptions of the nature and extent of heart disease, and that in hypertension, the improvement in drug treatment will soon result in much of the population being defined as in need of it life-long.


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We undertook a longitudinal qualitative study involving of 20 patients from Scotland who had type 2 diabetes. We looked at their perceptions and understandings of why they had developed diabetes and how, and why, their causation accounts had changed or remained stable over time. Respondents, all of whom were white, were interviewed four times over a 4-year period (at baseline, 6, 12 and 48 months). Their causation accounts often shifted, sometimes subtly, sometimes radically, over the 4 years. The experiential dimensions of living with, observing, and managing their disease over time were central to understanding the continuities and changes we observed. We also highlight how, through a process of removing, adding and/or de-emphasising explanatory factors, causation accounts could be used as “resources” to justify or enable present treatment choices. We use our work to support critiques of social cognition theories, with their emphasis upon beliefs being antecedent to behaviours. We also provide reflections upon the implications of our findings for qualitative research designs and sampling strategies.


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Recent times have witnessed a growing belief in urban spaces as 'assemblages' produced through interwoven and spatially differentiated forces that converge at particular sites. There is also continuing interest in the nature of neoliberal tendencies and the rise of post-politics and democracy in urban governance. These accounts typically lack attention towards the comprehensive conceptualization of the heterogeneous logics and mechanics of relations and negotiations between actors. This paper seeks to advance these perspectives by exploring the potential contribution of French pragmatism thinking to how social life is produced through practical dialogue between actors through critique, argumentation and justification. © The Author(s) 2012.


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In this poster we presented our preliminary work on the study of spammer detection and analysis with 50 active honeypot profiles implemented on Weibo.com and QQ.com microblogging networks. We picked out spammers from legitimate users by manually checking every captured user's microblogs content. We built a spammer dataset for each social network community using these spammer accounts and a legitimate user dataset as well. We analyzed several features of the two user classes and made a comparison on these features, which were found to be useful to distinguish spammers from legitimate users. The followings are several initial observations from our analysis on the features of spammers captured on Weibo.com and QQ.com. ¦The following/follower ratio of spammers is usually higher than legitimate users. They tend to follow a large amount of users in order to gain popularity but always have relatively few followers. ¦There exists a big gap between the average numbers of microblogs posted per day from these two classes. On Weibo.com, spammers post quite a lot microblogs every day, which is much more than legitimate users do; while on QQ.com spammers post far less microblogs than legitimate users. This is mainly due to the different strategies taken by spammers on these two platforms. ¦More spammers choose a cautious spam posting pattern. They mix spam microblogs with ordinary ones so that they can avoid the anti-spam mechanisms taken by the service providers. ¦Aggressive spammers are more likely to be detected so they tend to have a shorter life while cautious spammers can live much longer and have a deeper influence on the network. The latter kind of spammers may become the trend of social network spammer. © 2012 IEEE.


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In recent years, the boundaries between e-commerce and social networking have become increasingly blurred. Many e-commerce websites support the mechanism of social login where users can sign on the websites using their social network identities such as their Facebook or Twitter accounts. Users can also post their newly purchased products on microblogs with links to the e-commerce product web pages. In this paper, we propose a novel solution for cross-site cold-start product recommendation, which aims to recommend products from e-commerce websites to users at social networking sites in 'cold-start' situations, a problem which has rarely been explored before. A major challenge is how to leverage knowledge extracted from social networking sites for cross-site cold-start product recommendation. We propose to use the linked users across social networking sites and e-commerce websites (users who have social networking accounts and have made purchases on e-commerce websites) as a bridge to map users' social networking features to another feature representation for product recommendation. In specific, we propose learning both users' and products' feature representations (called user embeddings and product embeddings, respectively) from data collected from e-commerce websites using recurrent neural networks and then apply a modified gradient boosting trees method to transform users' social networking features into user embeddings. We then develop a feature-based matrix factorization approach which can leverage the learnt user embeddings for cold-start product recommendation. Experimental results on a large dataset constructed from the largest Chinese microblogging service Sina Weibo and the largest Chinese B2C e-commerce website JingDong have shown the effectiveness of our proposed framework.


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One of the main challenges of emergency management lies in communicating risks to the public. On some occasions, risk communicators might seek to increase awareness over emerging risks, while on others the aim might be to avoid escalation of public reactions. Social media accounts offer an opportunity to rapidly distribute critical information and in doing so to mitigate the impact of emergencies by influencing public reactions. This article draws on theories of risk and emergency communication in order to consider the impact of Twitter as a tool for communicating risks to the public. We analyse 10,020 Twitter messages posted by the official accounts of UK local government authorities (councils) in the context of two major emergencies: the heavy snow of December 2010 and the riots of August 2011. Twitter was used in a variety of ways to communicate and manage associated risks including messages to provide official updates, encourage protective behaviour, increase awareness and guide public attention to mitigating actions. We discuss the importance of social media as means of increasing confidence in emergency management institutions.