874 resultados para site operations


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Although ATM, the protein defective in ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T), is activated primarily by radiation, there is also evidence that expression of the protein can be regulated by both radiation and growth factors. Computer analysis of the ATM promoter proximal 700-bp sequence reveals a number of potentially important cis-regulatory sequences. Using nucleotide substitutions to delete putative functional elements in the promoter of ATM, we examined the importance of some of these sites for both the basal and the radiation-induced activity of the promoter. In lymphoblastoid cells, most of the mutations in transcription factor consensus sequences [Sp1(1), Sp1(2), Cre, Ets, Xre, gammaIre(2), a modified AP1 site (Fse), and GCF] reduced basal activity to various extents, whereas others [gammaIre(1), NF1, Myb] left basal activity unaffected. In human skin fibroblasts, results were generally the same, but the basal activity varied up to 8-fold in these and other cell lines. Radiation activated the promoter approximately 2.5-fold in serum-starved lymphoblastoid cells, reaching a maximum by 3 hr, and all mutated elements equally blocked this activation. Reduction in Sp1 and AP1 DNA binding activity by serum starvation was rapidly reversed by exposure of cells to radiation. This reduction was not evident in A-T cells, and the response to radiation was less marked. Data provided for interaction between ATM and Sp1 by protein binding and co-immunoprecipitation could explain the altered regulation of Sp1 in A-T cells. The data described here provide additional evidence that basal and radiation-induced regulation of the ATM promoter is under multifactorial control. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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O Site www.comprasnet.gov.br, utilizando recurso da Internet, est?? definindo novas estrat??gias para as Compras Governamentais. Entre as funcionalidades existentes, os usu??rios do governo, fornecedores e a sociedade contam com os seguintes servi??os: Legisla????o: trata dos assuntos legais pertinentes, Publica????es: voltado ??s not??cias de interesse comum entre os usu??rios; Servi??os de Livre Acesso: disponibiliza, entre outros, o SICAFWEB, Preg??o Eletr??nico, Consulta Licita????o; Servi??os por Assinatura: agrega valores para atender necessidades espec??ficas dos usu??rios cadastrados. Exemplo: Consulta Licita????es com acesso a itens e editais, Listas Preferenciais, etc. e, o SIASG que concentra F??rum de Discuss??o, Consultas Gerenciais, Homologa????o de Preg??o Eletr??nico, al??m dos diversos m??dulos que o comp??em


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Nos anos mais recentes, observa-se aumento na adoção das técnicas de silvicultura de precisão em florestas plantadas no Brasil. Os plantios de eucalipto ocorrem preferencialmente em áreas com baixa fertilidade de solo e consequentemente baixa produtividade. Logo, para otimizar ao máximo a produção, é necessário saber o quanto essa cultura pode produzir em cada local (sítio). Objetivou-se aplicar uma metodologia que utiliza técnicas de estatística, geoestatística e geoprocessamento, no mapeamento da variabilidade espacial e temporal de atributos químicos do solo cultivado com eucalipto, em área de 10,09 ha, situada no sul do estado do Espírito Santo. Os atributos químicos da fertilidade do solo estudados foram: fósforo (P), potássio (K), cálcio (Ca) e magnésio (Mg), no ano da implantação do povoamento do eucalipto, em 2008, e três anos após, em 2011. O solo foi amostrado em duas profundidades, 0-0,2 m e 0,2-0,4 m, nos 94 pontos de uma malha regular, com extensão de 33 x 33 m. Os dados foram analisados pela estatística descritiva e, em seguida, pela geoestatística, por meio do ajuste de semivariogramas. Diferentes métodos de interpolação foram testados para produzir mapas temáticos mais precisos e facilitar as operações algébricas utilizadas. Com o auxílio de índices quantitativos, realizou-se uma análise geral da fertilidade do solo, por meio da álgebra de mapas. A metodologia utilizada neste estudo possibilitou mapear a variabilidade espacial e temporal de atributos químicos do solo. A análise variográfica mostrou que todos os atributos estudados apresentaram-se estruturados espacialmente, exceto para o atributo P, no Ano Zero (camada 0-0,2 m) e no Ano Três (ambas as camadas). Os melhores métodos de interpolação para o mapeamento de cada atributo químico do solo foram identificados com a ajuda gráfica do Diagrama de Taylor. Mereceram destaque, os modelos esférico e exponencial nas interpolações para a maioria dos atributos químicos do solo avaliados. Apesar de a variação espacial e temporal dos atributos estudados apresentar-se, em média, com pequena variação negativa, a metodologia usada mostrou variações positivas na fertilidade do solo em várias partes da área de estudo. Além disso, os resultados demonstram que os efeitos observados são majoritariamente em função da cultura, uma vez que não foram coletadas amostras de solo em locais adubados. A produtividade do sítio florestal apresentou-se com tendências semelhantes às variações ocorridas na fertilidade do solo, exceto para o magnésio, que se mostrou com tendências espaciais para suporte de elevadas produtividades, de até 50 m3 ha-1 ano-1. Além de mostrar claramente as tendências observadas para as variações na fertilidade do solo, a metodologia utilizada confirma um caminho operacional acessível para empresas e produtores florestais para o manejo nutricional em florestas plantadas. O uso dos mapas facilita a mobilização de recursos para melhorar a aplicação de fertilizantes e corretivos necessários.


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This article combines both international practice and analytical contributions into a systematic and synthetic presentation of the evolution of peace operations from their modern inception in 1948 to the present. It seeks to serve a didactic purpose in proposing a basic structure for Brazilian scholars' burgeoning debate on peace operations and intervention, rather than a definitive characterization of blue helmet practice. Peace operations' progression is traced through five analytical "generations," each adding a crucial factor distinguishing it from its predecessors. Each generation is placed in relation to changes in the nature of conflict and in the interpretation of the foundational principles of peace operations, and links to broader theoretical issues in International Relations are made explicit at each stage.


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A cidade de Guimarães, no noroeste português, é um espaço imbuído de um forte significado simbólico e cultural. A acreditação pela U.N.E.S.C.O. do seu centro histórico como Património Cultural da Humanidade, em Dezembro de 2001, contribuiu significativamente para aumentar o seu potencial em termos turísticos. Na realidade, desde aquela data, tem-se assistido a um aumento sustentado do número de visitantes. O presente capítulo debruça-se sobre a análise de alguns resultados de um inquérito por questionário aplicado aos residentes do município de Guimarães com o objetivo de avaliar a sua perceção dos benefícios que a atividade turística pode trazer. O inquérito foi implementado entre Janeiro e Março de 2010. Os resultados mostram que aqueles revelam uma perceção favorável dos impactos do turismo e que esta perceção está correlacionada com a idade e o nível de instrução dos inquiridos.


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Guimarães, in the northwest of Portugal, is a city of strong symbolic and cultural significance and its nomination by UNESCO as world heritage, in 2001, enlarged its tourism potential. In this paper we present a few results of a survey that envisaged capturing the Guimarães residents’ perceptions of tourism impacts and their attitudes towards tourists. Specifically, one analyzes the type of relationship that exists between some socio-demographic groups and the perceived tourism impacts, as well as their socio-characteristics and the existing level of interaction between residents and tourists. The survey was implemented between January and March 2010 to a convenience sample of 540 inhabitants of the municipality of Guimarães resulting in 400 questionnaires with complete data. For this, we made use of various statistical techniques. Using a factorial analysis, we can conclude that the three factors used explain 52.3% of the variance contained in the original variables obtained from the survey. By another side, using a logit model in the analysis and taking as the dependent variable the frequent or very frequent contact with tourists, we found that only the variables referred to perceived positive impacts of tourism, education and the place of residence in urban areas have shown to be statistically significant. We are aware of the multiple ways the issue of residents’ perceptions and attitudes towards tourism can be approached and of the difficulties to get useful policy-oriented insights. This paper is a step in that trail.


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The city of Guimarães in Portugal is a place of strong symbolic and cultural significance, and the nomination of its historical center as a World Heritage Site in 2001 enhanced its tourism potential. This study presents the results of a survey conducted in 2010 and 2011 to capture the profile and motivations of tourists visiting Guimarães as a cultural tourism destination. The study addressed two main issues: whether males and females have similar or different preferences in choosing the city as their destination, and whether there are gender differences in the perception of the attributes of Guimarães. A better understanding of the gendered nature of the destination is a valuable cue for shaping products and services according to visitors’ preferences. The results suggest that both men and women are aware of the main elements responsible for the city’s World Heritage status. That the destination is a Heritage Site that also offers the opportunity to tour the region has a significant positive effect on male tourists’ choice of Guimarães. Regarding the perceived attributes of the city, results indicate minor gender differences with one exception: Women expressed more apprehension than men regarding the perceived security of the destination.


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To date few studies have been undertaken in Portugal dealing with the attitudes, motivations, and profile of tourists who visit World Heritage Sites. Also, few studies have dealt with destination image (e.g., Agapito, Mendes & Valle, 2010; Lopes, 2011). As far as it is known, none have approached the issue of gender differences in the choice of a Portuguese heritage destination. Since cultural tourism destinations need to differentiate themselves from each other, appropriate market segmentation must be based on a deep understanding of the customers’ motivations and preferences. Keeping in mind results from empirical literature (e.g., Silberberg, 1995; Beerli & Martin, 2004; Richards, 2004; Pérez, 2009; Sheng, Shen, & Chen, 2008), gender seems to be a possible approach to market segmentation, whether for Guimarães or for other cultural tourism destinations around the world. Located in the north-western region of Portugal, Guimarães is a city of strong symbolic and cultural significance, and the nomination of its historical centre as a World Heritage Site in 2001 enhanced its tourism potential. This study analyses the possible relation between gender and attitudes and motivations towards a World Heritage Site, such as Guimarães. Additionally, the empirical approach used in the study tries to capture differences in the perceived attributes of the city. Commonalities and distinctions within and between groups of tourists, by focusing on the specific characteristic of gender, were analysed. The study addressed two main questions: first, whether males and females have similar or different preferences in choosing the city as their destination; and, second, whether there are gender differences in the perception of the attributes of Guimarães. A better understanding of the gendered nature of the destination is a valuable cue for shaping products and services according to visitors’ preferences.


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The city of Guimar˜aes in Portugal is a place of strong symbolic and cultural significance, and the nomination of its historical center as a World Heritage Site in 2001 enhanced its tourism potential. This study presents the results of a survey conducted in 2010 and 2011 to capture the profile and motivations of tourists visiting Guimar˜aes as a cultural tourism destination. The study addressed two main issues: whether males and females have similar or different preferences in choosing the city as their destination, and whether there are gender differences in the perception of the attributes of Guimar˜aes. A better understanding of the gendered nature of the destination is a valuable cue for shaping products and services according to visitors’ preferences. The results suggest that both men and women are aware of the main elements responsible for the city’s World Heritage status. That the destination is a Heritage Site that also offers the opportunity to tour the region has a significant positive effect on male tourists’ choice of Guimar˜aes. Regarding the perceived attributes of the city, results indicate minor gender differences with one exception: Women expressed more apprehension than men regarding the perceived security of the destination.


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A fast and direct surface plasmon resonance (SPR) method for the kinetic analysis of the interactions between peptide antigens and immobilised monoclonal antibodies (mAb) has been established. Protocols have been developed to overcome the problems posed by the small size of the analytes (< 1600 Da). The interactions were well described by a simple 1:1 bimolecular interaction and the rate constants were self-consistent and reproducible. The key features for the accuracy of the kinetic constants measured were high buffer flow rates, medium antibody surface densities and high peptide concentrations. The method was applied to an extensive analysis of over 40 peptide analogues towards two distinct anti-FMDV antibodies, providing data in total agreement with previous competition ELISA experiments. Eleven linear 15-residue synthetic peptides, reproducing all possible combinations of the four replacements found in foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) field isolate C-S30, were evaluated. The direct kinetic SPR analysis of the interactions between these peptides and three anti-site A mAbs suggested additivity in all combinations of the four relevant mutations, which was confirmed by parallel ELISA analysis. The four-point mutant peptide (A15S30) reproducing site A from the C-S30 strain was the least antigenic of the set, in disagreement with previously reported studies with the virus isolate. Increasing peptide size from 15 to 21 residues did not significantly improve antigenicity. Overnight incubation of A15S30 with mAb 4C4 in solution showed a marked increase in peptide antigenicity not observed for other peptide analogues, suggesting that conformational rearrangement could lead to a stable peptide-antibody complex. In fact, peptide cyclization clearly improved antigenicity, confirming an antigenic reversion in a multiply substituted peptide. Solution NMR studies of both linear and cyclic versions of the antigenic loop of FMDV C-S30 showed that structural features previously correlated with antigenicity were more pronounced in the cyclic peptide. Twenty-six synthetic peptides, corresponding to all possible combinations of five single-point antigenicity-enhancing replacements in the GH loop of FMDV C-S8c1, were also studied. SPR kinetic screening of these peptides was not possible due to problems mainly related to the high mAb affinities displayed by these synthetic antigens. Solution affinity SPR analysis was employed and affinities displayed were generally comparable to or even higher than those corresponding to the C-S8c1 reference peptide A15. The NMR characterisation of one of these multiple mutants in solution showed that it had a conformational behaviour quite similar to that of the native sequence A15 and the X-ray diffraction crystallographic analysis of the peptide ? mAb 4C4 complex showed paratope ? epitope interactions identical to all FMDV peptide ? mAb complexes studied so far. Key residues for these interactions are those directly involved in epitope ? paratope contacts (141Arg, 143Asp, 146His) as well as residues able to stabilise a particular peptide global folding. A quasi-cyclic conformation is held up by a hydrophobic cavity defined by residues 138, 144 and 147 and by other key intrapeptide hydrogen bonds, delineating an open turn at positions 141, 142 and 143 (corresponding to the Arg-Gly-Asp motif).


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Este artigo tem suas raízes em algumas questões relacionadas à "forma" e ao "conteúdo" do que nós, professores, ensinamos na área de Administração da Produção e Operações. Inicialmente, descrevo a evolução histórica desse campo no Brasil. Em seguida, discuto a crise de identidade que o campo está sofrendo. Com o objetivo de apresentar respostas para essa situação, apresento seis propostas para o desenvolvimento e consolidação do campo. Finalmente, descrevo uma iniciativa prática, envolvendo uma disciplina específica da área, ensinada para alunos de pós-graduação. Essa iniciativa enfatiza a "dimensão do conteúdo" (de uma abordagem técnico-operacional para uma abordagem estratégico-gerencial) como também a "dimensão da forma" (do foco no ensino para o foco no aprendizado). O sucesso dessa experiência em curso confirma a coerência da agenda proposta e induz futuros aperfeiçoamentos.