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Among the greenhouse gases, nitrous oxide (N2O) is considered important, in view of a global warming potential 296 times greater than that of carbon dioxide (CO2) and its dynamics strongly depend on the availability of C and mineral N in the soil. The understanding of the factors that define emissions is essential to develop mitigation strategies. This study evaluated the dynamics of N2O emissions after the application of different rice straw amounts and nitrate levels in soil solution. Pots containing soil treated with sodium nitrate rates (0, 50 and 100 g kg-1 of NO−3-N) and rice straw levels (0, 5 and 10 Mg ha-1), i.e., nine treatments, were subjected to anaerobic conditions. The results showed that N2O emissions were increased by the addition of greater NO−3 amounts and reduced by large straw quantities applied to the soil. On the 1st day after flooding (DAF), significantly different N2O emissions were observed between the treatments with and without NO−3 addition, when straw had no significant influence on N2O levels. Emissions peaked on the 4th DAF in the treatments with highest NO−3-N addition. At this moment, straw application negatively affected N2O emissions, probably due to NO−3 immobilization. There were also alterations in other soil electrochemical characteristics, e.g., higher straw levels raised the Fe, Mn and dissolved C contents. These results indicate that a lowering of NO−3 concentration in the soil and the increase of straw incorporation can decrease N2O emissions.


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Objectives: Acetate brain metabolism has the particularity to occur specifically in glial cells. Labeling studies, using acetate labeled either with 13C (NMR) or 11C (PET), are governed by the same biochemical reactions and thus follow the same mathematical principles. In this study, the objective was to adapt an NMR acetate brain metabolism model to analyse [1-11C]acetate infusion in rats. Methods: Brain acetate infusion experiments were modeled using a two-compartment model approach used in NMR.1-3 The [1-11C]acetate labeling study was done using a beta scintillator.4 The measured radioactive signal represents the time evolution of the sum of all labeled metabolites in the brain. Using a coincidence counter in parallel, an arterial input curve was measured. The 11C at position C-1 of acetate is metabolized in the first turn of the TCA cycle to the position 5 of glutamate (Figure 1A). Through the neurotransmission process, it is further transported to the position 5 of glutamine and the position 5 of neuronal glutamate. After the second turn of the TCA cycle, tracer from [1-11C]acetate (and also a part from glial [5-11C]glutamate) is transferred to glial [1-11C]glutamate and further to [1-11C]glutamine and neuronal glutamate through the neurotransmission cycle. Brain poster session: oxidative mechanisms S460 Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism (2009) 29, S455-S466 Results: The standard acetate two-pool PET model describes the system by a plasma pool and a tissue pool linked by rate constants. Experimental data are not fully described with only one tissue compartment (Figure 1B). The modified NMR model was fitted successfully to tissue time-activity curves from 6 single animals, by varying the glial mitochondrial fluxes and the neurotransmission flux Vnt. A glial composite rate constant Kgtg=Vgtg/[Ace]plasma was extracted. Considering an average acetate concentration in plasma of 1 mmol/g5 and the negligible additional amount injected, we found an average Vgtg = 0.08±0.02 (n = 6), in agreement with previous NMR measurements.1 The tissue time-activity curve is dominated by glial glutamate and later by glutamine (Figure 1B). Labeling of neuronal pools has a low influence, at least for the 20 mins of beta-probe acquisition. Based on the high diffusivity of CO2 across the blood-brain barrier; 11CO2 is not predominant in the total tissue curve, even if the brain CO2 pool is big compared with other metabolites, due to its strong dilution through unlabeled CO2 from neuronal metabolism and diffusion from plasma. Conclusion: The two-compartment model presented here is also able to fit data of positron emission experiments and to extract specific glial metabolic fluxes. 11C-labeled acetate presents an alternative for faster measurements of glial oxidative metabolism compared to NMR, potentially applicable to human PET imaging. However, to quantify the relative value of the TCA cycle flux compared to the transmitochondrial flux, the chemical sensitivity of NMR is required. PET and NMR are thus complementary.


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Preoperative imaging for resection of chest wall malignancies is generally performed by computed tomography (CT). We evaluated the role of (18)F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) in planning full-thickness chest wall resections for malignancies. We retrospectively included 18 consecutive patients operated from 2004 to 2006 at our institution. Tumor extent was measured by CT and PET, using the two largest perpendicular tumor extensions in the chest wall plane to compute the tumor surface assuming an elliptical shape. Imaging measurements were compared to histopathology assessment of tumor borders. CT assessment consistently overestimated the tumor size as compared to PET (+64% vs. +1%, P<0.001). Moreover, PET was significantly better than CT at defining the size of lesions >24 cm(2) corresponding to a mean diameter >5.5 cm or an ellipse of >4 cm x 7.6 cm (positive predictive value 80% vs. 44% and specificity 93% vs. 64%, respectively). Metabolic PET imaging was superior to CT for defining the extent of chest wall tumors, particularly for tumors with a diameter >5.5 cm. PET can complement CT in planning full-thickness chest wall resection for malignancies, but its true value remains to be determined in larger, prospective studies.


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BACKGROUND: To compare morphological gross tumor volumes (GTVs), defined as pre- and postoperative gadolinium enhancement on T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging to biological tumor volumes (BTVs), defined by the uptake of (18)F fluoroethyltyrosine (FET) for the radiotherapy planning of high-grade glioma, using a dedicated positron emission tomography (PET)-CT scanner equipped with three triangulation lasers for patient positioning. METHODS: Nineteen patients with malignant glioma were included into a prospective protocol using FET PET-CT for radiotherapy planning. To be eligible, patients had to present with residual disease after surgery. Planning was performed using the clinical target volume (CTV = GTV union or logical sum BTV) and planning target volume (PTV = CTV + 20 mm). First, the interrater reliability for BTV delineation was assessed among three observers. Second, the BTV and GTV were quantified and compared. Finally, the geometrical relationships between GTV and BTV were assessed. RESULTS: Interrater agreement for BTV delineation was excellent (intraclass correlation coefficient 0.9). Although, BTVs and GTVs were not significantly different (p = 0.9), CTVs (mean 57.8 +/- 30.4 cm(3)) were significantly larger than BTVs (mean 42.1 +/- 24.4 cm(3); p < 0.01) or GTVs (mean 38.7 +/- 25.7 cm(3); p < 0.01). In 13 (68%) and 6 (32%) of 19 patients, FET uptake extended >or= 10 and 20 mm from the margin of the gadolinium enhancement. CONCLUSION: Using FET, the interrater reliability had excellent agreement for BTV delineation. With FET PET-CT planning, the size and geometrical location of GTVs and BTVs differed in a majority of patients.


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Photons participate in many atomic and molecular interactions and processes. Recent biophysical research has discovered an ultraweak radiation in biological tissues. It is now recognized that plants, animal and human cells emit this very weak biophotonic emission which can be readily measured with a sensitive photomultiplier system. UVA laser induced biophotonic emission of cultured cells was used in this report with the intention to detect biophysical changes between young and adult fibroblasts as well as between fibroblasts and keratinocytes. With suspension densities ranging from 1-8x106 cells/ml, it was evident that an increase of the UVA-laser-light induced photon emission intensity could be observed in young as well as adult fibroblastic cells. By the use of this method to determine ultraweak light emission, photons in cell suspensions in low volumes (100 mu l) could be detected, in contrast to previous procedures using quantities up to 10 ml. Moreover, the analysis has been further refined by turning off the photomultiplier system electronically during irradiation leading to the first measurements of induced light emission in the cells after less than 10 mu s instead of more than 100 milliseconds. These significant changes lead to an improvement factor up to 106 in comparison to classical detection procedures. In addition, different skin cells as fibroblasts and keratinocytes stemining from the same donor were measured using this new highly sensitive method in order to find new biophysical insight of light pathways. This is important in view to develop new strategies in biophotonics especially for use in alternative therapies.


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Positron emission computed tomography (PET) is a functional, noninvasive method for imaging regional metabolic processes that is nowadays most often combined to morphological imaging with computed tomography (CT). Its use is based on the well-founded assumption that metabolic changes occur earlier in tumors than morphologic changes, adding another dimension to imaging. This article will review the established and investigational indications and radiopharmaceuticals for PET/CT imaging for prostate cancer, bladder cancer and testicular cancer, before presenting upcoming applications in radiation therapy.


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Photons participate in many atomic and molecular interactions and changes. Recent biophysical research has shown the induction of ultraweak photons in biological tissue. It is now established that plants, animal and human cells emit a very weak radiation which can be readily detected with an appropriate photomultiplier system. Although the emission is extremely low in mammalian cells, it can be efficiently induced by ultraviolet light. In our studies, we used the differentiation system of human skin fibroblasts from a patient with Xeroderma Pigmentosum of complementation group A in order to test the growth stimulation efficiency of various bone growth factors at concentrations as low as 5 ng/ml of cell culture medium. In additional experiments, the cells were irradiated with a moderate fluence of ultraviolet A. The different batches of growth factors showed various proliferation of skin fibroblasts in culture which could be correlated with the ultraweak photon emission. The growth factors reduced the acceleration of the fibroblast differentiation induced by mitomycin C by a factor of 10-30%. In view that fibroblasts play an essential role in skin aging and wound healing, the fibroblast differentiation system is a very useful tool in order to elucidate the efficacy of growth factors.


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In spite of numerous applications of carbon nanofibers (CNFs) in a variety of fields, the potential release of airborne CNF during their special application, which could lead to workers or end-users exposure, has not been well investigated. In this study, the potential release of CNF from an organic vapour respirator cartridge was evaluated by carbon analysis and microscopy analysis. The cartridge consisted of an AC (Activated Carbon)/CNF composite adsorbent and different types of particulate filters. The composite adsorbent CNF were prepared by chemical vapour deposition (CVD). Air was passed through the prepared cartridge for 12 hours at 12 l/min and particles were collected on sampling filters suitable for measuring organic and elemental carbon (OC/EC) by carbon analysis based on the NIOSH 5040 method. Breakthrough of CNFs was also checked by scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM/TEM). This study found only minimal amounts of released elemental carbon while passing the air through the cartridge. Meanwhile TEM photos showed a few CNF structures for AC/CNF composite adsorbents which were not in the critical range in terms of length, aspect ratio, or number. [Authors]


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In August of 2012 the Iowa State Office of Rural Health (SORH) conducted a survey to determine the value of the Small Rural Hospital Improvement Program (SHIP) in Iowa. This survey was distributed to the 84 participating hospitals however, because some hospitals network their SHIP funds we only asked the contract administrators of the contracts to complete the survey. 58 of the 78 SHIP contract administrators completed the survey (74%). Background: SHIP brings in roughly $750,000.00 annually to Iowa to assist small Iowa hospitals. Average distribution of approximately $7,500 per hospital. Seventy three of ninety nine Iowa counties are represented.


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PURPOSE: Positron emission tomography with (18)F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG-PET) was used to evaluate treatment response in patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) after administration of sunitinib, a multitargeted tyrosine kinase inhibitor, after imatinib failure. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Tumor metabolism was assessed with FDG-PET before and after the first 4 weeks of sunitinib therapy in 23 patients who received one to 12 cycles of sunitinib therapy (4 weeks of 50 mg/d, 2 weeks off). Treatment response was expressed as the percent change in maximal standardized uptake values (SUV). The primary end point of time to tumor progression was compared with early PET results on the basis of traditional Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors (RECIST) criteria. RESULTS: Progression-free survival (PFS) was correlated with early FDG-PET metabolic response (P < .0001). Using -25% and +25% thresholds for SUV variations from baseline, early FDG-PET response was stratified in metabolic partial response, metabolically stable disease, or metabolically progressive disease; median PFS rates were 29, 16, and 4 weeks, respectively. Similarly, when a single FDG-PET positive/negative was considered after 4 weeks of sunitinib, the median PFS was 29 weeks for SUVs less than 8 g/mL versus 4 weeks for SUVs of 8 g/mL or greater (P < .0001). None of the patients with metabolically progressive disease subsequently responded according to RECIST criteria. Multivariate analysis showed shorter PFS in patients who had higher residual SUVs (P < .0001), primary resistance to imatinib (P = .024), or nongastric GIST (P = .002), regardless of the mutational status of the KIT and PDGFRA genes. CONCLUSION: Week 4 FDG-PET is useful for early assessment of treatment response and for the prediction of clinical outcome. Thus, it offers opportunities to individualize and optimize patient therapy.


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This paper presents a model of the Stokes emission vector from the ocean surface. The ocean surface is described as an ensemble of facets with Cox and Munk's (1954) Gram-Charlier slope distribution. The study discusses the impact of different up-wind and cross-wind rms slopes, skewness, peakedness, foam cover models and atmospheric effects on the azimuthal variation of the Stokes vector, as well as the limitations of the model. Simulation results compare favorably, both in mean value and azimuthal dependence, with SSM/I data at 53° incidence angle and with JPL's WINDRAD measurements at incidence angles from 30° to 65°, and at wind speeds from 2.5 to 11 m/s.