972 resultados para sheet-bulk metal forming


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Up to 20% of all sheet metal produced is scrapped as blanking skeletons. A novel process is therefore designed and examined, aiming to transform tessellating 'pre-blanks' in-plane into the real blanks required for stamping. Prior to blanking, the sheet is formed with a set of ridged dies, from which pre-blanks are cut and then flattened into true blanks. Several different approaches to designing ridged dies are evaluated by simulation and experiment, and the best results demonstrate a potential reduction in blanking yield losses for can-making from 9.3% to 6.9%. © 2013 CIRP.


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This work addresses the development of new ultra-fine grained/ nano-structured high strength aluminium alloys designed for automotive applications and explores the frontiers of the roll forming process.


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This paper presents classification, representation and extraction of deformation features in sheet-metal parts. The thickness is constant for these shape features and hence these are also referred to as constant thickness features. The deformation feature is represented as a set of faces with a characteristic arrangement among the faces. Deformation of the base-sheet or forming of material creates Bends and Walls with respect to a base-sheet or a reference plane. These are referred to as Basic Deformation Features (BDFs). Compound deformation features having two or more BDFs are defined as characteristic combinations of Bends and Walls and represented as a graph called Basic Deformation Features Graph (BDFG). The graph, therefore, represents a compound deformation feature uniquely. The characteristic arrangement of the faces and type of bends belonging to the feature decide the type and nature of the deformation feature. Algorithms have been developed to extract and identify deformation features from a CAD model of sheet-metal parts. The proposed algorithm does not require folding and unfolding of the part as intermediate steps to recognize deformation features. Representations of typical features are illustrated and results of extracting these deformation features from typical sheet metal parts are presented and discussed. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this work, a combined forming and fracture limit diagram, fractured void coalescence and texture analysis have been experimentally evaluated for the commercially available aluminum alloy Al 8011 sheet annealed at different temperatures viz. 200 degrees C, 250 degrees C, 300 degrees C and 350 degrees C. The sheets were examined at different annealing temperatures on microstructure, tensile properties, formability and void coalescence. The fractured surfaces of the formed samples were examined using scanning electron microscope (SEM) and these images were correlated with fracture behavior and formability of sheet metals. Formability of Al 8011 was studied and examined at various annealing temperatures using their bulk X-ray crystallographic textures and ODF plots. Forming limit diagrams, void coalescence parameters and crystallographic textures were correlated with normal anisotropy of the sheet metals annealed at different temperatures. (C) 2013 Politechnika Wroclawska. Published by Elsevier Urban & Partner Sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.


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Un dels processos tradicionals de conformació de xapa més utilitzats a nivell industrial, degut a la seva rapidesa d’operació i la seva maduresa del procés, és l’embotició. Per a dur a terme aquest procés és necessària la construcció d’uns utillatges (matriu i punxó) per a cada tipus de producte. Aquests utillatges estan fabricats amb materials altament resistents ja que han de poder suportar càrregues molt importants durant la deformació. A més, s’han de garantir unes precisions dimensionals molt bones per tal d’evitar el xoc entre les dues parts de l’utillatge i per a assegurar que la peça obtinguda tingui les dimensions desitjades. Aquest fet implica que el procés d’obtenció de les matrius i punxons tingui un cost molt elevat i per a amortitzar-lo és necessari que la producció sigui en massa.L’objecte d’aquest projecte és adaptar el centre de mecanitzat Kondia HS1000 per tal de poder dur a terme recerca bàsica de la tecnologia de conformat incremental de xapa (ISF) en el Grup de Recerca en Enginyeria del Producte, Procés i Producció (GREP)


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The trend in the automotive industry towards new advanced high strength steels (AHSS), combined with the ongoing reduction in program lead times have increased the need to get tool designs right, first time. Despite the fact that the technology used by sheet metal stamping companies to design and manufacture tooling is advancing steadily, finding optimal process parameters and tool geometries remains a challenge. Consequently, there has been a transition from designs based largely on trial and error techniques and the experience of the stamping engineer, to the increased use of virtual manufacturing and finite element (FE) simulation predictions as an indispensable tool in the design process. This work investigates the accuracy of FE techniques in predicting the forming behavior of AHSS grades, such as TRIP and dual phase, as compared to more commonly used conventional steel grades. Three different methods of simulation, one-step, implicit and explicit techniques, were used to model the forming process for an automotive part. Results were correlated with experimental strain and thickness measurements of manufactured components from the production line.


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This paper discusses our recent research on wear at the die radius in sheet metal stamping. According to wear theory, contact pressure and sliding distance are the two dominant factors in determining sliding wear. We applied the finite element analysis to accurately quantify the contact pressure and sliding distance at the die radius in sheet metal stamping. The results were then applied to analyze sliding wear at the die radius. We found that a typical two-peak steady-state contact pressure response exists during a channel forming process. The steady-state contact pressure response was preceded by an initial transient response, which produced extremely large and localized contact pressures. We proposed a method to numerically quantify the sliding distance, which was applied to examine the contact sliding distance at the die radius. Correlating the contact pressure and sliding distance, a new insight into the wear/galling that occurs at the die radius in sheet metal stamping was gained. The results show that the region close to zero degrees on the die radius is likely to experience the most wear, with the identified transient stage contributing to a large proportion of the total wear.


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Incremental sheet forming enables sheet metal to deform above a conventional strain-based forming limit. The mechanics reason has not been clearly explained yet. In this work, the stress-based forming limit was utilized for through-thickness necking analysis to explain this uncovered question. Stress-based forming limit which has path-independency shows that the stress states in top, middle and bottom surfaces did not exceed the forming limit curve at the same time and each layer has different stress state in terms of their deformation history to suppress necking. It has been found that it is important to consider the gradient stress profile following the deformation history for the proper forming limit analysis of incremental sheet forming. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We deal with the optimization of the production of branched sheet metal products. New forming techniques for sheet metal give rise to a wide variety of possible profiles and possible ways of production. In particular, we show how the problem of producing a given profile geometry can be modeled as a discrete optimization problem. We provide a theoretical analysis of the model in order to improve its solution time. In this context we give the complete convex hull description of some substructures of the underlying polyhedron. Moreover, we introduce a new class of facet-defining inequalities that represent connectivity constraints for the profile and show how these inequalities can be separated in polynomial time. Finally, we present numerical results for various test instances, both real-world and academic examples.


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Incorporation of carbon nanostructures in metals is desirable to combine the strongly bonded electrons in the metal and the free electrons in carbon nanostructures that give rise to high ampacity and high conductivity, respectively. Carbon in copper has the potential to impact industries such as: building construction, power generation and transmission, and microelectronics. This thesis focuses on the structure and properties of bulk and thin films of a new material, Cu covetic, that contains carbon in concentrations up to 16 at.%. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) shows C 1s peak with both sp2 and sp3 bonded C measuring up to 3.5 wt.% (16 at.%). High resolution transmission electron microscopy and electron diffraction of bulk covetic samples show a modulated structure of ≈ 1.6 nm along several crystallographic directions in regions that have high C content suggesting that the carbon incorporates into the copper lattice forming a network. Electron energy loss spectra (EELS) from covetics reveal that the level of graphitization from the source material, activated carbon, is maintained in the covetic structure. Bulk Cu covetics have a slight increase in the lattice constant, as well as <111> texturing, or possibly a different structure, compared to pure Cu. Density functional theory calculations predict bonding between C and Cu at the edges and defects of graphene sheets. The electrical resistivity of bulk covetics first increases and then decreases with increasing C content. Cu covetic films were deposited using e-beam and pulsed laser deposition (PLD) at different temperatures. No copper oxide or any allotropes of carbon are present in the films. The e-beam films show enhanced electrical and optical properties when compared to pure Cu films of the same thickness even though no carbon was detected by XPS or EELS. They also have slightly higher ampacity than Cu metal films. EELS analysis of the C-K-edge in the PLD films indicate that graphitic carbon is transferred from the bulk into the films with uniform carbon distribution. PLD films exhibit flatter and higher transmittance curves and sheet resistance two orders of magnitude lower than e-beam films leading to a high figure of merit as transparent conductors.


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A really particular and innovative metal-polymer sandwich material is Hybrix. Hybrix is a product developed and manufactured by Lamera AB, Gothenburg, Sweden. This innovative hybrid material is composed by two relatively thin metal layers if compared to the core thickness. The most used metals are aluminum and stainless steel and are separated by a core of nylon fibres oriented perpendicularly to the metal plates. The core is then completed by adhesive layers applied at the PA66-metal interface that once cured maintain the nylon fibres in position. This special material is very light and formable. Moreover Hybrix, depending on the specific metal which is used, can achieve a good corrosion resistance and it can be cut and punched easily. Hybrix architecture itself provides extremely good bending stiffness, damping properties, insulation capability, etc., which again, of course, change in magnitude depending in the metal alloy which is used, its thickness and core thickness. For these reasons nowadays it shows potential for all the applications which have the above mentioned characteristic as a requirement. Finally Hybrix can be processed with tools used in regular metal sheet industry and can be handled as solid metal sheets. In this master thesis project, pre-formed parts of Hybrix were studied and characterized. Previous work on Hybrix was focused on analyze its market potential and different adhesive to be used in the core. All the tests were carried out on flat unformed specimens. However, in order to have a complete description of this material also the effect of the forming process must be taken into account. Thus the main activities of the present master thesis are the following: Dynamic Mechanical-Thermal Analysis (DMTA) on unformed Hybrix samples of different thickness and on pre-strained Hybrix samples, pure epoxy adhesive samples analysis and finally moisture effects evaluation on Hybrix composite structure.


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Partition of heavy metals between particulate and dissolve fraction of stormwater primarily depends on the adsorption characteristics of solids particles. Moreover, the bioavailability of heavy metals is also influenced by the adsorption behaviour of solids. However, due to the lack of fundamental knowledge in relation to the heavy metals adsorption processes of road deposited solids, the effectiveness of stormwater management strategies can be limited. The research study focused on the investigation of the physical and chemical parameters of solids on urban road surfaces and, more specifically, on heavy metal adsorption to solids. Due to the complex nature of heavy metal interaction with solids, a substantial database was generated through a series of field investigations and laboratory experiments. The study sites for the build-up pollutant sample collection were selected from four urbanised suburbs located in a major river catchment. Sixteen road sites were selected from these suburbs and represented typical industrial, commercial and residential land uses. Build-up pollutants were collected using a wet and dry vacuum collection technique which was specially designed to improve fine particle collection. Roadside soil samples were also collected from each suburb for comparison with the road surface solids. The collected build-up solids samples were separated into four particle size ranges and tested for a range of physical and chemical parameters. The solids build-up on road surfaces contained a high fraction (70%) of particles smaller than 150ìm, which are favourable for heavy metal adsorption. These solids particles predominantly consist of soil derived minerals which included quartz, albite, microcline, muscovite and chlorite. Additionally, a high percentage of amorphous content was also identified in road deposited solids. In comparing the mineralogical data of surrounding soil and road deposited solids, it was found that about 30% of the solids consisted of particles generated from traffic related activities on road surfaces. Significant difference in mineralogical composition was noted in different particle sizes of build-up solids. Fine solids particles (<150ìm) consisted of a clayey matrix and high amorphous content (in the region of 40%) while coarse particles (>150ìm) consisted of a sandy matrix at all study sites, with about 60% quartz content. Due to these differences in mineralogical components, particles larger than and smaller than 150ìm had significant differences in their specific surface area (SSA) and effective cation exchange capacity (ECEC). These parameters, in turn, exert a significant influence on heavy metal adsorption. Consequently, heavy metal content in >150ìm particles was lower than in the case of fine particles. The particle size range <75ìm had the highest heavy metal content, corresponding with its high clay forming minerals, high organic matter and low quartz content which increased the SSA, ECEC and the presence of Fe, Al and Mn oxides. The clay forming minerals, high organic matter and Fe, Al and Mn oxides create distinct groups of charge sites on solids surfaces and exhibit different adsorption mechanisms and bond strength, between heavy metal elements and charge sites. Therefore, the predominance of these factors in different particle sizes leads to different heavy metal adsorption characteristics. Heavy metals show preference for association with clay forming minerals in fine solids particles, whilst in coarse particles heavy metals preferentially associate with organic matter. Although heavy metal adsorption to amorphous material is very low, the heavy metals embedded in traffic related materials have a potential impact on stormwater quality.Adsorption of heavy metals is not confined to an individual type of charge site in solids, whereas specific heavy metal elements show preference for adsorption to several different types of charge sites in solids. This is attributed to the dearth of preferred binding sites and the inability to reach the preferred binding sites due to competition between different heavy metal species. This confirms that heavy metal adsorption is significantly influenced by the physical and chemical parameters of solids that lead to a heterogeneity of surface charge sites. The research study highlighted the importance of removal of solids particles from stormwater runoff before they enter into receiving waters to reduce the potential risk posed by the bioavailability of heavy metals. The bioavailability of heavy metals not only results from the easily mobile fraction bound to the solids particles, but can also occur as a result of the dissolution of other forms of bonds by chemical changes in stormwater or microbial activity. Due to the diversity in the composition of the different particle sizes of solids and the characteristics and amount of charge sites on the particle surfaces, investigations using bulk solids are not adequate to gain an understanding of the heavy metal adsorption processes of solids particles. Therefore, the investigation of different particle size ranges is recommended for enhancing stormwater quality management practices.


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This article reports on the design and implementation of a computer-aided sheet nesting system (CASNS) for the nesting of two-dimensional irregular-shaped sheet-metal blanks on a given sheet stock or coil stock. The system is designed by considering several constraints of sheet-metal stamping operations, such as bridge width and grain orientation, and design requirements such as maximizing the strength of the part hen subsequent bending is involved, minimization of scrap, and economic justification for'a single or multiple station operation. Through many practical case studies, the system proves its efficiency, effectiveness and usefulness.