164 resultados para shadowing


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The solar irradiation that a crop receives is directly related to the physical and biological processes that affect the crop. However, the assessment of solar irradiation poses certain problems when it must be measured through fruit inside the canopy of a tree. In such cases, it is necessary to check many test points, which usually requires an expensive data acquisition system. The use of conventional irradiance sensors increases the cost of the experiment, making them unsuitable. Nevertheless, it is still possible to perform a precise irradiance test with a reduced price by using low-cost sensors based on the photovoltaic effect. The aim of this work is to develop a low-cost sensor that permits the measurement of the irradiance inside the tree canopy. Two different technologies of solar cells were analyzed for their use in the measurement of solar irradiation levels inside tree canopies. Two data acquisition system setups were also tested and compared. Experiments were performed in Ademuz (Valencia, Spain) in September 2011 and September 2012 to check the validity of low-cost sensors based on solar cells and their associated data acquisition systems. The observed difference between solar irradiation at high and low positions was of 18.5% ± 2.58% at a 95% confidence interval. Large differences were observed between the operations of the two tested sensors. In the case of a-Si cells based mini-modules, an effect of partial shadowing was detected due to the larger size of the devices, the use of individual c-Si cells is recommended over a-Si cells based mini-modules.


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Protein hydrolysis plays an important role during seed germination and post-germination seedling establishment. In Arabidopsis thaliana, cathepsin B-like proteases are encoded by a gene family of three members, but only the AtCathB3 gene is highly induced upon seed germination and at the early post-germination stage. Seeds of a homozygous T-DNA insertion mutant in the AtCathB3 gene have, besides a reduced cathepsin B activity, a slower germination than the wild type. To explore the transcriptional regulation of this gene, we used a combined phylogenetic shadowing approach together with a yeast one-hybrid screening of an arrayed library of approximately 1200 transcription factor open reading frames from Arabidopsis thaliana. We identified a conserved CathB3-element in the promoters of orthologous CathB3 genes within the Brassicaceae species analysed, and, as its DNA-interacting protein, the G-Box Binding Factor1 (GBF1). Transient overexpression of GBF1 together with a PAtCathB3::uidA (β-glucuronidase) construct in tobacco plants revealed a negative effect of GBF1 on expression driven by the AtCathB3 promoter. In stable P35S::GBF1 lines, not only was the expression of the AtCathB3 gene drastically reduced, but a significant slower germination was also observed. In the homozygous knockout mutant for the GBF1 gene, the opposite effect was found. These data indicate that GBF1 is a transcriptional repressor of the AtCathB3 gene and affects the germination kinetics of Arabidopsis thaliana seeds. As AtCathB3 is also expressed during post-germination in the cotyledons, a role for the AtCathB3-like protease in reserve mobilization is also inferred.


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Endo-β-mannanases (MAN; EC. catalyze the cleavage of β1[RIGHTWARDS ARROW]4 bonds in mannan polymers and have been associated with the process of weakening the tissues surrounding the embryo during seed germination. In germinating Arabidopsis thaliana seeds, the most highly expressed MAN gene is AtMAN7 and its transcripts are restricted to the micropylar endosperm and to the radicle tip just before radicle emergence. Mutants with a T-DNA insertion in AtMAN7 have a slower germination than the wild type. To gain insight into the transcriptional regulation of the AtMAN7 gene, a bioinformatic search for conserved non-coding cis-elements (phylogenetic shadowing) within the Brassicaceae MAN7 gene promoters has been done, and these conserved motifs have been used as bait to look for their interacting transcription factors (TFs), using as a prey an arrayed yeast library from A. thaliana. The basic-leucine zipper TF AtbZIP44, but not the closely related AtbZIP11, has thus been identified and its transcriptional activation upon AtMAN7 has been validated at the molecular level. In the knock-out lines of AtbZIP44, not only is the expression of the AtMAN7 gene drastically reduced, but these mutants have a significantly slower germination than the wild type, being affected in the two phases of the germination process, both in the rupture of the seed coat and in the breakage of the micropylar endosperm cell walls. In the over-expression lines the opposite phenotype is observed.


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During seed germination, the endosperm cell walls (CWs) suffer an important weakening process mainly driven by hydrolytic enzymes, such are endo-?- mannanases (MAN; EC. that catalyze the cleavage of ?1?4 bonds in the mannan-polymers. In Arabidopsis thaliana seeds, endo-?-mannanase activity increases during seed imbibition, decreasing after radicle emergence1. AtMAN7 is the most highly expressed MAN gene in seeds upon germination and their transcripts are restricted to the micropylar endosperm and to the radicle tip just before radicle emergence. Mutants with a T-DNA insertion in this gene (K.O. MAN7) have a slower germination rate than the wild type (t50=34 h versus t50=25 h). To gain insight into the transcriptional regulation of the AtMAN7 gene, a bioinformatic search for conserved non-coding cis-elements (phylogenetic shadowing) within the Brassicaceae orthologous MAN7 gene promoters has been done and these conserved motives have been used as baits to look for their interacting transcription factors (TFs), using as a prey an arrayed yeast library of circa 1,200 TFs from A. thaliana. The basic leucine zipper AtbZIP44, but not its closely related ortholog AtbZIP11, has been thus identified and its regulatory function upon AtMAN7 during seed germination validated by different molecular and physiological techniques, such are RT-qPCR analyses, mRNA Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH) experiments, and by the establishment of the germination kinetics of both over-expression (oex) lines and TDNA insertion mutants in AtbZIP44. The transcriptional combinatorial network through which AtbZIP44 regulates AtMAN7 gene expression during seed germination has been further explored through protein-protein interactions between AtbZIP44 and other bZIP members. In such a way, AtbZIP9 has been identified by yeast two-hybrid experiments and its physiological implication in the control of AtMAN7 expression similarly established.


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The development of drugs for the control of tumor angiogenesis requires a simple, accurate, and economical assay for tumor-induced vascularization. We have adapted the orthotopic implantation model to angiogenesis measurement by using human tumors labeled with Aequorea victoria green fluorescent protein for grafting into nude mice. The nonluminous induced capillaries are clearly visible against the very bright tumor fluorescence examined either intravitally or by whole-body luminance in real time. The orthotopic implantation model of human cancer has been well characterized, and fluorescence shadowing replaces the laborious histological techniques for determining blood vessel density. Intravital images of orthotopically implanted human pancreatic tumors clearly show angiogenic capillaries at both primary and metastatic sites. A quantitative time course of angiogenesis was determined for an orthotopically growing human prostate tumor periodically imaged intravitally in a single nude mouse over a 19-day period. Whole-body optical imaging of tumor angiogenesis was demonstrated by injecting fluorescent Lewis lung carcinoma cells into the s.c. site of the footpad of nude mice. The footpad is relatively transparent, with comparatively few resident blood vessels, allowing quantitative imaging of tumor angiogenesis in the intact animal. Capillary density increased linearly over a 10-day period as determined by whole-body imaging. Similarly, the green fluorescent protein-expressing human breast tumor MDA-MB-435 was orthotopically transplanted to the mouse fat pad, where whole-body optical imaging showed that blood vessel density increased linearly over a 20-week period. These powerful and clinically relevant angiogenesis mouse models can be used for real-time in vivo evaluation of agents inhibiting or promoting tumor angiogenesis in physiological microenvironments.


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We have investigated the structure of the cell adhesion molecule L1 by electron microscopy. We were particularly interested in the conformation of the four N-terminal immunoglobulin domains, because x-ray diffraction showed that these domains are bent into a horseshoe shape in the related molecules hemolin and axonin-1. Surprisingly, rotary-shadowed specimens showed the molecules to be elongated, with no indication of the horseshoe shape. However, sedimentation data suggested that these domains of L1 were folded into a compact shape in solution; therefore, this prompted us to look at the molecules by an alternative technique, negative stain. The negative stain images showed a compact shape consistent with the expected horseshoe conformation. We speculate that in rotary shadowing the contact with the mica caused a distortion of the protein, weakening the bonds forming the horseshoe and permitting the molecule to extend. We have thus confirmed that the L1 molecule is primarily in the horseshoe conformation in solution, and we have visualized for the first time its opening into an extended conformation. Our study resolves conflicting interpretations from previous electron microscopy studies of L1.


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Organelles in the axoplasm from the squid giant axon move along exogenous actin filaments toward their barbed ends. An approximately 235-kDa protein, the only band recognized by a pan-myosin antibody in Western blots of isolated axoplasmic organelles, has been previously proposed to be a motor for these movements. Here, we purify this approximately 235-kDa protein (p235) from axoplasm and demonstrate that it is a myosin, because it is recognized by a pan-myosin antibody and has an actin-activated Mg-ATPase activity per mg of protein 40-fold higher than that of axoplasm. By low-angle rotary shadowing, p235 differs from myosin II and it does not form bipolar filaments in low salt. The amino acid sequence of a 17-kDa protein that copurifies with p235 shows that it is a squid optic lobe calcium-binding protein, which is more similar by amino acid sequence to calmodulin (69% identity) than to the light chains of myosin II (33% identity). A polyclonal antibody to this light chain was raised by using a synthetic peptide representing the calcium binding domain least similar to calmodulin. We then cloned this light chain by reverse transcriptase-PCR and showed that this antibody recognizes the bacterially expressed protein but not brain calmodulin. In Western blots of sucrose gradient fractions, the 17-kDa protein is found in the organelle fraction, suggesting that it is a light chain of the p235 myosin that is also associated with organelles.


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Tese de mestrado integrado, Engenharia da Energia e do Ambiente, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2016


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From the above and the grafical results it can be concluded that cores in the research area are locally dominated by turbiditic sequences, which can be observed by a strong increase in coarser sediment (>35 µm). These coarser intercalations are lacking in the vicinity of basaltic seamounts, probably due to a shadowing effect of the seamounts. The infill of the King George Basin might be dominated by a north eastern current. Sedimentary structures as observed in the cores are often lacking or vague due to hydrothermal effects (Suess, L, 1986).


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"U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Contract AT(29-1)-1106."


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, West Germany was considered to be one of the world’s most successful economic and political systems. In his seminal 1987 analysis of West Germany’s ‘semisovereign’ system of governance, Peter Katzenstein attributed this success to a combination of a fragmented polity, consensus politics and incremental policy changes. However, unification in 1990 has both changed Germany’s institutional configuration and created economic and social challenges on a huge scale. This volume therefore asks whether semisovereignty still exists in contemporary Germany and, crucially, whether it remains an asset in terms of addressing these challenges. By shadowing and building on the original study, an eminent team of British, German and American scholars analyses institutional changes and the resulting policy developments in key sectors, with Peter Katzenstein himself providing the conclusion. Together, the chapters provide a landmark assessment of the outcomes produced by one of the world’s most important countries. Contents: 1. Introduction: semisovereignty challenged Simon Green and William E. Paterson; 2. Institutional transfer: can semisovereignty be transferred? The political economy of Eastern Germany Wade Jacoby; 3. Political parties Thomas Saalfeld; 4. Federalism: the new territorialism Charlie Jeffery; 5. Shock-absorbers under stress. Parapublic institutions and the double challenges of German unification and European integration Andreas Busch; 6. Economic policy management: catastrophic equilibrium, tipping points and crisis interventions Kenneth Dyson; 7. Industrial relations: from state weakness as strength to state weakness as weakness. Welfare corporatism and the private use of the public interest Wolfgang Streeck; 8. Social policy: crisis and transformation Roland Czada; 9. Immigration and integration policy: between incrementalism and non-decisions Simon Green; 10. Environmental policy: the law of diminishing returns? Charles Lees; 11. Administrative reform Kluas H. Goetz; 12. European policy-making: between associated sovereignty and semisovereignty William E. Paterson; 13. Conclusion: semisovereignty in United Germany Peter J. Katzenstein.


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This paper presents a new method for the optimisation of the mirror element spacing arrangement and operating temperature of linear Fresnel reflectors (LFR). The specific objective is to maximise available power output (i.e. exergy) and operational hours whilst minimising cost. The method is described in detail and compared to an existing design method prominent in the literature. Results are given in terms of the exergy per total mirror area (W/m2) and cost per exergy (US $/W). The new method is applied principally to the optimisation of an LFR in Gujarat, India, for which cost data have been gathered. It is recommended to use a spacing arrangement such that the onset of shadowing among mirror elements occurs at a transversal angle of 45°. This results in a cost per exergy of 2.3 $/W. Compared to the existing design approach, the exergy averaged over the year is increased by 9% to 50 W/m2 and an additional 122 h of operation per year are predicted. The ideal operating temperature at the surface of the absorber tubes is found to be 300 °C. It is concluded that the new method is an improvement over existing techniques and a significant tool for any future design work on LFR systems


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A critical review of the auditory selective attention literature is presented, particular reference is made to methodological issues arising from the asymmetrical hemispheric representation of language in the context of the dominant research technique dichotic shadowing. Subsequently the concept of cerebral localization is introduced, and the experimental literature with reference to models of laterality effects in speech and audition discussed. The review indicated the importance of hemispheric asymmetries insofar as they might influence the results of dichotic shadowing tasks. It is suggested that there is a potential overlap between models of selective attention and hemispheric differences. In Experiment I, ~ a key experiment in auditory selective attention is replicated and by exercising control over possible laterality effects some of the conflicting results of earlier studies were reconciled. The three subsequent experiments, II, III and IV, are concerned with the recall of verbally shadowed inputs. A highly significant and consistent effect of ear of arrival upon the serial position of items recalled is reported. Experiment V is directed towards an analysis of the effect that the processing of unattended inputs has upon the serial position of attended items that are recalled. A significant effect of the type of unattended material upon the recall of attended items was found to be influenced by the ear of arrival of inputs. In Experiment VI, differences between the two ears as attended and unattended input channels were clarified. Two main conclusions were drawn from this work. First, that the dichotic shadowing technique cannot control attention. Instead the task aprocessing both channels of dichotic inputs is unevenly shared bet\'reen the hemispheres as a function of the ear shadowed. Consequently, evidence for the processing of unattended information is considered in terms of constraints imposed by asymmetries in the functional organization of language, not in terms of a limited processing capacity model. The second conclusion to be drawn is that laterality differences can be effectively examined using the dichotic shadowing technique, a new model of laterality differences is proposed and discussed.


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This is a multiple case study of the leadership language of three senior women working in a large corporation in Bahrain. The study’s main aim is to explore the linguistic practices the women leaders use with their colleagues and subordinates in corporate meetings. Adopting a Foucauldian (1972) notion of ‘discourses’ as social practices and a view of gender as socially constructed and discursively performed (Butler 1990), this research aims to unveil the competing discourses which may shape the leadership language of senior women in their communities of practice. The research is situated within the broader field of Sociolinguistics and the specific field of Language and Gender. To address the research aim, a case study approach incorporating multiple methods of qualitative data collection (observation, interviews, and shadowing) was utilised to gather information about the three women leaders and produce a rich description of their use of language in and out of meeting contexts. For analysis, principles of Qualitative Data Analysis (QDA) were used to organise and sort the large amount of data. Also, Feminist Post- Structuralist Discourse Analysis (FPDA) was adopted to produce a multi-faceted analysis of the subjects, their language leadership, power relations, and competing discourses in the context. It was found that the three senior women enact leadership differently making variable use of a repertoire of conventionally masculine and feminine linguistic practices. However, they all appear to have limited language resources and even more limiting subject positions; and they all have to exercise considerable linguistic expertise to police and modify their language in order to avoid the ‘double bind’. Yet, the extent of this limitation and constraints depends on the community of practice with its prevailing discourses, which appear to have their roots in Islamic and cultural practices as well as some Western influences acquired throughout the company’s history. It is concluded that it may be particularly challenging for Middle Eastern women to achieve any degree of equality with men in the workplace because discourses of Gender difference lie at the core of Islamic teaching and ideology.