930 resultados para sexual and asexual reproduction


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Includes Ludwig Rosenberg and Paula Rosenberg nee Joseph (left), Thekla (Tekie) Joseph (standing center), Karl Kaufman and Else Kaufman (right)


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Since the 1998 Rome Statute recognized widespread and systematic acts of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) as an act of genocide, a war crime and crime against humanity, the last decade has seen historic recognition that egregious acts of sexual violence merit international political and legal attention (UN General Assembly, 1998). Notably there are now no fewer than seven United Nations Security Council resolutions on the cross-cutting theme of Women, Peace and Security.


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For a population made up of individuals capable of sexual as well as asexual modes of reproduction, conditions for the spread of a transposable element are explored using a one-locus, two-haplotype model. The analysis is then extended to include the possibility that the transposable element can modulate the probability of sexual reproduction, thus casting Hickey’s (1982,Genetics 101: 519–531) suggestion in a population genetics framework. The model explicitly includes the cost of sexual reproduction, fitness disadvantage to the transposable element, probability of transposition, and the predisposition for sexual reproduction in the presence and absence of the transposable element. The model predicts several kinds of outcome, including initial frequency dependence and stable polymorphism. More importantly, it is seen that for a wide range of parameter values, the transposable element can go to fixation. Therefore it is able to convert the population from a predominantly asexual to a predominantly sexual mode of reproduction. Viewed in conjunction with recent results implicating short stretches of apparently non-coding DNA in sex determination (McCoubreyet al. 1988,Science 242: 1146–1151), the model hints at the important role this mechanism could have played in the evolution of sexuality.


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T-protein, an aminomethyltransferase, represents one of the four components of glycine cleavage system (GCS) and catalyzes the transfer of methylene group from H-protein intermediate to tetrahydrofolate (THF) forming N-5, N-10-methylene THF (CH2-THF) with the release of ammonia. The malaria parasite genome encodes T-, H- and L-proteins, but not P-protein which is a glycine decarboxylase generating the aminomethylene group. A putative GCS has been considered to be functional in the parasite mitochondrion despite the absence of a detectable P-protein homologue. In the present study, the mitochondrial localization of T-protein in the malaria parasite was confirmed by immunofluorescence and its essentiality in the entire parasite life cycle was studied by targeting the T-protein locus in Plasmodium berghei (Pb). PbT knock out parasites did not show any growth defect in asexual, sexual and liver stages indicating that the T-protein is dispensable for parasite survival in vertebrate and invertebrate hosts. The absence of P-protein homologue and the non-essentiality of T protein suggest the possible redundancy of GCS activity in the malaria parasite. Nevertheless, the H- and L-proteins of GCS could be essential for malaria parasite because of their involvement in alpha-lcetoacid dehydrogenase reactions. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Trata-se de uma pesquisa com abordagem qualitativa e descritiva, com a utilização da Grounded Theory, na perspectiva do Interacionismo Simbólico. Como objetivos tivemos: identificar os significados atribuídos por mulheres ao fato de experimentar, sentir ou vivenciar sensações de prazer sexual e/ou excitação sexual durante a amamentação; analisar e interpretar, na perspectiva do Interacionismo Simbólico, a experiência de sentir prazer sexual e/ou excitação sexual durante a amamentação, a partir dos significados atribuídos pelas mulheres. O estudo procedeu-se no Município do Rio de Janeiro, em lugares de grande circulação de pessoas, como praças, ruas, shoppings, além da Unidade de Saúde Milton Fontes Magarão, localizada na zona norte do referido Município. Essa variedade de cenários nos possibilitou encontrar uma diversidade de participantes, referente a condições socioeconômicas, culturais, religião, ideais e concepções sobre o assunto estudado. A coleta e análise dos dados aconteceram no período de maio a julho de 2014, observando todas as exigências da Resolução 466/2012 do Conselho Nacional de Saúde. Foram entrevistadas 17 participantes e formados dois grupos amostrais e três categorias expressas por: significando a amamentação como ato sagrado, inocente e assexuado: a socialização da amamentação; vivenciando e significando sensações de prazer ao amamentar; ressignificando a vivência de sensações de excitação sexual ao amamentar. Como resultados evidenciou-se que a socialização da amamentação influencia a maioria das mulheres, na vivência de sensações de prazer ao amamentar. Essas sensações são descritas através da simbologia estabelecida socialmente, de que o ato de amamentar é sagrado, puro, livre de erotismo, prevalecendo um prazer maternal. Além disso, as sensações de excitação sexual ao amamentar, para as mulheres que se dizem nunca terem vivenciado, estão presentes no seu inconsciente, porém essa vivência é admitida para os outros e não para si mesmas. O significado de vivenciar prazer sexual ao amamentar é percebido como contraditório, pois ao mesmo tempo em que se identifica o poder do corpo feminino, prevalece o poder de nutrir sobre as percepções físicas de excitação sexual ao amamentar. Desse modo, identificaram-se estratégias utilizadas para bloquear ou para não vivenciar as sensações de excitação sexual ao amamentar. Com isso, este estudo nos mostra como as mulheres agem frente às sensações de prazer sexual e/ou excitação sexual ao amamentar, através da interação social do passado e do presente, gerando os significados que cada uma carrega consigo. Além disso, percebemos como a socialização da amamentação priva a vivência da sexualidade feminina, nos aspectos de sensações de prazer sexual durante a amamentação.


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Sex evolution has been a debating focus in evolutionary genetics. In lower vertebrates of reptiles, amphibians, and fish, a species or a bioform reproduces either sexually or asexually but never both. A few species were found to consist of all females in fish. These all-female species can propagate by asexual reproduction modes, such as gynogenesis and hybridogenesis. However, the coexistence of sexuality and asexuality in a single species was recently noted only in a cyprinid fish silver crucian carp, Carassius auratus gibelio. This fish had been demonstrated to be capable of gynogenesis stimulated by sperm from other related species. Surprisingly, natural populations of this fish consist of a minor but significant portion (approx. 20%) of males. As different clones with specific phenotypic and genetic characteristics have been found, and RAPD markers specific to each clone have recently been identified, this fish offers many advantages for analyzing whether or not genetic recombination occurs between different clones. In this study, artificial propagation was performed in clone F and clone D. Ovulated eggs from clone F were divided into two parts and respectively inseminated with sperm from a clone D male and from a red common carp (Cyprinus carpio) male. The control clone D individuals were selected from gynogenetic offspring of clone D activated by sperm of red common carp. The phenotype and sex ratio in the experimental groups were also observed. Using RAPD molecular markers, which allow for reliable discrimination and genetic analysis of different clones, we have revealed direct molecular evidence for gonochoristic reproduction in the gynogenetic silver crucian carp and confirmed a previous hypothesis that the silver crucian carp might reproduce both gynogenetically and gonochoristically. Therefore, we conclude that the silver crucian carp possesses two reproductive modes, i.e., gynogenetic and gonochoristic reproduction. The response mechanism of two reproductive development modes may be the first discovery in vertebrates. Additionally, we discuss the evolutionary implication between gynogenetic and gonochoristic reproduction modes and the contribution of the minor proportion of males to genetic flexibility in the gynogenetic silver crucian carp.


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Nets in traditional Porphyra mariculture are seeded with conchospores derived from the conchocelis phase, and spend a nursery period in culture tanks or calm coastal waters until they reach several centimeters in length. Some species of Porphyra can regenerate the foliose phase directly through asexual reproduction, which suggests that the time, infrastructure, and costs associated with conchocelis culture might be avoided by seeding nets with asexual spores. Here, we present work from a short-term mariculture study using nets seeded with asexual spores (neutral spores) of a native Maine species of Porphyra. Porphyra umbilicalis (L.) Kutzing was selected for this proof of concept research because of its reproductive biology, abundance across seasons in Maine, and evidence of its promise as a mariculture crop. We studied the maturation, release, and germination of the neutral spores to develop an appropriate seeding protocol for nets, followed by development of a nursery raceway to provide an easily manipulated environment for the seeded nets. Neutral spores were produced throughout the year on the central Maine coast,however, there was a temporal variability in the number and survival of released neutral spores, depending upon thallus position in the intertidal zone. Small thalli were strictly vegetative, but most thalli reproduced by neutral spores- sexual reproduction was absent. Neutral spores germinated quickly at 10 and 15 'C, but germination was delayed at 5 degrees C. Unlike some algal zygotes and spores, neutral spores of R umbilicalis required light to germinate; however, irradiances of 25 and 100 mu mol photons M-2 S-1 were equally sufficient for germination. Rafts of seeded nets were deployed in Cobscook Bay, Maine, at two distances from salmon aquaculture pens and at a control site on a nearby, fallow aquaculture site (no salmon). There was no difference in nitrogen content of harvested thalli; however, both the density and the surface area of harvested thalli were different among the sites. The possible causes of these differences are discussed in the context of potential use of P umbilicalis in IMTA. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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红毛菜(Bangia Lyngb.)属于红藻门,与紫菜属同属红毛菜科,其味道和营养都优于紫菜。目前红毛菜栽培产业已在我国福建莆田展开,但栽培技术还有待提高。海藻栽培技术的发展和成熟依赖于对其生长发育过程的认识。本研究针对红毛菜发育过程及相关光合生理展开,并初步探讨了一采自山西娘子关泉淡水红毛菜群体(FWB)的系统地位。 色素突变标记的壳孢子萌发特征表明最初两次分裂产生的4细胞决定了完整植株的形态建成。成熟植株,为雌雄异体。雌性生殖器果胞的标志性分化结构为原始受精丝,环境因子是促发原始受精丝发展的外部因素,其膨大程度随受精的延迟而增大。原孢子是主要的无性生殖孢子类型,在不良环境中,藻体也会形成内生孢子或休眠包囊,或者藻体断裂后重新形成完整的植株。 红毛菜的生长发育很大程度上受环境因子的控制。高温不利于配子体的发育,15-20 ºC比较适宜。红毛菜无性繁殖的最适温度-光照组合为20 ºC-8 h,有性繁殖为15 ºC-12h。 不同发育阶段,PSII实际光合效率(Y(II))与细胞的健康状况以及光合器官完整性及其在细胞内的分布有关,而与细胞的类型关系不大。健康的假根细胞、已分化未成熟的精子以及果孢子细胞均具有很高的Y(II)。色素体由中间位变为围周位,中央大液泡(营养藻丝)和大小纤维囊泡(成熟孢子与精子)的产生,使得细胞Y(II)降低。刚放散的壳孢子Y(II)很低,说明在壳孢子由贝壳基质释放到自由水体过程,光合作用受到一定程度抑制;而2h后,Y(II)开始恢复,rbcL的转录水平非常高,为孢子的萌发储备物质和能量需求。 在失水和低盐胁迫下,藻体均维持较高的Y(II)。干出处理至藻体重量不再变化,复水后Y(II)可回复初始水平。海生红毛菜在100%淡水培养基中(约20ºC)培养7天后,部分雄性藻体依然活着。从而体现了红毛菜位居高潮带的生理优势。 FWB终生行无性繁殖,藻体形态与发生以及染色体数目(4条)与海生群体没有区别。而rbcL-rbcS Spacer序列显示,红毛菜海生群体(无性和有性)具有完全相同的序列,而FWB与它们有5bp差异,但是与欧洲、北美地区的淡水群体仅1bp不同,初步说明所有淡水红毛菜群体具有共同的原始起源。


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Floral closure may be induced by pollination and various other factors, but is rarely studied comprehensively. Different kinds of floral closure should have various effects on reproductive fitness of plants. Two contrasting types of floral closure were observed in the flowers of Gentiana straminea Maxim. in the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. The first type occurred prior to pollination during both gender phases, in response mainly to decreasing air temperatures. Flowers closed when decreasing temperatures approached 20 degrees C and subsequently began to reopen the following day during mid-morning when air temperatures warmed to approximately 13-15 degrees C. This kind of floral closure can protect pollen grains on either stamens or stigmas, increasing fitness of both male and female. Following pollination, permanent floral closure occurred, although there was a delay between the dates of pollination and permanent closure, during which flowers continued to show temporary closure in response to low temperature episodes. The time required for permanent, pollination-induced closure varied according to the age of the gender phase, including a prolonged time before closure if pollination occurred early in the female phase. The retaining of permanent closed flowers increased both approaching (to inflorescences) and visiting (to unpollinated flowers) frequencies of individual plants when with fewer open flowers and the persisting corolla is further beneficial for seed sets of these pollinated flowers. Thus, two separate types of floral closure, one in response to environmental cues and the other in response to the age of each gender stage, appeared to have a strong influence on reproductive fitness in this species. These results revealed a different adaptive strategy of alpine plants in the sexual reproduction assurance in addition to the well-known elevated floral longevity, dominant role of more effective pollinators and increased reproduction allocation in the arid habitats.


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Male infertility affects one man in twenty and a genetic basis seems likely in at least 30% of those men. Genetic regulation of fertility involves the inter-related processes of testicular development, spermatogenesis (involving germ cell mitosis, meiosis and spermatid maturation), and their endocrine and paracrine regulation. In regard to spermatogenesis, particular attention has been given to the Yq11 region, where some spermatogenesis genes ('azoospermia factors') appear to be located. Several candidate genes have been identified but have not been shown to have a defined or essential role in spermatogenesis. Microdeletions of Yq11 are found in approximately 15% of azoospermic or severely oligospermic men. The complexity of the genetic control of male fertility is demonstrated by the evidence for genes involved in spermatogenesis and sexual differentiation on the X chromosome and autosomes. Better understanding of the genetic regulation of normal spermatogenesis will provide new probes for clinical studies; however, at present the majority of spermatogenic failure remains without an identified genetic linkage. The advent of intracytoplasmic sperm injection permits fertility in many previously sterile men and presents the possibility of their transmission of infertility; appropriate counselling is required.


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The sex ratio, age at maturation, fecundity, and seasonal development of gonads of pollan (Coregonus autumnalis) in Lough Neagh are described from samples collected between November 1997 and December 1999. Pollan reproductive ecology in the 1990s was similar to that found in the 1970s. Pollan egg size and fecundity differed between years but there were no long-term trends in fecundity despite considerable subsequent eutrophication of the lough and changes in the fish community.


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Macroalgal blooms are a growing environmental problem in eutrophicated coastal ecosystems. Members of the green algal genus Ulva are significant contributors to blooms, which are typically dominated by only one of several co-occurring opportunistic species. Our understanding of bloom dynamics, such as the importance of clonality, is limited because previously used genetic markers such as internal transcribed spacer sequences have shown very little resolution. Microsatellites are the marker of choice for such studies, but to date, only five primer pairs have been developed for a single member of this genus, Ulva intestinalis. We have now developed four new microsatellite markers for U. intestinalis using genome screening and restriction-ligation and tested them on individuals from six populations in the Gulf of Finland, Finland. All new markers exhibited polymorphism in U. intestinalis, with the numbers of alleles ranging from 6 to 10. On the basis of assignment tests, F-ST estimates and analysis of molecular variance, there was genetic differentiation among populations. Where significantly different, expected heterozygosity (HE) was higher than observed heterozygosity (Ho), indicating a trend toward heterozygote deficiency. This may indicate that although Ulva spores can disperse relatively efficiently, asexual reproduction can result in genetic differentiation among populations. We also tested the cross-species amplification of our primers and the five primer pairs reported previously on seven species of Ulva, Ulvaria obscura and Unbraulva olivascens (all members of the Ulvaceae). In each species, from five to nine of the loci produced an amplification product, and one to four alleles were discovered at each locus. These markers therefore have great potential for testing hypotheses about the formation and maintenance of multispecies macroalgal blooms.