983 resultados para semi-parabolic quantum well


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Polaron cyclotron resonance (CR) has been studied in three modulation-doped GaAs/Al0.3Ga0.7As multiple quantum well structures in magnetic field up to 30 T. Large avoided-level-crossing splittings of the CR near the GaAs reststrahlen region, and smaller splittings in the region of the AlAs-like optical phonons of th AlGaAs barriers, are observed. Based on a comparison with a detailed theoretical calculation, the high frequency splitting, the magnitude of which increases with decreasing well width, is assigned to resonant polaron interactions with AlAs-like interface phonons.


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The EER spectra of a single quantum well GaAs\AlxGa1-xAs electrode were studied as a function of applied reverse bias in ferrocene, p-methyl nitrobenzene and hydroquinone+benzoquinone non-aqueous solutions. EER spectra were compared for different redox species and showed that a pronounced quantum-confined Stark effect and a Franz-Keldysh oscillation for a single quantum well electrode were obtained in the p-methyl-nitrobenzene- and hydroquinone+benzoquinone-containing solutions. A surface interaction of the single quantum well electrode with ferrocene led to fewer changes in the electric field of the space charge layer for reverse bias; this was suggested to explain the weak quantum-confined Stark effect and Franz-Keldysh oscillation effect observed for the single quantum well electrode in the ferrocene-containing solution. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science S.A.


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The photoelectric properties of the lattice-matched GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs quantum well electrodes and the influence of the electrode structure such as well width, the thickness of outer barrier and the number of period were studied in a nonaqueous electrolyte. A new kind of structure of multiple quantum well electrode with varied well width, possessing the quantum yield three times that of GaAs bulk materials, was designed and fabricated.


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The magnetophonon resonance effect in the energy relaxation rate is studied theoretically for a quasi-two-dimensional electron gas in a semiconductor quantum well. An electron-temperature model is adopted to describe the coupled electron-phonon system. The energy relaxation time, derived from the energy relaxation rate, is found to display an oscillatory behavior as the magnetic-field strength changes, and reaches minima when the optical phonon frequency equals integer multiples of the electron cyclotron frequency. The theoretical results are compared with a recent experiment, and a qualitative agreement is found.


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By considering all possible high order diffracted waves, the authors investigate the spectral response of two-dimensional gratings for quantum well infrared photodetectors (QWIPs). A new method is proposed that using long period gratings may improve grating quality and reduce the resulting cross talk in grating-coupled QWIPs. A sensitivity analysis indicates that the influence of variation of the grating constant on the coupling efficiency is less sensitive for the long period gratings than for the short ones. A large coupling efficiency has been demonstrated for long period gratings. The calculated wide grating response spectra are in good agreement with the experiment result. (C) 1996 American Institute of Physics.