973 resultados para secretory
The mandibular condyle from 20-day-old rats was examined in the electron microscope with particular attention to intracellular secretory granules and extracellular matrix. Moreover, type II collagen was localized by an immunoperoxidase method. The condyle has been divided into five layers: (1) the most superficial, articular layer, (2) polymorphic cell layer, (3) flattened cell layer, (4) upper hypertrophic, and (5) lower hypertrophic cell layers. In the articular layer, the cells seldom divide, but in the polymorphic layer and upper part of the flattened cell layer, mitosis gives rise to new cells. In these layers, cells produce two types of secretory granules, usually in distinct stacks of the Golgi apparatus; type a, cylindrical granules, in which 300-nm-long threads are packed in bundles which appear lucent after formaldehyde fixation; and type b, spherical granules loaded with short, dotted filaments. The matrix is composed of thick banded lucent fibrils in a loose feltwork of short, dotted filaments. The cells arising from mitosis undergo endochondral differentiation, which begins in the lower part of the flattened cell layer and is completed in the upper hypertrophic cell layer; it is followed by gradual cell degeneration in the lower hypertrophic cell layer. The cells produce two main types of secretory granules: type b as above; and type c, ovoid granules containing 300-nm-long threads associated with short, dotted filaments. A possibly different secretory granule, type d, dense and cigar-shaped, is also produced. The matrix is composed of thin banded fibrils in a dense feltwork. In the matrix of the superficial layers, the lucency of the fibrils indicated that they were composed of collagen I, whereas the lucency of the cylindrical secretory granules suggested that they transported collagen I precursors to the matrix. Moreover, the use of ruthenium red indicated that the feltwork was composed of proteoglycan; the dotted filaments packed in spherical granules were similar to, and presumably the source of, the matrix feltwork. The superficial layers did not contain collagen II and were collectively referred to as perichondrium. In the deep layers, the ovoid secretory granules displayed collagen II antigenicity and were likely to transport precursors of this collagen to the matrix, where it appeared in the thin banded fibrils. That these granules also carried proteoglycan to the matrix was suggested by their content of short dotted filaments. Thus the deep layers contained collagen II and proteoglycan as in cartilage; they were collectively referred to as the hyaline cartilage region.
The use of amoxicillin during early childhood has been associated with molar incisor hypomineralization. The objective of this study was to determine whether the use of amoxicillin interferes with enamel development, during secretion and early mineralization stages. Fifteen pregnant rats were randomly assigned to three groups that received physiological solution (sham group), 100 mg/kg/day amoxicillin (A100G), and 500 mg/kg/day amoxicillin (A500G). After birth, the pups in each group received the same treatment until post-natal day 7 or 12. The upper first molars were analyzed histomorphometrical and immunostaining with amelogenin on day 7, and MMP-20 on day 12 was performed using a semiquantitative method (H-score). At 7 days, several vacuolar structures were observed in the ameloblasts in the A100G and A500G groups. A significant reduction of the enamel thickness (P < 0.001) was found in amoxicillin-treated rats compared with the sham group. Significant differences were not observed in enamel thickness (P > 0.05) between the groups of 12-day-old rats. Moreover, significant differences were not observed in the number of amelogenin- and MMP-20-immunolabeled ameloblasts (P > 0.05) between groups. The present results suggest that amoxicillin interferes with the initial stages of amelogenesis by causing structural changes in the ameloblasts and a reduction of the enamel matrix.
Musca domestica larvae present two different digestive chymotryptic activities found in the posterior midgut (PMG): one major soluble activity in the lumen and another minor present in cell membrane fractions. Both soluble and membrane-bound chymotryptic activities have different half lives of thermal inactivation (46 degrees C) in the presence and absence of 10 mM Triton X-100, indicating that they are two different molecular species. Purified soluble chymotryptic activity has pH optimum 7.4 and a molecular mass of 28 kDa in SDS-PAGE. It does not cleave short substrates, such as Suc-F-MCA, preferring longer substrates, such as Suc-AAPF-MCA, with a primary specificity (kcat/Km) for Phe rather than Tyr and Leu residues. In-gel activity revealed a unique band against S-AAPF-MCA with the same migration as purified chymotrypsin. One chymotrypsinogen-like sequence (MdChy1) was sequenced, cloned and recombinantly expressed in Escherichia coli (DE3) Star. MdChy1 is expressed in the proximal posterior midgut (PMG1), as seen by RT-PCR. Expression analysis of other chymotrypsin genes revealed genes expressed at the anterior midgut (AMG) and PMG. Western blot of M. domestica midgut tissues using anti-MdChy1 antiserum showed a single band in samples from AMG and PMG, co-migrating with recombinant and purified enzymes. Immunogold labeling corresponding to Mdchy1 was found in small vesicles (thus indicating exocytosis) and in the lumen of AMG and PMG, corroborating the existence of two similar groups of chymotrypsins. Transcriptomes of M. domestica AMG and whole midgut prepared by pyrosequencing disclosed 41 unique sequences of chymotrypsin-like enzymes (19 probably functional), from which MdChy1 is highly expressed. Phylogenetic reconstruction of Drosophila melanogaster and M. domestica chymotrypsin-like sequences revealed that the chymotrypsin genes expanded before the evolutionary separation of Musca and Drosophila. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Pneumococcal surface protein C (PspC) is an important candidate for a cost-effective vaccine with broad coverage against pneumococcal diseases. Previous studies have shown that Streptococcus pneumoniae is able to bind to both human factor H (FH), an inhibitor of complement alternative pathway, and human secretory IgA (sIgA) via PspC. PspC was classified into 11 groups based on variations of the gene. In this work, we used three PspC fragments from different groups (PspC3, PspC5, and PspC8) to immunize mice for the production of antibodies. Immunization with PspC3 induced antibodies that recognized the majority of the clinical isolates as analyzed by Western blotting of whole-cell extracts and flow cytometry of intact bacteria, while anti-PspC5 antibodies showed cross-reactivity with the paralogue pneumococcal surface protein A (PspA), and anti-PspC8 antibodies reacted only with the PspC8-expressing strain. Most of the isolates tested showed strong binding to FH and weaker interaction with sIgA. Preincubation with anti-PspC3 and anti-PspC5 IgG led to some inhibition of binding of FH, and preincubation with anti-PspC3 partially inhibited sIgA binding in Western blotting. The analysis of intact bacteria through flow cytometry showed only a small decrease in FH binding after incubation of strain D39 with anti-PspC3 IgG, and one clinical isolate showed inhibition of sIgA binding by anti-PspC3 IgG. We conclude that although anti-PspC3 antibodies were able to recognize PspC variants from the majority of the strains tested, partial inhibition of FH and sIgA binding through anti-PspC3 antibodies in vitro could be observed for only a restricted number of isolates.
LRP1 modulates APP trafficking and metabolism within compartments of the secretory pathway The amyloid precursor protein (APP) is the parent protein to the amyloid beta peptide (Abeta) and is a central player in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) pathology. Abeta liberation depends on APP cleavage by beta- and gamma-secretases. To date, only a unilateral view of APP processing exists, excluding other proteins, which might be transported together and/or processed dependent on each other by the secretases described above. The low density lipoprotein receptor related protein 1 (LRP1) was shown to function as such a mediator of APP processing at multiple steps. Newly synthesized LRP1 can interact with APP, implying an interaction between these two proteins early in the secretory pathway. Therefore, we wanted to investigate whether LRP1 can mediate APP trafficking along the secretory pathway, and, if so, whether it affects APP processing. Indeed, we demonstrate that APP trafficking is strongly influenced by LRP1 transport through the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and Golgi compartments. LRP1-constructs with ER- and Golgi-retention motifs (LRP-CT KKAA, LRP-CT KKFF) had the capacity to retard APP trafficking at the respective steps in the secretory pathway. Here, we provide evidence that APP metabolism occurs in close conjunction with LRP1 trafficking, highlighting a new role of lipoprotein receptors in neurodegenerative diseases. Increased AICD generation is ineffective in nuclear translocation and transcriptional activity A sequence of amyloid precursor protein (APP) cleavages gives rise to the APP intracellular domain (AICD) together with amyloid beta peptide (Abeta) and/or p3 fragment. One of the environmental factors identified favouring the accumulation of AICD appears to be a rise in intracellular pH. This accumulation is a result of an abrogated cleavage event and does not extend to other secretase substrates. AICD can activate the transcription of artificially expressed constructs and many downstream gene targets have been discussed. Here we further identified the metabolism and subcellular localization of the constructs used in this well documented gene reporter assay. We also co-examined the mechanistic lead up to the AICD accumulation and explored possible significances for its increased expression. We found that most of the AICD generated under pH neutralized conditions is likely that cleaved from C83. Furthermore, the AICD surplus is not transcriptionally active but rather remains membrane tethered and free in the cytosol where it interacts with Fe65. However, Fe65 is still essential in AICD mediated transcriptional transactivation although its exact role in this set of events is unclear.
OBJECTIVE: To analyze concentrations of endometrial leukocytes in patients with idiopathic-repeated abortions. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Biopsies of exactly dated secretory endometrium in 25 patients with idiopathic-repeated abortions and 10 control patients without a history of miscarriage were compared with respect to the concentrations of T-helper cells (CD4), cytotoxic T-cells (CD8), B-cells (CD19) and uterine natural killer cells (CD56) by immunohistochemistry and RNase protection assays. RESULTS: All examined cells were detectable within secretory endometrium. No statistically significant differences of the examined immune-cell concentrations were seen between the control group and the repeated miscarriage group by either test. CONCLUSION: This study suggests that the concentrations of specific endometrial leukocytes in a non-pregnant cycle are not associated with repeated pregnancy loss. Thus, the hypothesis of an altered endometrial immunity in patients with repeated miscarriages, symbolized by persistently differing local immune-cell concentrations, has to be questioned.
Mucosal immunity protects the epithelial barrier by immune exclusion of foreign antigens and by anti-inflammatory tolerance mechanisms, but there is a continuing debate about the role of secretory immunoglobulins (SIgs), particularly SIgA, in the protection against allergy and other inflammatory diseases. Lack of secretory antibodies may cause immune dysfunction and affect mucosally induced (oral) tolerance against food antigens.
The large production of immunoglobulin (Ig)A is energetically costly. The fact that evolution retained this apparent luxury of intestinal class switch recombination to IgA within the human population strongly indicates that there must be a critical specific function of IgA for survival of the species. The function of IgA has been investigated in a series of different models that will be discussed here. While IgA has clear protective functions against toxins or in the context of intestinal viral infections, the function of IgA specific for non-pathogenic commensal bacteria remains unclear. In the context of the current literature we present a hypothesis where secretory IgA integrates as an additional layer of immune function into the continuum of intestinal CD4 T cell responses, to achieve a mutualistic relationship between the intestinal commensal microbiota and the host.
Endocrine and neuroendocrine cells differ from cells which rapidly release all their secreted proteins in that they store some secretory proteins in concentrated forms in secretory granules to be rapidly released when cells are stimulated. Protein aggregation is considered as the first step in the secretory granule biosynthesis and, at least in the case of prolactin and growth hormone, greatly depends on zinc ions that facilitate this process. Hence, regulation of cellular zinc transport especially that within the regulated secretory pathway is of importance to understand. Various zinc transporters of Slc30a/ZnT and Slc39a/Zip families have been reported to fulfil this role and to participate in fine tuning of zinc transport in and out of the endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex and secretory granules, the main cellular compartments of the regulated secretory pathway. In this review, we will focus on the role of zinc in the formation of hormone-containing secretory granules with special emphasis on conditions required for growth hormone dimerization/aggregation. In addition, we highlight the role of zinc transporters that govern the process of zinc homeostasis in the regulated hormone secretion.
We describe a hitherto undocumented variant of dimorphic pituitary neoplasm composed of an admixture of neurosecretory cells and profuse leiomyomatous stroma around intratumoral vessels. Radiologically perceived as a macroadenoma of 3.8 cm in diameter, this pituitary mass developed in an otherwise healthy 43-year-old female. At the term of a yearlong history of amenorrhea and progressive bitemporal visual loss, subtotal resection was performed via transsphenoidal microsurgery. Discounting mild hyperprolactinemia, there was no evidence of excess hormone production. Histologically, solid sheets, nests and cords of epithelial-looking, yet cytokeratin-negative cells were seen growing in a richly vascularized stroma of spindle cells. While strong immunoreactivity for NCAM, Synaptophysin and Chromogranin-A was detected in the former, the latter showed both morphological and immunophenotypic hallmarks of smooth muscle, being positive for vimentin, muscle actin and smooth muscle actin. Architectural patterns varied from monomorphous stroma-dominant zones through biphasic neuroendocrine-leiomyomatous areas, to pseudopapillary fronds along vascular cores. Only endothelia were labeled with CD34. Staining for S100 protein and GFAP, characteristics of sustentacular cells, as well as bcl-2 and c-kit was absent. Except for alpha-subunit, anterior pituitary hormones tested negative in tumor cells, as did a panel of peripheral endocrine markers, including serotonin, somatostatin, calcitonin, parathormone and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide. Mitotic activity was absent and the MIB-1 labeling index low (1-2%). While assignment of this lesion to any established neoplastic entity is not forthcoming, we propose it is being considered as a low-grade neuroendocrine tumor possibly related to null cell adenoma.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: FTY720 is a potent immunomodulatory prodrug that is converted to its active phosphorylated form by a sphingosine kinase. Here we have studied whether FTY720 mimicked the action of sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) and exerted an anti-inflammatory potential in renal mesangial cells. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH: Prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2)) was quantified by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent-assay. Secretory phospholipase A(2) (sPLA(2)) protein was detected by Western blot analyses. mRNA expression was determined by Northern blot analysis and sPLA(2)-promoter activity was measured by a luciferase-reporter-gene assay. KEY RESULTS: Stimulation of cells for 24 h with interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) is known to trigger increased PGE(2) formation which coincides with an induction of the mRNA for group-IIA-sPLA(2) and protein expression. FTY720 dose-dependently suppressed IL-1beta-induced IIA-sPLA(2) protein secretion and activity in the supernatant. This effect is due to a suppression of cytokine-induced sPLA(2) mRNA expression which results from a reduced promoter activity. As a consequence of suppressed sPLA(2) activity, PGE(2) formation is also reduced by FTY720. Mechanistically, the FTY720-suppressed sPLA(2) expression results from an activation of the TGFbeta/Smad signalling cascade since inhibition of the TGFbeta receptor type I by a specific kinase inhibitor reverses the FTY720-mediated decrease of sPLA(2) protein expression and sPLA(2) promoter activity. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: In summary, our data show that FTY720 was able to mimic the anti-inflammatory activity of TGFbeta and blocked cytokine-triggered sPLA(2) expression and subsequent PGE(2) formation. Thus, FTY720 may exert additional in vivo effects besides the well reported immunomodulation and its anti-inflammatory potential should be considered.
Pancreatic beta-cell-restricted knockout of the insulin receptor results in hyperglycemia due to impaired insulin secretion, suggesting that this cell is an important target of insulin action. The present studies were undertaken in beta-cell insulin receptor knockout (betaIRKO) mice to define the mechanisms underlying the defect in insulin secretion. On the basis of responses to intraperitoneal glucose, approximately 7-mo-old betaIRKO mice were either diabetic (25%) or normally glucose tolerant (75%). Total insulin content was profoundly reduced in pancreata of mutant mice compared with controls. Both groups also exhibited reduced beta-cell mass and islet number. However, insulin mRNA and protein were similar in islets of diabetic and normoglycemic betaIRKO mice compared with controls. Insulin secretion in response to insulin secretagogues from the isolated perfused pancreas was markedly reduced in the diabetic betaIRKOs and to a lesser degree in the nondiabetic betaIRKO group. Pancreatic islets of nondiabetic betaIRKO animals also exhibited defects in glyceraldehyde- and KCl-stimulated insulin release that were milder than in the diabetic animals. Gene expression analysis of islets revealed a modest reduction of GLUT2 and glucokinase gene expression in both the nondiabetic and diabetic mutants. Taken together, these data indicate that loss of functional receptors for insulin in beta-cells leads primarily to profound defects in postnatal beta-cell growth. In addition, altered glucose sensing may also contribute to defective insulin secretion in mutant animals that develop diabetes.
Endotoxemia from sepsis can injure the gastrointestinal tract through mechanisms that have not been fully elucidated. We have shown that LPS induces an increase in gastric permeability in parallel with the luminal appearance of secretory phospholipase A2 (sPLA2) and its product, lysophosphatidylcholine (lyso-PC). We proposed that sPLA2 acted on the gastric hydrophobic barrier, composed primarily of phosphatidylcholine (PC), to degrade it and produce lyso-PC, an agent that is damaging to the mucosa. In the present study, we have tested whether lyso-PC and/or sPLA2 have direct damaging effects on the hydrophobic barriers of synthetic and mucosal surfaces. Rats were administered LPS (5 mg/kg, i.p.), and gastric contents were collected 5 h later for analysis of sPLA2 and lyso-PC content. Using these measured concentrations, direct effects of sPLA2 and lyso-PC were determined on (a) surface hydrophobicity as detected with an artificial PC surface and with intact gastric mucosa (contact angle analysis) and (b) cell membrane disruption of gastric epithelial cells (AGS). Both lyso-PC and sPLA2 increased significantly in the collected gastric juice of LPS-treated rats. Using similar concentrations to the levels in gastric juice, the contact angle of PC-coated slides declined after incubation with either pancreatic sPLA2 or lyso-PC. Similarly, gastric contact angles seen in control rats were significantly decreased in sPLA2 and lyso-PC-treated rats. In addition, we observed dose-dependent injurious effects of both lyso-PC and sPLA2 in gastric AGS cells. An LPS-induced increase in sPLA2 activity in the gastric lumen and its product, lyso-PC, are capable of directly disrupting the gastric hydrophobic layer and may contribute to gastric barrier disruption and subsequent inflammation.
Mast cell degranulation is a highly regulated, calcium-dependent process, which is important for the acute release of inflammatory mediators during the course of many pathological conditions. We previously found that Synaptotagmin-2, a calcium sensor in neuronal exocytosis, was expressed in a mast cell line. We postulated that this protein may be involved in the control of mast cell-regulated exocytosis, and we generated Synaptotagmin-2 knock-out mice to test our hypothesis. Mast cells from this mutant animal conferred an abnormally decreased passive cutaneous anaphylaxis reaction on mast cell-deficient mice that correlated with a specific defect in mast cell-regulated exocytosis, leaving constitutive exocytosis and nonexocytic mast cell effector responses intact. This defect was not secondary to abnormalities in the development, maturation, migration, morphology, synthesis, and storage of inflammatory mediators, or intracellular calcium transients of the mast cells. Unlike neurons, the lack of Synaptotagmin-2 in mast cells was not associated with increased spontaneous exocytosis.