984 resultados para science centre


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France, in particular the Rhône-Alpes region, is one of the three main centres of ragweed (Ambrosia) in Europe. The aim of this study is to develop a gridded ragweed pollen source inventory for all of France that can be used in assessments, eradication plans and by atmospheric models for describing concentrations of airborne ragweed pollen. The inventory combines information about spatial variations in annual Ambrosia pollen counts, knowledge of ragweed ecology, detailed land cover information and a Digital Elevation Model. The ragweed inventory consists of a local infection level on a scale of 0–100% (where 100% is the highest plant abundance per area in the studied region) and a European infection level between 0% and 100% (where 100% relates to the highest identified plant abundance in Europe using the same methodology) that has been distributed onto the EMEP grid with 5 km × 5 km resolution. The results of this analysis showed that some of the highest mean annual ragweed pollen concentrations were recorded at Roussillon in the Rhône-Valley. This is reflected by the inventory, where the European infection level has been estimated to reach 67.70% of the most infected areas in Europe i.e. Kecskemét in central Hungary. The inventory shows that the Rhône Valley is the most heavily infected part of France. Central France is also infected, but northern and western parts of France are much less infected. The inventory can be entered into atmospheric transport models, in combination with other components such as a phenological model and a model for daily pollen release, in order to simulate the dispersion of ragweed pollen within France as well as potential long-distance transport from France to other European countries.


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências do Ambiente, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2015


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A novel resonator-based bandpass Σ-Δ modulator with an in-built variable centre frequency feature is presented. This structure is designed by analytically determining and subsequently verifying through behavioural level simulations the necessary compensation hardware to be placed in the feedback to ensure stability and good dynamic range performance.


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This paper presents a novel technique for the design of narrow-band sigma-delta modulators with an embedded tunable centre frequency mechanism. This method demonstrates that the use of sum filters combined with a fractional delayer provide the flexibility of tuning the noise shaping band for any desired variable centre frequency input signal.


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This paper presents the design analysis of novel tunable narrow-band bandpass sigma-delta modulators, that can achieve concurrent multiple noise-shaping for multi-tone input signals. This approach utilises conventional comb filters in conjunction with FIR, or allpass IIR fractional delay filters, to deliver the desired nulls for the quantisation noise transfer function. Detailed simulation results show that FIR fractional delay comb filter based sigma-delta modulators tune accurately to most centre frequencies, but suffer from degraded resolution at frequencies close to Nyquist. However, superior accuracies are obtained from their allpass IIR fractional delay counterpart at the expense of a slight shift in noise-shaping bands at very high frequencies.


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This paper presents a methodology for the design of oversampled narrow-band single-loop and multi-stage resonator-based bandpass Σ-Δ modulators that can accommodate different passband centre to sampling frequency ratios. These tunable bandpass configurations are designed by analytically determining the required compensation hardware to deliver good resolution. Thorough simulations demonstrate that comparatively superior in-band signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) and dynamic ranges (DRs) are attributed to the inclusion of appropriate feedforward and feedback compensators within these structures.


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Konstantia Koutouki est chercheure régulière au CRDP et professeure à la Faculté de droit de l'Université de Montréal. Ernestine Daubner, est lecturer, Art History Department and MFA Studio Concordia University et professeure associée au Centre interuniversitaire des arts médiatiques (CIAM), UQAM.


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Although some are excited about the possibility of using current scientific research into the biological causes of sexual orientation to ground rights claims, I argue that basing rights claims on this research is unwise because this research, specifically the hormonal, genetic, and structural research, is organized around the inversion assumption, a conceptual scheme within which some aspect of the biology of gay men and lesbians is thought to be inverted along sex lines.While there are many reasons to worry about the use of the inversion assumption, I focus on problems that arise from a further set of claims that must be assumed in order to make the use of the inversion assumption coherent. This further set of assumptions includes the claims (1) that heterosexuality is the standard state and that (2) this standard state is sexually-dimorphic and (3) deterministic. I argue that this set of assumptions is problematic because it results in ideological consequences that are both sexist and heterosexist.


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Comprendre le mode d’existence de l’organisation est certainement l’un des plus grands défis que se sont donnés les chercheurs qui s’intéressent à ce domaine d’étude. La littérature nous présente ainsi plusieurs images, métaphores et perspectives qui, combinées, dressent un portrait hybride de ce type de collectif. Je propose, dans cette thèse, de reconnaître et exploiter ce caractère hybride de l’organisation en partant d’une réflexion centrée sur l'espace. En m’inspirant particulièrement des travaux de la géographe Doreen Massey (1999, 2005), le concept d'espace auquel je souscris est celui d’un espace ouvert et dynamique (qui incorpore le temps), basé sur une relationalité matérielle et hétérogène, supposant des acteurs humains et non humains en interaction. L'espace peut donc être compris comme la coexistence d’ontologies hétérogènes, ce que Massey (2005) nomme une coexistence de trajectoires comme stories-so-far. Il s’agit ici d’une vision performative de l’espace organisationnel qui est constitué dans la relation de trajectoires distinctes qui coexistent, se rencontrent, s’affectent, entrent en conflit ou coopèrent (Massey, 1999). Je postule que pour assurer une certaine continuité et cohérence dans la coexistence de trajectoires hétérogènes, un travail d’alignement et d’ordonnancement est mis à l’oeuvre, et ce, par le suivi d’une trajectoire principale — ce que je nomme une trajectoire scriptée. Suivre cette trajectoire permet ainsi à l’organisation de s’étendre, de se rendre présente dans le temps et dans l’espace, sans pour autant perdre son identité : to be here and there at the same time, now and then at the same place. À partir de cette définition de l’espace, je propose d’« espacer l’organisation », et plus particulièrement d’« espacer » Explora, un programme d’éducation non formelle du gouvernement du Chili visant la diffusion et la valorisation de la science et de la technologie. Cette proposition est double : elle renvoie aux pratiques d’espacements — des pratiques hybrides, collectives et situées — des agents organisationnels (dans ce cas, aux pratiques des agents d’Explora impliqués dans l’organisation d’un projet, celui de la Semaine de la science 2006),mais aussi à une pratique de recherche. « Espacer l’organisation » veut donc dire déployer ces espaces pleins, déplier l’organisation, accroître la série des simultanéités-successions pour ainsi créer plus d’espace-temps.


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Rapport de stage présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l’obtention du grade de Maîtrise ès science (M.Sc.) en criminologie option intervention clinique


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Travail dirigé présenté à la Faculté des sciences infirmières en vue de l’obtention du grade de Maître ès sciences (M.Sc.) en sciences infirmières option administration des services infirmiers