977 resultados para säädös


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Background: Barnacles are a type of seafood with worldwide distribution and abundant along the shores of temperate seas. They are particularly appreciated and regularly consumed in Portugal as well as in Spain, France and South America, but barnacle allergy is a rare condition of which there is only one reference in the indexed literature. The molecular allergens and possible cross-reactivity phenomena implicated (namely with mites) have not been established. Objective: To demonstrate the IgE-mediated allergy to barnacle and to identify the proteins implicated as well as possible cross-reactivity phenomena with mites. Methods: We report the clinical and laboratory data of five patients with documented IgE-mediated allergy to barnacle. The diagnosis was based on a suggestive clinical history combined with positive skin prick tests (SPT) to barnacle – prick to prick method. Two barnacle extracts were prepared (raw and cooked barnacle) and sodium dodecylsulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and IgE-immunoblotting were performed. An immunoblotting inhibition assay with Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus was also done in order to evaluate cross-reactivity. Results: All patients had mite-related asthma and the allergic rhinoconjunctivitis; they all experienced mucocutaneous symptoms. All of them had positive SPT to barnacle, and the immunoblotting showed several allergenic fractions with a wide molecular weight range (19 – 94 kDa). The D. pteronyssinus extract inhibited several IgE-binding protein fractions in the barnacle extract. Conclusions: We describe five patients with IgE-mediated barnacle allergy. We also describe a group of IgEbinding+ proteins between 30 and 75 kDa as the allergenic fractions of this type of Crustacea. Cross-reactivity with D. pteronyssinus was demonstrated in two cases.


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The presence of common antigens between Plasmodium falciparum and Anopheles albimanus was demonstrated. Different groups of rabbits were immunized with: crude extract from female An. albimanus (EAaF), red blood cells infected with Plasmodium falciparum (EPfs), and the SPf66 synthetic malaria vaccine. The rabbit's polyclonal antibodies were evaluated by ELISA, Multiple Antigen Blot Assay (MABA), and immunoblotting. All extracts were immunogenic in rabbits according to these three techniques, when they were evaluated against the homologous antigens. Ten molecules were identified in female mosquitoes and also in P. falciparum antigens by the autologous sera. The electrophoretic pattern by SDS-PAGE was different for the three antigens evaluated. Cross-reactions between An. albimanus and P. falciparum were found by ELISA, MABA, and immunoblotting. Anti-P. falciparum and anti-SPf66 antibodies recognized ten and five components in the EAaF crude extract, respectively. Likewise, immune sera against female An. albimanus identified four molecules in the P. falciparum extract antigen. As far as we know, this is the first work that demonstrates shared antigens between anophelines and malaria parasites. This finding could be useful for diagnosis, vaccines, and the study of physiology of the immune response to malaria.


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The kinetics of growth of Leishmania performed in vitro after internalization of the promastigote form in the cell and the occurrence of the transformation of the parasite into the amastigote form have been described by several authors. They used explants of macrophages in hamster spleen cell culture or in a human macrophage lineage cell, the U937. Using microscopy, the description of morphologic inter-relationship and the analysis of the production of specific molecules, it has been possible to define some of the peculiarities of the biology of the parasite. The present study shows the growth cycle of Leishmania chagasi during the observation of kinetic analysis undertaken with a McCoy cell lineage that lasted for a period of 144 hours. During the process, the morphologic transformation was revealed by indirect immunofluorescence (IF) and the molecules liberated in the extra cellular medium were observed by SDS-PAGE at 24-hour intervals during the whole 144-hour period. It was observed that in the first 72 hours the promastigote form of L. chagasi adhered to the cell membranes and assumed a rounded (amastigote-like) form. At 96 hours the infected cells showed morphologic alterations; at 120 hours the cells had liberated soluble fluorescent antigens into the extra cellular medium. At 144 hours, new elongated forms of the parasites, similar to promastigotes, were observed. In the SDS-PAGE, specific molecular weight proteins were observed at each point of the kinetic analysis showing that the McCoy cell imitates the macrophage and may be considered a useful model for the study of the infection of the Leishmania/cell binomial.


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Salivary gland proteins of the human malaria vector, Anopheles dirus B were determined and analyzed. The amount of salivary gland proteins in mosquitoes aged between 3 - 10 days was approximately 1.08 ± 0.04 µg/female and 0.1 ± 0.05 µg/male. The salivary glands of both sexes displayed the same morphological organization as that of other anopheline mosquitoes. In females, apyrase accumulated in the distal regions, whereas alpha-glucosidase was found in the proximal region of the lateral lobes. This differential distribution of the analyzed enzymes reflects specialization of different regions for sugar and blood feeding. SDS-PAGE analysis revealed that at least seven major proteins were found in the female salivary glands, of which each morphological region contained different major proteins. Similar electrophoretic protein profiles were detected comparing unfed and blood-fed mosquitoes, suggesting that there is no specific protein induced by blood. Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel analysis showed the most abundant salivary gland protein, with a molecular mass of approximately 35 kilodaltons and an isoelectric point of approximately 4.0. These results provide basic information that would lead to further study on the role of salivary proteins of An. dirus B in disease transmission and hematophagy.


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Fascioliasis is an emerging/re-emerging vector-borne disease with the widest known distribution. Approximately 17 million people are infected around the world, being the Andean region the most affected area. There is an important necessity to develop sensitive and specific diagnostic tools to treat patients early and to avoid complications. In this paper we evaluated the immune response of infected humans against two antigenic preparations: the total soluble extract (FhTSE) and the adult worm vomit (FhAWV) in order to identify antigenic fractions specific for Fasciola hepatica. Both preparations were processed by SDS-PAGE and Western blot with human sera with fascioliasis (F), other parasitosis and healthy individuals. In the immunoblot of FhTSE, sera F recognised 16 bands with MW between eight and 110 kDa, from which those of 8, 9, 10, 38, 45 and 57 kDa were specific. In the preparation FhAWV, sera F recognised nine bands with MW from eight to 85 kDa, from which those of 8, 12, 15 and 24 kDa were specific. Some bands of cross-reaction were evident with sera from patients with other parasitoses, more frequent with the FhTSE. Bands within the MW mentioned, particularly that of eight kDa, have been shown to be specific by others, and deserve additional characterisation for their potential use in immunodiagnosis.


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This report describes a preliminary characterization of proteolytic activity of proteins isolated from lysate of Giardia trophozoites of an axenic Brazilian strain. Fractions obtained by high-performance liquid chromatography (FPLC) were tested in SDS-polyacrylamide gel for the protein profiles, and the proteases activity was analyzed using gelatin impregnated SDS-PAGE. The proteases characterization was based on inhibition assays employing synthetic inhibitors for cysteine (E-64, IAA), serine (PMSF, TPCK, TLCK, and elastatinal), metalo (EDTA) and aspartic (pepstatin) proteases. Among thirty eluted fractions, polypeptide bands were observed in eight of them, however, proteolytic activity was detected in four ones (F23, F24, F25 and F26). Protein profiles of these fractions showed a banding pattern composed by few bands distributed in the migration region of 45 to < 18 kDa. The zymograms revealed proteolytic activity in all the four fractions assayed, mainly distributed in the migration region of 62 to 35 kDa. Among the profiles, the main pronounced zones of proteolysis were distinguished at 62, 55, 53, 50, 46 and 40 kDa. In inhibition assays, the protease activities were significantly inhibited by cysteine (E-64) and serine proteases (TPCK, TLCK and elastatinal) inhibitors. Gels incubated with other cysteine and serine protease inhibitors, IAA and PMSF, respectively, showed a decrease in the intensity of hydrolysis zones. Indeed, in the assays with the inhibitors EDTA for metalloproteases and pepstatin for aspartic proteases, none inhibition was detected against the substrate. These observations are relevants, especially if we consider that to define the real role of the proteases in host-parasite interaction, the purification of these enzymes for detailed studies may be warranted.


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Spleen cells from mice were examined at 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 days post-infection (dpi) with Dermatobia hominis larva and at 5, 10, 15, 30 and 60 days post-larval emergence (dple). Cell proliferation in vitro assays were carried out with RPMI-1640 medium and larval secretory product (LSP) of D. hominis at 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 days. When each group of mice was tested against each medium, significance was only seen for 25 dpi, with increasing order: LSP-10 d, -25 d, -5 d, -20 d, -15 d and RPMI. Significant results were also observed when each medium was tested against mice at each dpi or dple. Each dple group vs. each medium produced significant results only for 10 dple, with increasing order: LSP-5 d, -20 d, -25 d, -10 d, -15 d and RPMI. Comparative tests were also carried out between groups to refine certain observations. The LSPs were also analyzed using SDS-PAGE. The results prove that myiasis caused depletion of spleen cells, particularly under the effect of the LSP-10 and -15, but the cells tended to increase up to 60 dple. This in vitro assay may represent the real systemic immune response in the relationship LSP-D. hominis-host.


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Plasmodium parasites degrade host hemoglobin to obtain free amino acids, essential for protein synthesis. During this event, free toxic heme moieties crystallize spontaneously to produce a non-toxic pigment called hemozoin or ß-hematin. In this context, a group of azole antimycotics, clotrimazole (CTZ), ketoconazole (KTZ) and fluconazole (FCZ), were investigated for their abilities to inhibit ß-hematin synthesis (IßHS) and hemoglobin proteolysis (IHbP) in vitro. The ß-hematin synthesis was recorded by spectrophotometry at 405 nm and the hemoglobin proteolysis was determined by SDS-PAGE 12.5%, followed by densitometric analysis. Compounds were also assayed in vivo in a malaria murine model. CTZ and KTZ exhibited the maximal effects inhibiting both biochemical events, showing inhibition of β-hematin synthesis (IC50 values of 12.4 ± 0.9 µM and 14.4 ± 1.4 µM respectively) and inhibition of hemoglobin proteolysis (80.1 ± 2.0% and 55.3 ± 3.6%, respectively). There is a broad correlation to the in vivo results, especially CTZ, which reduced the parasitemia (%P) of infected-mice at 4th day post-infection significantly compared to non-treated controls (12.4 ± 3.0% compared to 26.6 ± 3.7%, p = 0.014) and prolonged the survival days post-infection. The results indicated that the inhibition of the hemoglobin metabolism by the azole antimycotics could be responsible for their antimalarial effect.


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Introdução: A tropomiosina dos invertebrados é o pan-alergénio que une crustáceos, moluscos, aracnídeos, insectos e parasitas, encontrando-se significativa homologia de sequência entre as proteínas dos vários grupos. Os perceves são um tipo de crustáceo particularmente apreciado e consumido no nosso país; no entanto, a alergia a este crustáceo é uma situação bastante rara da qual só existe um trabalho publicado na literatura. Caso clínico: Apresentamos o caso de uma criança do sexo masculino, de 9 anos de idade, com asma brônquica, rinoconjuntivite alérgica e eczema atópico, sensibilizada a ácaros e baratas. Aos 7 anos, 10 minutos após a primeira ingestão de perceves, refere síndrome de alergia oral, angioedema periorbitário e rinoconjuntivite. Aos 8 anos, ocorreram 4 episódios semelhantes após ingestão de caracol, camarão, lula e choco (referindo ingestão prévia destes alimentos sem queixas). Aos 9 anos, refere episódio de urticária da face e angioedema periorbitário com inalação de vapores de cozedura de camarão. Foram realizados testes cutâneos por prick que se revelaram positivos para perceves, camarão, caracol, lula, choco, polvo e amêijoa em natureza, e para gamba, caranguejo e mexilhão com extractos comerciais. Os doseamentos de IgE específica sérica revelaram-se positivos para camarão, caracol, lula, polvo e amêijoa, bem como para perceves e tropomiosina recombinante. Foi efectuado SDS-PAGE immunoblotting com extracto de perceves que revelou várias fracções alergénicas com grande variação de pesos moleculares (19-88 kDa); foi ainda efectuado estudo de inibição com D. pteronyssinus, que inibiu várias fracções fixadoras de IgE no extracto de perceves. Discussão: Apresenta-se um caso raro de uma criança, com quadro de alergia respiratória associada a sensibilização a ácaros e baratas, com alergia alimentar a crustáceos –incluindo a perceves – e moluscos gastrópodes, bivalves e cefalópodes. Foram caracterizados os alergénios implicados na alergia a perceves e demonstrada a presença da tropomiosina como alergénio implicado, bem como a reactividade cruzada entre estes crustáceos e os ácaros.


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Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are metal structures at the nanoscale. AgNPs have exhibited antimicrobial activities against fungi and bacteria; however synthesis of AgNPs can generate toxic waste during the reaction process. Accordingly, new routes using non-toxic compounds have been researched. The proposal of the present study was to synthesize AgNPs using ribose as a reducing agent and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) as a stabilizer. The antifungal activity of these particles against C. albicans and C. tropicalis was also evaluated. Stable nanoparticles 12.5 ± 4.9 nm (mean ± SD) in size were obtained, which showed high activity against Candida spp. and could represent an alternative for fungal infection treatment.


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Eur. J. Biochem. 270, 3904–3915 (2003) doi:10.1046/j.1432-1033.2003.03772.x


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Introdução: O efeito dos fármacos inibidores da aromatase (IA) na estatura de jovens do sexo masculino com baixa estatura idiopática (BEI) tem vindo a ser estudado desde que foi evidenciado o papel dos estrogénios na paragem do crescimento linear. Os ensaios clínicos aleatorizados, duplamente cegos, de caso-controlo com letrozol indicam impacto positivo na previsão de estatura final em jovens do sexo masculino com BEI, com ou sem atraso constitucional do crescimento e puberdade. Por persistirem aspetos de segurança a requerer melhor estudo, a sua utilização terapêutica continua a ser off label. Objetivos: Tendo em vista a implementação de um ensaio clínico sobre a terapêutica com IA em jovens do sexo masculino com BEI procedeu-se a uma revisão sistemática da literatura, na qual se fundamenta a proposta de protocolo apresentada. Métodos: Pesquisa na base de dados eletrónica Medline de revisões sistemáticas, ensaios clínicos alea-torizados controlados e referências bibliográficas dos artigos seleccionados, publicados entre Janeiro de 2001 e Dezembro de 2012. Conclusões: A terapêutica com um IA de terceira geração (letrozol) poderá ser considerada em jovens do sexo masculino com BEI, altura inferior a pelo menos −2,0 SDS para a idade ou previsão de altura final pelo menos 2,0 SDS abaixo da estatura média parental, desde que já tenha sido iniciada a puberdade e a idade óssea seja inferior a 14 anos. Os principais aspectos de segurança ainda sob discussão na literatura referem-se a potenciais efeitos a nível ósseo. A utilização de medicamentos off-label deve obedecer a critérios estritos de prescrição e seguimento das crianças, de forma a minimizar os riscos e obter resultados fiáveis e comparáveis. Apresenta-se proposta de sistematização de monitorização clínica, imagiológica e laboratorial, bem como critérios de término ou suspensão da mesma.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Tecnologia e Segurança Alimentar


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Dissertation for the Master’s Degree in Structural and Functional Biochemistry


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Trezentas e oitenta e cinco amostras fecais provenientes de crianças na faixa etária de até 11 anos, sem sintomatologia de diarréia, foram estudadas objetivando-se a detecção de rotavirus. Desta amostragem, 268foram obtidas de crianças habitantes de creches e 117 de crianças atendidas no ambulatório do Hospital Lúcio Rebelo de Goiânia-Goiás. Todas as amostrasforam analisadas através da técnica de eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida (EGPA- SDS), e 89 foram também analisadas pelo ensaio imunoenzimático adaptado para rotavirus e adenovirus (E1ARA). Rotavirus e adenovirus só foram detectados nas crianças atendidas no ambulatório, num percentual de 1,7% e 1,6% respectivamente, não havendo nenhuma positividade nas crianças de creches. Ambos os vírus ocorrerarh na faixa etária de 1 a 2 anos.