902 resultados para right to self-determination, sanctity of life, medical ethics, validity of advance directives, statutory regulation of advance directives, judicial approaches to autonomy, advance care planning


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Le contrôle psychologique parental est un facteur de risque réputé pour les problèmes intériorisés des enfants (p. ex., Affrunti & Ginsburg, 2011; McLeod, Wood & Weisz, 2007). Selon la Théorie de l'auto-détermination, le contrôle psychologique mène aux problèmes intériorisés (Ryan, Deci, Grolnick, & La Guardia, 2006) car il brime le besoin fondamental d'autonomie. En effet, recevoir de la pression afin de penser, se comporter et se sentir d’une certaine façon (Ryan, 1982) semble favoriser une régulation trop rigide et surcontrôlée (Ryan et al., 2006). Suite aux travaux de Soenens et Vansteenkiste (2010), la distinction conceptuelle entre deux formes de contrôle psychologique, soit manifestes (p. ex., les menaces, forcer physiquement) et dissimulées (p. ex., la surprotection, le marchandage), ont été utilisées pour évaluer le style parental (Étude 1) et les pratiques disciplinaires (Étude 2). Le contrôle psychologique parental et le soutien de l'autonomie (Étude 2) ont été mesurés durant la petite enfance puisque (1) les problèmes intériorisés émergent tôt, (2) le développement du sentiment d'autonomie est central au cours de cette période, et (3) attire probablement plus de contrôle psychologique parental. Avec ses deux articles, la présente thèse vise à clarifier la façon dont le contrôle psychologique manifeste et dissimulé est lié au développement précoce de problèmes intériorisés. L'étude 1 est une étude populationnelle examinant l'impact relatif du style parental sur des trajectoires développementales d'anxiété (N = 2 120 enfants; de 2,5 à 8 ans) avec de nombreux facteurs de risque potentiels provenant de l'enfant, de la mère et de la famille, tous mesurés au cours de la petite enfance. Les résultats ont montré qu'en plus de la timidité des enfants, de la dépression maternelle et du dysfonctionnement familial, le contrôle psychologique manifeste (c.-à-d., coercitif) et dissimulé (c.-à-d., la surprotection) augmentent le risque, pour les enfants, de suivre une trajectoire d'anxiété élevée. Une interaction entre la dépression maternelle et le contrôle dissimulé a été trouvée, ce qui indique que la surprotection augmente l'anxiété des enfants seulement lorsque la dépression maternelle est élevée. Enfin, le contrôle dissimulé prédit également l'anxiété telle que rapportée par les enseignants de deuxième année. Le deuxième article est une étude observationnelle qui examine comment l'autorégulation (AR) des bambins est liée au développement précoce des symptômes intériorisés, tout en explorant comment les pratiques disciplinaires parentales (contrôle et soutien de l'autonomie) y sont associées. Les pratiques parentales ont été codifiées lors d'une requête de rangement à 2 ans (contexte "Do", N = 102), tandis que l'AR des bambins a été codifiée à la fois durant la tâche de rangement ("Do") et durant une tâche d'interdiction (ne pas toucher à des jouets attrayants; contexte «Don't » ), à 2 ans puis à 3 ans. Les symptômes d'anxiété / dépression des enfants ont été évalués par leurs parents à 4,5 ans. Les résultats ont révélé que l'AR aux interdictions à 3 ans diminue la probabilité des enfants à manifester des taux élevés de symptômes d'anxiété / dépression. Les analyses ont aussi révélé que le parentage soutenant l'autonomie était lié à l'AR des enfants aux requêtes, un an plus tard. En revanche, le contrôle psychologique manifeste et dissimulé ont eu des effets délétères sur l'AR. Enfin, seul le contrôle dissimulé a augmenté les probabilités de présenter des niveaux plus élevés de problèmes intériorisés et ce, au-delà de l’effet protecteur de l'AR des bambins. Des résultats mitigés sont issus de cette thèse concernant les effets respectifs des deux formes de contrôle sur les problèmes intériorisés, dépendamment de l'informateur (mère c. enseignant) et de la méthodologie (questionnaires c. données observationnelles). Toutefois, le contrôle psychologique dissimulé était lié à ce problème affectif dans les deux études. Enfin, le soutien à l'autonomie s’est révélé être un facteur de protection potentiel et mériterait d'être étudié davantage.


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In the present work, we have investigated the nonlinear optical properties of self-assembled films formed from ZnO colloidal spheres by z-scan technique. The sign of the nonlinear component of refractive index of the material remains the same; however, a switching from reverse saturable absorption to saturable absorption has been observed as the material changes from colloid to self-assembled film. These different nonlinear characteristics can be mainly attributed to ZnO defect states and electronic effects when the colloidal solution is transformed into self-assembled monolayers. We investigated the intensity, wavelength and size dependence of saturable and reverse saturable absorption of ZnO self-assembled films and colloids. Values of the imaginary part of third-order susceptibility are calculated for particles of size in the range 20–300 nm at different intensity levels ranging from 40 to 325MW/cm2 within the wavelength range of 450–650 nm.


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India is a signatory to the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights 1948 and the International Covenant on Civil and Political 1966, the two major International instruments, building the foundations of the major democracies and the constitutions of the world. Both these instruments give an independent and upper position to right to privacy compared to right to freedom of speech and expression. The freedom of press finds its place under this right to freedom of speech and expression. Both these rights are the two opposite faces of the same coin. Therefore, without the right of privacy finding an equal place in Indian law compared to right to freedom of speech and expression, the working of democracy would be severely handicapped and violations against citizens rights will be on the rise It was this problem in law and need to bring a balance between these two conflicting rights that induced me to undertake this venture. This heavy burden to bring in a mechanism to balance these two rights culminated in me to undertake this thesis titled “Right to Privacy and Freedom of Press – Conflicts and Challenges


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Conscientious objection is defined as the ability to depart from statutory mandates because of intimate convictions based on ethical or religious convictions. A discussion of this issue presents the conflict between the idea of a State concerned with the promotion of individual rights or the protection of general interests and an idea of law based on the maintenance of order and against a view of the law as a means to claim the protection of minimum conditions of the person. From this conflict is drawn the possibility to argue whether conscientious objection should be guaranteed as a fundamental right of freedom of conscience or as a statutory authority legislatively conferred upon persons. This paper sets out a discussion around the two views so as to develop a position that is more consistent with the context of social and constitutional law.


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The aim of this work is to recover Henri Lefèbvre's methodological contributions for (re)thinking the right to the city, based on the need to know the appropriation of space´s dialectical triad. Empirically, it refers to the urban genesis of Mar del Plata (Argentina), an intermediate Latin American city, and its heterogeneous socio-territorial forms of appropriating inhabitance, or different forms of appropriating goods of use, that lead to think about opening to the transformation of the capitalist social order, and of its urban order, naturalized after the fetischism of private property.


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Este artigo considera as implicações do silêncio e da ética da experimentação médica no romance de Paul Sayer, The Comforts of Madness, vencedor do prémio Whitbread. O romance de Sayer debruça-se sobre um paciente emestado catatónico, Peter, o qual procura retirar-se para um estado de pura subjetividade como consequência de uma série de eventos traumáticos. Inicialmente tratado num hospital tradicional, é posteriormente transferido para uma clínica experimental onde é submetido a uma série de «tratamento» invasivos e bárbaros com o objectivo de «curá-lo». A abordagem de Sayer dos temas relacionados com a insanidade, o silêncio pessoal e a medicina progressiva levanta questões relativas ao direito do indivíduo de rejeitar o mundo comunitário e à ética de extrair a narrativa retida da narrativa relutante. Ao examinar os processos de normalização e resistência, o romance levanta questões relativamente à ética da inclusão forçada e estabelece uma legitimidade de não-cooperação, o direito ao silêncio, o qual funciona em paralelo com a legitimidade da voz marginalizada. A tendência recente nos estudos literários tem sido no sentido da exposição e promoção das vozes anteriormente ostracizadas pela indústria editorial e pelo público leitor, mas, de um modo geral, este processo tem partido da premissa de que a voz perdida beneficia de tal exposição. Para Sayer, existe o caso igualmente persuasivo relacionado com o reconhecimento do direito à privacidade, em risco de ser preterido numa era de transparência excessiva. Este ensaio discute o modo como o romance de Sayer aborda estas preocupações e salienta a sua consciência do processo complexo de lidar com o indivíduo para quem a recusa a falar corresponde a um gesto social ambíguo.


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A recent article in this journal challenged claims that a human rights framework should be applied to drug control. This article questions the author’s assertions and reframes them in the context of socio-legal drug scholarship, aiming to build on the discourse concerning human rights and drug use. It is submitted that a rights-based approach is a necessary, indeed obligatory, ethical and legal framework through which to address drug use and that international human rights law provides the proper scope for determining where interferences with individual human rights might be justified on certain, limited grounds.


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This paper examines the interplay and tension between housing law and policy and property law, in the specific context of the right to buy (RTB). It focuses on funding arrangements between the RTB tenant and another party. It first examines how courts determine the parties' respective entitlements in the home, highlighting the difficulty of categorising, under traditional property law principles, a contribution in the form of the statutory discount conferred on the RTB tenant. Secondly, it considers possible exploitation of the RTB scheme, both at the macro level of exploitation of the policy underpinning the legislation and, at the micro level, of exploitation of the tenant. The measures contained in the Housing Act 2004 intended to curb exploitation of the RTB are analysed to determine what can be considered to be legitimate and illegitimate uses of the scheme. It is argued that, despite the government's implicit approval, certain funding arrangements by non-resident relatives fail to give effect to the spirit of the scheme.


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Eight major essays by leading social scientists on key elements of Australian institutional life.


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Fines are the standard sanctions employed by most Western countries when a corporation has been convicted of a crime. However, some offences committed by corporations are too serious to be dealt with by way of a fine. There is a need to consider other sanctions that can be invoked in order to deter corporate crime. In this article, it is suggested that the focus should be on criminal sanctions against the natural persons who can potentially commit crimes on behalf of a corporation. New sentencing options against those who can potentially commit crimes on behalf of a corporation should include the annulment or suspension of an offender's academic  qualifications and the making of orders preventing an offender from working or being enrolled in an educational or vocational pursuit.


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Young children with disabilities and their carers or parents tend to form a long-term dependent relationship with a paediatrician throughout childhood At some stage when the young person with a disability reaches early adulthood, the relationship is severed This paper draws upon recent research undertaken by the authors that describes the difficulties experienced by young people with disabilities as they go through the transition from paediatric care to adult mainstream health care services. The purpose of this article is to present the argument that the dependent, paternalistic relationship that tends to exist between young people with disabilities (and/or their carers) and paediatricians throughout childhood does not facilitate the successful negotiation of adult mainstream health care services, nor optimally promote the well-being of these young people with disabilities. It is proposed that the promotion of autonomy (or self-determination) via a well planned transition program will increase the likelihood that young adults with disabilities and/or their carers will be empowered to successfully negotiate the current mainstream health care system in Australia, and will enhance the well-being of young adults with disabilities.


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The 1964 High Court decision in Woon v The Queen is commonly understood to permit the drawing of an inference of a ‘consciousness of guilt’ when a suspect selectively responds to police questions. It is the author’s contention that, in the light of the emphatic endorsement of the right to pre-trial silence by the High Court in 1993 in Petty v The Queen; Maiden v The Queen, Woon should now be regarded as bad law and should no longer be followed.


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Cultural diversity in tertiary classrooms is integral to the current university scene. Teachers must incorporate different methods of delivery and
assessment to cater for an increasingly international student population. This paper explores the notion of plagiarism from two perspectives: the law
and English as a Second Language (ESL) writing theory.