829 resultados para return on investment
La edificación residencial existente en España y en Europa se encuentra abocada a una rehabilitación profunda para cumplir los objetivos marcados en la estrategia europea para el año 2050. Estos, para el sector de la edificación, se proponen una reducción del 90% de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) respecto a niveles del año 1990. Este plan a largo plazo establece hitos intermedios de control, con objetivos parciales para el año 2020 y 2030. El objetivo último es aprovechar el potencial de reducción de demanda energética del sector de la edificación, del cual la edificación residencial supone el 85% en España. Dentro de estos requerimientos, de reducción de demanda energética en la edificación, la ventilación en la edificación residencial se convierte en uno de los retos a resolver por su vinculación directa a la salud y el confort de los ocupantes de la misma, y al mismo tiempo su relación proporcional con la demanda energética que presenta el edificio asociada al acondicionamiento térmico. Gran parte de las pérdidas térmicas de la edificación residencial se producen por el aire de renovación y la infiltración de aire a través de la envolvente. La directiva europea de eficiencia energética de la edificación (EPBD), que establece las directrices necesarias para alcanzar los objetivos de este sector en cuanto a emisiones de CO2 y gases de efecto invernadero (GEI), contempla la ventilación con aire limpio como un requisito fundamental a tener en cuenta de cara a las nuevas construcciones y a la rehabilitación energética de los edificios existentes. El síndrome del edificio enfermo, un conjunto de molestias y síntomas asociados a la baja calidad del aire de edificios no residenciales que surgió a raíz de la crisis del petróleo de 1973, tuvo su origen en una ventilación deficiente y una renovación del aire interior insuficiente de estos edificios, producto del intento de ahorro en la factura energética. Teniendo en cuenta que, de media, pasamos un 58% de nuestro tiempo en las viviendas, es fundamental cuidar la calidad del aire interior y no empeorarla aplicando medidas de “eficiencia energética” con efectos no esperados. Para conseguir esto es fundamental conocer en profundidad cómo se produce la ventilación en la edificación en bloque en España en sus aspectos de calidad del aire interior y demanda energética asociada a la ventilación. El objetivo de esta tesis es establecer una metodología de caracterización y de optimización de las necesidades de ventilación para los espacios residenciales existentes en España que aúne el doble objetivo de garantizar la calidad ambiental y reducir la demanda energética de los mismos. La caracterización del parque edificatorio residencial español en cuanto a ventilación es concluyente: La vivienda en España se distribuye principalmente en tres periodos en los que se encuentran más del 80% del total de las viviendas construidas. El periodo anterior a las normas básicas de la edificación (NBE), de 1960 a 1980, el periodo desde 1980 al año 2005, con el mayor número total de viviendas construidas, guiado por la NTE ISV 75, y el periodo correspondiente a la edificación construida a partir del Código Técnico de la Edificación, en 2006, cuyo documento básico de condiciones de salubridad (DB HS3) es la primera norma de obligado cumplimiento en diseño y dimensionamiento de ventilación residencial en España. La selección de un modelo de bloque de viviendas de referencia, un valor medio y representativo, seleccionado de entre estos periodos, pero con cualidades que se extienden más allá de uno de ellos, nos permite realizar un intensivo análisis comparativo de las condiciones de calidad de aire interior y la demanda energética del mismo, aplicando las distintas configuraciones que presenta la ventilación en viviendas dependiendo del escenario o época constructiva (o normativa) en que esta fuera construida. Este análisis se lleva a cabo apoyándose en un doble enfoque: el modelado numérico de simulaciones y el análisis de datos experimentales, para comprobar y afinar los modelos y observar la situación real de las viviendas en estos dos aspectos. Gracias a las conclusiones del análisis previo, se define una estrategia de optimización de la ventilación basada fundamentalmente en dos medidas: 1) La introducción de un sistema de extracción mecánica y recuperación de calor que permita reducir la demanda energética debida a la renovación del aire y a la vez diluir los contaminantes interiores más eficazmente para mejorar, de esta forma, la calidad del ambiente interior. 2) La racionalización del horario de utilización de estos sistemas, no malgastando la energía en periodos de no ocupación, permitiendo una leve ventilación de fondo, debida a la infiltración, que no incida en pérdidas energéticas cuantiosas. A esta optimización, además de aplicar la metodología de análisis previo, en cuanto a demanda energética y calidad del aire, se aplica una valoración económica integradora y comparativa basada en el reglamento delegado EU244/2012 de coste óptimo (Cost Optimal Methodology). Los resultados principales de esta tesis son: • Un diagnóstico de la calidad del aire interior de la edificación residencial en España y su demanda energética asociada, imprescindible para lograr una rehabilitación energética profunda garantizando la calidad del aire interior. • Un indicador de la relación directa entre calidad de aire y demanda energética, para evaluar la adecuación de los sistemas de ventilación, respecto de las nuevas normativas de eficiencia energética y ventilación. • Una estrategia de optimización, que ofrece una alternativa de intervención, y la aplicación de un método de valoración que permite evaluar la amortización comparada de la instalación de los sistemas. ABSTRACT The housing building stock already built in Spain and Europe faces a deep renovation in the present and near future to accomplish with the objectives agreed in the European strategy for 2050. These objectives, for the building sector, are set in a 90% of Green House Gases (GHG) reduction compared to levels in 1990. This long‐term plan has set milestones to control the correct advance of achievement in 2020 and 2030. The main objective is to take advantage of the great potential to reduce energy demand from the building sector, in which housing represents 85% share in Spain. Among this reduction on building energy demand requirements, ventilation of dwellings becomes one of the challenges to solve as it’s directly connected to the indoor air quality (IAQ) and comfort conditions for the users, as well as proportional to the building energy demand on thermal conditioning. A big share of thermal losses in housing is caused by air renovation and infiltration through the envelope leaks. The European Directive on Building energy performance (EPBD), establishes the roots needed to reach the building sector objectives in terms of CO2 and GHG emissions. This directive sets the ventilation and renovation with clean air of the new and existing buildings as a fundamental requirement. The Sick Building Syndrome (SBS), an aggregation of symptoms and annoys associated to low air quality in non residential buildings, appeared as common after the 1973 oil crisis. It is originated in defective ventilation systems and deficient air renovation rates, as a consequence of trying to lower the energy bill. Accounting that we spend 58% of our time in dwellings, it becomes crucial to look after the indoor air quality and focus in not worsening it by applying “energy efficient” measures, with not expected side effects. To do so, it is primary to research in deep how the ventilation takes place in the housing blocks in Spain, in the aspects related to IAQ and ventilation energy demand. This thesis main objective is to establish a characterization and optimization methodology regarding the ventilation needs for existing housing in Spain, considering the twofold objective of guaranteeing the air quality as reducing the energy demand. The characterization of the existing housing building stock in Spain regarding ventilation is conclusive. More of 80% of the housing stock is distributed in 3 main periods: before the implementation of the firsts regulations on building comfort conditions (Normas Básicas de la Edificación), from 1960 to 1980; the period after the first recommendations on ventilation (NTE ISV 75) for housing were set, around 1980 until 2005 and; the period corresponding to the housing built after the existing mandatory regulation in terms of indoor sanity conditions and ventilation (Spanish Building Code, DB HS3) was set, in 2006. Selecting a representative blueprint of a housing block in Spain, which has medium characteristics not just within the 3 periods mention, but which qualities extent beyond the 3 of them, allows the next step, analyzing. This comparative and intense analyzing phase is focused on the air indoor conditions and the related energy demand, applying different configurations to the ventilation systems according to the different constructive or regulation period in which the building is built. This analysis is also twofold: 1) Numerical modeling with computer simulations and 2) experimental data collection from existing housing in real conditions to check and refine the models to be tested. Thanks to the analyzing phase conclusions, an optimization strategy on the ventilation of the housing stock is set, based on two actions to take: 1) To introduce a mechanical exhaust and intake ventilation system with heat recovery that allows reducing energy demand, as improves the capacity of the system to dilute the pollutant load. This way, the environmental quality is improved. 2) To optimize the schedule of the system use, avoids waste of energy in no occupancy periods, relying ventilation during this time in a light infiltration ventilation, intended not to become large and not causing extra energy losses. Apart from applying the previous analyzing methodology to the optimization strategy, regarding energy demand and air quality, a ROI valorization is performed, based on the cost optimal methodology (delegated regulation EU244/2012). The main results from the thesis are: • To obtain a through diagnose regarding air quality and energy demand for the existing housing stock in Spain, unavoidable to reach a energy deep retrofitting scheme with no air quality worsening. • To obtain a marker to relate air quality and energy demand and evaluate adequateness of ventilation systems, for the new regulations to come. • To establish an optimization strategy to improve both air quality and energy demand, applying a compared valorization methodology to obtain the Return On Investment (ROI).
Beyond free trade agreements governing cross-border commerce, the source of most global economic growth is attributed to business across interconnecting markets. Among the most attractive and complex markets, China stands out. Despite its appeal, American businesses are more likely to fail in China due to an overwhelming desire for an immediate return on investment while neglecting to consider or completely disregarding China's unique legal, ethical and cultural environment. This capstone project will give recommendations to help businesses succeed when entering China and avoid legal, ethical and cultural issues such as the ones that Google, Apple, and Yahoo experienced.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
While environmental legislation in Australia regulates tourism development, it is less effective in operational areas because of the dependency of tourism on environmental resources that are not managed by operators, and the small but incremental nature of operational impacts. The absence of functional environmental standards for tourism means that little guidance exists: a problem compounded by variability in the diversity of operation types and receiving environments, as well as the accessibility of information by a non-technical audience. While legislation and economic considerations may provide impetus to adopt environmental practices, it is proposed that an environmental philosophy is necessary for tourism businesses to seek out and maintain alternative sustainable modes of operation. Review of the environmental audit process used by a Queensland resort suggests commitment to continual improvement in environmental performance is attributable to individual and corporate ethics. While the case is an ecotourism operation, the literature indicates that these factors have relevance to tourism generally. Although client satisfaction and return on investment objectives are constraints, environmental auditing can provide impetus for practical expression of environmental objectives. Facilitation of ethically-motivated voluntary action may be more effective in achieving tourism's environmental objectives than codifying standards in static legislation.
A rapid increase in the number and size of protected areas has prompted interest in their effectiveness and calls for guarantees that they are providing a good return on investment by maintaining their values. Research reviewed here suggests that many remain under threat and a significant number are already suffering deterioration. One suggestion for encouraging good management is to develop a protected-area certification system: however this idea remains controversial and has created intense debate. We list a typology of options for guaranteeing good protected-area management, and give examples, including: danger lists; self-reporting systems against individual or standardised criteria; and independent assessment including standardised third-party reporting, use of existing certification systems such as those for forestry and farming and certification tailored specifically to protected areas. We review the arguments for and against certification and identify some options, such as: development of an accreditation scheme to ensure that assessment systems meet minimum standards; building up experience from projects that are experimenting with certification in protected areas; and initiating certification schemes for specific users such as private protected areas or institutions like the World Heritage Convention.
Contemporary medicine has much to its credit, but has created an insatiable demand for new technologies and more health services, fed by commercial promotion, professional advocacy and sociopolitical pressure. Total health expenditure at the national level is now almost 10% of gross domestic product and is expected to top 16% by 2020. After recent inquiries into the failings of its public health system, the Queensland Government has committed itself to a 25% increase in expenditure on health over the next 5 years. But will it lead to better population health, and is it sustainable? The return-on-investment curve for modern health care may be flattening out, in an environment of growing numbers of older patients with chronic illnesses, maldistribution of services and hospital overcrowding. A change in thinking is required if current medical practice is to avoid imploding when confronted with the next major economic downturn. Health policy, service funding and clinical training must focus on critical appraisal of the effectiveness of health care technologies and the structure and financing of health care systems. Practising clinicians will be obliged to provide leadership in determining value for money in the choice of health care for specific patient populations and how that care is delivered.
Increased awareness of the crucial role of leadership as a competitive advantage for organisations (McCall, 1998; Petrick, Scherer, Brodzinski, Quinn, & Ainina, 1999) has led to billions spent on leadership development programmes and training (Avolio & Hannah, 2008). However, research reports confusing and contradictory evidence regarding return on investment and developmental outcomes, and a lot of variance has been observed across studies (Avolio, Reichard, Hannah, Walumbwa, & Chan, 2009). The purpose of this thesis is to understand the mechanisms underlying this variability in leadership development. Of the many factors at play in the process, such as programme design and delivery, organisational support, and perceptions of relevance (Mabey, 2002; Day, Harrison, & Halpin, 2009), individual differences and characteristics stand out. One way in which individuals differ is in their Developmental Readiness (DR), a concept recently introduced in the literature that may well explain this variance and which has been proposed to accelerate development (Avolio & Hannah, 2008, 2009). Building on previous work, DR is introduced and conceptualised somewhat differently. In this study, DR is construed of self-awareness, self-regulation, and self-motivation, proposed by Day (2000) to be the backbones of leadership development. DR is suggested to moderate the developmental process. Furthermore, personality dispositions and individual values are proposed to be precursors of DR. The empirical research conducted uses a pre-test post-test quasi-experimental design. Before conducting the study, though, both a measure of Developmental Readiness and a competency profiling measure are tested in two pilot studies. Results do not find evidence of a direct effect of leadership development programmes on development, but do support an interactive effect between DR and leadership development programmes. Personality dispositions Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and Openness to Experience and value orientations Conservation, Open, and Closed Orientation are found to significantly predict DR. Finally, the theoretical and practical implications of findings are discussed.
The thesis is concerned with cross-cultural distance learning in two countries: Great Britain and France. Taking the example of in-house sales training, it argues that it is possible to develop courses for use in two or more countries of differing culture and language. Two courses were developed by the researcher. Both were essentially print-based distance-learning courses designed to help salespeople achieve a better understanding of their customers. One used a quantitative, the other qualitative approach. One considered the concept of the return on investment and the other, for which a video support was also developed, considered the analysis of a customer's needs. Part 1 of the thesis considers differences in the training context between France and Britain followed by a review of the learning process with reference to distance learning. Part 2 looks at the choice of training medium course design and evaluation and sets out the methodology adopted, including problems encountered in this type of fieldwork. Part 3 analyses the data and draws conclusions from the findings, before offering a series of guidelines for those concerned with the development of cross-cultural in-house training courses. The results of the field tests on the two courses were analysed in relation to the socio-cultural, educational and experiential background of the learners as well as their preferred learning styles. The thesis argues that it is possible to develop effective in-house sales training courses to be used in two cultures and identifies key considerations which need to be taken into account when carrying out this type of work.
This paper aims to discuss the recent literature on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and reverse logistics (RL). Particular attention is applied to the bullwhip effect and its increase as RL activities are integrated into the supply chain. RFID is investigated as a tool to assist with integrating reverse and forward logistics into a seamless supply chain and reduce the bullwhip effect. However, further research is required within this area and in particular the return on investment for RFID-enabled integrated systems.
Warehouse is an essential component in the supply chain, linking the chain partners and providing them with functions of product storage, inbound and outbound operations along with value-added processes. Allocation of warehouse resources should be efficient and effective to achieve optimum productivity and reduce operational costs. Radio frequency identification (RFID) is a technology capable of providing real-time information about supply chain operations. It has been used by warehousing and logistic enterprises to achieve reduced shrinkage, improved material handling and tracking as well as increased accuracy of data collection. However, both academics and practitioners express concerns about challenges to RFID adoption in the supply chain. This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the problems encountered in RFID implementation at warehouses, discussing the theoretical and practical adoption barriers and causes of not achieving full potential of the technology. Lack of foreseeable return on investment (ROI) and high costs are the most commonly reported obstacles. Variety of standards and radio wave frequencies are identified as source of concern for decision makers. Inaccurate performance of the RFID within the warehouse environment is examined. Description of integration challenges between warehouse management system and RFID technology is given. The paper discusses the existing solutions to technological, investment and performance RFID adoption barriers. Factors to consider when implementing the RFID technology are given to help alleviate implementation problems. By illustrating the challenges of RFID in the warehouse environment and discussing possible solutions the paper aims to help both academics and practitioners to focus on key areas constituting an obstacle to the technology growth. As more studies will address these challenges, the realisation of RFID benefits for warehouses and supply chain will become a reality.
In recent years the increased interest in introducing radio frequency technology (RFID) in warehousing was observed. First adopters of RFID reported numerous benefits, which included: reduced shrinkage, real-time tracking and better accuracy of data collection. Along with the academic and industrial discussion on benefits which can be achieved in RFID enabled warehouses there are reports on issues related to adoption of RFID technology in warehousing. This paper reviews results of scientific reports of RFID implementation in warehouses and discusses the adoption barriers and causes of not achieving full potential of the technology. Following adoption barriers are identified and set in warehousing context: lack of forseeable return on investment (ROI), unreliable performance of RFID systems, standarisation, integration with legacy systems and privacy/security concerns. As more studies will address these challenges, the realisation of RFID benefits for warehouses will become reality.
Secondary fibre paper mills are significant users of both heat and electricity which is mainly derived from the combustion of fossil fuels. The cost of producing this energy is increasing year upon year. These mills are also significant producers of fibrous sludge and reject waste material which can contain high amounts of useful energy. Currently the majority of these waste fractions are disposed of by landfill, land-spread or incineration using natural gas. These disposal methods not only present environmental problems but are also very costly. The focus of this work was to utilise the waste fractions produced at secondary fibre paper mills for the on-site production of combined heat and power (CHP) using advanced thermal conversion methods (gasification and pyrolysis), well suited to relatively small scales of throughput. The heat and power can either be used on-site or exported. The first stage of the work was the development of methods to condition selected paper industry wastes to enable thermal conversion. This stage required detailed characterisation of the waste streams in terms of proximate and ultimate analysis and heat content. Suitable methods to dry and condition the wastes in preparation for thermal conversion were also explored. Through trials at pilot scale with both fixed bed downdraft gasification and intermediate pyrolysis systems, the energy recovered from selected wastes and waste blends in the form of product gas and pyrolysis products was quantified. The optimal process routes were selected based on the experimental results, and implementation studies were carried out at the selected candidate mills. The studies consider the pre-processing of the wastes, thermal conversion, and full integration of the energy products. The final stage of work was an economic analysis to quantify economic gain, return on investment and environmental benefits from the proposed processes.
Completing projects faster than the normal duration is always a challenge to the management of any project, as it often demands many paradigm shifts. Opportunities of globalization, competition from private sectors and multinationals force the management of public sector organizations in the Indian petroleum sector to take various aggressive strategies to maintain their profitability. Constructing infrastructure for handling petroleum products is one of them. Moreover, these projects are required to be completed in faster duration compared to normal schedules to remain competitive, to get faster return on investment, and to give longer project life. However, using conventional tools and techniques of project management, it is impossible to handle the problem of reducing the project duration from a normal period. This study proposes the use of concurrent engineering in managing projects for radically reducing project duration. The phases of the project are accomplished concurrently/simultaneously instead of in a series. The complexities that arise in managing projects are tackled through restructuring project organization, improving management commitment, strengthening project-planning activities, ensuring project quality, managing project risk objectively and integrating project activities through management information systems. These would not only ensure completion of projects in fast track, but also improve project effectiveness in terms of quality, cost effectiveness, team building, etc. and in turn overall productivity of the project organization would improve.
Completing projects faster than normal is always a challenge as it often demands many paradigm shifts. Globalization opportunities and competition from private sectors and multinationals are forcing the management of public sector organizations in India's petroleum industry to take various aggressive strategies to maintain profitability. These projects are required to be completed sooner than with a typical schedule to remain competitive, get faster return on investment and give longer project life.
Today, focus is shifting to creation of bio-energy, biofuel and bioproducts from cellulosic biomass derived from various sources, including existing and new crops and their residues, trees and forest residues, and municipal or industrial wastes. At present, biomass co-firing in modern coal power plants with efficiencies up to 45% is the most cost-effective biomass use for power generation. Due to feedstock availability issues, dedicated biomass plants for combined heat and power (CHP), are typically of smaller size and lower electrical efficiency compared to coal plants. The financial model discussed in the chapter is suitable for all countries both in the West and in the developing world. From the economic analysis given in the chapter it can be concluded that intermediate pyrolysis technology proves to be very effective in terms of product qualities of the oil produced and also the return on investment is around 4 to 5 years.