965 resultados para reserve compactness
In Brazil, the state of São Paulo contains both preserved areas (Juréia-Itatins Ecological Station) and extremely impacted ones (Cubatão Municipality). This study evaluated the concentrations of five metals (Cu, Cd, Cr, Pb, and Hg) in two mangroves with different levels of anthropogenic impact and the apparent genotoxicity to Ucides cordatus. Water and sediment samples were obtained, and metal concentrations were determined with an atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The genotoxic impact was quantified based on the number of micronucleated cells per 1,000 analyzed (MN‰), using hemolymph slides stained with Giemsa. Metal concentrations in water were below the detection limit, except for lead, although no significant difference was observed between the areas (P > 0.05). Sediment from Cubatão had higher concentrations of Cd, Pb, Cr, and Cu than sediment from Juréia-Itatins (P < 0.05), but no significant differences in metal concentrations were detected among depth strata of the sediment (P > 0.05). Crabs from Cubatão had a 2.6 times higher mean frequency of micronucleated cells (5.2 ± 1.8 MN‰) than those from Juréia-Itatins (2.0 ± 1.0 MN‰; P < 0.0001). The more-polluted conditions found in the mangrove sediments of Cubatão were reflected in the micronucleus assay, demonstrating their genotoxic effect; however, genetic damage should be attributed to a synergistic effect with other kinds of pollutants previously recorded in different environments of Cubatão. U. cordatus proved to be an excellent bioindicator of mangrove pollution. This study established, for the first time, the normal frequency of MN‰ in a population of this species within an ecological station. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.
Incluye bibliografía
Includes bibliography.
Previous cytochrome B (CytB) mtDNA studies have suggested four species for the opossum genus Philander (four-eyed opossums), three (P. mcilhennyi, P. andersoni and P. opossum) from the Amazon and one (P. frenata) from the Brazilian Atlantic forest. During a faunal survey nine specimens of Philander sp. and four of Didelphis marsupialis were collected in the Mamirauá Sustainable Reserve, Amazonas State, Brazil. Preliminary analyses based on morphology and geographical distributions were not conclusive, suggesting that Philander specimens could belong to either P. andersoni or P. opossum. In order to elucidate the relationship of this taxon to the remaining Amazonian taxa, seven Philander and two Didelphis specimens animals were sequenced for the cytB mtDNA gene and compared to other previously studied taxa. The maximum likelihood (ML), neighbor-Joining (NJ) and maximum parsimony (MP) consensus bootstrap trees depicted six groups: Didelphis., P. frenata, P andersoni, P. mcilhennyi, P.o. opossum and Philander sp. and Philander canus in a common assemblage supported by significant bootstrap values, suggesting that the Philander sp. from Mamiraua in fact belongs to the species Philander canus.
Usually, ancillary services are provided by large conventional generators; however, with the growing interest in distributed generation to satisfy energy and environmental requirements, it seems reasonable to assume that these services could also be provided by distributed generators in an economical and efficient way. In this paper, a proposal for enhancement of the capacity of active power reserve for frequency control using distributed generators is presented. The goal is to minimize the payments done by the transmission system operator to conventional and distributed generators for this ancillary service and for the energy needed to satisfy loads and system losses, subject to a set of constraints. In order to perform analysis, the proposal was implemented using data of the IEEE 30-bus transmission test system. Comparisons were performed considering conventional generators without and with distributed generators installed in the system.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
In a smart grid environment, attention should be paid not only to the power supplied to satisfy loads and system losses but also to the services necessary to provide security and stability to the system: the so-called ancillary services. As they are well known the benefits that distributed generation can bring to electrical systems and to the environment, in this work the possibility that active power reserve for frequency control could be provided by distributed generators (DGs) in an efficient and economical way is explored. The proposed methodology was tested using the IEEE 34-bus distribution test system. The results show improvements in the capacity of the system for this ancillary service and decrease in system losses and payments of the distribution system operator to the DGs.
Medium and large-sized mammals control invertebrate and vertebrate populations and are important seed dispersers. These animals are losing their territory and living range due to deforestation and the fragmentation of natural areas, particularly in the Atlantic Forest and Cerrado. The Private Reserve of Natural Heritage (PRNH) Amadeu Botelho is isolated from other forest fragments and is thus a wildlife refuge in the region of Jaú, central-western region of state of São Paulo, southeastem Brazil. Animals as such as the puma (Puma concolor), ocelot (Leopardus pardalis) and jaguarundi (Puma yagouaroundi) have been sighted in the reserve by wildlife guards and residents. This reserve, which belongs to “Santo Antônio dos Ipês” farm, is surrounded by several plantations, and is very close to the center of the city of Jaú. In addition to surveying the mammal species in the reserve, this study diagnosed the influence of the farm’s activities and the proximity to the center of the municipality of Jaú on the fauna under study
Due to its elevated cellulolytic activity, the filamentous fungus Trichoderma harzianum (T. harzianum) has considerable potential in biomass hydrolysis application. Cellulases from Trichoderma reesei have been widely used in studies of cellulose breakdown. However, cellulases from T. harzianum are less-studied enzymes that have not been characterized biophysically and biochemically as yet. Here, we examined the effects of pH and temperature on the secondary and tertiary structures, compactness, and enzymatic activity of cellobiohydrolase Cel7A from T. harzianum (Th Cel7A) using a number of biophysical and biochemical techniques. Our results show that pH and temperature perturbations affect Th Cel7A stability by two different mechanisms. Variations in pH modify protonation of the enzyme residues, directly affecting its activity, while leading to structural destabilization only at extreme pH limits. Temperature, on the other hand, has direct influence on mobility, fold, and compactness of the enzyme, causing unfolding of Th Cel7A just above the optimum temperature limit. Finally, we demonstrated that incubation with cellobiose, the product of the reaction and a competitive inhibitor, significantly increased the thermal stability of Th Cel7A. Our studies might provide insights into understanding, at a molecular level, the interplay between structure and activity of Th Cel7A at different pH and temperature conditions.
Aims: To assess whether contractile reserve during dobutamine stress echocardiography (DSE) can predict left ventricular functional recovery in patients with peripartum cardiomyopathy and to assess myocardial fibrosis by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in these patients. Methods: Nine patients with peripartum cardiomyopathy were enrolled. All patients underwent DSE and were followed for six months, when a rest Doppler echocardiogram was repeated. MRI was also performed at the beginning of follow-up to identify myocardial fibrosis. Results: Mean age was 29 +/- 7.9 years and mean left ventricular ejection fraction at baseline was 39.4 +/- 8.6% (range 24-49%). Eight of the nine patients showed left ventricular functional recovery with mean ejection fraction at follow-up of 57.1 +/- 13.8%. The ejection fraction response to DSE did not predict recovery at follow-up. On the other hand, left ventricular ejection fraction at baseline correlated with ejection fraction at follow-up. Mild fibrosis was detected in only one patient. Conclusion: Left ventricular ejection fraction at baseline was a predictor of left ventricular functional recovery in patients with peripartum cardiomyopathy. Dobutamine stress echocardiography at presentation of the disease did not predict recovery at follow-up. Myocardial fibrosis appeared to be uncommon in this cardiomyopathy. (C) 2011 Sociedade Portuguesa de Cardiologia Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L. All rights reserved.
Somatic embryogenesis is an in vitro morphogenetic route in which isolated cells or a small group of somatic cells give rise to bipolar structures resembling zygotic embryos. Lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins are major compounds in plant and animal metabolism. Comparative analysis along different developmental stages of Acca sellowiana (Myrtaceae) zygotic and somatic embryos, revealed a progressive increase in levels of total lipids. A high degree of similarity could be found in the total lipids composition between A. sellowiana somatic and zygotic embryos. High lipid levels were found in zygotic embryos in the torpedo and cotyledonary stages, and these levels increased according to the progression in the developmental stages. Somatic embryos obtained through direct embryogenesis route showed higher levels of lipids than in indirect somatic embryogenesis. The compounds most frequently were linoleic acid (C18:2), palmitic (C16:0) and oleic (C18:1). These results indicate a high similarity degree of accumulation of total lipids, regardless of zygotic or somatic embryogenesis.
Background/Aims: The purpose of this study was to compare adrenal gland reserve in acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) patients 8 weeks after treatment with either prednisone (PRED) or dexamethasone (DEX) during the induction phase of therapy. Methods: A double-blind comparative study of patients treated with PRED and DEX was performed. Sixteen patients received PRED (40 mg/m(2)/day) and 13 patients received DEX (6 mg/m(2)/day), both for 28 days. A low-dose adrenocorticotropic hormone test (1.0 mu g/m(2), IV) was performed before and weekly for 8 weeks after abrupt cessation of glucocorticoid therapy. Sixteen children without ALL were used as controls to determine the cutoff peak cortisol level (14.2 mu g/dl). Results: Both groups (PRED and DEX) displayed similar mean peak cortisol levels before treatment and during the 8 weeks of evaluation (p = 0.652). No relationship was observed between the incidence of infection/stress and peak cortisol level within each group, nor was there a difference in the frequency of infection/stress between groups (p = 0.359). Although the patients presented variations in peak cortisol during the study period, no signs or symptoms of adrenal insufficiency were observed. Conclusion: Patients who received PRED or DEX for 4 weeks showed similar adrenal reserves and infection rates for 8 weeks after abruptly stopping glucocorticoid therapy, suggesting that DEX, which is a better antileukemic drug than PRED, has similar adrenal suppression and recovery rates. Copyright (c) 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel
Objective To perform systematic assessment of ovarian reserve markers using a combination of tests in juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus (JSLE) patients without amenorrhoea. Methods Twenty-seven consecutive JSLE female patients and 13 healthy controls without amenorrhoea were evaluated for 6 months. Ovarian reserve was assessed during early follicular phase by serum levels of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinising hormone (LH), estradiol, inhibin A, inhibin B and anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH). Ovarian size was measured by abdominal ultrasonography. Demographic data, disease activity, damage and treatment were also analysed. Results The median of current age was similar in ISLE patients and controls (16.5 vs. 15years, p=0.31) with a significantly higher age at menarche (13 vs. 12years, p=0.03). A trend of lower median total antral follicle count was observed in JSLE compared to controls (9 vs. 14.5, p=0.062) with similar median of other ovarian reserve parameters (p>0.05). Further evaluation of patients treated with cyclophosphamide and those without this treatment revealed a higher median FSH levels (6.4 vs. 4.6 IU/L, p=0.023). Inhibin B, AMH levels and ovarian volume were also lower but did not reach statistical significance (10.8 vs. 27.6 pg/mL, p=0.175; 0.6 vs. 1.5 ng/mL, p=0.276; 3.4 vs. 5 cm(3), p=0.133; respectively). LH (2.7 vs. 2.9 IU/L, p=0.43), estradiol (50 vs. 38 pg/mL, p=0.337) and inhibin A (1.1 vs. 0 pg/mL, p=0.489) levels were comparable in both groups. Conclusions Our study suggests that ovarian reserve after cyclophosphamide treatment may be hampered in spite of the presence of menstrual cycles emphasising the relevance of gonadal protection during the use of this alkylating agent.