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The relative energies of triangular face sharing condensed macro polyhedral carboranes: CB20H18 and C2B19H18+ derived from mono- and di-substitution of carbons in (4) B21H18- is calculated at B3LYP/6-31G* level. The relative energies, H center dot center dot center dot H non-bonding distances, NICS values, topological charge analysis and orbital overlap compatibility connotes the face sharing condensed macro polyhedral mono-carboranes, 8 (4-CB20H18) to be the lowest energy isomer. The di-carba- derivative, (36) 4,4'a-C2B19H18+ with carbons substituted in a different B-12 cage in (4) B21H18- in anti-fashion is the most stable isomer among 28 possibilities. This structure has less non-bonding H center dot center dot center dot H interaction and is in agreement with orbital-overlap compatibility, and these two have the pivotal role in deciding the stability of these clusters. An estimate of the inherent stability of these carboranes is made using near-isodesmic equations which show that CB20H18 (8) is in the realm of the possible. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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To overcome the difficulty in the DNS of compressible turbulence at high turbulent Mach number, a new difference scheme called GVC8 is developed. We have succeeded in the direct numerical simulation of decaying compressible turbulence up to turbulent Mach number 0.95. The statistical quantities thus obtained at lower turbulent Mach number agree well with those from previous authors with the same initial conditions, but they are limited to simulate at lower turbulent Mach numbers due to the so-called start-up problem. The energy spectrum and coherent structure of compressible turbulent flow are analysed. The scaling law of compressible turbulence is studied. The computed results indicate that the extended self-similarity holds in decaying compressible turbulence despite the occurrence of shocklets, and compressibility has little effects on relative scaling exponents when turbulent Mach number is not very high.


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In this paper the finite element method was used to simulate micro-scale indentation process. The several standard indenters were simulated with 3D finite element model. The emphasis of this paper was the differences between 2D axisymmetric cone model and


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While it is well known that it is possible to determine the effective flexoelectric coefficient of nematic liquid crystals using hybrid cells [1], this technique can be difficult due to the necessity of using a D.C. field. We have used a second method[2], requiring an A.C. field, to determine this parameter and here we compare the two techniques. The A.C. method employs the linear flexoelectrically induced linear electro-optic switching mechanism observed in chiral nematics. In order to use this second technique a chiral nematic phase is induced in an achiral nematic by the addition of a small amount of chiral additive (∼3% concentration w/w) to give helix pitch lengths of typically 0.5-1.0 μm. We note that the two methods can be used interchangeably, since they produce similar results, and we conclude with a discussion of their relative merits.


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Assessing the road damaging potential of heavy vehicles is becoming an increasingly important issue. In this paper, current vehicle regulations and possible future alternatives are reviewed, and are categorized as tests on individual axles and whole vehicles, and 'direct' and 'indirect' tests. Whole vehicle methods of assessing road damaging potential accurately are then discussed. Direct methods are investigated (focussing on using a force measuring mat), and drawbacks are highlighted. Indirect methods using a transient input applied to individual axles are then examined. Results indicate that if non-linearities are accounted for properly, indirect methods of assessing whole vehicle road damaging potential could offer the required accuracy for a possible future test procedure.


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We present two experiments designed to investigate whether individuals’ notions of distributive justice are associated with their relative (within-society) economic status. Each participant played a specially designed four-person dictator game under one of two treatments, under one initial endowments were earned, under the other they were randomly assigned. The first experiment was conducted in Oxford, United Kingdom, the second in Cape Town, South Africa. In both locations we found that relatively well-off individuals make allocations to others that reflect those others’ initial endowments more when those endowments were earned rather than random; among relatively poor individuals this was not the case.


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This study documents the relative tolerance of the common, weedy mat-forming green algae Hydrodictyon , Oedogonium , Pithophora , Rhizoclonium , and Spirogyra to copper. In addition, the copper tolerance of the cyanobacterial (blue-green algal) mat-forming Oscillatoria was assessed.


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Paralarval and juvenile cephalopods collected in plankton samples on 21 western North Atlantic cruises were identified and enumerated. The 3731 specimens were assigned to 44 generic and specific taxa. This paper describes their spatial and temporal distributions and their developmental morphology. The smallest paralarvae recognized for a number of species are identified and illustrated. The two most abundant and most frequently collected taxa were identifiable to species based on known systematic characters of young, as well as on distribution of the adults. These were the neritic squids Loligo pealeii and Illex illecebrosus collected north of Cape Hatteras, both valuable fishery resources. Other abundant taxa included two morphotypes of ommastrephids, at least five species of enoploteuthids, two species of onychoteuthids, and unidentified octopods. Most taxa were distributed widely both in time and in space, although some seasonal and mesoscale-spatial patterns were indicated. The taxa that appeared to have distinct seasonal distribution included most of the neritic species and, surprisingly, the young of the bathypelagic cranchiids. In eight seasonal cruises over the continental shelf of the middle U.S. Atlantic states, neritic taxa demonstrated approximately the same seasonal patterns during two consecutive years. Interannual differences in the oceanic taxa collected on the shelf were extreme. The highest abundance and diversity of planktonic cephalopods in the oceanic samples were consistently found in the vicinity of the Gulf Stream. Only eight of the oceanic taxa appeared to have limited areal distributions, compared with twelve taxa that were found throughout the western North Atlantic regions sampled in this study. Many taxa, however, were not collected frequently enough to describe seasonal or spatial patterns. Comparisons with published accounts of other cephalopod surveys indicate both strengths and weaknesses in various sampling techniques for capturing the young of oceanic cephalopods. Enoploteuthids were abundant both in our study and in other studies using midwater trawls in several areas of the North Atlantic. Thus, this family probably is adequately sampled over its developmental range. In contrast, octopoteuthids and chtenopterygiids are rare in collections made by small to medium-sized midwater trawls but are comparatively common in plankton samples. For families that are relatively common in plankton samples, paralarval abundance, derived similarly to the familiar ichthyoplankton surveys of fisheries science, may be the most reliable method of gathering data on distribution and abundance. (PDF file contains 58 pages.)


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Ichthyofauna of the coastal «10 m depth) habitat of the South Atlantic Bight were investigated between Cape Fear, North Carolina, and the St. John's River, Florida. Trawl collections from four nonconsecutive seasons in the period July 1980 to December 1982 indicated that the fish community is dominated by the family Sciaenidae, particularly juvenile forms. Spot (Leiostomus xanthurus) and Atlantic croaker (Micropogonias undulatus) were the two most abundant species and dominated catches during all seasons. Atlantic menhaden (Brevoortin tyrannus) was also very abundant, but only seasonally (winter and spring) dominant in the catches. Elasmobranch fIShes, especially rajiforms and carcharinids, contributed to much of the biomass of fishes collected. Total fish abundance was greatest in winter and lowest in summer and was influenced by the seasonality of Atlantic menhaden and Atlantic croaker in the catches. Biomass was highest in spring and lowest in summer, and was influenced by biomass of spot. Fish density ranged from 321 individuals and 12.2 kg per hectare to 746 individuals and 25.2 kg per hectare. Most species ranged widely throughout the bight, and showed some evidence of seasonal migration. Species assemblages were dominated by ubiquitous year-round residents of the coastal waters of the bight. Diversity (H') was highest in summer, and appeared influenced by the evenness of distribution of individuals among species. (PDF file contains 56 pages.)


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Fifteen fine-mesh (32-mm mesh) pelagic purse seine surveys were conducted between 1979 and 1984 off the Oregon and Washington coasts. Environmental conditions varied greatly among the years sampled, and even within years, due to variability in upwelling conditions and productivity and the effects of a strong El Nino from late 1982 to the middle of 1984. In the 843 sets made, a total of 115,891 specimens from 69 taxa was collected. Most individuals collected belonged to nine dominant taxa. Seasonal and interannual variations in the abundance and distribution patterns of these dominant taxa are presented in detail. A recurrent group analysis delineated four major groupings of nekton. (PDF file contains 91 pages.)


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Common shrimp trawl designs employed in the southeastern United States shrimp fishery are the flat, balloon, semiballoon, jib, and super X-3. Recent innovations in trawl design and rigging, including the twin trawl rigging and tongue trawl design, have improved the efficiency of shrimp trawling gear. A description of the construction techniques for the different designs indicate differences which affect gear performance. Measurements of horizontal spread and vertical opening for 76 trawl configurations indicate the relative efficiencies of the different designs. Maximum horizontal spreading efficiency was achieved by the "twin" and "tongue" trawl designs followed by the super X-3, jib, balloon, and semiballoon designs. Designs having the greatest vertical openings were the tongue and flat trawl designs followed by the semiballoon. Maximum total gape dimension was demonstrated by the "Mongoose" tongue trawl. Comparison of trawl spreading efficiency and door area to headrope length ratio indicates that a range of 70-80 in square (per door) of door area is required for each foot of trawl headrope length for maximum efficiency with conventional trawl designs and 66-75 in square per foot of headrope for tongue trawl designs. (PDF file contains 18 pages.)