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β-arrestins are versatile adapter proteins that form complexes with most G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) following agonist binding and phosphorylation of receptors by G-protein-coupled receptor kinases (GRKs). They play a central role in the interrelated processes of homologous desensitization and GPCR sequestration, which lead to the termination of G protein activation. β-arrestin binding to GPCRs both uncouples receptors from heterotrimeric G proteins and targets them to clathrincoated pits for endocytosis. Recent data suggest that β-arrestins also function as GPCR signal transducers. They can form complexes with several signaling proteins, including Src family tyrosine kinases and components of the ERK1/2 and JNK3 MAP kinase cascades. By recruiting these kinases to agonist-occupied GPCRs, β-arrestins confer distinct signaling activities upon the receptor. β-arrestin-Src complexes have been proposed to modulate GPCR endocytosis, to trigger ERK1/2 activation and to mediate neutrophil degranulation. By acting as scaffolds for the ERK1/2 and JNK3 cascades, β-arrestins both facilitate GPCR-stimulated MAP kinase activation and target active MAP kinases to specific locations within the cell. Thus, their binding to GPCRs might initiate a second wave of signaling and represent a novel mechanism of GPCR signal transduction.


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Background: The aim of the SPHERE study is to design, implement and evaluate tailored practice and personal care plans to improve the process of care and objective clinical outcomes for patients with established coronary heart disease (CHD) in general practice across two different health systems on the island of Ireland.CHD is a common cause of death and a significant cause of morbidity in Ireland. Secondary prevention has been recommended as a key strategy for reducing levels of CHD mortality and general practice has been highlighted as an ideal setting for secondary prevention initiatives. Current indications suggest that there is considerable room for improvement in the provision of secondary prevention for patients with established heart disease on the island of Ireland. The review literature recommends structured programmes with continued support and follow-up of patients; the provision of training, tailored to practice needs of access to evidence of effectiveness of secondary prevention; structured recall programmes that also take account of individual practice needs; and patient-centred consultations accompanied by attention to disease management guidelines.

Methods: SPHERE is a cluster randomised controlled trial, with practice-level randomisation to intervention and control groups, recruiting 960 patients from 48 practices in three study centres (Belfast, Dublin and Galway). Primary outcomes are blood pressure, total cholesterol, physical and mental health status (SF-12) and hospital re-admissions. The intervention takes place over two years and data is collected at baseline, one-year and two-year follow-up. Data is obtained from medical charts, consultations with practitioners, and patient postal questionnaires. The SPHERE intervention involves the implementation of a structured systematic programme of care for patients with CHD attending general practice. It is a multi-faceted intervention that has been developed to respond to barriers and solutions to optimal secondary prevention identified in preliminary qualitative research with practitioners and patients. General practitioners and practice nurses attend training sessions in facilitating behaviour change and medication prescribing guidelines for secondary prevention of CHD. Patients are invited to attend regular four-monthly consultations over two years, during which targets and goals for secondary prevention are set and reviewed. The analysis will be strengthened by economic, policy and qualitative components.


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Background Recruitment and retention of patients and healthcare providers in randomised controlled trials (RCTs) is important in order to determine the effectiveness of interventions. However, failure to achieve recruitment targets is common and reasons why a particular recruitment strategy works for one study and not another remain unclear. We sought to describe a strategy used in a multicentre RCT in primary care, to report researchers’ and participants’ experiences of its implementation and to inform future strategies to maximise recruitment and retention. Methods In total 48 general practices and 903 patients were recruited from three different areas of Ireland to a RCT of an intervention designed to optimise secondary prevention of coronary heart disease. The recruitment process involved telephoning practices, posting information, visiting practices, identifying potential participants, posting invitations and obtaining consent. Retention involved patients attending reviews and responding to questionnaires and practices facilitating data collection. Results We achieved high retention rates for practices (100%) and for patients (85%) over an 18-month intervention period. Pilot work, knowledge of the setting, awareness of change in staff and organisation amongst participant sites, rapid responses to queries and acknowledgement of practitioners’ contributions were identified as being important. Minor variations in protocol and research support helped to meet varied, complex and changing individual needs of practitioners and patients and encouraged retention in the trial. A collaborative relationship between researcher and practice staff which required time to develop was perceived as vital for both recruitment and retention. Conclusions Recruiting and retaining the numbers of practices and patients estimated as required to provide findings with adequate power contributes to increased confidence in the validity and generalisability of RCT results. A continuous dynamic process of monitoring progress within trials and tailoring strategies to particular circumstances, whilst not compromising trial protocols, should allow maximal recruitment and retention.


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In species where young are provisioned by both parents, males commonly contribute less to parental care than females, and are less responsive to variation in begging rates. Similar differences in the care of young occur among adults in cooperative breeders, but fewer studies have investigated whether these are associated with differences in responsiveness. Here, we present results from a playback experiment investigating responsiveness to begging in the meerkat (Suricata suricatta), a cooperatively breeding mammal. Although increased begging rate raised the feeding rate of adults of both sexes, there was no consistent tendency for females to be more responsive than males. However, when we examined changes in the proportion of food items found that were fed to pups (generosity), we found that females were more responsive than males to increased begging rate. These results can be explained in terms of sex differences in dispersal: in meerkats, females are philopatric and receive considerable benefits from investing in young, both directly, by increasing group size, and indirectly, by recruiting helpers if they inherit the breeding position. In addition, they emphasize that generosity provides a more sensitive measure of responsiveness to begging than feeding rate, as it accounts for variation in foraging success. © 2008 The Royal Society.


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The Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) was introduced into Strangford Lough, Northern Ireland in the 1970s. It was assumed that local environmental conditions would not facilitate successful reproduction. However, in the 1990s there were reports of C. gigas outside licensed aquaculture sites and this investigation set out to ascertain the current distribution, years of likely recruitment and population structure of the species. C. gigas were found distributed widely throughout the northern basin during surveys; the frequency distribution suggesting C. gigas is not recruiting every year. Establishment of feral populations of C. gigas elsewhere have linked to habitat change. A pilot cull was initiated to assess the success rate of early intervention. This paper demonstrates the potential benefits of responding rapidly to initial reports of non-native species in a way that may curtail establishment and expansion. The method advocated in simple and can be recommended to the appropriate regulatory authorities.


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The PLZF/RARA fusion protein generated by the t(11;17)(q23;q21) translocation in acute promyelocytic leukaemia (APL) is believed to act as an oncogenic transcriptional regulator recruiting epigenetic factors to genes important for its transforming potential. However, molecular mechanisms associated with PLZF/RARA-dependent leukaemogenesis still remain unclear. We searched for specific PLZF/RARA target genes by ChIP-on-chip in the haematopoietic cell line U937 conditionally expressing PLZF/RARA. By comparing bound regions found in U937 cells expressing endogenous PLZF with PLZF/RARA-induced U937 cells, we isolated specific PLZF/RARA target gene promoters. We next analysed gene expression profiles of our identified target genes in PLZF/RARA APL patients and analysed DNA sequences and epigenetic modification at PLZF/RARA binding sites. We identify 413 specific PLZF/RARA target genes including a number encoding transcription factors involved in the regulation of haematopoiesis. Among these genes, 22 were significantly down regulated in primary PLZF/RARA APL cells. In addition, repressed PLZF/RARA target genes were associated with increased levels of H3K27me3 and decreased levels of H3K9K14ac. Finally, sequence analysis of PLZF/RARA bound sequences reveals the presence of both consensus and degenerated RAREs as well as enrichment for tissue-specific transcription factor motifs, highlighting the complexity of targeting fusion protein to chromatin. Our study suggests that PLZF/RARA directly targets genes important for haematopoietic development and supports the notion that PLZF/RARA acts mainly as an epigenetic regulator of its direct target genes.


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Credit unions are non-profit financial organisations that provide financial services to their members. They are located in 97 countries across the world. All credit unions are governed by a volunteer board and many are reliant on volunteers for all their labour requirements. However, recruiting volunteers is a problem. The literature on recruitment issues in volunteering in general, suggests that the not-for-profit sector looks to the private sector for guidance on recruitment policies and approaches. One such approach which is considered in this paper is ‘market segmentation’ wherein the potential volunteer body is profiled to determine if an individual is likely to volunteer and if they are, to identify the type of role they are most likely to be attracted to. Prior literature on volunteering in non-profit organisations suggests that certain types of individual (dominant individuals) are more likely to volunteer. This paper investigates whether this dominant status profile is evident amongst volunteers in credit unions in Northern Ireland (NI). The study finds that people with dominant characteristics are more likely to be attracted to volunteering to the board of directors and individuals who have less dominant traits overall should be offered more social/participative type roles. This information can be used by credit union governing boards for volunteer recruitment, retention and management purposes.


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Consulting young people in social research is increasingly popular and is not confined to their recruitment as participants but extends to the design, delivery and dissemination of research. In this chapter we explore the recruitment and capacity building challenges involved in working with young people as researchers. We will introduce some of the theoretical issues around young people’s participation. Drawing on experiences from four separate participatory research projects with young people in Northern Ireland, we will highlight some of the difficulties encountered and give some practical approaches to managing the research process. Strategies for recruiting and training young researchers will be considered and we also reflect on what the benefits of young people’s involvement can be; not only enhancing the research process but also empowering young people and creating the potential for social agency.


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The DNA damage response encompasses a complex series of signaling pathways that function to regulate and facilitate the repair of damaged DNA. Recent studies have shown that the repair of transcriptionally inactive chromatin, named heterochromatin, is dependent upon the phosphorylation of the co-repressor, Krüppel-associated box (KRAB) domain-associated protein (KAP-1), by the ataxia telangiectasia-mutated (ATM) kinase. Co-repressors, such as KAP-1, function to regulate the rigid structure of heterochromatin by recruiting histone-modifying enzymes, such HDAC1/2, SETDB1, and nucleosome-remodeling complexes such as CHD3. Here, we have characterized a phosphorylation site in the HP1-binding domain of KAP-1, Ser-473, which is phosphorylated by the cell cycle checkpoint kinase Chk2. Expression of a nonphosphorylatable S473A mutant conferred cellular sensitivity to DNA-damaging agents and led to defective repair of DNA double-strand breaks in heterochromatin. In addition, cells expressing S473A also displayed defective mobilization of the HP1-ß chromodomain protein. The DNA repair defect observed in cells expressing S473A was alleviated by depletion of HP1-ß, suggesting that phosphorylation of KAP-1 on Ser-473 promotes the mobilization of HP1-ß from heterochromatin and subsequent DNA repair. These results suggest a novel mechanism of KAP-1-mediated chromatin restructuring via Chk2-regulated HP1-ß exchange from heterochromatin, promoting DNA repair.


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This research involved carrying out an online survey using a number of vignettes/scenarios to explore understandings and attitudes to judicial appointments. This sort of survey is relatively novel in this context and provided a useful way of understanding how a range of factors such as merit and seniority, career paths and connections, as well as gender and visibility, are perceived as operating within the appointments system. The research also involved a series of focus group interviews with a number of individuals with various professional backgrounds and at different levels of seniority. These, and a limited number of individual interviews, afforded an opportunity to explore more closely some of the themes arising from the scenarios as well as a chance to look in some depth at some of the views and concerns of a range of members of the legal professions.

Building upon the previous research project, this work was less concerned with revisiting earlier themes and more interested in exploring how the idea of “merit” as a governing factor in judicial appointment is seen as working in practice, and whether it is perceived as being most likely to be found within particular career profiles. We also investigated issues such as the possible development of formal and informal pathways to a judicial career and practical problems such as how an applicant might become known to the senior judiciary, and the importance of this. Overall our interest was primarily in developing an understanding of how gender is perceived to operate in the appointments process and how any barriers to recruiting women, particularly to the senior judiciary, could be further broken down.


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Seven-transmembrane receptors (7TMRs), also termed G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), form the largest class of cell surface membrane receptors, involving several hundred members in the human genome. Near 30% of marketed pharmacological agents target 7TMRs. 7TMRs adopt multiple conformations upon agonist binding. Biased agonists, in contrast to non-biased agonists, are believed to stabilize conformations preferentially activating either G-protein- or ß-arrestin-dependent signalling pathways. However, proof that cognate conformations of receptors display structural differences within their binding site where biased agonism initiates, are still lacking. Here, we show that a non-biased agonist, cholecystokinin (CCK) induces conformational states of the CCK2R activating Gq-protein-dependent pathway (CCK2RG) or recruiting ß-arrestin2 (CCK2Rß) that are pharmacologically and structurally distinct. Two structurally unrelated antagonists competitively inhibited both pathways. A third ligand (GV150,013X), acted as a high affinity competitive antagonist on CCK2RG but was nearly inefficient as inhibitor of CCK2Rß. Several structural elements on both GV150,013X and in CCK2R binding cavity, which hinder binding of GV150,013X only to the CCK2Rß were identified. At last, proximity between two conserved amino acids from transmembrane helices 3 and 7 interacting through sulphur-aromatic interaction was shown to be crucial for selective stabilization of the CCK2Rß state. These data establish structural evidences for distinct conformations of a 7TMR associated with ß-arrestin-2 recruitment or G-protein coupling and validate relevance of the design of biased ligands able to selectively target each functional conformation of 7TMRs.


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Selection of sites for successful restoration of impacted shellfish populations depends on understanding the dispersion capability and habitat requirements of the species involved. In Strangford Lough, Northern Ireland, the horse mussel (Modiolus modiolus) biogenic reefs cover only a fraction of their historical range with the remaining reefs badly damaged and requiring restoration. Previous experimental trials suggest that translocation of horse mussels accelerates reef recovery and has therefore been proposed as a suitable restoration technique. We used a series of coupled hydrodynamic and particle dispersal models to assess larval dispersion from remnant and translocated populations to identify suitable areas for adult live M. modiolus translocation in Strangford Lough, Northern Ireland. A maximum entropy model (MAXENT) was used to identify if dispersing larvae could reach habitat suitable for adult M. modiolus. From these we predicted if translocated mussels will reseed themselves or be able to act as larval sources for nearby reefs. The dispersal models showed that the remnant M. modiolus populations are largely self-recruiting with little connectivity between them. The majority of larvae settled near the sources and movement was largely dependent on the tides and not influenced by wind or waves. Higher reef elevation resulted in larvae being able to disperse further away from the release point. However, larval numbers away from the source population are likely to be too low for successful recruitment. There was also little connectivity between the Irish Sea and Strangford Lough as any larvae entering the Lough remained predominantly in the Strangford Narrows. The areas covered by these self-seeding populations are suitable for M. modiolus translocation according to the MAXENT model. As a result of this work and in conjunction with other field work we propose a combination of total protection of all remaining larval sources and small scale translocations onto suitable substrata in each of the identified self-recruiting areas.


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BACKGROUND: Low physical activity (PA) levels which increase the risk of chronic disease are reported by two-thirds of the general UK population. Promotion of PA by primary healthcare professionals is advocated but more evidence is needed regarding effective ways of integrating this within everyday practice. This study aims to explore the feasibility of a randomised trial of a pedometer-based intervention, using step-count goals, recruiting patients from primary care. METHOD: Patients, aged 35-75, attending four practices in socioeconomically deprived areas, were invited to complete a General Practice PA Questionnaire during routine consultations. Health professionals invited 'inactive' individuals to a pedometer-based intervention and were randomly allocated to group 1 (prescribed a self-determined goal) or group 2 (prescribed a specific goal of 2500 steps/day above baseline). Both groups kept step-count diaries and received telephone follow-up at 1, 2, 6 and 11 weeks. Step counts were reassessed after 12 weeks. RESULTS: Of the 2154 patients attending, 192 questionnaires were completed (8.9%). Of these, 83 were classified as 'inactive'; 41(10 men; 31 women) completed baseline assessments, with the mean age of participants being 51 years. Mean baseline step counts were similar in group 1 (5685, SD 2945) and group 2 (6513, SD 3350). The mean increase in steps/day was greater in groups 1 than 2 ((2602, SD 1957) vs (748, SD 1997) p=0.005). CONCLUSIONS: A trial of a pedometer-based intervention using self-determined step counts appears feasible in primary care. Pedometers appear acceptable to women, particularly at a perimenopausal age, when it is important to engage in impact loading activities such as walking to maintain bone mineral density. An increase of 2500 steps/day is achievable for inactive patients, but the effectiveness of different approaches to realistic goal-setting warrants further study.


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Interleukin-17A, the prototypical member of the interleukin-17 cytokine family, coordinates local tissue inflammation by recruiting neutrophils to sites of infection. Dysregulation of interleukin-17 signalling has been linked to the pathogenesis of inflammatory diseases and autoimmunity. The interleukin-17 receptor family members (A-E) have a broad range of functional effects in immune signalling yet no known role has been described for the remaining orphan receptor, interleukin-17 receptor D, in regulating interleukin-17A-induced signalling pathways. Here we demonstrate that interleukin-17 receptor D can differentially regulate the various pathways employed by interleukin-17A. Neutrophil recruitment, in response to in vivo administration of interleukin-17A, is abolished in interleukin-17 receptor D-deficient mice, correlating with reduced interleukin-17A-induced activation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase and expression of the neutrophil chemokine MIP-2. In contrast, interleukin-17 receptor D deficiency results in enhanced interleukin-17A-induced activation of nuclear factor-kappa B and interleukin-6 and keratinocyte chemoattractant expression. Interleukin-17 receptor D disrupts the interaction of Act1 and TRAF6 causing differential regulation of nuclear factor-kappa B and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase signalling pathways. © 2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.


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Participant recruitment is understood to be one of the most difficult aspects of the research process. Researchers are now devoting increasing amounts of time and resources to understand how participants decide to take part in research and what researchers can do to make their work appeal to potential participants. The purpose of the study is to assess the problems experienced by researchers in Northern Ireland when recruiting human participants into trials and studies and to gain insight into how researchers handle and overcome these issues. The main research question being addressed by this research is to develop an understanding of the problems experienced by staff when recruiting human participants to research projects. Methods used to increase study recruitment were also examined. The participants in this research are investigators and other associated staff on research studies based in Northern Ireland. Potential participants were identified through contacts with research active organizations such as the academic researchers in Queen’s University Belfast and research physicians and clinical trialists employed by the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust. Each organization forwarded on the survey request via email or newsletters. Researchers willing to take part accessed the questionnaire through the Survey Monkey website. This study utilised a cross-sectional questionnaire design.