998 resultados para recombinant leishmania antigens
Leprosy is a slowly evolving disease that occurs mainly in adults. In this study, the Mamaría Village, state of Portuguesa was selected because it had one of the highest prevalence rates (13.25%) of leprosy cases in 1997. Between 1998-2004, 20.2% of the 89 cases registered in this village were less than 15 years old and 61.8% were males. Pau-cibacillary (PB) lesions were the predominant clinical forms identified, although also multibacillary (MB) forms were found. Additionally, 76% of the patients were bacteriologically negative. At the time of diagnosis, 75% of the patients presented with grade 0 disabilities, 23% with grade 1 and 2% with grade 2. Serum samples were collected from 18 PB and 15 MB patients, in addition to 14 family contacts, at the beginning and end of treatment. All the groups were re-evaluated during a three-year period (2008-2011). The proteins used for evaluation were ML0405, ML2331 and LID-1. These mycobacterial proteins were highly specific for Mycobacterium leprae and the IgG responses decreased in both MB and PB patients during multidrug treatment. Our results suggest that these antigens could be used as markers for successful treatment of non-reactional lepromatous patients.
We studied the feasibility of using halloysite clay nanotubes (HNTs) and carboxyl-functionalised multi-walled carbon nanotubes (COOH-MWCNTs) as antigen carriers to improve immune responses against a recombinant LipL32 protein (rLipL32). Immunisation using the HNTs or COOH-MWCNTs significantly increased the rLipL32-specific IgG antibody titres (p < 0.05) of Golden Syrian hamsters. None of the vaccines tested conferred protection against a challenge using a virulent Leptospira interrogans strain. These results demonstrated that nanotubes can be used as antigen carriers for delivery in hosts and the induction of a humoral immune response against purified leptospiral antigens used in subunit vaccine preparations.
Les cellules dendritiques (DCs) sont des cellules multifonctionnelles qui font le lien entre le sytème immunitaire inné et adaptatif chez les mammifères. Il existe plusieurs sous-types de DCs basés sur leurs fonctions et l'endroit où elles se situent dans le corps. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous avons étudié le rôle de ces cellules face à une infection parasitaire. La Leishmania est un parasite causant une maladie appelée Leishmaniose, maladie endémique de l'Afrique, de l'Asie et de certaines régions de l'Amérique du Sud. Certaines espèces causent des lésions cutanées, alors que d'autres causent des lésions dans les muqueuses ou dans les organes internes. Le système immunitaire répond en générant une réponse inflammatoire qui élimine l'infection. Lors d'une réponse non-inflammatoire (de type cytokines, chemokines), cela va amener à une persistance du parasite sur le long terme. Les DC s'activant en présence du parasite dans la peau, vont le transporter vers un ganglion. A cet endroit, se trouvent différents sous-types de DC qui ont la particularité de présenter l'antigène (spécifique à la Leishmaniose) aux lymphocytes T, ce qui va alors amener à une réponse immunitaire puissante contre le parasite. Nous avons comparé différentes espèces de Leishmaniose dans leur façon d'activer les DC et différents modèles de souris ont été utilisé dans ce but-là. Les souris du type C57BL/6 sont connues pour être résistantes à L. major et sensibles à L. mexicana, alors qu'au contraire, les souris Balb/c sont connues pour être sensibles à ces deux espèces. En utilisant des parasites fluorescents transgéniques, nous avons comparé ces deux espèces de parasites (L. major et L. mexicana) en recherchant quelles cellules elles sont capables d'infecter in-vivo dans un modèle murin. Le rôle général des DC dans une infection à L. major a déjà été décrit. Dans notre étude, nous avons étudié le besoin en DC CD8a+ dans les ganglions afin d'engendrer une réponse face à une infection à L. major. Les souris qui n'ont pas ce sous-type de DC sont beaucoup plus sensibles à l'infection : elles ont des marqueurs inflammatoires plus bas et des lésions plus grandes. Nous avons également remarqué que les DC CD8a+ jouent un rôle crucial dans une phase plus avancée de l'infection. Dans notre laboratoire, nous avons la chance d'avoir une source illimitée de DCs de sous-type CD8a+ provenant d'une souris génétiquement modifiée par nos soin. Grâce à cela, nous avons utilisé ces cellules CD8a+ pour immuniser des rats afin de produire des anticorps monoclonaux ayant des propriétés spécifiques comme l'identification de protéines uniques présentes à la surface des DC et qui ensuite, modulent une réponse immunitaire in-vivo. Nous sommes actuellement en phase de caractérisation de plus de 750 hybridomes générés dans notre laboratoire. - Les cellules dendritiques (DCs) constituent le lien entre le système inné et adaptatif de la réponse immunitaire, car elles sont capables de présenter l'antigène, de donner la co- stimulation et de relâcher des cytokines et chimokines. Au cours de cette thèse, nous avons exploré différentes familles de DC lors d'infections parasitaires, telles que la Leishmaniose, parasite intracellulaire qui infecte les mammifères. La plupart des lésions cutanées résistantes sont caractérisées par une réponse pro-inflammatoire générée par l'IL-12. A l'inverse, pour la forme non résistante, la réponse est générée par l'IL-4 et l'IL-10, dans les modèles murins vulnérables. L'infection avec Lmajor a été caractérisée chez la souris C57BL/6 (Thl) et chez la souris Balb/c (Th2). Chez la souris C57BL/6 la lésion guérit, alors que chez la souris Balb/c, la lésion est au contraire non-cicatrisante. Nous avons comparé l'activation causée dans l'ensemble des DC par différentes espéces de Leishmania, et plus spécifiquement dans les DC CD8a+ présentes dans les ganglions lymphatiques et leur rôle dans la vulnérabilité à L. major. Ces cellules sont spécialisées dans la présentation croisée d'antigènes exogènes par le CMH-I et le haut taux de production d'IL-12 après activation. En utilisant des DC dérivées de moelle osseuse, nous avons constaté que L. guyanensis V+ (transportant un retrovirus) était le plus efficace pour l'activation des DC in-vitro comparé à L. major, L. mexicana et L. guyanensis (V-). Toutefois, in-vivo, les souris infectées avec L. major ont vu la taille de leur ganglions lymphatiques drainants augmentée, 3-6 semaines après l'infection dans les deux espèces de souris (les C57BL/6 résistantes et les Balb/c sensibles). En utilisant un parasite fluorescent transgénique, nous avons trouvé que les souris C57BL/6 sensibles à Lmexicana ont un nombre plus important de cellules Β infectées et un plus petit nombre de DC dérivées des monocytes inflammatoires, comparé au souris infectées avec L. major. Les conséquences de ces observations sont encore à l'étude. Des souris déficientes en CD8ct+DC et CD103+ sont plus sensibles à L. major que les souris WT: leurs lésions sont plus grandes et la charge parasitaire est plus importante. Nous avons généré une chimère de moelles osseuse CD11-DTR et Batf3-/- en mélangeant les moelles de ces deux souris, afin de déterminer le temps après infection où le manque de DC's CD8a+ contribue le plus à l'augmentation de la vulnérabilité chez la souris KO. Ces souris produisent plus d'IgG1 et IgE, font une réponse Th2 plus forte et Thl moins forte. Nous avons constaté que les souris déficientes en DC CD8a+ au début de la réponse immunitaire adaptive (trois semaines après injection) maintiennent un haut taux de lésions de grande taille, semblable à celui des souris chez qui les cellules ont été déplétées avant l'injection. Cela indique que les DC CD8a+ sont nécessaires pour l'efficacité de l'immunité dans la phase chronique de l'infection à L. major. Parallèlement à cela, nous avons aussi commencé une génération d'anticorps monoclonaux dirigés contre les DC CD8a+ activés en utilisant des souches établies dans notre laboratoire. En partant d'une librairie de 763 hybridomes, nous avons identifié plusieurs clones dignes d'intérêt avec une capacité fonctionnelle à moduler la prolifération et la sécrétion de cytokines des cellules T, ainsi que les molécules de co-stimulation présentes à la surface des DC activées elle-même. - Dendritic cells (DCs) are the bridge between the innate and the adaptive arms of the immune systems. They are professional antigen presentation cells and have important cytokine/chemokine release functions. In this dissertation we have focussed on the study of the different subsets of DCs in parasitic infection immunity. Leishmania are intra-cellular parasites of many different species that infect mammals. Most cutaneous lesions that are self- healing are characterized with a pro-inflammatory response with IL-12 while high levels of cytokines such as IL-4 and IL-10 characterized in susceptible mouse models. In mice L. major infection has been well characterized in C57BL/6 mice (Thl) that form healing lesions while Balb/c mice (Th2) form non-healing lesions. This thesis is focussed on comparing DC activation at large by different strains of Leishmania and more specifically, dLN resident CD8a+ DCs and their role in L. major susceptibility. This subset is specialized in cross- presentation of exogenous antigens in the MHC-I pathway and produce high levels of EL-12. Using bone marrow derived DCs we found that L. guyanensis V+ (carrying a retro-virus) was the most efficient at activating DCs in-vitro. In-vivo however L. major infected mice had the largest dLNs 3-6 weeks after infection in both genetically resistant C57BL/6 and susceptible Balb/c mice. Using transgenic fluorescent parasites, we found that C57BL/6 mice which are susceptible to L. mexicana had more number of infected Β cells and fewer number of infected inflammatory monocyte derived DCs in contrast to L. major infection. Using mice deficient in CD8a+ DCs, we found that these mice were more susceptible to L. major than their WT counterparts. They made larger lesions, had higher parasite burdens, higher levels of Th2 indicating immunolgloblins as measured by higher serie IgE levels and lower CD4+ IFNy+ cells. A mixed bone marrow chimera system of CDllc-DTR and Batf3~'~ was generated to determine the time point at which the lack of CD8a+ DCs most contributes to the increased susceptibility in KO mice. We found that mice depleted of CD8a+ DCs at the advent of the adaptive response (3 weeks after infection) maintained the significantly higher lesion size similar to mice whose cells were depleted from the onset of infection. This indicates that CD8a+ DCs are required for effective immunity in the chronic phase of L. major infection. We also began the generation of a valuable tool of monoclonal antibodies against activated CD8a+ DCs using our in-house DC line. From a library of 763 hybridomas we have identified several interesting clones with a functional ability to modulate Τ cell proliferation and cytokine secretion as well as down-modulating co-stimulatory molecules on activated DC cells themselves.
Mouse models of Leishmania major infection have shown that a predominant CD4(+) T helper type 1 cell (Th1) response leads to protection, while T helper type 2 cell (Th2) predominance confers susceptibility. Dendritic cells (DCs) are antigen-presenting cells that orchestrate the T cell response. The immune response to L. major involves direct antigen presentation by migrating DCs or transfer of antigens to resident DCs to prime T cells. In this review, we discuss the timing and consequences of antigen presentation by DC subsets and how this affects Leishmania susceptibility. We propose a model where dermal DCs and Langerhans cells play a role early in infection, followed by inflammatory monocyte-derived DC and lymph node (LN)-resident DCs at later time points of infection to establish the resistant Th1 response.
Cytokines are increasingly recognized as important components of the cellular immune responses to intracellular pathogens. In this study, we analyzed the production of TGF-beta, IL-10 and IFN-gamma by PBMC of unexposed naïve subjects and LCL patients after stimulation with live Leishmania guyanensis (L.g.). We demonstrated that IFN-gamma is produced in controls and LCL patients, IL-10 only in LCL patients and TGF-beta only in naïve subjects. Furthermore, in naive subjects, neutralization of TGF-beta induced IL-10 production. IL-10 produced in naïve subjects when TGF-beta is neutralized or in LCL patients did not modify the IFN-gamma production but inhibit reactive nitrogen species production. Analysis of the phenotype of IL-10 producing cells in naive subjects when TGF-beta is neutralized clearly showed that they are memory CD45RA- CD8+ T cells. In LCL patients, IL-10 producing cells are both CD45RA- CD4 and CD8+ T cells. The role of these IL-10 producing CD8+ T cells in the development of the diseases should be carefully evaluated.
Susceptibility of BALB/c mice to infection with Leishmania major is associated with a T helper type 2 (Th2) response. Since interleukin-4 (IL-4) is critically required early for Th2 cell development, the kinetics of IL-4 mRNA expression was compared in susceptible and resistant mice during the first days of infection. In contrast to resistant mice, susceptible mice exhibited a peak of IL-4 mRNA in their spleens 90 min after i.v. injection of parasites and in lymph nodes 16 h after s.c. injection. IL-12 and interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) down-regulated this early peak of IL-4 mRNA; the effect of IL-12 was IFN-gamma dependent. Treatment of resistant C57BL/6 mice with anti-IFN-gamma allowed the expression of this early IL-4 response to L. major. The increased IL-4 mRNA expression occurred in V beta 8, 7, 2- CD4+ cells in BALB/c mice and NK1.1- CD4+ cells in anti-IFN-gamma treated C57BL/6 mice. These results show that the NK1.1+ CD4+ cells, responsible for the rapid burst of IL-4 production after i.v. injection of anti-CD3, do not contribute to the early IL-4 response to L. major.
The murine model of infection with Leishmania major has allowed the demonstration of a causal relationship between, on the one hand, genetically determined resistance to infection and the development of a Th1 CD4+ cell response, and on the other hand, genetically determined susceptibility and Th2 cell maturation. Using this murine model of infection, the role of cytokines in directing the functional differentiation pathway of CD4+ T cell precursors, has been demonstrated in vivo. Thus, IL-12 and IFN-gamma have been shown to favour Th1 cell development and IL-4 is crucial for the differentiation of Th2 responses. Maturation of a Th2 response in susceptible BALB/c mice following infection with L. major is triggered by the IL-4 produced during the first two days after parasite inoculation. This IL-4 rapidly renders parasite specific CD4+ T cells precursors unresponsive to IL-12. A restricted population of CD4+ T cells expressing the V beta 4V alpha 8 TCR heterodimer and recognizing a single epitope on the LACK (Leishmania Activated C-Kinase) antigen of L. major is responsible for this rapid production of IL-4, instructing subsequent differentiation towards the Th2 phenotype of CD4+ T cells specific for several parasite antigens.
There is considerable interest in the development of vaccination strategies that would elicit strong tumor-specific CTL responses in cancer patients. One strategy consists of using recombinant viruses encoding amino acid sequences corresponding to natural CTL-defined peptide from tumor Ags as immunogens. However, studies with synthetic tumor antigenic peptides have demonstrated that introduction of single amino acid substitutions may dramatically increase their immunogenicity. In this study we have used a well-defined human melanoma tumor Ag system to test the possibility of translating the immunological potency of synthetic tumor antigenic peptide analogues into recombinant vaccinia viruses carrying constructs with the appropriate nucleotide substitutions. Our results indicate that the use of a mutated minigene construct directing the expression of a modified melanoma tumor Ag leads to improved Ag recognition and, more importantly, to enhanced immunogenicity. Thus, recombinant vaccinia viruses containing mutated minigene sequences may lead to new strategies for the induction of strong tumor-specific CTL responses in cancer patients.
LJM11, an abundant salivary protein from the sand fly Lutzomyia longipalpis, belongs to the insect "yellow" family of proteins. In this study, we immunized mice with 17 plasmids encoding L. longiplapis salivary proteins and demonstrated that LJM11 confers protective immunity against Leishmania major infection. This protection correlates with a strong induction of a delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH) response following exposure to L. longipalpis saliva. Additionally, splenocytes of exposed mice produce IFN-γ upon stimulation with LJM11, demonstrating the systemic induction of Th1 immunity by this protein. In contrast to LJM11, LJM111, another yellow protein from L. longipalpis saliva, does not produce a DTH response in these mice, suggesting that structural or functional features specific to LJM11 are important for the induction of a robust DTH response. To examine these features, we used calorimetric analysis to probe a possible ligand binding function for the salivary yellow proteins. LJM11, LJM111, and LJM17 all acted as high affinity binders of prohemostatic and proinflammatory biogenic amines, particularly serotonin, catecholamines, and histamine. We also determined the crystal structure of LJM11, revealing a six-bladed β-propeller fold with a single ligand binding pocket located in the central part of the propeller structure on one face of the molecule. A hypothetical model of LJM11 suggests a positive electrostatic potential on the face containing entry to the ligand binding pocket, whereas LJM111 is negative to neutral over its entire surface. This may be the reason for differences in antigenicity between the two proteins.
In a recent vaccination trial assessing the immunogenicity of an NY-ESO-1 (ESO) recombinant protein administered with Montanide and CpG, we have obtained evidence that this vaccine induces specific cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL) in half of the patients. Most vaccine-induced CTLs were directed against epitopes located in the central part of the protein, between amino acids 81 and 110. This immunodominant region, however, is distinct from another ESO CTL region, 157-165, that is a frequent target of spontaneous CTL responses in A2+ patients bearing ESO tumors. In this study, we have investigated the CTL responses to ESO 157-165 in A2+ patients vaccinated with the recombinant protein. Our data indicate that after vaccination with the protein, CTL responses to ESO 157-165 are induced in some, but not all, A2+ patients. ESO 157-165-specific CTLs induced by vaccination with the ESO protein were functionally heterogeneous in terms of tumor recognition and often displayed decreased tumor reactivity as compared with ESO 157-165-specific CTLs isolated from patients with spontaneous immune responses to ESO. Remarkably, protein-induced CTLs used T-cell receptors similar to those previously isolated from patients vaccinated with synthetic ESO peptides (Vbeta4.1) and distinct from those used by highly tumor-reactive CTLs isolated from patients with spontaneous immune responses (Vbeta1.1, Vbeta8.1, and Vbeta13.1). Together, these results demonstrate that vaccination with the ESO protein elicits a repertoire of ESO 157-165-specific CTLs bearing T-cell receptors that are structurally distinct from those of CTLs found in spontaneous immune responses to the antigen and that are heterogeneous in terms of tumor reactivity, being often poorly tumor reactive.
Peptide Ags presented by class I MHC molecules on human melanomas and that are recognized by CD8(+) T cells are the subjects of many studies of antitumor immunity and represent attractive candidates for therapeutic approaches. However, no direct quantitative measurements exist to reveal their expression hierarchy on the cell surface. Using novel recombinant Abs which bind these Ags with a peptide-specific, MHC-restricted manner, we demonstrate a defined pattern of expression hierarchy of peptide-HLA-A2 complexes derived from three major differentiation Ags: gp100, Melan-A/Mart-1, and tyrosinase. Studying melanoma cell lines derived from multiple patients, we reveal a surprisingly high level of presentation of tyrosinase-derived complexes and moderate to very low expression of complexes derived from other Ags. No correlation between Ag presentation and mRNA expression was found; however, protein stability may play a major role. These results provide new insights into the characteristics of Ag presentation and are particularly important when such targets are being considered for immunotherapy. These results may shed new light on relationships between Ag presentation and immune response to cancer Ags.
A recombinant rubella virus E1 (rE1) glycoprotein was produced and some of its chemical and immunological features were characterized. Two animal models were then used to establish that the rE1 glycoprotein and rubella virus particles shared antigenic and immunogenic properties. In the first one, sera from rE1 glycoprotein-immunized BALB/c mice neutralized in vitro rubella virus infection. In the second model, severe combined immune deficient (SCID) mice implanted with tonsil fragments from rubella immune donors and immunized with rE1 glycoprotein produced human anti-rubella virus antibodies. Altogether, these results showed that immunization with rE1 glycoprotein elicited neutralizing anti-rubella virus antibodies. This study thus indicated that the rE1 glycoprotein could constitute a non-replicating rubella vaccine.
In vivo effects of a recombinant vaccinia virus expressing a mouse mammary tumor virus superantigen.
Early after infection, the mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) expresses a superantigen (SAg) at the surface of B lymphocytes. Interaction with the T-cell receptor Vbeta domain induces a polyclonal proliferative response of the SAg-reactive T cells. Stimulated T cells become anergic and are deleted from the T-cell repertoire. We have used a recombinant vaccinia virus encoding the MMTV(GR) SAg to dissect the effects of the retroviral SAg during an unrelated viral infection. Subcutaneous infection with this recombinant vaccinia virus induces a very rapid increase of Vbeta14 T cells in the draining lymph node. This stimulation does not require a large Plumber of infectious particles and is not strictly dependent on the expression of the major histocompatibility complex class II I-E molecule, as it is required after MMTV(GR) infection. In contrast to MMTV infection during which B cells are infected, we do not observe any clonal deletion of the reactive T cells following the initial stimulation phase. Our data show that contrary to the case with MMTV, macrophages but not B cells are the targets of infection by vaccinia virus in the lymph node, indicating the ability of these cells to present a retroviral SAg. The altered SAg expression in a different target cell observed during recombinant vaccinia virus infection therefore results in significant changes in the SAg response.
Leishmania promastigotes polypeptides are analyzed by immunoblotting with sera from patients infected with different Leishmania species and presenting visceral or cutaneous infections. These sera recognize Leishmania polypeptides in several molecular masses. The major findings of this study are as follow. 1) The Leishmania 94 kDa antigen, which is specifically recognized by all sera from L. infantum-infected patients with visceral infection, is recognized by some sera from L. infantum-infected patients presenting cutaneous infection. 2) All patients with cutaneous infections due to L. tropica, L. amazonensis, or L. guyanensis do not develop anti-94 kDa antibodies, whatever the Leishmania species used as antigens. 3) Difference in electrophoretic mobilities is seen between the 94 kDa antigen identified by sera from Leishmania infantum-infected patients, and the antigen both recognized by the Concavalin A lectin and a rabbit antiserum raised against deglycosylated Promastigote Surface Protease.
Rapid production of IL-4 by Leishmania homolog of mammalian RACK1 (LACK)-reactive CD4(+) T cells expressing the V beta 4-V alpha 8 TCR chains has been shown to drive aberrant Th2 cell development and susceptibility to Leishmania major in BALB/c mice. In contrast, mice from resistant strains fail to express this early IL-4 response. However, administration of either anti-IL-12 or -IFN-gamma at the initiation of infection allows the expression of this early IL-4 response in resistant mice. In this work we show that Leishmania homolog of mammalian RACK1-reactive CD4(+) T cells also expressing the V beta 4-V alpha 8 TCR chains are the source of the early IL-4 response to L. major in resistant mice given anti-IL-12 or -IFN-gamma Abs only at the onset of infection. Strikingly, these cells were found to be required for the reversal of the natural resistance of C57BL/6 mice following a single administration of anti-IL-12 or -IFN-gamma Abs. Together these results suggest that a deficiency in mechanisms capable of down-regulating the early IL-4 response to L. major contributes to the exquisite susceptibility of BALB/c mice to L. major.